

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-25

,男,1956年12月生于西安市。1981年12月(77级)本科毕业于陕西师大化学系。1984年12月在该校获分析化学专业硕士学位,1997年5月在比利时根特大学核能研究所获分析化学专业博士学位。1988年12月破格晋升为副教授,1993年3月破格晋升教授。1993-98在比利时工作, 1998年6月回国后调入清华大学。现为清华大学教授,博士生导师,清华大学分析中心主任,化学系副主任。兼光谱学与光谱分析杂志副主编,分析仪器岩矿分析化学通报杂志编委, 北京市化学会副秘书长,中国化学会微量元素测试协会委员。长期从事环境与生物分析方法、仪器和应用研究,共发表论文80篇,他人引用二百余次。是第7、8、9、10届 “International Symposium on Luminescence Spectrometry”科学委员会委员。



(1) 国家自然科学基金项目“纳米材料表面化学发光光谱表征及分子识别特性研究”,课题负责人(批准号 20075014);2001-2003;
(2) 国际原子能机构项目 “Validation of the procedure for arsenic speciation in aqueous mediua”,课题负责人(批准号302-F2-CPR-11552), 2001-2003年;
(3) 科技部“重要技术标准研究”专项子课题“元素形态权威检测方法研究及标准物质研制”,2002-2005;


Liu GH, Zhu YF, Zhang XR*, et al. Chemiluminescence determination of chlorinated volatile organic compounds by conversion on nanometer TiO2, ANAL CHEM 74 (24): 6279-6284 DEC 15 2002

Zhang C, Zhang ZY, Yu BB, Zhang XR*, Application of the biological conjugate between antibody and colloid Au nanoparticles as analyte to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, ANAL CHEM 74 (1): 96-99 JAN 1 2002

Zhu YF, Shi JJ, Zhang ZY, Zhang XR*, Development of a gas sensor utilizing chemiluminescence on nanosized titanium dioxide, ANAL CHEM 74 (1): 120-124 JAN 1 2002

Zhang C, Wu FB, Zhang XR*, ICP-MS-based competitive immunoassay for the determination of total thyroxin in human serum, J ANAL ATOM SPECTROM 17 (10): 1304-1307 2002

Yang FZ, Zhang C, Baeyens WRG, Zhang XR*, Determination of ethamsylate in pharmaceutical preparations based on an auto-oxidation chemiluminescence reaction, J PHARMACEUT BIOMED 30 (3): 473-478 OCT 15 2002

Rao ZM, Shi JJ, Zhang XR*, Study of cataluminescence characteristics of NH3 on the surface of nanosized materials, ACTA CHIM SINICA 60 (9): 1668-1671 SEP 2002

Shi JJ, Li JJ, Zhu YF, Zhang XR*, Nanosized SrCO3-based chemiluminescence sensor for ethanol, ANAL CHIM ACTA 466 (1): 69-78 AUG 21 2002

Rao ZM, Zhang XR*, Baeyens WRG, Chemiluminescence flow injection analysis of 1,3-dichloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin in swimming pool water, TALANTA 57 (5): 993-998 JUL 3 2002

Zhang ZY, Zhang C, Zhang XR*, Development of a chemiluminescence ethanol sensor based on nanosized ZrO2, ANALYST 127 (6): 792-796 JUN 2002

Van Hulle M, Zhang C, Zhang XR, et al. Arsenic speciation in chinese seaweeds using HPLC-ICP-MS and HPLC-ES-MS, ANALYST 127 (5): 634-640 2002

Zhang C, Wu FB, Zhang YY, Zhang XR*, A novel combination of immunoreaction and ICP-MS as a hyphenated technique for the determination of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in human serum, J ANAL ATOM SPECTROM 16 (12): 1393-1396 2001

Wang JN, Lu MQ, Yang FZ, Zhang XR*, Microdialysis with on-line chemiluminescence detection for the study of nitric oxide release in rat brain following traumatic injury, ANAL CHIM ACTA 428 (2): 173-181 FEB 9 2001

Tong Y, Wui ZP, Yang CD, Zhang XR*. Determination of diphenylamine stabilizer and its nitrated derivatives in smokeless gunpowder using a tandem MS method, ANALYST 126 (4): 480-484 APR 2001

Wu ZP, Tong Y, Yu JY*, Zhang XR, The utilization of MS-MS method in detection of GSRs, J FORENSIC SCI 46 (3): 495-501 MAY 2001

Rao ZM, Wang JN, Li LD, Zhang XR*, Determination of metlhyl-parathion using luminol-based chemiluminescence flow injection method, CHINESE J ANAL CHEM 29 (4): 373-377 APR 2001