

本站小编 Free考研/2020-04-19

校新闻网讯(国际学院供稿)2月18日,国际学院从中国驻约旦大使馆处获悉,我校高端援外项目学员、工商管理专业(IEMBA)约旦籍硕士研究生SAJA ANIS SAQR ALKHASSAWNEH(学号:GDW2018352)致函中国驻约旦大使馆经商处陈少君一秘,表达了她对陈少君个人及对中国人民的衷心关怀与祝福,并表示目前中国医疗物资极度短缺,可以帮助我驻华使馆寻找医疗用品的货源渠道。目前她在瑞典已找到25万个高品质口罩的货源信息,随时可从卡塔尔运向中国疫区。此外,她还会继续寻找医疗用品的货源渠道(尤其是中东地区的),希望我方能够提供需要此类物资的地区或机构的具体信息。她再次表示:“中国就是我的家,中国一直在我的心中。”信函内容尽显其对中国和中国人民的关爱与祝福,详见附件1。
附件1:Saja Alkhassawneh致中国驻约旦大使馆陈少君一秘的信函;
附件2:约旦学生Saja Alkhassawneh(Sasha)2月8日慰问及感谢信息
附件1:Saja Alkhassawneh致中国驻约旦大使馆陈少君一秘的信函
Good morning dear Mrs.Joy
I hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.
Me, my family, and the Jordanian people, all of us, our hearts are broken for what’s happening in China now, and wishing this hard situation will be over soon.
I came back to Jordan 3 weeks ago, hoping this hard time will be over soon.
I would like to offer to help China to control this situation and to protect yourselves by providing the medical supplies to China.
I have about 250 000 masks with high quality and made in Sweden. All certificates and standards are available. With International standards. I can also provide more later. This quantity is ready for shipping to China from Qatar immediately. And sending our wishes with them for you all to be safe. Because as i know there is a shortage in China in the medical supplies right now, and I really want to do anything to help you in this hard time, China is my home and in my heart.
Please let me know if you can point me to the right entities in China where i can support them with the medical supplies.
Best Regards
Saja Alkhassawneh(sasha)
IEMBA student
Saja Alkhassawneh (sasha)


2月8日凌晨约旦学生SAJA ALKHASSAWNEH(Sasha),2018级商务部IEMBA项目学员,通过微信向国际学院杜培源老师发来慰问及感谢信息,对我校在疫情防控期间的各项举措给予肯定并表示感谢。她表示,如果有需要,她愿意从医疗物资方面支援我国及我校的疫情防控工作。此外,作为约旦最好的商业大学的副校长的女儿,她也希望今后帮助两校建立合作关系。她表示我们必将取得新冠病毒肺炎疫情的最终胜利,并期待在疫情结束后回到母校继续学业。(详见附件)

Hello Mr. Peiyuan Du
I am sending my greetings from Jordan. Hoping that you and your family are safe and healthy and sending our wishes to China and its people.
Me, my family, and the Jordanian people, all of us, our hearts are broken for what’s happening in China now, and wishing this hard situation will be over soon.
I came back to Jordan 10 days ago, my family was worried about me because i am alone in China. I left all my belongings in the dormitory and paid the rent for the next months, hoping this hard time will be over soon, and i will be back to China.
On behalf of the Jordanian people and me I would like to offer to help China and UIBE to control this situation and to protect yourselves by providing the medical supplies from Jordan to China. And sending our wishes with them for you all to be safe. Because as i know there is a shortage in China in the medical supplies right now, and I really want to do anything to help you in this hard time, China is my home and in my heart, and UIBE is my family. Please let me know how we can send the support to China and the university, and what kind and quantities of medical supplies needed. Also will be glad to offer any kind of other help needed.
I would also appreciate if you can point me to the right entities in China where i can support them with the medical supplies.
PS: We met during the dinner you have invited me and my PHD Jordanian colleagues at the beginning of this study year, and we have discussed the potential of initiating an UIBE business school in the top university in Jordan, which my father is the Vice President of it. We are looking forward to collaborating with you hopefully in the near future after this difficult time is over.
Sending my Best Wishes and Best Regards
Saja Alkhassawneh
IEMBA student
From Jordan
Ms. Saja Alkhassawneh, IEMBA项目学员

I am glad that you’re all doing well and I appreciate your efforts in keeping the students and the campus safe. We and The university are lucky to have you and all the staff, you make us feel safe and you make this university to be even more great to us.
Thank you so much i will be waiting and wishing every minute for the hard time to be over.
China is strong and will definitely win this battle.
Looking forward to meet you again soon
Be safe

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