

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-19


姓名池漫郊 性别男 所属院系法学院 最高学位博士 最高学历研究生毕业 毕业学校 来校时间 职称教授 职务 办公电话 电子邮箱chimanjiao@163.com 导师类型博导兼硕导 是否外聘否 从事学科专业1 法学030109-国际法学 从事学科专业2 法学030107-经济法学 研究方向1 研究方向2 研究方向3 备注

在籍 硕士研究生 12 人
(其中 2018:6 2019:6 ) 博士研究生 1 人
(其中 2019:1 )
不在籍 硕士研究生 0 人
博士研究生 0 人

在籍 硕士研究生 0 人
博士研究生 1 人
(其中 2018:1 )
不在籍 硕士研究生 0 人
博士研究生 0 人

Prof.nbsp;Manjiao Chi

Institution: Law School,nbsp;University nbsp; of International Business and Economics (UIBE)
Add.:nbsp;Ningyuan Blg., 10 Hui Xin nbsp; Dong Jie, Chaoyang District, Beijing,nbsp;100029, P.R.C.
Tel.: +86nbsp;–nbsp;10nbsp;–nbsp;TBCnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;E-Mail:nbsp;chimanjiao@163.comCell:nbsp;+86-137 7996 4676

Personal Informationnbsp;/nbsp;个人信息

Nationality:nbsp;Chinanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Year of Birth:nbsp;1976nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gender:nbsp;Malenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Current nbsp; Residence:nbsp;China


Since 2018, Professornbsp;andnbsp;Founding Director, Center for nbsp; International Economic Law and Policy (CIELP),nbsp;Law School, University of nbsp; International Business and Economics (UIBE),nbsp;Beijing,nbsp;Chinanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;
2014-2018,nbsp;Professor,nbsp;Xiamen University, Chinanbsp;(Assitant nbsp; 2004, Associate 2008),
Deputy nbsp; Director, Instiute of International Economic Law, Xiamen University

2016-2017,nbsp;Li Ka Shingnbsp;Visitingnbsp;Professor,nbsp;McGill nbsp; University Law Faculty, Canada

Since 2015,nbsp;Guestnbsp;Professor, nbsp; Europa-Institut/Law Faculty,nbsp;Universit?t des Saarlandes, Germany

Since 2015,nbsp;Visitingnbsp;Professor,nbsp;Pearl nbsp; River Delta Academy of Int’l Investment amp; Trade Law, Macau

2014-2015,nbsp;Senior Fellow,nbsp;KHKnbsp;Center for Global nbsp; Cooperation Researchnbsp;(GCR),nbsp;Germany

2015, Visiting Fellow,nbsp;Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik nbsp; (DIE), Germany

Sincenbsp;2013,nbsp;Fellow,nbsp;ForschungsKollegSiegen nbsp; (FoKoS Center), University of Siegen, Germany

2012,nbsp;Visiting Associatenbsp;Professor,nbsp;Macau nbsp; University of Science amp; Technology, Law School, Macau

2010-2011,nbsp;Expertnbsp;Counsel-in-Residence,nbsp;Departmentnbsp;of nbsp; Treaty and Law, Ministry of Commerce of Chinanbsp;(MOFCOM),nbsp;China

2009-2010,nbsp;Visiting Fellow,nbsp;UNIDROIT, nbsp; Italy

2009,nbsp;Edwards Fellow,nbsp;Columbia nbsp; Law School, U.S.A.

2008-2009,nbsp;Researchnbsp;Fellow,nbsp;Max-Planck Institute for nbsp; Comp.nbsp;Public Law andnbsp;Int’lnbsp;Law, Germany

July-Aug.nbsp;1998: Intern, the nbsp; Intermediatenbsp;People’snbsp;Court of Nanjing,nbsp;Jiangsu Province,nbsp;China

Education with Degreenbsp;/nbsp;学历教育经历

BA, 97’ (Zhengzhou) / LL.M, 00’ nbsp; (Nanjing) / Ph.D in Law (cum laude) 04’ (Xiamen)

Professionalnbsp;Training with nbsp; Certificatesnbsp;/nbsp;专业培训经历

2012,nbsp;Cross-Examination in nbsp; International Arbitration, Shanghai-China
2011,nbsp;The 6thnbsp;Southeast amp; East Asian Teaching nbsp; Session on Int’l Humanitarian Law,nbsp;KL-Malaysia

Major Research Interestsnbsp;/nbsp;主要研究领域

Internationalnbsp;Investment and nbsp; Trade Law amp; Policynbsp;/nbsp;Internationalnbsp;amp; Chinesenbsp;Arbitrationnbsp;/nbsp;Dispute nbsp; Settlementnbsp;/nbsp;Global Cooperation /nbsp;Sustainable nbsp; Developmentnbsp;/ Democrotization ofnbsp;Internationalnbsp;Law

Selectednbsp;Professional nbsp; Affiliationsnbsp;/nbsp;国内外学术兼职

2018-, Counsultant, Unitednbsp;Nationsnbsp;Economic nbsp; and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)
2018-, Member, Working Group IV,nbsp;ISDS nbsp; Reform Forum, Switzerland
2018-,nbsp;Scientific Advisory Boardnbsp;Member, nbsp; KHK Center for Global Cooperation Research (GCR), Germany
2018-, Standing Council Member,nbsp;Chinese nbsp; Society of Internationalnbsp;Law (CSIL)nbsp;, China
2018-, Fellow, China Law Association nbsp; “Belt and Road” Study Base, UIBE, China
2017-, Organizing Committeenbsp;Member,nbsp;Tsinghua Moot Court nbsp; Competitionnbsp;(China’snbsp;Nationalnbsp;Round of Internationalnbsp;Investment nbsp; Arbitration Moot)
2016-, Member,nbsp;ILAnbsp;Commttee ofnbsp;Rule of Law and nbsp; International Investment Law
2015-,nbsp;Headquarternbsp;Member,nbsp;Internatioanlnbsp;Lawnbsp;Association nbsp; (ILA)
2015-,nbsp;Member,nbsp;Advisory nbsp; Council,nbsp;Internationalnbsp;Investment Law Center Colognenbsp;(IILCC), nbsp; Germany
2015-,nbsp;Membernbsp;ofnbsp;thenbsp;Expertnbsp;Committee,nbsp;Xiamen nbsp; Court ofnbsp;InternationalCommercial Arbitration, China
2015-,nbsp;Council Member,nbsp;Chinese Society ofnbsp;Internationalnbsp;Economic nbsp; Lawnbsp;(CSIEL), China
2013-2018,nbsp;Council Member,nbsp;Chinese Society ofnbsp;Internationalnbsp;Lawnbsp;(CSIL)nbsp;, nbsp; China
2012-2014,nbsp;Member ofnbsp;Chinese Delegation,nbsp;China-US nbsp; Bilateral Investment Treatynbsp;Negotiations
2011-,nbsp;Member,nbsp;American Society ofnbsp;Int’lnbsp;Law (ASIL), nbsp; U.S.A.
2011-2013, China Representative,nbsp;Asian-Pacific Forum of nbsp; International Arbitration (AFIA), Australia
2006-, Deputy Secretary-General,nbsp;Administrative nbsp; Council,nbsp;Xiamennbsp;Academy ofnbsp;Internationalnbsp;Law, China
2004-2015, Member, Chinesenbsp;Society of International Economic Law, nbsp; China

Selected Fellowships amp; Awards / 部分奖励
1st Prize, Award of Excellent Teaching Achievement (with others), Fujian Province (2014)
1st Prize, Excellent Teaching Achievement Award (with others), Xiamen University (2014)
2nd Prize, Award of Excellent Teaching Achievement (with others), Fujian Province (2011)
1st Prize, Excellent Teaching Achievement Award (with others), Xiamen University (2011)
UNIDROIT Fellowship (2009-10)
Edwards Fellowship, Columbia Law School (2009)
Max-Planck Fellowship, (2008-09)
Journal Editorialnbsp;/nbsp;国际期刊编委

Membernbsp;of Editorialnbsp;Board
Global Trendsnbsp;Analysisnbsp;(Germany)(since 2017)
Canadian Foreign Policy Journal (Canada)(since 2015);
NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy (India) (since 2014);
Banaras Law Journal (India) (since nbsp; 2013)

Transnational Dispute Management (TDM) special issue on “One Belt One nbsp; Roadnbsp;and Dispute Settement”nbsp;2017

External Expert Reviewer
UNCTAD,nbsp;World Investment Reportnbsp;(WIR)nbsp;2015, 2018

Peer Reviewer
For leading international publishersnbsp;including Cambridge Univ.nbsp;Press, nbsp; Oxford Univ.nbsp;Press, Routledge,nbsp;andnbsp;many leadingnbsp;journals nbsp; in the field ofnbsp;internationalnbsp;law,nbsp;internationalnbsp;relations,(2009-)

Selected Legal Practising Worknbsp;/nbsp;法律实务工作

2012-2014,nbsp;Treaty Negotiation,nbsp;counsel nbsp; fornbsp;the Chinese delegation fornbsp;investment treaty negotiations.
2010-2011,nbsp;Counselnbsp;amp; nbsp; case handler,nbsp;for MOFCOM innbsp;WTO and investment arbitration cases.
Since 2009,nbsp;Expert Consultant, advising various Chinese courts, law nbsp; firms and enterprises on a wide range of int’l investment and trade law nbsp; issues.
Since 2008,nbsp;Arbitrator, on thenbsp;panelnbsp;list ofnbsp;a nbsp; number of arbitration institutions, includingnbsp;China International nbsp; Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC),nbsp;servenbsp;as solenbsp;arbitrator, nbsp; chair or member of the panelnbsp;innbsp;aroundnbsp;twenty international, nbsp; foreign-related amp;nbsp;domestic cases.
Since 2008,nbsp;Expert, in various domestic, foreign-related amp;nbsp;international nbsp; arbitration casesnbsp;andnbsp;beforenbsp;Chinese andnbsp;U.S.nbsp;courts
2005-2010,nbsp;Simultaneous Interpreter, for various international nbsp; conferences.


Working Languages:nbsp;Chinese nbsp; (Native) amp; English (Fluent)
Other Languages:nbsp;Germannbsp;(Basic)nbsp;amp; nbsp; French (Limited)

List ofnbsp;Lectures amp; Presentationsnbsp;since 2013nbsp;/nbsp;近五年演讲与发言
(Unlessnbsp;indicated nbsp; by “#”, presentations are in Englishnbsp;/nbsp;除非另有标注为中文,会议发言均为外文)

Sep.nbsp;25-26,nbsp;“Sustainable Development Provisions in IIAs of nbsp; Asian-Pacific LDCs and LLDCs”,nbsp;thenbsp;ESCAP 8thnbsp;FDI Network Meeting, United Nations Economic and Social Council for Asia and the Pacific, nbsp; Bangkok- Thailand.
#nbsp;June 22, “The Belt and Road Construction and the Settlement of nbsp; International Investment Disputes”,nbsp;Belt and Road and Investment in nbsp; Free Trade Zones, Xiamen-China.
June 8,nbsp;“The Belt and Road Construction and Its Rule-of-law nbsp; Challenges”,nbsp;International Economic Law in the Age of nbsp; Anti-Globalization,nbsp;Soeul-Korea.
Apr.19-20, “Transparency of ISDS in the Making of a China-EU BIT”,nbsp;Reforming nbsp; the Investor-State Dispute Settlement System: European and Chinese nbsp; Perspectives,nbsp;Rotterdam-The Netherlands.
Mar. 22-23,nbsp;“The Establishment and Development of FTZs in China: nbsp; Normative Innovations and Regulatory Adventuresnbsp;”,nbsp;Asiannbsp;FDI nbsp; Forum IV, Hong Kongnbsp;-China.
#nbsp;Mar. 21, “The ISDS Reform and China’s Response”,nbsp;Interactive nbsp; Expert Meeting of MOFCOM,nbsp;Beijing-China.
Mar.nbsp;1-2, “International Investment Agreements and Natural nbsp; Resource-Related Investments Governance: Incompatibility and Improvement”,nbsp;The nbsp; Ladenburg Diskurs on Natural Resource Law,nbsp;Ladenburg-nbsp;Germany.
Jan. 11-12,nbsp;“Harnessing Sustainable Development in International nbsp; Investment Agreements”,nbsp;Interactive Expert Meeting ofnbsp;IISD, nbsp; Geneva-Switzerland.
#nbsp;Dec. 1-2,nbsp;“Transparency of ISDS and Its Rule of Law nbsp; Implications”,nbsp;Thenbsp;11thSymposium on International Investment Agreements, MOFCOM amp;nbsp;CSIEL, Xiamen-China.
Nov. 10-12, “Foreign Investment Governancenbsp;innbsp;China”,nbsp;The nbsp; Pearl River Delta Academy of International Investment and Trade Law 2017, nbsp; Macau-China.
Nov. 2-3, “Typical Dispute Prevention Provisions in International nbsp; Investment Agreements”,nbsp;The 7thnbsp;Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Foreign nbsp; Direct Investment Network, held by thenbsp;United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok-Thailand.
Sep. 29-30,nbsp;“Comments onnbsp;Reforming Fossil nbsp; Fuel Subsidies through International Trade Agreements”,nbsp;Trade nbsp; and the Environment – New Potentials, New Pitfalls?,nbsp;Bonn-Germany.
July 11, “International Trade Law: Introduction, Historical Development nbsp; and WTO”,nbsp;Summer School of International Economic Lawnbsp;(held nbsp; by the Cluster of Excellence in Eurpoe and International Law and Saarland nbsp; University, supported bynbsp;DAAD), Saarbrücken-Germany.
June 16-17,nbsp;“The Shifting Trade and Investment Treaty-making nbsp; Strategy of China: Confronting the Global Rules Competition”,nbsp;The 5thnbsp;Asian International Economic Law nbsp; Network Conference, Xiamen-China.
May 11-12, “The Issue of Sustainable Development in China-EU BIT nbsp; Making”,nbsp;Asian FDI Forum III, Hong Kong-China.
Apr. 6, “The Rule of Law in China’s Context”,nbsp;Working Meeting of nbsp; the ILA Commission on Rule of Law and International Investment Law 2017, nbsp; Vienna-Austria.
Mar.nbsp;21,nbsp;“The Recent Trends of China’s Trade Treaty-making”,nbsp;Xiamennbsp;University-Kobenbsp;University nbsp; International Economic Law Seminar, Xiamen-China.
Jan. 11, “The Recent Trend of International Trade and Investment nbsp; Treaty-making and China’s Response”, Shantou University Law School, nbsp; Shantou-China.
Nov. 22, “China’s Trade and Investment Treaty-making Strategy: Thenbsp;Current nbsp; Situation and the Strategy Shift”, McGill Law School, Montreal-Canada.
Julynbsp;7-9, “International and Investment Arbitration: Chinese nbsp; Perspective”,nbsp;The Pearl River Delta Academy of International nbsp; Investment and Trade Law 2016, Macau SAR/Shenzhen-China.
May 23-24,nbsp;“Investment-Related Dispute Settlement:nbsp;Towards a nbsp; Comprehensive Multilateral Approach”, interactive expert meeting ofnbsp;the nbsp; International Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD),nbsp;Montreux- Switzerland.
May 18-20,nbsp;“Case Study of Interntional Natural Resource Dispute nbsp; Settlement”,nbsp;LL.Mnbsp;Course,nbsp;Law School, Saarbrücken University, nbsp; Germany.
Mar. 14, “China’snbsp;Participation in Global Economic Governance”, nbsp; Keynotenbsp;Lecture, Wisconsin Law School,nbsp;Madison-U.S.A.
Feb. 22-24, “International Investment Agreements in the APEC Region”,nbsp;The nbsp; Capacity Building Workshop on Interntional Investment Agreement in the APEC nbsp; Region, Co-organized by APEC and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and nbsp; Tourism of the Republic of Peru, Lima-Peru.
#nbsp;Dec. 12, “The Reform ofnbsp;thenbsp;Investment Dispute nbsp; Settlementnbsp;Systemnbsp;and China’s Response”,nbsp;Thenbsp;9thnbsp;Symposium on International nbsp; Investment Agreements, MOFCOM amp;nbsp;CSIEL, nbsp; Xiamen-China.
#nbsp;Dec. 1, “Panaromic Analysis of International Investment Dispute nbsp; Settlement”, Zhonglun Law Firm, Beijing-China.nbsp;
#nbsp;Nov. 30, “The Evolution of International Investment Agreements:nbsp;Fromnbsp;Investment nbsp; Protection, Investment Liberalization to Sustainable Development”,nbsp;Thenbsp;6thnbsp;Cross-Straits International Law nbsp; Forum, Peking University, China.
#nbsp;Nov. 21, “The Risks and Protection of China’s Overseas nbsp; Investment”,nbsp;Special Course of Chinese Overseas Investment and nbsp; Cooperation, Institute of Foreign Investment and Cooperation, MOFCOM, nbsp; Shenzhen-China.
Nov. 5-6, “How Chinese IIAs Address Sustainable Development Concerns: nbsp; Challenges and Solutions”,nbsp;Asia FDI Forum, Chinese University of nbsp; Hong Kong amp; Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment,nbsp;HK.
July 13-17, “International Arbitration from a Chinese Perspective”,nbsp;The nbsp; Pearl River Delta Academy of International Investment and Trade Lawnbsp;2015, nbsp; Macaunbsp;SAR/Shenzhen-China.
July 9, “Comments on Investment Arbitration”,nbsp;Thenbsp;2015 nbsp; Cologne Annual Summit on Commercial Dispute Resolution in China,nbsp;Co-organized nbsp; by Beijing Arbitration Commission amp; China-Europe Arbitration Center, nbsp; Cologne-Germany.
July 1-3, “China and Global Governance: A Perspective of Chinese Legal nbsp; Culture”,nbsp;Global Cooperation: Can We Build on It? (Mid-Term nbsp; Conference of the GCR Center), Duisburg-Germany.
June 23, “China and the Changing International Economic Law”, Universit?t des Saarlandes, Germany.
June 22, “The Future of China’s IIA-Making in the New Era: What Should nbsp; Be Kept and What Should Be Changed?”, Universit?t nbsp; des Saarlandes, Germany.
June 03, “Comment on TTIP and Its Impacts on Developing Countries”,nbsp;Workshop nbsp; on TPP and Developing Countries, German Institute of Development (DIE), nbsp; Bonn-Germany.
May 18, “International Investment Agreements — The Chinese Perspective nbsp; on the Current Debate Regarding TTIP and CETA”, University of Cologne, nbsp; Germany.
Mar. 24, “State Immunity and International Arbitration: Where Does China nbsp; Stand?”,nbsp;The K?te’s Colloquium, GCR Center, Germany.
Jan. 27, “Environmental Issues in Chinese BITs”,nbsp;The K?te’s nbsp; Colloquium, GCR Center, Germany.
#nbsp;Dec. 27, “Environmental Provisions in Chinese BITs”,nbsp;Thenbsp;8thnbsp;Symposium on International nbsp; Investment Agreements, MOFCOM amp;nbsp;CSIEL, nbsp; Xiamen-China.
Dec. 08, “A More Balanced IIA-Making Strategy for China: Current nbsp; Situation and Future Challenges”,nbsp;The Political Economy of nbsp; International Investment Agreements, German Institute of Development nbsp; (DIE) amp; International Investment Initiative of the World Trade Institute nbsp; (WTI), Bonn-Germany.
Nov. 21-22, “Public-Private Arbitration in China: The ‘Emperor’s New nbsp; Clothes’”,nbsp;The Lex Mercatoria Publica Workshop: The (Comparative) nbsp; Constitutional Law of Private-Public Arbitration, Max-Planck Institute of nbsp; Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg-Germany.
Nov. 26, “WTO Dispute Settlement and Its Impacts on China: A Recent nbsp; Survey”, Siegen University, Germany.
Nov. 24, “China and International Dispute Settlement”, Law School, nbsp; Freiburg University, Germany.
Oct.17-18, “Investment-Related Dispute Settlement: Reflections on a New nbsp; Beginning”, interactive expert meeting ofnbsp;IISD,nbsp;Montreux-Switzerland.
#nbsp;Aug. 7, “Understanding International Investment Agreements and nbsp; Preparing for Investment Arbitration: A Perspective from Transnational nbsp; Corporations”,nbsp;Lecture, Huawei Co. Ltd., Shenzhen- China.
#nbsp;July 23, “The Latest Development of International Investment nbsp; Treaties: Perspective of Sustainable Development”,nbsp;EU-China Bilateral nbsp; Investment Treaty Negotiation and Its Implications, Chinese Academy of nbsp; Social Science, Beijing-China.
July 04, “Exploring the Meaning of Exhaustible Natural Resources in WTO nbsp; Law”,nbsp;EU-China Economic Relations in the Field of Energy and Natural nbsp; Resources, FoKos Center of Siegen University amp; Hamburg Institute of nbsp; International Economics (HWWI), Hamburg-Germany.
July 02-03, “International Trade Governance and China” amp; nbsp; “International Investment Governance and China”,nbsp;University of Siegen, nbsp; Germany.
#nbsp;May 27, “Investor-State Arbitration: Method for the Protection of nbsp; Chinese Overseas Investment”,nbsp;ZhongLun Round Table on International nbsp; Investment Law, Zhonglun Law Firm, Beijing-China.
Nov. 14-16, “China’s Shifting Attitudes towards Investment Arbitration: nbsp; An Empirical Study of the Jurisdictional Clauses of Chinese BITs”,nbsp;The nbsp; 4thBiennial Conference of Asian Society nbsp; of International Law, Asian Society of International Law nbsp; amp; Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi-India.
Nov. 04-06, “State-State Arbitration in International Investment Dispute nbsp; Settlement”,nbsp;The 7thnbsp;Annual Forum of Developing Country Investment Negotiators, IISD, Jakarta-Indonesia.
Sep. 20, “The Raw Materials Case, the Rare Earths Case and their nbsp; Implications on China′s Resource Trade Governance”,nbsp;Primary Materials nbsp; — Between State Sovereignty and Global Governance,nbsp;Law Faculty, nbsp; University of Lausanne, Lausanne-Switzerland.
Sep. 10, “China’s Changing Attitudes towards Investment Arbitration: A nbsp; Policy Perspective”,nbsp;The China-EU Investment Rule-Making and the nbsp; Future of International Investment Law,nbsp;German Development nbsp; Institutionnbsp;(DIE)nbsp;amp; Chinese Society of International Economic nbsp; Law (CSIEL),nbsp;Xiamen-China.
#nbsp;Sep. 8-9, “The Relationship between International Arbitration and nbsp; Local Remedies in International Investment Dispute Settlement”,nbsp;The 7thnbsp;Symposium on International nbsp; Investment Agreements, MOFCOM amp;nbsp;CSIEL, Xiamen-China.
#nbsp;Aug. 26-29, “Key Provisions of China’s BITs”, Expert Meeting on nbsp; China’s Investment Treaties, MOFCOM, Qingdao-China.
#nbsp;July 24, “Understanding Investor-State Dispute Settlement nbsp; Mechanism of the 2012 US Model BIT and Its Implication to the Treaty-making nbsp; of the China-US BIT”,nbsp;Expert Meeting on China-US BIT Negotiations, nbsp; Law School, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China.
#nbsp;Apr.-May, “Advanced Study on Transnational Legal Issues” (a nbsp; 2-credit compulsory course for master degree students of international trade nbsp; and commercial law), Law School, Macau University of Science and Technology, nbsp; Macau SAR.
Apr. 10, “China and WTO Dispute Settlement”, Law School, Wisconsin nbsp; University, Madison-USA.
Apr. 08, “China’s Shifting Attitudes towards International Investment nbsp; Dispute Settlement”, Law School, University of Pennsylvania (Penn Law), nbsp; Philadelphia-USA.
Apr. 04, “Privileging Domestic Remedies in International Investment nbsp; Dispute Settlement”, the 107thnbsp;Annual Conference of the American Society of International Law nbsp; (ASIL), Washington DC-USA.
Jan. 29, “From Ownership-Orientation to Governance-Orientation: An nbsp; International Economic Law Perspective of China’s Shifting Attitudes towardsnbsp;Resource nbsp; Sovereignty”,nbsp;International Conference on Permanent Sovereignty on nbsp; Natural Resources: Development of a Public International Law Principle and nbsp; Its Limits,nbsp;FoKos Center, Siegen University,nbsp;Germany.
Organized Meetingsnbsp;/nbsp;组织会议
Nov. 2017,nbsp;The 11thnbsp;Symposium on International Investment Agreements, MOFCOM amp;nbsp;CSIEL, Xiamen-China.
Sep. 2013,nbsp;The China-EU Investment Rule-Making and the Future of nbsp; International Investment Law,nbsp;German Development Institution (DIE) nbsp; amp; Chinese Society of International Economic Law (CSIEL),nbsp;Xiamen-China.
Sep. 2013,nbsp;The 7thnbsp;Symposium on International Investment Agreements, MOFCOM amp;nbsp;CSIEL, Xiamen-China.
Sep. 2012,nbsp;The 6thnbsp;Symposium on International Investment Agreements, MOFCOM amp; CSIEL, Xiamen-China.
Sep. 2011,nbsp;The 5thnbsp;Symposium on International Investment Agreements, MOFCOM amp; CSIEL, Xiamen-China.


List of Academic Publicationsnbsp;/nbsp;论著发表
(Publicationsnbsp;originalnbsp;in nbsp; Chinese are provided withnbsp;annbsp;English translation ofnbsp;thenbsp;article nbsp; information)

Academic Publications in Englishnbsp;/nbsp;英文论著
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;Integrating nbsp; Sustainable Development into International Investment Law:nbsp;Normative nbsp; Incompatibility, System Integration and Governance Implications(London:nbsp;Routledge, nbsp; 2017), pp.216.
Book Chaptersnbsp;/nbsp;著作章节
Manjiao Chi, “How Chinese Investment nbsp; Treaties Address Sustainable Development Concerns?”, in Julien Chaissenbsp;(ed.),nbsp;China’s nbsp; International Investment Strategy: Bilateral, Regional and Global Law and nbsp; Policynbsp;(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018)(forthcoming).
Manjiao Chi, “From nbsp; Ownership-Orientation to Governance-Orientation: An International Economic nbsp; Law Perspective of China’s Shifting Attitudes towards Resource Sovereignty”, nbsp; in M. Bungenberg amp; S. Hobe (eds.),nbsp;Permanent Sovereignty over nbsp; Natural Resourcesnbsp;(Switzerland: Springer, 2015), at 97-123.
Manjiao Chi (coauthor with Marc nbsp; Bungenberg), “Chinese Investment Law”, in M. Bungenberg, J. Griebel, S. Hobe nbsp; amp; A. Reinisch (eds.),nbsp;International Investment Law: A Handbooknbsp;(Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2015), atnbsp;221-239.
Manjiao Chi, “Conflict of Laws”, in nbsp; Yuanshi Bu (ed.),nbsp;Chinese Civil Lawnbsp;(Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2013), at 233-294.
Manjiao Chi, “Domestic Arbitration: A nbsp; Comparative Perspective”, in M. J. Moser (ed.),nbsp;Dispute Settlement innbsp;Chinanbsp;(New nbsp; York: Juris Publishing, 2012), at 45-92; updated version, in M. J. Moser nbsp; (ed.),nbsp;Doing Business in Chinanbsp;(New York: Juris Publishing, nbsp; 2014).
Journal Articlesnbsp;/nbsp;期刊论文
Manjiao Chi, “The China-EU BIT as a nbsp; Stepping Stone towards a China-EU FTA”, 8nbsp;European Yearbook of nbsp; International Economic Lawnbsp;(2017), 475-490.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“From nbsp; Europeanization to Americanziation: The Shift of China’s Dichotomic nbsp; Investment Treaty-Making Strategy and Its Implications”, 23nbsp;(2)nbsp;Canadian nbsp; Foreign Policy Journalnbsp;(2017), nbsp; 158-170.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“The Impeding nbsp; Effects of the Immunity Plea on International Arbitration: China’s Position nbsp; Revisited”,nbsp;12nbsp;Asian nbsp; International Arbitration Journalnbsp;(2016), at 21-39.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“A Long March nbsp; towards Compatibility, Coherence and Consistency: The Future of China’s nbsp; Investment Agreements”, 18 (4)nbsp;Die nbsp; Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien (ZEuS)(2015), at 373-389.
Manjiao Chi (coauthor with Xi Wang),nbsp;“The nbsp; Evolution of ISA Clauses in Chinese IIAs and Its Implications: The nbsp; Admissibility of Disputes for Investor-State Arbitration”,nbsp;16 nbsp; (5-6)nbsp;Journal of World Investment and Tradenbsp;(2015), at nbsp; 869-898.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“The “Greenization” nbsp; of Chinese BITs: An Empirical Study of the Environmental Provisions in nbsp; Chinese BITs and Its Implications for China’s Future BIT-Making”, 18 (3)nbsp;Journal of International Economic Lawnbsp;(2015),nbsp;at nbsp; 511-542.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“Resource nbsp; Sovereignty in WTO Dispute Settlement: Some Implications of China-Raw nbsp; Materials and China-Rare Earths”, 12 (1)nbsp;Manchester Journal of nbsp; International Economic Lawnbsp;(2015), at 2-15.
Manjiao Chi, “‘Exhaustible Natural nbsp; Resource’nbsp;in WTO Law: GATT Article XX (g) Disputes and Their nbsp; Implication”, 48 (5)nbsp;Journal of World Tradenbsp;(2014), at nbsp; 939-966.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“Trade-Plus Effects nbsp; of WTO Dispute Settlement on China: An Ideal or Illusion?”, 47 (6)nbsp;Journal nbsp; of World Tradenbsp;(2013), nbsp; at 1349-1384.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“A Note on China’s nbsp; Legal and Operational Responses to International Piracy”, 44 (1)nbsp;Ocean nbsp; Development and International Lawnbsp;(2013), at 113-122.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“Finding out the nbsp; “Achilles’ Heels”: Piracy Suppression under International Law and Chinese nbsp; Law”, 5 (1)nbsp;Journal of East Asia and International Lawnbsp;(2012), nbsp; at 7-36.
Manjiao Chi (coauthor withnbsp;Nils nbsp; Eliasson, Roberts S. Pé),nbsp;“Investment Arbitration: China, Hong Kong and nbsp; Treaty Shopping”,nbsp;Asian Dispute Review,nbsp;April 2012, at 43-46.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“China’s nbsp; Participation in WTO Dispute Settlement in the Past Decade: Experiences and nbsp; Impacts”, 15 (1)nbsp;Journal of International Economic Lawnbsp;(2012), nbsp; at 29-49.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“Are We nbsp; ‘Paper-Tigers’: The Limited Procedural Power of Arbitrators under Chinese nbsp; Law”, 2011nbsp;Journal of Dispute Resolutionnbsp;(2011), at 259-281.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“‘The Iceberg nbsp; beneath the Water’: The Hidden Discrimination against the Lex Mercatoria in nbsp; Chinese Arbitration”,nbsp;7 (2)nbsp;Journal nbsp; of Private International Lawnbsp;(2011), at 341-359.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“The Unhelpfulness nbsp; of Treaty Law in Solving the Sino-Japan Sovereign Dispute over the Diaoyu nbsp; Islands”, 6 (2)nbsp;East Asia Law Reviewnbsp;(2011), at 163-189.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“Application of the nbsp; UNIDROIT Principles in China: Successes, Shortcomings and Implications”, 15 nbsp; (1)nbsp;Uniform Law Reviewnbsp;(2010), at 5-35.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“Time to Make a nbsp; Change? — A Comparative Study of Chinese Arbitration Law and the 2006 nbsp; Revision of UNCITRAL Model Law”,nbsp;5 nbsp; (2)nbsp;Asian International Arbitration Journalnbsp;(2009), nbsp; at 142-166.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“Drinking Poison to nbsp; Quench Thirst: The Discriminatory Arbitral Award Enforcement Regime under nbsp; Chinese Arbitration Law”, 39 (2)nbsp;Hong Kong Law Journalnbsp;(2009), nbsp; at 541-560.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“The Fading of nbsp; Compulsory Consolidation of Arbitration: A “Fight” between the Principles of nbsp; Efficiency and Party Autonomy in International Commercial Arbitration”, 1 (4)nbsp;Fudan nbsp; Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences (The Humanities Issue)nbsp;(2008), nbsp; at 119-134.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“Is Chinese nbsp; Arbitration Act Truly Arbitration-Friendly: Determining the Validity of nbsp; Arbitration Agreement under Chinese Law”, 4 (1)nbsp;Asian International Arbitration Journalnbsp;(2008),nbsp;at 104-120.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“A Comparative Study nbsp; of the Arbitrator Nominating Mechanisms: Bi-Party Arbitration v. Multi-Party nbsp; Arbitration”, 9 (2)nbsp;The Journal of Inha Law(2006),nbsp;atnbsp;71-86.
Researchnbsp;Papers, Conference nbsp; Proceedingsnbsp;and Other Publicationsnbsp;/研究报告
Manjiao Chi, “Integrating the nbsp; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Regulation of Public-Private nbsp; Partnerships (PPPs) in the Belt and Road Countries: A Chinese Perspective”,nbsp;UNCTAD nbsp; Investment Policy Blognbsp;(25 April 2018).
Manjiao Chi (coauthor with Axel nbsp; Berger, Clara Brandi amp; Dominique Bruhn),nbsp;“Towardsnbsp;‘Greening’nbsp;Trade? nbsp; Tracking Environmental Provisions in the Preferential Trade Agreements of nbsp; Emerging Markets”,nbsp;Discussing Paper 2/2017, Deutsches Institut nbsp; für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), ISSN 1860-0441.
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;“Internal Migration nbsp; in China: Breaking Down Social Segregation?”,nbsp;GCR Diologue, 2015.
Manjiao Chi, “Privileging Domestic nbsp; Remedies in International Investment Dispute Settlement”,nbsp;Proceedings nbsp; of the Annual Meeting of the American Society ofnbsp;International Law (ASIL), nbsp; Vol.107nbsp;(April 2013), at 23-26.
Papers to be Publishednbsp;/即将发表
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;Public-Private nbsp; Arbitration in China: The Emperor’s New Clothes, presented at “the Lex nbsp; Mercatoria Publica Workshop”, Heidelberg, 2014 (collection of contributions nbsp; edited by Stephan Schill, to be published by Cambridge University Press).
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;A Primary Review nbsp; of the Investment Dispute Preventive Measures under International Investment nbsp; Agreements and National Law of China,nbsp;innbsp;Mariana Hernandez Crespo G.nbsp;et al. (eds.), Dispute Prevention and International Investment Law nbsp; (collection of contributions to be published).

Academic Publications in Chinesenbsp;(with English translations of the publication information)/中文论著
Sole Monographnbsp;/nbsp;个人专著
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;Problems and Improvement of the International Arbitration Regime: Comparative Study of Chinese and International Arbitration Rules, (Beijing: Law Press, 2014), pp.361【池漫郊著,《国际仲裁体制的不足与完善:基于中国与国际仲裁规则的比较研究》,法律出版社,2014年,361页】
Manjiao Chi,nbsp;Study on Major Issues of Multi-party and Multi-contract Arbitrationnbsp;(Xiamen: Xiamen UniversityPress, 2006), pp.262【池漫郊著,《多方多合同仲裁主要法律问题研究》,厦门大学出版社,2006年,262页】
Translated Monographnbsp;/nbsp;翻译作品
Manjiao Chi (chief translator),nbsp;The Concept of International Obligations Erga Omnesnbsp;(Beijing: Law Press, 2013), pp.323【Original:nbsp;Marizo Ragazzi,nbsp;The Concept of International Obligations Erga Omnesnbsp;(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000), pp.304/池漫郊(主译),《国际对世义务的概念》,法律出版社,2013年,304页】
Book Chaptersnbsp;/nbsp;著作章节
Manjiao Chi, “Aligning Chinese Commercial Arbitration System with the International Standards”, in Huaqun Zeng (ed.),nbsp;New International Economic Order and the Latest Development of International Economic Law,nbsp;(Beijing: Law Press China, 2009), at 705-717【池漫郊,“当代前景下我国商事仲裁体制与国际标准接轨”,曾华群主编《国际经济新秩序与国际经济法新发展》,法律出版社,2009年,第705-717页】
Journal Articlesnbsp;/nbsp;期刊论文
Manjiao Chi, “A Preliminary Study on the Jurisdictional Provisions of the 2012 US Model BIT and Its Implications on China’s BIT-making”,nbsp;Chinesenbsp;Journal of International Economic Law,nbsp;Vol.19, No.4, 2012, at 120-141nbsp;【池漫郊,“简论美国2012年BIT范本关于仲裁管辖的规定及其对中国BIT缔约实践的潜在影响”,《国际经济法学刊》,第19卷第4期,2012年,第120-141页】
Manjiao Chi, “Determining the Applicable Law in Mixed International Arbitration — Reflecting the ICSID Tribunal’s Jurisdictioal Decision in the Tza Yap Shum Case”,nbsp;Chinesenbsp;Journal of International Economic Law,nbsp;Vol.17, No.3, 2010, at 122-137nbsp;【池漫郊,“国际混合仲裁的法律适用——兼论ICSID仲裁庭在“谢业深案”中的法律适用”,《国际经济法学刊》,第17卷第3期,2010年,第122-137页】
Manjiao Chi, “Fromnbsp;“Efficiency Prioritization” to “Party Autonomy”: The Evolution of Consolidated Arbitration”,nbsp;Arbitration Study, Issue 17, 2008, at 9-18【池漫郊,“从效率至上到契约自由——基于合并仲裁评当代仲裁价值取向之变迁”,《仲裁研究》,第17卷,2008年12月,第9-18页】
Manjiao Chi, “Defining the Scope of Arbitration Agreement in Group of Companies: A Comparative Study of Doctrine of Groups of Companies and Piercing the Corporate Veil”,nbsp;Beijing Arbitration,nbsp;Issue 66, Oct. 2008, at 71-81【池漫郊,“论仲裁条款在关联公司中效率范围之界定——基于公司集体理论及刺破公司面纱理论的比较研究”,《北京仲裁》,2008年第66卷,第71-81页】
Manjiao Chi, “A Tribunal with Two Arbitrators? – A Comparative Study of Major Arbitration Rules and Legislatie Suggestions”,nbsp;Arbitration and Law, Issue 110, June 2008, at 27-44nbsp;【池漫郊,“两个人的仲裁庭——主要仲裁规则关于短员仲裁规定的比较研究与立法建议”,《仲裁与法律》,2008年第110卷,第27-44页】
Manjiao Chi, “The Improvement of the Legal System of Truncated Arbitration”,nbsp;Chinesenbsp;Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.14, No.4, 2007, at 248-268【池漫郊,“简论当代缺员仲裁法律制度之现状及完善”,《国际经济法学刊》,2007年第14卷第4期,第248-268页】
Manjiao Chi, “The Legality of Truncated Arbitration”,nbsp;Chinese Journal of Law, Issue 6, 2007, at 55-62【池漫郊,缺员仲裁的合法性,《法学研究》,2007年第6期,第55-62页】
Manjiao Chi, “The Validity of Truncated Arbitral Award — Analysis of the Relevant Provisions of New York Convention”,nbsp;Arbitration Study, Issue 13, 2007, at 53-60nbsp;【池漫郊,“缺员仲裁裁决的承认与执行的问题——对《纽约公约》相关规定的另一种解读”,《仲裁研究》,2007年第13卷,第50-60页】
Manjiao Chi, “The Latest Development of the Contract Interpretation Theory in International Commercial Arbitration Practice: The Extension of the Effects of Arbitration Clause by Application of the Contract Interpretation Theory”,nbsp;Journal of International Trade Law, Issue 2, 2007, at 273-282【池漫郊,“论合同解释理论在国际商事仲裁领域的新发展——兼论采用合同解释方法对仲裁条款效力进行拓展”,《国际贸易法论丛》,2007年第2期,第273-282页】
Manjiao Chi, State Responsibilities for Commercial Acts,nbsp;Pacific Journal, Issue 2, 2007, at 16-22【池漫郊,“论国家对商事行为的责任承担”,《太平洋学刊》,2007年第2期,第16-22页】
Manjiao Chi, “The Compatibility between Multi-Party Arbitration and Traditional Arbitration — the Challenges to the Arbitral Procedures”,nbsp;Chinesenbsp;Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.12, No.4, 2006, at 338-357【池漫郊,“论多方仲裁与传统国际商事仲裁体制的兼容——兼论多方仲裁对仲裁程序的挑战”,《国际经济法学刊》,2006年第12卷第4期,第338-357页】
Manjiao Chi, “Appointing Arbitrators in Multi-Party Arbitration”,nbsp;Arbitration and Law, Issue 93, Aug. 2004, atnbsp;27-37【池漫郊,“论多方仲裁时指定仲裁员的问题与对策”,《仲裁与法律》,2004年第93卷,第27-37页】
Manjiao Chi, “The Legal Requirements on Assignment Notice under the UN Convention on the Assignment of Receivables”,nbsp;Chinesenbsp;Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.8, Jan. 2004, at 108-131【池漫郊,“论联合国国际贸易中应收款转让公约对转让通知的要求”,《国际经济法学刊》,2004年第8期,第108-131页】
Manjiao Chi, “Reflecting the WTO TRIPs Provisions on Patent Rights”,nbsp;Journal of International Busiess and Economics, Vol.3, 2003, at 17-20nbsp;【池漫郊,“对世界贸易组织TRIPS协定关于专利权的规定的反思与对策”,《国际商务》(对外经济贸易大学学报),2003年第3期,第17-20页】

Selected Funded Research Projectsnbsp;/nbsp;部分研究项目

·nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; Opportunities and challenges in using nbsp; trade and FDI for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in LDCs nbsp; and LLDCs in Asia and the Pacific, United nbsp; Nations Economic and Social Commissionnbsp;for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)(Person-in-charge)(2018)
·nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; The Belt and Road Initiativenbsp;and nbsp; the Innovation of Internatonal Economic Law, China nbsp; National Social Science Foundation (CNSSF)(Person-in-charge ofInvestmentnbsp;lawnbsp;section)(2017- nbsp; )
·nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; Evaluation of the Chinese BIT Draft nbsp; for China-US Bilateral Investment Treaty Negotiation, MOFCOM (Person-in-chargenbsp;ofnbsp;all proceduralnbsp;issues)(2015- nbsp; ).
·nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; China’s Traditional Legal Culture and nbsp; Its Impacts on China’s Participation in Global Governance,nbsp;Fellowshipnbsp;ofnbsp;the GCR Center, Germanynbsp;(2014-2015).
·nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; Chinese BIT Handbook for China’s nbsp; Investment Treaty Negotiators, MOFCOM nbsp; (Person-in-chargeofnbsp;all proceduralnbsp;issues)(2013-2015).
·nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; The Spillover Effects of WTO Dispute nbsp; Settlement on China, China National Social Science nbsp; Foundationnbsp;(CNSSF)(Person-in-charge)(2012-2017).
·nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; Study on Certain Salient Substantive nbsp; and Procedural Issues of the 2012 US Model Bilateral Investment Treaty, MOFCOM (Person-in-chargenbsp;ofnbsp;all procedural nbsp; provisions)(2012-2014).
·nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; Study on Transboudary Damanges Casued nbsp; by Climate Change, Ministry of Education of China nbsp; (Major Contributor)(2010-2013).
·nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; Comparative Study of Chinese Contral nbsp; Law and the Genreal Principles of International Commercial Contract, Fellowship of UNIDROIT (2009-2010).
·nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; Depolitiization of Chinese Arbitration nbsp; System,nbsp;Edwardsnbsp;Fellowhip of the Chinese Law Center, Columbia nbsp; Law School, U.S.A.nbsp;(2009).
·nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; Legal Issues Raised by Sovereign State nbsp; as a Party in International Arbitration,nbsp;Fellowship of nbsp; Max-Planck Institute of Intenrationalnbsp;Law, Germany (2008-2009).


Undergraduate (LL.B) Students
Int‘lnbsp;Commercial Arbitrationnbsp;/nbsp;Int’lnbsp;Economic Dispute Settlementnbsp;/nbsp;Int‘lnbsp;Investment Lawnbsp;/nbsp;Case Study ofnbsp;Int’lnbsp;Commercial Lawnbsp;/ Int’l Trade Law (WTO law and commercial law)

International (Master) Students
China’s Legal Systemnbsp;/nbsp;Chinese Civil and Commercial Lawnbsp;(PRAIA)nbsp;/nbsp;Foreignnbsp;Investment Lawnbsp;/nbsp;Int’l Natural Resource Dispute Settlementnbsp;/nbsp;Int’l Trade Law

Master (JM amp; LL.M) Students
Advanced Study ofnbsp;Int’lnbsp;Arbitrationnbsp;/nbsp;Legal Englishnbsp;/nbsp;WTO Law amp; Dispute Settlementnbsp;/nbsp;Int’lnbsp;Dispute Settlementnbsp;/nbsp;Transnational Legal Issuesnbsp;/Case Study ofnbsp;Int’lnbsp;Commercial Arbitrationnbsp;/nbsp;Case Study ofnbsp;Publicnbsp;Int’l Law

Ph.D Students
Selected Topics ofnbsp;Int’lnbsp;Law (occasional basis)

Mixed Students
China’s Int’l Trade and Investment Governace

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