北京 100084
1932年10月12日 出生于安东市(今丹东市)
1950—1952年 北洋大学物理冶金专业
1952—1953年 清华大学钢铁学院
1953—1954年 北京钢铁学院金属学专业
1954—1999年 北京钢铁研究总院第二研究室技术员,工程师,高级工程师,教授(1999年之后仍承担钢铁研究总院国家课题任务并指导研究生)
1993年 当选为中国科学院技术科学部院士
1999年— 清华大学物理系教授
2007年10-12月 日本东北大学金属研究所 访问教授
2008年8-10月 日本东北大学WPI-AIMR 访问教授
大学本科专题讲座“多尺度算法及缺陷电子结构”(清华大学 2001~2003期间,约12学时)
“含氧合金”国家发明三等奖。1983年, 王崇愚、韩俊德、杨膺善等。
“金属合金缺陷电子结构” 冶金部科技进步(理论成果)一等奖。1994年,王崇愚、刘森英等。
中科院咨询委员会委员 (1998-2002)
中科院技术科学部常委 (1996-2002)
中国金属学会理事 (1999-)
北京科技大学 兼职教授(1996-2001)
中国科技大学 兼职教授(1995-1998)
中南工业大学 名誉教授(1995-1998)
[1]Wang Chongyu, Lui Senying, Han Lin-guang. Electronic structure of impurity(oxygen)-stacking-fault complex in Ni. Phys. Rev. B 41: 1359-1367(1990) (SCI)
[2]Yu XX, and Wang CY. The effect of alloying elements on the dislocation climbing velocity in Ni: A first-principles study. Acta materialia 57: 5914 (2009) (SCI)
[3]Xiao-Xiang Yu, Chong-yu Wang. Effect of alloying element on dislocation cross-slip γ’–Ni3Al. Philos. Mag. 92: 4028-4039 (2012) (SCI)
[4]C.Y. Wang, S.Y. Liu, L.G. Han. Electronic structure and energy of the defect-impurity complexes in intermetallic compound TiAl. Defect and Diffusion Forum 143-135: 73-88(1996)(SCI)
[1]林皎,王山鹰,王崇愚. 多层次-跨尺度物理中并行DVM-DAC算法. 计算机研究与发展,44(10):1667-1672(2007)
[1]王崇愚. 多尺度模型及相关分析方法(特邀论文). 复杂系统与复杂性科学(创刊号),1(1): 9-19 (2004)
[2]C.Y. Wang, Xu Zhang. Multiscale modeling and related hybrid approaches. Computational Materials Science:Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science. 10: 2-14 (2006) (SCI)
[3]Zhang X, and Wang C Y. Application of a hybrid quantum mechanics and empirical molecular dynamics multiscale method to carbon nanotubes. European Physical Journal B, 65: 515-523 (2008) (SCI)
[1]Wang Chongyu, An Feng, Gu binlin et al. Electronic structure of light-impurity-vacanty complex cluster in iron. Phys. Rev. B 37: 3905-3912 (1988) (SCI)
[2]Chen Ying, Wang Chang-yu, Fu-sui Liu. Electronic structure of light-impurity(boron)-vacanty complex cluster in iron. Phys. Rev. B 37: 10510-10519 (1988) (SCI)
[3]Wang Chongyu, Wang Bing et al.Localized electronic structure of boron-impurity-vacancy complex in Ni. Phys. Rev. B 46: 2693-2698 (1992)(SCI)
[4]Jia-Xiang Shang, Chongyu Wang. First-principles investigation of brittle cleavage fracture of Fe grain boundaries. Phys.Rev.B 66:184105(1-10)(2002) (SCI)
[5]Jia-An Yan, Chong-Yu Wang, Wen-Hui Duan, Shan-Ying Wang. Electronic states and doping effect of carbon in the edge-dislocation core of bcc iron. Phys. Rev. B 69: 214110(1-9)(2004)(SCI)
[6]Zhengzheng Chen and Chongyu Wang. First principles study on the effect of impurities at the front of crack in α-Fe. Phys. Rev. B, 72: 104101(1-6) (2005) (SCI)
[7]Zi Li, Chong-Yu Wang, Xu Zhang, San-Huang Ke and Weitao Yang. Transport properties of an armchair carbon nanotube with a double vacancy under stretching. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20: 345225 (2008) (SCI)
[8]Wang Chongyu, Yue Yong, Lui Senying. Electronic structure of the YBa2Cu3O7 superconductor containing twin boundaries. Phys. Rev. B 41: 6591-6599 (1990) (SCI)
[9]Fu-He Wang, Wang Chongyu. First-principles investigation of hydrogen on the embrittlement of polycrystalline Ni3Al. Phys. Rev. B 57: 289-295(1998)(SCI)
[1]J P Du, C Y Wang and T Yu. Construction and application of multi-elements EAM potential (Ni-Al-Re) in γ/γ′ Ni-based single crystal superalloys. Modelling Simul.Mater.Sci.Eng. 21(1): 015007 (2013) (SCI)
[2]Qin-Na Fan, Chong-Yu Wang, Tao Yu, Jun-Ping Du. A ternary Ni–Al–W EAM potential for Ni-based single crystal superalloys. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 456 (2015) 283–292.
[1]C.Y.Wang, Tao Yu et al. A first principles interatomic potential and application to the grain boundary in Ni. Physics Letters A 197: 449-457(1995) (SCI)
[1]C.Y.Geng, C.Y.Wang, T.Yu. Site preference and alloying effect of platinum group metals in γ’-Ni3Al. Acta Materialia,52: 5427-5433(2004)(SCI)
[2]Tao Zhu and Chong-yu Wang. Misfit dislocation newworks in theγ/γ’phase interface of a Ni-Based single-crystal superalloys: Molecular dynamics simulations. Phys. Rev. B,72: 014111-014116 (2005) (SCI)
[3]Xu Zhang, Chong-Yu Wang. First-principles study of vacancy formation and migration in clean and Re-doped γ’-Ni3Al. Acta Materialia 57:224-231(2009) (SCI)
[4]Min Chen, ChongYu Wang. First-principles investigation of the site preference and alloying effect of Mo,Ta and platinum group metals in γ’-Co3(Al,W). Scripta Materiala 60:659-662 (2009) (SCI)
[5]Yun-Jiang Wang and Chong-Yu Wang. Acomparison of the ideal strength between L12Co3(Al,W) and Ni3Al under tension and shear from first-priniciples calculations. Applied Physics Letters , 94: 261090 (2009) (SCI)
[6]Tao Zhu, Chong-yu Wang, Yong Gan. Effect of Re in the γ phase, the γ’ phase, and the γ/γ’ interface of a Ni-based single-crystal superalloy. Acta Materialia 58:2045-2055 (2010) (SCI)
[7]Zheng-Guang Liu, Chong-Yu Wang, Tao Yu. Influence of Re on the propogation of a Ni/Ni3Al interface crack by molecular dynamics simulation. Modelling Simul.Mater.Sci.Eng. 21(4): 045009 (2013) (SCI)
[8]X.X. Yu, C.Y. Wang, X.N. Zhangd, P. Yanc, Z. Zhange. Synergistic effect of rhenium and ruthenium in nickel-based single-crystal superalloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 582: 299-304 (2014) (SCI)
[9]Zheng-Guang Liu, Chong-Yu Wang, Tao Yu. Molecular dynamics simulations of influence of Re on lattice trapping and fracture stress of cracks in Ni. Computational Materials Science 83:196-205(2014)(SCI)
1. 肖慎修,王崇愚,陈天朗(著). 密度泛函理论的离散变分方法在化学和材料物理中的应用. 科学出版社,(1998)
2. 王崇愚. 材料界面结构与特性(叶恒强等著)一书中第十章:界面理论及界面电子结构与模拟计算,科学出版社,(1999)
3. 王崇愚. 材料设计”(熊家炯主编)中第六章:金属缺陷及电子结构与材料设计,天津大学出版社,(2000)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16
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肖志刚教授 清华大学物理系 理科楼 北京 100084 电话: 传真: xiaozg@tsinghua.edu.cn 个人网页:http://info.phys.tsinghua.edu.cn/enpg/ 个人简历 教育背景: 1995.9-2001.2 理学博士,粒子物理与核物理,中科院近代物理所1991.9-1995.7 学士学位,物理学,北京师范大学物理系工作经历:2017.8-今 清华大学 ...清华大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-16