一、 项目背景及意义Background
“International arbitration warrants attention, if nothing else, because of its historic, contemporary and future practical importance, particularly in business affairs. For centuries, arbitration has been a preferred means for resolving transnational commercial disputes, as well as other important categories of international disputes. The preference which businesses have demonstrated for arbitration, as a means for resolving their international disputes, has become even more pronounced in the past several decades, as international trade and investment have burgeoned. As international commerce has expanded and become more complex, so too has its primary dispute resolution mechanism – international arbitration. The practical importance of international commercial arbitration is one reason that the subject warrants study by companies, lawyers, arbitrators, judges and legislators.” (Gary B. Born International Commercial Arbitration, p.1)
The significance of international arbitration cannot be undermined. With the growing number of cross-border commercial transactions, inbound or outbound investment, the study of the subject is of prime importance in the wake of the global economy.
The Tsinghua Law School International Arbitration program is designed to meet the needs of students and practitioners for arbitration and dispute resolution expertise in a variety of fields and to offer a unique blend of academic and practical training in a broad range of subjects related to resolving international disputes.
The Tsinghua Law School International Arbitration program is taught by leading practitioners and professors, all of whom have abundant invaluable experience and comprehensive insight in the field of international arbitration.
The program aims to provide a challenge for a new generation of law school students to have in-depth understanding in the subject and knowledge of international dispute resolution practice in diverse legal systems as well as international bodies such as ICSID and WTO. The course will be conducted by way of lectures as well as group discussions with assignments and/or examination.
The program is opened to:
Practitioners in international arbitration, including local and foreign lawyers, arbitrators, in-house legal counsels and people who are international arbitration.
Language Instruction:
English. Students with high language competency will be more suitable.
Mingli Building, School of Law, Tsinghua University, Beijing.
On weekday evenings and weekends.
Training mode:
Student can take some modules of the courseas they need, or complete the entire course.
第五模块:投资仲裁专题研究(32学时)根据联合国国际贸易法委员会仲裁规则(UNCITRAL Arbitration Rule)与国际投资争端解决中心规则(ICSID Rules),涉及投资者与国家间的争端出现得越来越多。本课程将介绍投资仲裁的概况及双边投资条约的特征。还将对WTO争端解决程序概况进行介绍。
8 modules (18 credits):
1. Basic concepts of international arbitration (2 credits)Description:The course would provide an overview of the features of international arbitration. Basic concepts from arbitration agreement, jurisdiction of the tribunal, the arbitration process, and the award will be covered. The objective of the module is to provide the students with a comprehensive understanding of the core concepts of international commercial arbitration.
2. Enforcement of arbitral awards(2credits)Description:The New York Convention is the most important treaty in the context of international commercial arbitration. The module will examine the cases on recognition and enforcement of arbitration agreements and arbitral awards under the New York Convention in various jurisdictions. The jurisprudence emanating from the court decisions on the way as to how various jurisdictions interpret this Convention will be studied and discussed.
3. Preparation and Presentation of case in international arbitration(3 credits)Description:This course will highlight the importance of evidence and focus on the different ways and approaches in preparing and presenting a case in international arbitrations in various jurisdictions. The module would provide students with the opportunity to prepare and learn how to present its case both in writing and orally through mock scenarios. Documentary evidence, oral evidence of fact witnesses and expert evidence will be covered.
4. Chinese Arbitration System and Chinese International Arbitration(2 credits)Description:This course will discuss the trend and problems of developing international commercial arbitration in mainland China, as well as domestic arbitration legislation and related cases. Lectures will be given by practitioners in international commercial arbitration in the region who will share with the students the issues arising in their field of practice. Arbitration rules in various arbitration institutions will be covered.
5. Investment arbitrations(2 credits)Description:Investment arbitration conducted under the UNCITRAL rules or under the auspices of ICSIDis increasingly being invoked in relation to disputes involving investor and states. This course will provide an overview of investment law, and special features in Bilateral Investment Treaty and procedures and practice of ICSID.
6. UNCITRAL Model Law and Arbitration Rules(2 credits)Description:The course will discuss the most widely adopted principles and rules in international arbitration. The Model Law wasfirstlypromulgatedby UNCITRAL in 1985 and the new Arbitration Rules in 2010.
7. WTO Dispute Resolution(2 credits)Description:The course provides a basic understanding in WTO law and the practice and procedures of the Appellate Body of the WTO.An overview of WTO disputes resolution procedures will also be presented.
8. International arbitration in Asia(3 credits)Description:The course will explore the current trends and issues arising from international commercial arbitration in various jurisdictions in Asia. The domestic arbitration legislations adopted in different countries of the region and the relevant cases from each jurisdiction will be covered. Lectures will be given by practitioners in international commercial arbitration in the region who will share with the students the issues arising in their field of practice. The rules of various arbitral institutions in the region will be discussed.
The jurisdictions to be covered in Asia are: Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, Australia and New Zealand.
Teresa Cheng郑若骅香港资深大律师、国际商会国际仲裁院副主席。曾担任多个国家和地区的仲裁中心仲裁组成员,包括香港国际仲裁中心、中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会、英国仲裁协会、新加坡仲裁协会、解决投资争端国际中心、韩国商事仲裁委员团等,后在香港律师协会“替代性解决争议方法”特别委员会、英国仲裁协会(东亚分部)担任主席。现任国际商业仲裁会副主席、伦敦国际仲裁法庭顾问、清华大学法学院访问学者、香港理工大学兼职教授,并为国际商业仲裁委员会及中国国际经贸仲裁委员会的成员。
Gary Born世界最佳国际诉讼律师、获国际仲裁从业者“客户选择大奖”。美国哈弗福德学院法学学士、美国宾夕法尼亚大学法学博士。曾在多所大学教授与国际仲裁相关课程,积累了丰富的国际仲裁课程的教学经验。曾任亚利桑那大学法学院助理法学教授、乔治城法学院法学副教授、斯坦福大学讲师。现任跨国仲裁协会学术顾问成员、美国法学会联邦商事仲裁法项目咨询委员会成员,同时兼任美国哈佛大学法学院讲师、新加坡国立大学访问教授、北京大学国际法学院副教授、瑞士圣加伦大学客座法律教授,主要负责国际仲裁课程教学。作为威凯平和而德律师事务所合伙人,其领导的团队在几个主要的国际仲裁中取得了良好的奖项。
Justin D 'Agostino 2011年《环球协会》称其为“亚洲最好的仲裁专家之一”。曾就职于英国和威尔士律师协会,负责国际商事仲裁法和国际公法相关律师事务,中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会、国际商会、新加坡国际仲裁中心法律顾问和辩护律师。现为英国史密夫律师事务所专家组成员、香港国际仲裁中心委员会成员,同时也是HK45成立者之一(HK45是为对香港仲裁感兴趣、年龄在45岁以下的专业人士所设。目的是增强社会对仲裁的兴趣和相关问题的意识,以强化香港仲裁界),同时担任政府和多家企业在国际公法和国际私法方面的专家顾问工作。
Andrea K. Bjorklund国际仲裁界资深专家。毕业于美国内布拉斯加-林肯大学、纽约大学艺术与科学学院,之后获得耶鲁大学法学院JD学位。曾为美国国务院法律顾问办公室高级法律顾问、美国国际仲裁委员会专员、国际商事争端解决委员会美国律师协会国际法和实践部联合主席。现任加州大学法学院法律教授、麦吉尔大学法学院客座教授、跨国仲裁协会学术部主席、美国法学会国际仲裁法项目顾问、跨国仲裁管理协会编辑,并且是伦敦仲裁法院北美理事会、国际投资争端解决中心评论-外国投资法日报编辑部国际争端解决机制日报编辑部的成员。
Meg Kinnear国际投资与争端解决中心秘书长、国际仲裁界资深专家。自2002年起,在ICSID(国际投资争端解决中心,世界银行集团的五大成员机构之一,其主要工作在于通过调解和仲裁方式帮助解决政府与外国私人投资者之间的争端,是世界上最重要的投资争端解决机构)任秘书长,即中心的法定代表人和行政负责人,也是《北美自由贸易协定下的投资争端》的合著者之一。曾任加拿大商务部法律总顾问和条法司司长,负责所有涉及加拿大的国际投资和贸易的诉讼,在此之前,在加拿大司法部任副部长执行助理和民事诉讼组顾问。
Xiaojie (Sherry) Lu清华大学法学院副教授,中国法学会WTO法研究会副秘书长。毕业于日本九州大学法学院,获得国际经济法专业法学博士学位。吕晓杰副教授曾在商务部条法司工作,从事WTO争端解决案件的研究和咨询工作。她曾多次在国外讲学或在国际学术会议上发言,曾任美国密歇根大学法学院访问学者、比利时鲁汶大学国际治理研究中心访问学者。目前的研究和教学主要集中于WTO争端解决机制以及 WTO的规则研究等方面。
JingzhouTao陶景洲美国德杰律师事务所负责亚洲业务开拓的执行合伙人, 北京大学法学院和华东政法大学兼职教授。国际商事仲裁和公司法领域的公认专家,曾在众多国际商事仲裁案件中担任代理人、首席仲裁员或当事人选定的仲裁员,涉及的国际仲裁中心包括国际商会国际仲裁院、香港国际仲裁中心、新加坡国际仲裁中心、斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院、中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会等。自1999年起担任国际商会国际仲裁院委员。现任伦敦国际仲裁院理事、中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会专家咨询委员会委员、中国国际仲裁俱乐部联席主席以及国际商会中国国家委员会国际仲裁委员会主任委员。
Albert Jan van den Berg荷兰仲裁协会(鹿特丹)主席、国际仲裁界权威专家。阿姆斯特丹大学法学院法学硕士,纽约大学外国法比较法法学硕士,鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学法学博士,普罗旺斯埃克赛特大学法学博士、博士后。曾任TMC阿塞协会国际仲裁部的主管,荷兰仲裁协会(NAI)及伦敦国际仲裁院(LCIA)的主席,在国际仲裁方面有丰富的经验。其所创立的律所也主要关注国际仲裁和诉讼。现任《年度商事仲裁》的编辑及鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学的法学教授,英国皇家特许仲裁司协会、迪拜国际仲裁中心、国际商会仲裁院、伦敦国际仲裁院、日内瓦大学国际争端解决法学硕士咨询委员会、德克萨斯跨国仲裁研究所学术委员会、维也纳联邦经济会议仲裁中心及多个国家和地区的仲裁中心成员。
YuejiaoZhang张月姣中国内地首位加入WTO最高裁决机构的法官。毕业于法国汉纳大学,曾赴美国乔治顿法学院、哥伦比亚大学法学院学习,获法学硕士学位,并完成了国际发展经济学院的国民经济管理班和哥伦比亚大学的Advanced MBA和JSD学业。曾就职于中国国家进出口委员会,中国外国投资委员会,中国对外经济贸易合作部条约法律司,北京仲裁中心,有丰富的国际贸易和仲裁的经验。现任世界贸易组织常设上诉机构“七人小组”主席,中国国际经济法学会副会长。原任世界银行法律部法律顾问,中国对外经济贸易合作部条约法律司司长,WTO上诉机构大法官。
Teresa ChengCourse DirectorMadam Cheng is a member of the ICSID Panel of Arbitrators designated by the Chairman. She has been the panel arbitrators in many jurisdictions includingHKIAC, CIETAC, SIAC and KCAB. She also sits as a Deputy High Court Judge in Hong Kong SAR.
Madam Cheng is currently Vice President of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration,Vice President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, Vice Chairman of HKIAC and Chairman of Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in Hong Kong. She is the past President of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. She is a Fellow of King’s College London and has taught arbitration and dispute resolution in various universities. She is now an Adjunct Professor in Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Gary Born
LLB in Haverford College, JD in University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Born has taught courses relating to international arbitration in many colleges, and has accumulated abundant teaching experiences on courses of international arbitration. He has served as Assistant Professor of Law in University of Arizona School of Law, Associate Professor of Law in Georgetown Law School, lecturer at Stanford University.
Mr. Born now is the member of the Academic Advisor in Institute for Transnational Arbitration, the member of the Advisory Committee American Law Institute Project on International Commercial Arbitration Law of U.S. At the same time, he serves as lecturer at Harvard Law School, Visiting Professor at National University of Singapore, Associate Professor at Peking University School of Transnational Law, and Visiting Professor of Law at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, in charge of the courses of international arbitration.
As a partner of Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP, the team led by Mr. Born has won many major awards for international arbitration.
Graduated from the Law Department ofJilin University (LL.B. 1982), Jilin University (LL.M. 1985) and USA Wisconsin University(LL.M. 1986). Professor Che isvice president of the Chinese Society of International Economic Law; vice director of the Beijing arbitration commission; the arbitrator of China international economic and trade arbitration commission. Area of research is International Economic Law. With principal academic achievements: monograph: "Governmental Control of International Economical Exchange"; textbooks:"Law of International Technical Transfer"(co-author), "Law of Arbitration" etc.; major theses:“An Analysis of the U.S. Governmental Legal Limitations of Technical Transfer to China”; “Legal Adjustment of International Technical Transfer”; “A Brief Comment about Commercial Legislation in China” .
Justin D 'Agostino
Mr. D'Agostino has worked in England & Wales Bar Association, in charge of relevant affairs of international commercial arbitration law and international public law. He has also been the counsel and defense lawyer of CIETAC, ICC, and SIAC.
Mr. D 'Agostino is currently the member of panel of Herbert Smith law firm and the committee of HKIAC, and one of the founders of HK45 (established for the professionals who are interested in arbitration of HK and are under the age of 45, and aiming at enhancing society’s interest for arbitration and relevant questions, thus strengthening the field of arbitration in HK), and is a professional counsel for many governments and enterprises with respect to international public law and international private law issues.
Andrea K. Bjorklund
Madam Andrea Bjorklund graduated from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln and New York University School of Arts and Sciences, and then finished JD in Yale University School of Law.
Madam Bjorklund has been Legal Adviser of the U.S. Department of State, Office of Legal Counsel in Washington, Member of the United States Commission on International Arbitration, and Co-Chair in International Law and Practice Branch of American Bar Association and International Commercial Dispute Resolution Committee.
Madam Bjorklund is currently the Professor of the School of Law in University of California, the Visiting Professor of the School of Law in McGill University, Chairman of Academic Committee in Transnational Arbitration Association, the Adviser for International Commercial Arbitration Project of American Law Association, the Associate Editor of Transnational Dispute Management, and the member of North American Users’ Council and Editorial Board of ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal.
Meg Kinnear
Madam Kinnear has been the Secretary-General of ICSID (the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, which is one of the 5 member institutions of the World Bank, and its major work is to help settle the disputes between governments and foreign private investors through conciliation and arbitration, and is the most important institution of settlement of investment in the world) since the year of 2002. She is the legal representative and the administrator of the center. At the same time, she is a co-author of Investment Disputes under NAFTA.
Madam Kinnear was formerly the Senior General Counsel and Director General of the Trade Law Bureau of Canada, where she was responsible for all international investments and trade litigations involving Canada. Prior to this, Madam Kinnear was Executive Assistant to the Deputy Minister of Justice of Canada and Counsel at the Civil Litigation Section of the Canadian Department of Justice.
Graduated from the Law Department of Peking University (LL.B. 1982), China Foreign Affairs University (LL.M. 1985) and Free University of Brussels (LL.M. 1986); Fulbright scholar at the law school of Stanford University (1995-96), visiting scholar at Max Planck Institute (Hamburg, 2008); having pursued a life-long academic career in the teaching and research of private international law, arbitration, civil and commercial law; former Dean of the law faculty and Director of International Law Institute of China Foreign Affairs University, associate professor of law, visiting professor at Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and at Kyushu University of Japan; practicing in the area of international commercial arbitration since 1989, having been involved in more than 300 domestic and international arbitration cases in mainland China, HKSAR, London, NY, Stockholm and Singapore as arbitrator, counsel or expert witness; being listed presently in the panel of arbitrators of the following arbitration bodies: CIETAC, BAC, HKIAC, CAA, SIAC, KCAB, VIAC, KLRCA, AAA-ICDR, ChambreArbitrale de Paris and CAS; ICCA Handbook reporter for China; working language: Mandarin and English.
Xiaojie (Sherry) Lu
Xiaojie (Sherry) Luteaches international business transactions, international trade law and Chinese Law. She received her B.E degree and master degree of law from Tsinghua University, and LL.D. degree from Kyushu University, Japan. She was a visiting scholar in University of Michigan Law School from 2004-2005. With the background of international trade law, she worked as a legal council in the Department of Treaty and Law in the Ministry of Commerce of China from 2006-2007, providing legal assistance to the dispute settlement of WTO cases to which China acted as a party. She also taught as a Global Law School Visiting Professor in Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studiesin March 2011. Professor Lu’s scholarship has focused on various aspects of international trade law.
Mister Tao is responsible for developing the Asian practice of Dechert LLP Beijing Office. He is also Adjunct Professor of Peking University Law School and of East-China University of Political Science and Law. Mr. Tao is recognized as an expert in international arbitration and corporate law. He has advised on China-related matters since 1985 and has maintained an active practice in China for over twenty years. He has acted as counsel, chief arbitrator or party-nominated arbitrator in a substantial number of international arbitration proceedings at various international arbitration centers such as ICC, HKIAC, SIAC, SCC, CIETAC, etc. He also counsels numerous Chinese companies on their arbitration activities in foreign countries. Mr. Tao is Avocat à la Cour de Paris and qualified in China.
Mr. Tao has been a Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration since 1999 and sits on the Board of the London Court of International Arbitration. He is also a Member of the Advisory Committee of CIETAC, Co-Chair of the China International Arbitration Club and Chair of the Commission on International Commercial Arbitration of ICC China.Mr. Tao is the author of various publications, such as Arbitration Law and Practice in China (Kluwer Law International, 3rd edition, 2012).
Albert Jan van den Berg
Mr. Berg finished his LLM in Amsterdam University, Comparative Law LL.M in New York University, JD in the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, JD and Post-doctorate in Exeter University in Provence.
Mr. Berg has been Director of Department of International Arbitration of TMC Asser Institution and President of the Netherlands Arbitration Institute (NAI), and he is also former Vice-President of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), all of which supports him with proficient expertise in international arbitration. The business of the law firm which he established mostly concerns international arbitration and litigation.
Mr. Berg now is General Editor of Yearbook Commercial Arbitration, a law school professor at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, and the member of CIArb, DIAC, ICC, LCIA Company, Advisory Board of the Geneva University Master in International Dispute Settlement, Academic Council for the Institute for Transnational Arbitration in Texas, Arbitral Centre of the Federal Economic Chamber in Vienna, and many other arbitration centers in different countries and districts.
Madam Zhanggraduated from the French Hanna University, and studied in the Law School of Georgetown University and the Law School of Columbia University for LLM, and finished her study of Advanced MBA and JSD in the National Economy Management Class of the International Economic Development Institute and Columbia University.
Madam Zhang has the experience in working in China National Import and Export Committee, China Foreign Investment Committee, China Trade and Law Department in Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Arbitration Center in Beijing, and all of these have supported her with abundant expertise in international trade and arbitration.
Madam Zhang is currently the Chairperson of the Appellate Body of WTO, the Vice-chairman of CSIEL, the arbitrator of CIETAC, and the professor of the Law School of Shantou University.
Students who complete 18 credits modules and pass all of the final examinations will receive a Certificate of The Program. Modules are divided into 2 parts: Lectures and Discussion Section (With Professors). Students can obtain Certificate of Attendance for different modules.
Per module: 9,800CNY
Entire course: 98,000CNY
Our program has two kinds of scholarships: full scholarship and half scholarship. If you will apply for it, please contact us.
Mrs. Liu
Address: Room 106, Mingli Building, School of Law,Tsinghua University, Beijing
Zip Code:100084
You can send the application form by email, mail or fax.We will contact you to confirm.
For more information, please visit our website:
English: http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/publish/lawen/8091/index.html