

本站小编 清华大学/2017-06-29

1.Chemical and topological short-range orders in the ternary Ni-Zr-Al metallic glasses studied by Monte Carlo simulations

Zhao, S. Z.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER[0953-8984], Published 2013, Volume 25, Issue 9,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:2 影响因子: 2.209 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


2.Composition reign favored for the formation of Cu-Zr-Al amorphous phases investigated by ion beam mixing

Bai, X.,Li, J. H.,Cui, Y. Y.,Liu, B. X.

MATERIALS LETTERS[0167-577X], Published 2013, Volume 92,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:1 影响因子: 2.437 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


3.Different atomic structures observed from ternary Ni-Nb-Ta metallic glasses obtained by ion beam mixing

Wang, YuanYu,Liu, JianBo,Dai, Ye,Liu, BaiXin

Science China Technological Sciences[1674-7321], Published 2013, Volume 56, Issue 8,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:1 影响因子: 1.441 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


4.Formation and Structure of Pd-Zr Metallic Glasses Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Bai, Xue,Li, Jiahao,Cui, Yuanyuan,Dai, Ye,Liu, Baixin

JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN[0031-9015], Published 2013, Volume 82, Issue 6,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:2 影响因子: 1.559 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


5.Glass-formation and atomic structures of Cu-x(Zr0.22Hf0.78)(1-x) and (Cu0.61Hf0.39)(1-x)Zr-x alloys investigated by Monte Carlo simulation

Luo, S. Y.,Li, J. H.,Cui, Y. Y.,Liu, B. X.

MATERIALS LETTERS[0167-577X], Published 2013, Volume 100,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:1 影响因子: 2.437 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


6.Glass-Forming region of ni–nb–ag system and the corresponding atomic configuration studied by monte carlo simulation

Luo, Shiyao,Li, Jiahao,Liu, Baixin

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan[0031-9015], Published 2013, Volume 82, Issue 12,

收录情况: WOS

影响因子: 1.559 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


7.Interatomic potential to predict favored composition for Hf-Cu-Ni metallic glasses formation

Cui, Y. Y.,Bai, X.,Luo, S. Y.,Wang, Q.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[0925-8388], Published 2013, Volume 552,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:2 影响因子: 3.014 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


8.Metastable phase formation and transformation studied by ion mixing and computation for the Cu-Zr-Ni system

Wang, Q.,Cui, Y. Y.,Ding, N.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.


收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:1 影响因子: 1.389 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


9.Prediction of Glass-Forming Ability and Atomic-Level Structure of the Al–Zr–Pd Metallic Glasses by Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Bai, Xue,Li, Jiahao,Li, Nan,Luo, Shiyao,Liu, Baixin

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan[0031-9015], Published 2013, Volume 82, Issue 12,

收录情况: WOS

影响因子: 1.559 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


10.A long-range U-Nb potential for the calculation of some chemical and physical properties of the U-Nb system

Dai, Y.,Lu, C. H.,Ren, Q. B.,Lu, L.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS[0022-3115], Published 2012, Volume 427,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:5 影响因子: 2.199 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


11.An intermediate fcc Zr state observed in the Cu-Zr-Ni system upon ion beam mixing

Wang, Q.,Ding, N.,Cui, Y. Y.,Dai, Y.,Liu, B. X.

MATERIALS LETTERS[0167-577X], Published 2012, Volume 89,

收录情况: WOS

影响因子: 2.437 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


12.Atomistic modeling of solid-state amorphization and atomic structure of the Cu-Hf system

Cui, Y. Y.,Yang, X. H.,Li, J. H.,Dai, Y.,Liu, B. X.

MATERIALS LETTERS[0167-577X], Published 2012, Volume 76,

收录情况: WOS

影响因子: 2.437 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


13.First-principles molecular dynamics simulations to study the crystal-to-amorphous transition in the Mg-Zn system

Dai, Ye,Li, Jiahao,Liu, Baixin

INTERMETALLICS[0966-9795], Published 2012, Volume 29,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:5 影响因子: 2.541 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


14.Formation and structure of Cu-Zr-Al ternary metallic glasses investigated by ion beam mixing and calculation

Bai, X.,Li, J. H.,Cui, Y. Y.,Dai, Y.,Ding, N.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[0925-8388], Published 2012, Volume 522,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:4 影响因子: 3.014 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


15.Interatomic potential to predict the favored and optimized compositions for ternary Cu-Zr-Hf metallic glasses

Luo, S. Y.,Cui, Y. Y.,Dai, Y.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS[0021-8979], Published 2012, Volume 112, Issue 10,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:2 影响因子: 2.101 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


16.Ion beam mixing study of the favored glass-forming region of the ternary Fe-Zr-Nb system

Li, Nan,Ding, Ning,Liang, Su-Hui,Li, Jia-Hao,Liu, Bai-Xin


收录情况: WOS

影响因子: 1.389 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


17.Metallic glass formation in the ternary Ni-Nb-Mo system by ion beam mixing

Li Yang,Wang TongLe,Ding Ning,Liu JianBo,Liu BaiXin

SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES[1674-7321], Published 2012, Volume 55, Issue 8,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:2 影响因子: 1.441 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


18.Microchemical inhomogeneity to characterize atomic configurations in the heating and quenching of a CuHf2 alloy

Cui, Y. Y.,Li, J. H.,Dai, Y.,Liu, B. X.

PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS[1463-9076], Published 2012, Volume 14, Issue 23,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:1 影响因子: 4.449 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


19.Monte Carlo simulations to study the forming ability and atomic configuration of the Cu-Al amorphous alloys

Luo, S. Y.,Li, J. H.,Cui, Y. Y.,Dai, Y.,Liu, B. X.

INTERMETALLICS[0966-9795], Published 2012, Volume 25,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:4 影响因子: 2.541 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


20.Non-equilibrium alloy phase formation and transformation driven by ion beam mixing in the Fe-Hf-Nb multilayers

Li Nan,Wang TongLe,Ding Ning,Dai Ye,Bai Xue,Liu BaiXin

SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES[1674-7321], Published 2012, Volume 55, Issue 3,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:3 影响因子: 1.441 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


21.Prediction of glass-forming ability and characterization of atomic structure of the Co-Ni-Zr metallic glasses by a proposed long range empirical potential

Dai Ye,Li Jiahao,Liu Baixin

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS[0021-8979], Published 2012, Volume 111, Issue 3,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:2 影响因子: 2.101 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


22.Structural and elastic properties of Pd-Zr compounds studied by ab initio calculation

Bai, X.,Li, J. H.,Dai, Y.,Liu, B. X.

INTERMETALLICS[0966-9795], Published 2012, Volume 31,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:8 影响因子: 2.541 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


23.Structure, formation energies and elastic constants of uranium metal investigated by first principles calculations

Li, J. H.,Ren, Q. B.,Lu, C. H.,Lu, L.,Dai, Y.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[0925-8388], Published 2012, Volume 516,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:15 影响因子: 3.014 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


24.Synthesis of metallic glasses and metallic glass based composites in the Cu-Mo-Hf system by ion beam mixing

Bai Xue,Wang TongLe,Cui YuanYuan,Ding Ning,Li JiaHao,Liu BaiXin

SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES[1674-7321], Published 2012, Volume 55, Issue 5,

收录情况: WOS

影响因子: 1.441 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


25.Thermodynamic prediction of metastable phases of Ni-Ti system formed by ion beam mixing

Zhao ShiZhen,Li JiaHao,Liu BaiXin

SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES[1674-7321], Published 2012, Volume 55, Issue 4,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:6 影响因子: 1.441 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


26.A possible metastable MoPd2 BCC phase in the Mo-Pd system obtained by ion beam mixing

Ding, N.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

MATERIALS LETTERS[0167-577X], Published 2011, Volume 65,

收录情况: WOS

影响因子: 2.437 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


27.An Atomic-Level Mechanism of Annealing Twinning in Copper Observed by Molecular Dynamics Simulation

Wang, Weiguo,Dai, Ye,Li, Jiahao,Liu, Baixin

CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN[1528-7483], Published 2011, Volume 11, Issue 7,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:7 影响因子: 4.425 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


28.Atomistic theory for predicting the binary metallic glass formation

Li, J. H.,Dai, Y.,Cui, Y. Y.,Liu, B. X.

MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING R-REPORTS[0927-796X], Published 2011, Volume 72,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:55 影响因子: 24.652 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


29.Favored composition region for metallic glass formation and atomic configurations in the ternary Ni-Zr-Ti system derived from n-body potential through molecular dynamics simulations

Zhao, S. Z.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH[0884-2914], Published 2011, Volume 26, Issue 16,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:4 影响因子: 1.579 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


30.Formation and structure of Al-Zr metallic glasses studied by Monte Carlo simulations

Li, J. H.,Zhao, S. Z.,Dai, Y.,Cui, Y. Y.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS[0021-8979], Published 2011, Volume 109, Issue 11,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:24 影响因子: 2.101 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


31.Formation of non-equilibrium phases and associated structural transition in the Pd-Ta system induced by ion beam mixing

Zhao Man,Dai Ye,Li JiaHao,Liu BaiXin

SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES[1674-7321], Published 2011, Volume 54, Issue 3,

收录情况: WOS

影响因子: 1.441 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


32.Fractal patterns in Au-Ta multilayer films upon ion beam mixing

Zhao, M.,Liu, B. X.

PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE LETTERS[0950-0839], Published 2011, Volume 91, Issue 3,

收录情况: WOS

影响因子: 0.918 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


33.Glass forming ability of the Mo-Pd system studied by thermodynamic modeling and ion beam mixing

Ding, N.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS[0021-8979], Published 2011, Volume 110, Issue 1,

收录情况: WOS

影响因子: 2.101 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


34.Glass-forming ability and atomic-level structure of the ternary Ag-Ni-Zr metallic glasses studied by molecular dynamics simulations

Dai Ye,Li Jiahao,Liu Baixin

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS[0021-8979], Published 2011, Volume 109, Issue 5,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:5 影响因子: 2.101 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


35.Interatomic potential to calculate the driving force, optimized composition, and atomic structure of the Cu-Hf-Al metallic glasses

Cui, Y. Y.,Li, J. H.,Dai, Y.,Liu, B. X.

APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS[0003-6951], Published 2011, Volume 99, Issue 1,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:7 影响因子: 3.142 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


36.Non-equilibrium phases in the Fe-Rh system studied by ion beam mixing and ab initio calculation

Ding, N.,Dai, Y.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

MATERIALS LETTERS[0167-577X], Published 2011, Volume 65, Issue 12,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:1 影响因子: 2.437 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


37.Prediction of Favored and Optimized Compositions for Cu-Zr-Ni Metallic Glasses by Interatomic Potential

Cui, Y. Y.,Li, J. H.,Dai, Y.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B[1520-6106], Published 2011, Volume 115, Issue 16,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:6 影响因子: 3.187 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


38.Synthesis of amorphous alloys and amorphous-crystalline composites in the Cu-Nb-Hf system by ion beam mixing

Luo, S. Y.,Cui, Y. Y.,Wang, T. L.,Ding, N.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS[0021-8979], Published 2011, Volume 109, Issue 12,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:1 影响因子: 2.101 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


39.Thermodynamic calculation and interatomic potential to predict the favored composition region for the Cu-Zr-Al metallic glass formation

Cui, Y. Y.,Wang, T. L.,Li, J. H.,Dai, Y.,Liu, B. X.

PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS[1463-9076], Published 2011, Volume 13, Issue 9,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:20 影响因子: 4.449 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


40.Ab initio calculations to determine the formation enthalpy of Cu3Au phases

Wang, W. G.,Li, J. H.,Dai, Y.,Liu, B. X.

PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE LETTERS[0950-0839], Published 2010, Volume 90, Issue 11,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:2 影响因子: 0.918 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


41.Analytic calculation of formation enthalpies directly from interatomic potentials for binary and ternary refractory metal systems

Dai Ye,Li JiaHao,Che XingLai,Liu BaiXin

SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES[1674-7321], Published 2010, Volume 53, Issue 7,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:3 影响因子: 1.441 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


42.Formation of the Ni-Zr-Al Ternary Metallic Glasses Investigated by Interatomic Potential through Molecular Dynamic Simulation

Zhao, Shizhen,Li, Jiahao,Liu, Baixin

JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN[0031-9015], Published 2010, Volume 79, Issue 6,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:4 影响因子: 1.559 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


43.Glass formation of the Fe-Hf system studied by thermodynamic calculation and ion beam mixing

Wang, T. L.,Wang, W. C.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[0925-8388], Published 2010, Volume 493,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:5 影响因子: 3.014 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


44.Glass forming ability of the binary Cu-Hf system studied by thermodynamic calculation and ion beam mixing

Cui, Y. Y.,Wang, T. L.,Liu, B. X.

MATERIALS LETTERS[0167-577X], Published 2010, Volume 64, Issue 6,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:3 影响因子: 2.437 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


45.Glass Forming Region of Cu-Ti-Hf Ternary Metal System Derived from the n-Body Potential through Molecular Dynamics Simulation

Liang, S. H.,Dai, Y.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B[1520-6106], Published 2010, Volume 114, Issue 29,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:6 影响因子: 3.187 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


46.Interatomic potential to predict the binary metallic glass formation

Liu, Baixin,Li, Jiahao,Lai, Wensheng

JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH[0884-2914], Published 2010, Volume 25, Issue 5,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:3 影响因子: 1.579 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


47.Ion beam mixing to study the metallic glass formation of the Cu-Zr system

Wang, T. L.,Huang, W. T.,Wang, W. C.,Liu, B. X.

MATERIALS LETTERS[0167-577X], Published 2010, Volume 64, Issue 1,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:1 影响因子: 2.437 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


48.Local structure of the Zr-Al metallic glasses studied by proposed n-body potential through molecular dynamics simulation

Zhao, S. Z.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH[0884-2914], Published 2010, Volume 25, Issue 9,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:8 影响因子: 1.579 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


49.Nonequilibrium alloy formation in the immiscible Cu-Mo system studied by thermodynamic calculation and ion beam mixing

Bai, X.,Wang, T. L.,Ding, N.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS[0021-8979], Published 2010, Volume 108, Issue 7,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:2 影响因子: 2.101 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


50.Proposed truncated Cu-Hf tight-binding potential to study the crystal-to-amorphous phase transition

Cui, Yuanyuan,Li, Jiahao,Dai, Ye,Liu, Baixin

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS[0021-8979], Published 2010, Volume 108, Issue 6,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:5 影响因子: 2.101 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


51.Ab Initio Study on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Ni-Pd and Ni-Pt Linear and Zigzag Nanowires

Che Xing-Lai,Li Jia-Hao,Dai Ye,Liu Bai-Xin

COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS[0253-6102], Published 2009, Volume 52, Issue 1,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:5 影响因子: 0.948 找找相关文章


52.Ab initio Study on the Structural Stability and Magnetism of Metastable A(3)B Phases in Ni-Au (Cu, Zn, Al) Binary Systems

Che, Xing-Lai,Li, Jia-Hao,Dai, Ye,Liu, Bai-Xin

JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN[0031-9015], Published 2009, Volume 78, Issue 3,

收录情况: WOS

影响因子: 1.559 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


53.Fractal morphologies of dual amorphous phases observed in Y-Ti(Nb)-Co ternary systems upon ion beam mixing

Wang, W. C.,Li, J. H.,Zeng, F.,Gu, Y. L.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[0925-8388], Published 2009, Volume 478, Pages L28-L32

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:2 影响因子: 3.014 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


54.Glass forming ability of the Fe-Zr-Cu system studied by thermodynamic calculation and ion beam mixing

Wang, T. L.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[0925-8388], Published 2009, Volume 481,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:9 影响因子: 3.014 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


55.Glass-forming region of the Ni-Nb-Ta ternary metal system determined directly from n-body potential through molecular dynamics simulations

Dai, Y.,Li, J. H.,Che, X. L.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH[0884-2914], Published 2009, Volume 24, Issue 5,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:8 影响因子: 1.579 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


56.Long-range empirical potential model: extension to hexagonal close-packed metals

Dai, Y.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER[0953-8984], Published 2009, Volume 21, Issue 38,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:16 影响因子: 2.209 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


57.Magnetic properties of some metastable Co-Ru alloys studied by ion beam mixing and ab initio calculation

Wang, W. C.,Dai, Y.,Wang, T. L.,Li, J. H.,He, X.,Liu, B. X.

APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS[0003-6951], Published 2009, Volume 94, Issue 13,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:5 影响因子: 3.142 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


58.Non-equilibrium alloy formation in the Ag-Zr system by ion beam mixing

Cui, Y. Y.,Wang, T. L.,Tai, K. P.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[0925-8388], Published 2009, Volume 488, Issue 1,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:3 影响因子: 3.014 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


59.Point defect properties in hcp and bcc Zr with trace solute Nb revealed by ab initio calculations

Xin, X. K.,Lai, W. S.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS[0022-3115], Published 2009, Volume 393, Issue 1,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:7 影响因子: 2.199 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


60.Proposed Long-Range Empirical Potential To Study the Metallic Glasses in the Ni-Nb-Ta System

Dai, Y.,Li, J. H.,Che, X. L.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B[1520-6106], Published 2009, Volume 113, Issue 20,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:14 影响因子: 3.187 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


61.Proposed thermodynamic method to predict the glass formation of the ternary transition metal systems

Wang, T. L.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS[1463-9076], Published 2009, Volume 11, Issue 14,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:26 影响因子: 4.449 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


62.Size-composition-dependent magnetic properties of metastable Fe-Pt nanocrystal prepared by ion beam mixing

Wang, W. C.,Li, J. H.,He, X.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[0925-8388], Published 2009, Volume 476, Pages L21-L24

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:3 影响因子: 3.014 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


63.Structural phase transition in the Fe-Ta system studied by ion beam mixing

Ding, N.,Wang, T. L.,Tai, K. P.,Li, J. H.,He, X.,Dai, Y.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[0925-8388], Published 2009, Volume 476,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:6 影响因子: 3.014 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


64.Structural stability and magnetism of metastable Ni-Pt intermetallic compounds studied by ab initio calculation

Che XingLai,Li JiaHao,Dai Ye,Liu BaiXin

SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES E-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES[1006-9321], Published 2009, Volume 52, Issue 9,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:6 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


65.Structural stability of high-pressure phase in the immiscible Cu-Nb system studied by lattice dynamics calculation

Dai, Y.,Kong, Y.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[0925-8388], Published 2009, Volume 468,

收录情况: WOS

影响因子: 3.014 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


66.Abnormal alloying behaviour observed in an immiscible Zr-Nb system

Wang, T. L.,Liang, S. H.,Li, J. H.,Tai, K. P.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS[0022-3727], Published 2008, Volume 41, Issue 9,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:9 影响因子: 2.772 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


67.Amorphous phase formation, spinodal decomposition, and fractal growth of nanocrystals in an immiscible Hf-Nb system studied by ion beam mixing and atomistic modeling

Tai, K. P.,He, X.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS[0021-8979], Published 2008, Volume 103, Issue 8,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:1 影响因子: 2.101 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


68.Development of n-body potentials for hcp-bcc and fcc-bcc binary transition metal systems

Li, J. H.,Dai, Y.,Dai, X. D.,Wang, T. L.,Liu, B. X.

COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE[0927-0256], Published 2008, Volume 43, Issue 4,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:14 影响因子: 2.086 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


69.Effects of Ni, Ti and Hf on the glass forming ability of the Ni-Ti-Hf ternary alloys

Dai, X. D.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[0925-8388], Published 2008, Volume 456,

收录情况: WOS

影响因子: 3.014 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


70.Ferromagnetic states in Fe-Ru systems studied by ab initio calculation and ion-beam mixing

He, Xiang,Wang, Wen-Chao,Liu, Bai-Xin

PHYSICAL REVIEW B[1098-0121], Published 2008, Volume 77, Issue 1,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:3 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


71.Formation of nonequilibrium phases and associated structural transitions in the Rh-Ta system induced by ion beam mixing

Wang, W. C.,Li, J. H.,Dai, Y.,Liu, B. X.

SCRIPTA MATERIALIA[1359-6462], Published 2008, Volume 59, Issue 1,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:5 影响因子: 3.305 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


72.Glass forming ability in the equilibrium immiscible Ag-Ta system studied by molecular dynamics simulation and ion beam mixing

Zhao, Man,Dai, Xiaodong,Shen, Yixiong,Liu, Baixin

JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN[0031-9015], Published 2008, Volume 77, Issue 7,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:1 影响因子: 1.559 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


73.Interatomic potentials of the binary transition metal systems and some applications in materials physics

Li, J. H.,Dai, X. D.,Liang, S. H.,Tai, K. P.,Kong, Y.,Liu, B. X.


收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:76 影响因子: 16.24 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


74.Metastable phase formation and magnetic properties of the Fe-Nb system studied by atomistic modeling and ion beam mixing

Tai, K. P.,Dai, Y.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS[0021-8979], Published 2008, Volume 104, Issue 1,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:4 影响因子: 2.101 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


75.Solid-State Amorphization Observed in the Cu-Zr System by Molecular Dynamics Simulation

Liang, Su-Hui,Li, Jia-Hao,Liu, Bai-Xin

JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN[0031-9015], Published 2008, Volume 77, Issue 10,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:2 影响因子: 1.559 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


76.Solid-state amorphization of an immiscible Nb-Zr system simulated by molecular dynamics

Liang, S. H.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE[0927-0256], Published 2008, Volume 42, Issue 4,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:6 影响因子: 2.086 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


77.A binomial truncation function proposed for the second-moment approximation of tight-binding potential and application in the ternary Ni-Hf-Ti system

Li, J. H.,Dai, X. D.,Wang, T. L.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER[0953-8984], Published 2007, Volume 19, Issue 8,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:31 影响因子: 2.209 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


78.A thermodynamic model proposed for calculating the standard formation enthalpies of ternary alloy systems

Wang, W. C.,Li, J. H.,Yan, H. F.,Liu, B. X.

SCRIPTA MATERIALIA[1359-6462], Published 2007, Volume 56, Issue 11,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:18 影响因子: 3.305 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


79.Atomistic mechanism of interfacial reaction and asymmetric growth kinetics in an immiscible Cu-Ru system at equilibrium

He, Xiang,Liang, Su-Hui,Li, Jia-Hao,Liu, Bai-Xin

PHYSICAL REVIEW B[1098-0121], Published 2007, Volume 75, Issue 4,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:20 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


80.Distinct atomic structures of the Ni-Nb metallic glasses formed by ion beam mixing

Tai, K. P.,Wang, L. T.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS[0021-8979], Published 2007, Volume 102, Issue 12,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:5 影响因子: 2.101 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


81.First-principles calculation of the structural, magnetic, and electronic properties of the CoxCu1-x solid solutions using special quasirandom structures

Kong, Yi,Liu, Baixin

JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN[0031-9015], Published 2007, Volume 76, Issue 2,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:5 影响因子: 1.559 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


82.Formation and atomic configuration of binary metallic glasses studied by ion beam mixing and molecular dynamics simulation

Tai, K. P.,Gao, N.,Dai, X. D.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS[0021-8979], Published 2007, Volume 101, Issue 12,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:3 影响因子: 2.101 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


83.Formation of amorphous phases in an immiscible Cu-Nb system studied by molecular dynamics simulation and ion beam mixing

Wang, T. L.,Li, J. H.,Tai, K. P.,Liu, B. X.

SCRIPTA MATERIALIA[1359-6462], Published 2007, Volume 57, Issue 2,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:10 影响因子: 3.305 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


84.Four-parameter equation of state and determination of the thermal and mechanical properties of metals

Li, J. H.,Liang, S. H.,Guo, H. B.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[0925-8388], Published 2007, Volume 431,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:7 影响因子: 3.014 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


85.Fractal growth of nanocrystals in association with amorphous spinodal decomposition observed in an immiscible Hf-Nb system

Tai, K. P.,Wang, T. L.,Liu, B. X.

APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS[0003-6951], Published 2007, Volume 91, Issue 4,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:1 影响因子: 3.142 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


86.High-spin ferromagnetic state observed in the Fe-Nb alloys synthesized by ion beam mixing

Tai, K. P.,Wang, T. L.,Liu, B. X.

APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS[0003-6951], Published 2007, Volume 91, Issue 20,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:2 影响因子: 3.142 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


87.In situ formation of dual amorphous morphology by ion beam mixing in phases with nanoscale fractal the ternary Y-Nb-Co system

Wang, W. C.,Yan, H. F.,Li, J. H.,Zeng, F.,Liu, B. X.

SCRIPTA MATERIALIA[1359-6462], Published 2007, Volume 57, Issue 7, Pages 583-586

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:4 影响因子: 3.305 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


88.Metastable phase formation in the immiscible Cu-Co system studied by thermodynamic, molecular dynamics and ab initio calculations together with ion beam mixing

Yan, H. F.,Shen, Y. X.,Guo, H. B.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER[0953-8984], Published 2007, Volume 19, Issue 2,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:8 影响因子: 2.209 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


89.Molecular statics calculation of the formation enthalpy for ternary metal systems based on the long-range empirical interatomic potentials

Dai, X. D.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS[0003-6951], Published 2007, Volume 90, Issue 13,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:12 影响因子: 3.142 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


90.Oscillating behavior of high-pressure stability observed in the immiscible Co-Cu system by first-principles calculation

Kong, Yi,Li, Jiahao,Liu, Baixin

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS[0021-8979], Published 2007, Volume 101, Issue 5,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:2 影响因子: 2.101 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


91.Positive correlation between the magnetic moment of Fe and atomic volume in the binary Fe-(Cu, Ag, Au) alloys revealed by ab initio calculations

Li, J. H.,Kong, Y.,Geng, K. W.,Liu, B. X.

SCRIPTA MATERIALIA[1359-6462], Published 2007, Volume 57, Issue 2,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:4 影响因子: 3.305 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


92.Predicting the formation enthalpies of binary intermetallic compounds

Zhang, R. F.,Sheng, S. H.,Liu, B. X.

CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS[0009-2614], Published 2007, Volume 442,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:35 影响因子: 1.86 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


93.Proposed power-function N-body potential for the fcc structured metals Ag, Au, Cu, Ni, Pd, and Pt

Li, J. H.,Kong, Y.,Guo, H. B.,Liang, S. H.,Liu, B. X.

PHYSICAL REVIEW B[1098-0121], Published 2007, Volume 76, Issue 10,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:19 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


94.Structural phase transition in the Hf-Ni system studied by ab initio calculation and ion beam mixing

Yan, H. F.,Guo, H. B.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[0925-8388], Published 2007, Volume 430,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:1 影响因子: 3.014 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


95.Structural stability and characteristics of the metastable Ag-W phases studied by ab initio and molecular dynamics calculations

Dai, X. D.,Li, J. H.,Guo, H. B.,Liu, B. X.

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS[0021-8979], Published 2007, Volume 101, Issue 6,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:6 影响因子: 2.101 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


96.The metallic glass-forming region of a ternary metal system predicted by interatomic potential through molecular dynamics simulation

Dai, X. D.,Li, J. H.,Liu, B. X.

SCRIPTA MATERIALIA[1359-6462], Published 2007, Volume 57, Issue 2,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:4 影响因子: 3.305 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


97.Distinct magnetic states of metastable fcc structured Fe and Fe-Cu alloys studied by ab initio calculations

Kong, LT,Liu, BX

JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[0925-8388], Published 2006, Volume 414,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:17 影响因子: 3.014 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


98.Enhanced magnetic moment of Fe in fcc-structured Fe-Ag and Fe-Au alloys synthesized by ion-beam manipulation (vol 72, art no 054118, 2005)

Li, X. Y.,Kong, L. T.,Liu, B. X.

PHYSICAL REVIEW B[1098-0121], Published 2006, Volume 74, Issue 22,

收录情况: WOS

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99.Extended Finnis-Sinclair potential for bcc and fcc metals and alloys

Dai, XD,Kong, Y,Li, JH,Liu, BX

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER[0953-8984], Published 2006, Volume 18, Issue 19,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:83 影响因子: 2.209 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics


100.First-principles calculations of the structural stability and magnetic property of the metastable phases in the equilibrium immiscible Co-Au system

Kong, Y,Kong, LT,Liu, BX

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER[0953-8984], Published 2006, Volume 18, Issue 17,

收录情况: WOS

WOS核心合集引用:4 影响因子: 2.209 找找相关文章 PlumX Metrics

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