姓 名:张强
职 称:教授、副系主任
教育背景 2000-2006 博士,清华大学环境科学与工程系
1995-2000 学士,清华大学环境科学与工程系
工作经历 2012.12-教授,清华大学地球系统科学系
研究兴趣 大气成分排放定量分析;大气成分卫星遥感观测;空气质量数值模拟;区域大气复合污染来源解析;能源系统及气候环境影响。
学术成果 2016
1. Li, H. Y.,Q. Zhang, F. K. Duan, B. Zheng, and K. B. He (2016), The “Parade Blue”: effects of short-term emission control on aerosol chemistry, Faraday Discuss., 189, 317-335.
2. Liu, F., Beirle, S., Zhang, Q., Drner, S., He, K., and Wagner, T.: NOx lifetimes and emissions of cities and power plants in polluted background estimated by satellite observations, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 5283-5298, doi:10.5194/acp-16-5283-2016, 2016.
3. Zhang, Y., Zhang, Q., Cheng, Y., Su, H., Kecorius, S., Wang, Z., Wu, Z., Hu, M., Zhu, T., Wiedensohler, A., and He, K.: Measuring the morphology and density of internally mixed black carbon with SP2 and VTDMA: new insight into the absorption enhancement of black carbon in the atmosphere, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 1833-1843, doi:10.5194/amt-9-1833-2016, 2016.
4. Zheng, Y. X.,Q. Zhang, Y. Liu, G. N. Geng, and K. B. He (2016), Estimating ground-level PM2.5 concentrations over three megalopolises in China using satellite-derived aerosol optical depth measurements, Atmos. Environ., 124, 232-242.
5. Snider, G., Weagle, C. L., Murdymootoo, K. K., Ring, A., Ritchie, Y., Stone, E., Walsh, A., Akoshile, C., Anh, N. X., Balasubramanian, R., Brook, J., Qonitan, F. D., Dong, J., Griffith, D., He, K., Holben, B. N., Kahn, R., Lagrosas, N., Lestari, P., Ma, Z., Misra, A., Norford, L. K., Quel, E. J., Salam, A., Schichtel, B., Segev, L., Tripathi, S., Wang, C., Yu, C., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Y., Brauer, M., Cohen, A., Gibson, M. D., Liu, Y., Martins, J. V., Rudich, Y., and Martin, R. V.: Variation in global chemical composition of PM2.5: emerging results from SPARTAN, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 9629-9653, doi:10.5194/acp-16-9629-2016, 2016.
6. Zhang, L., T. Wang,Q. Zhang, J. Y. Zheng, Z. Xu, and M. Y. Lv (2016), Potential Sources of Nitrous Acid (HONO) and Their Impacts on Ozone: A WRF-Chem study in a Polluted Subtropical Region, J. Geophys. Res., 121, 3645-3662.
7. Zhang, Z., Y. L. Zhang, X. M. Wang, S. J. Lu, Z. H. Huang, X. Y. Huang, W. Q. Yang, Y. S. Wang, andQ. Zhang (2016), Spatiotemporal patterns and source implications of aromatic hydrocarbons at six rural sites across China's developed coastal regions, J. Geophys. Res., 121, 6669-6687.
8. Lyu, W. N., Y. Li, D. B. Guan, H. Y. Zhao,Q. Zhang, and Z. Liu (2016), Driving forces of Chinese primary air pollution emissions: an index decomposition analysis, J. Clean. Prod., 133, 136-144.
9. Zhang, Y., C. P. Hong, K. Yahya, Q. Li,Q. Zhang, and K. B. He (2016), Comprehensive Evaluation of Multi-Year Real-Time Air Quality Forecasting Using an Online-Coupled Meteorology-Chemistry Model over Southeastern United States, Atmos. Environ., 138, 162-182.
10. Zheng, G. J., F. K. Duan, Y. L. Ma,Q. Zhang, T. Huang, T. Kimoto, Y. F. Cheng, H. Su, and K. B. He (2016), Episode-based evolution pattern analysis of haze pollution: Method development and results from Beijing, China, Environ. Sci. Tech.,50, 4632-4641.
11. Liu, J., D. L. Mauzerall, Q. Chen,Q. Zhang, Y. Song, W. Peng, Z. Klimont, X. H. Qiu, S.Q. Zhang, M. Hu, W. L. Lin, K. R. Smith, and T. Zhu (2016), Air pollutant emissions from Chinese households: A major and underappreciated ambient pollution source, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 113, 7756-7761.
12. Xia, Y., D. B. Guan, X. J. Jiang, L. Q. Peng, H. Schroeder, andQ. Zhang (2016), Assessment of socioeconomic costs to China's air pollution, Atmos. Environ., 139, 147-156.
13. Ma, Z., X. Hu, A. M. Sayer, R. Levy,Q. Zhang, Y. Xue, S. Tong, J. Bi, L. Huang, and Y. Liu (2016), Satellite-Based Spatiotemporal Trends in PM2.5 Concentrations: China, 2004–2013, Environ. Health Perspect., 124, 184-192.
14. Fang, X., Shao, M., Stohl, A., Zhang, Q., Zheng, J., Guo, H., Wang, C., Wang, M., Ou, J., Thompson, R. L., and Prinn, R. G.: Top-down estimates of benzene and toluene emissions in the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 3369-3382, doi:10.5194/acp-16-3369-2016, 2016.
15. Kang, Y., Liu, M., Song, Y., Huang, X., Yao, H., Cai, X., Zhang, H., Kang, L., Liu, X., Yan, X., He, H., Zhang, Q., Shao, M., and Zhu, T.: High-resolution ammonia emissions inventories in China from 1980 to 2012, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 2043-2058, doi:10.5194/acp-16-2043-2016, 2016.
16. Zhang, Y., X. Zhang, L. T. Wang,Q. Zhang, F. K. Duan, and K. B. He (2016), Application of WRF/Chem over East Asia: Part I. Model Evaluation and Intercomparison with MM5/CMAQ, Atmos. Environ., 124, 285-300.
17. Zhang, Y., X. Zhang, K. Wang,Q. Zhang, F. K. Duan, and K. B. He (2016), Application of WRF/Chem over East Asia: Part II. Model Improvement and Sensitivity Simulations, Atmos. Environ., 124, 285-300.
18. Cai, C. J., X. Zhang, K. Wang, Y. Zhang, L. T. Wang,Q. Zhang, F. K. Duan, K. B. He, and S. C. Yu (2016), Incorporation of new particle formation and early growth treatments into WRF/Chem: model improvement, evaluation, and impacts of anthropogenic aerosols over East Asia, Atmos. Environ., 124, 262-284.
19. Liu, X. Y., Y. Zhang,Q. Zhang, and K. B. He (2016), Application of Online-Coupled WRF/Chem-MADRID in East Asia: Model Evaluation and Climatic Effects of Anthropogenic Aerosols, Atmos. Environ., 124, 321-336.
20. Wang, L.T., Y. Zhang, K. Wang, B. Zheng,Q. Zhang, and W. Wei (2016), Application of Weather Research and Forecasting Model with Chemistry (WRF/Chem) over Northern China: Sensitivity Study, Comparative Evaluation, and Policy Implications, Atmos. Environ., 124, 337-350.
21. Liu, F., Zhang, Q., Tong, D., Zheng, B., Li, M., Huo, H., and He, K. B.: High-resolution inventory of technologies, activities, and emissions of coal-fired power plants in China from 1990 to 2010, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 13299-13317, doi:10.5194/acp-15-13299-2015, 2015.
22. Li, X.,Q. Zhang, Y. Zhang, B. Zheng, K. Wang, Y. Cheng, T. Wallington, W. Han, W. Shen, X. Y. Zhang, and K. B. He (2015), Source Contributions of Urban PM2.5 in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region: Changes between 2006 and 2013 and relative impacts of emissions and meteorology, Atmos. Environ., 123, 229-239.
23. Wang, S. W.,Q. Zhang, R. V. Martin, S. Philip, F. Liu, M. Li, X. J. Jiang, and K. B. He (2015), Satellite measurements oversee China’s sulfur dioxide emission reductions from coal-fired power plants, Environ. Res. Letts., 10, 114015.
24. Jiang, X. J., C. P. Hong, Y. X. Zheng, B. Zheng, D. Guan, A. Gouldson,Q. Zhang, and K. B. He (2015), To what extent can China's near-term air pollution control policy protect air quality and human health? A case study of the Pearl River Delta region, Environ. Res. Letts., 10, 104006.
25. Zheng, B.,Q. Zhang, J. Borken-Kleefeld, H. Huo, D. B. Guan, Z. Klimont, G. P. Peters, and K. B. He (2015), How will greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles be constrained in China around 2030?, Appl. Energ., 156, 230-240.
26. Geng, G. N.,Q. Zhang, R. V. Martin, A. van Donkelaar, H. Huo, H. Z. Che, J. T. Lin, and K. B. He (2015), Estimating long-term PM2.5 concentrations in China using satellite-based aerosol optical depth and a chemical transport model, Remote Sens. Environ., 166, 262-270.
27. Zhao, H. Y., Zhang, Q., Guan, D. B., Davis, S. J., Liu, Z., Huo, H., Lin, J. T., Liu, W. D., and He, K. B.: Assessment of China's virtual air pollution transport embodied in trade by using a consumption-based emission inventory, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 5443-5456, doi:10.5194/acp-15-5443-2015, 2015.
28. Jiang, X. J.,Q. Zhang, H. Y. Zhao, G. N. Geng, L. Q. Peng, D. B. Guan, H. D. Kan, H. Huo, J. T. Lin, M. Brauer, R. V. Martin, and K. B. He (2015), Revealing the hidden health costs embodied in Chinese exports, Environ. Sci. Tech., 49, 4381-4388.
29. Zheng, B., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Y., He, K. B., Wang, K., Zheng, G. J., Duan, F. K., Ma, Y. L., and Kimoto, T.: Heterogeneous chemistry: a mechanism missing in current models to explain secondary inorganic aerosol formation during the January 2013 haze episode in North China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 2031-2049, doi:10.5194/acp-15-2031-2015, 2015.
30. Huo, H., H. Cai,Q. Zhang, F. Liu, and K. B. He (2015), Life-cycle assessment of greenhouse gas and air emissions of electric vehicles: a comparison between China and the U.S., Atmos. Environ., 108, 107-116.
31. Liu, Z., et al. (2015), Reduced carbon emission estimates from fossil fuel combustion and cement production in China, Nature, 524, 335–338
32. Zhao, S. Y., X. X. Tie, J. J. Cao, N. Li, G. H. Li,Q. Zhang, C. S. Zhu, X. Long, J. D. Li, T. Feng, and X. L. Su (2015), Seasonal variation and four-year trend of black carbon in the Mid-west China: The analysis of the ambient measurement and WRF-Chem modeling, Atmos. Environ.,123, 430-439.
33. Xu, J.-W., Martin, R. V., van Donkelaar, A., Kim, J., Choi, M., Zhang, Q., Geng, G., Liu, Y., Ma, Z., Huang, L., Wang, Y., Chen, H., Che, H., Lin, P., and Lin, N.: Estimating ground-level PM2.5 in eastern China using aerosol optical depth determined from the GOCI satellite instrument, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 13133-13144, doi:10.5194/acp-15-13133-2015, 2015.
34. Zhao, Y., Qiu, L. P., Xu, R. Y., Xie, F. J., Zhang, Q., Yu, Y. Y., Nielsen, C. P., Qin, H. X., Wang, H. K., Wu, X. C., Li, W. Q., and Zhang, J.: Advantages of a city-scale emission inventory for urban air quality research and policy: the case of Nanjing, a typical industrial city in the Yangtze River Delta, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 12623-12644, doi:10.5194/acp-15-12623-2015, 2015.
35. Watts, N., and co-authors (includingQ. Zhang), Health and climate change: policy responses to protect public health, Lancet, 386, 1861–1914, doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)60854-6, 2015.
36. Janssens-Maenhout, G., Crippa, M., Guizzardi, D., Dentener, F., Muntean, M., Pouliot, G., Keating, T., Zhang, Q., Kurokawa, J., Wankmüller, R., Denier van der Gon, H., Kuenen, J. J. P., Klimont, Z., Frost, G., Darras, S., Koffi, B., and Li, M.: HTAP_v2.2: a mosaic of regional and global emission grid maps for 2008 and 2010 to study hemispheric transport of air pollution, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 11411-11432, doi:10.5194/acp-15-11411-2015, 2015.
37. Lin, J.-T., Liu, M.-Y., Xin, J.-Y., Boersma, K. F., Spurr, R., Martin, R., and Zhang, Q.: Influence of aerosols and surface reflectance on satellite NO2 retrieval: seasonal and spatial characteristics and implications for NOx emission constraints, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 11217-11241, doi:10.5194/acp-15-11217-2015, 2015.
38. Zhang, L., Henze, D. K., Grell, G. A., Carmichael, G. R., Bousserez, N., Zhang, Q., Torres, O., Ahn, C., Lu, Z., Cao, J., and Mao, Y.: Constraining black carbon aerosol over Asia using OMI aerosol absorption optical depth and the adjoint of GEOS-Chem, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 10281-10308, doi:10.5194/acp-15-10281-2015, 2015.
39. Hu, J. L., L. Wu, B. Zheng,Q. Zhang, K. B. He, Q. Chang, X. H. Li, F. M. Yang, Q. Ying, and H. L. Zhang (2015), Source contributions and regional transport of primary particulate matter in China, Environ. Pollut., 207, 31-42.
40. Zhang, L., L. C. Liu, Y. H. Zhao, S. L. Gong, X. Y. Zhang, D. K. Henze, S. L. Capps, T. M. Fu,Q. Zhang, and Y. X. Wang (2015), Source attribution of particulate matter pollution over North China with the adjoint method, Environ. Res. Letts., 10, 084011, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/8/084011.
41. Zhang, Y., Y. Chen, J. W. Fan, R. L. Leung,Q. Zhang, and K. B. He (2015), Application of WRF-CAM5 over East Asia for Examination of Ice Nucleation Schemes: Part I. Comprehensive Model Evaluation and Trend Analysis for 2006 and 2011, Climate, 3, 627-667.
42. Tao, W., Liu, J., Ban-Weiss, G. A., Hauglustaine, D. A., Zhang, L., Zhang, Q., Cheng, Y., Yu, Y., and Tao, S.: Effects of urban land expansion on the regional meteorology and air quality of eastern China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 8597-8614, doi:10.5194/acp-15-8597-2015, 2015.
43. Zhao, S. Y., X. X. Tie, J. J. Cao, andQ. Zhang (2015), Impacts of mountains on black carbon aerosol under different synoptic meteorology conditions in the Guanzhong region, China, Atmos. Res., 164, 286-296.
44. Liu, Z., D. B. Guan, S. Moore, H. Lee, J. Su, andQ. Zhang (2015), Steps to China’s carbon peak, Nature, 522, 279-281.
45. Shen, X. B., Z. L. Yao,Q. Zhang, D. V. Wagner, H. Huo, Y. Z. Zhang, B. Zheng, and K. B. He (2015), Development of database of real-world diesel vehicle emission factors for China, J. Environ. Sci., 31, 209-220.
46. Huo, H., B. Zheng, M. Q. Wang,Q. Zhang, and K. B. He (2015), Vehicular air pollutant emissions in China: evaluation of past control policies and future perspectives, Mitig. Adapt. Strateg. Glob. Change, 20, 719-733, doi: 10.1007/s11027-014-9613-0.
47. Zhang, Y. X., H. K. Wang, S. Liang, M. Xu,Q. Zhang, H.Y. Zhao, and J. Bi (2015), A dual strategy for controlling energy consumption and air pollution in China’s metropolis of Beijing, Energy, 81, 294-303.
48. Zheng, G. J., Duan, F. K., Su, H., Ma, Y. L., Cheng, Y., Zheng, B., Zhang, Q., Huang, T., Kimoto, T., Chang, D., P?schl, U., Cheng, Y. F., and He, K. B.: Exploring the severe winter haze in Beijing: the impact of synoptic weather, regional transport and heterogeneous reactions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 2969-2983, doi:10.5194/acp-15-2969-2015, 2015.
49. Wang, M., Shao, M., Chen, W., Lu, S., Liu, Y., Yuan, B., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Q., Chang, C.-C., Wang, B., Zeng, L., Hu, M., Yang, Y., and Li, Y.: Trends of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) emissions in Beijing during 2002–2013, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 1489-1502, doi:10.5194/acp-15-1489-2015, 2015.
50. Zhang, L., T. Wang, M.Y. Lv, andQ. Zhang (2015), On the severe haze in Beijing during January 2013: Unraveling the effects of meteorological anomalies with WRF-Chem, Atmos. Environ., 104, 11-21.
51. Snider, G., Weagle, C. L., Martin, R. V., van Donkelaar, A., Conrad, K., Cunningham, D., Gordon, C., Zwicker, M., Akoshile, C., Artaxo, P., Anh, N. X., Brook, J., Dong, J., Garland, R. M., Greenwald, R., Griffith, D., He, K., Holben, B. N., Kahn, R., Koren, I., Lagrosas, N., Lestari, P., Ma, Z., Vanderlei Martins, J., Quel, E. J., Rudich, Y., Salam, A., Tripathi, S. N., Yu, C., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Y., Brauer, M., Cohen, A., Gibson, M. D., and Liu, Y.: SPARTAN: a global network to evaluate and enhance satellite-based estimates of ground-level particulate matter for global health applications, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 505-521, doi:10.5194/amt-8-505-2015, 2015.
52. Guo, Q.F., M. Hu, S. Guo, Z.J. Wu, W.W. Hu, J.F. Peng, W. Hu, Y.S. Wu, B. Yuan,Q. Zhang, and Y. Song (2015), The Identification of Source Regions of Black Carbon at a Receptor Site off the Eastern Coast of China, Atmos. Environ., 100, 78-84.
53. Huo, H.,Q. Zhang, D. B. Guan, X. Su, H. Y. Zhao, and K. B. He (2014), Examining air pollution in China using production- and consumption-based emissions accounting approaches, Environ. Sci. Tech., 48, 14139–14147, doi: 10.1021/es503959t.
54. Guan, D. B., S. Klasen, K. Hubacek, K. S. Feng, Z. Liu, K. B. He, Y. Geng, andQ. Zhang, (2014), Determinants of Stagnating Carbon Intensity in China, Nature Clim. Change., 4, 1017-1023, doi: 10.1038/nclimate2388.
55. Zheng, B., Huo, H., Zhang, Q., Yao, Z. L., Wang, X. T., Yang, X. F., Liu, H., and He, K. B.: High-resolution mapping of vehicle emissions in China in 2008, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 9787-9805, doi:10.5194/acp-14-9787-2014, 2014.
56. Li, M., Zhang, Q., Streets, D. G., He, K. B., Cheng, Y. F., Emmons, L. K., Huo, H., Kang, S. C., Lu, Z., Shao, M., Su, H., Yu, X., and Zhang, Y.: Mapping Asian anthropogenic emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds to multiple chemical mechanisms, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 5617-5638, doi:10.5194/acp-14-5617-2014, 2014.
57. Guan, D. B., X. Su,Q. Zhang, G. P. Peters, Z. Liu, Y. Lei, and K. B. He (2014), The Socioeconomic drivers of China's primary PM2.5 Emissions, Environ. Res. Lett., 9, 024010, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/9/2/024010.
58. Lin, J. T., D. Pan, S. J. Davis,Q. Zhang, K. B. He, C. Wang, D. G. Streets, D. J. Wuebbles, and D. B. Guan (2014), China's international trade and air pollution in the United States, P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 111, 1736–1741, doi: 10.1073/pnas.
59. Huang, X., Y. Song, C. Zhao, M. Li, T. Zhu,Q. Zhang, and X. Zhang (2014), Pathways of sulfate enhancement by natural and anthropogenic mineral aerosols in China, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 14,165–14,179, doi:10.1002/2014JD022301.
60. Nordmann, S., Cheng, Y. F., Carmichael, G. R., Yu, M., Denier van der Gon, H. A. C., Zhang, Q., Saide, P. E., P?schl, U., Su, H., Birmili, W., and Wiedensohler, A.: Atmospheric black carbon and warming effects influenced by the source and absorption enhancement in central Europe, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 12683-12699, doi:10.5194/acp-14-12683-2014, 2014.
61. Philip, S., R.V. Martin, A. van Donkelaar, J. W. H. Lo, Y. Wang, D. Chen, L. Zhang, P. S. Kasibhatla, S. W. Wang,Q. Zhang, Z. Lu, D. G. Streets, S. Bittman, and D. J. Macdonald (2014), Global Chemical Composition of Ambient Fine Particulate Matter for Exposure Assessment, Environ. Sci. Tech., 48, 13060-13068, doi: 10.1021/es502965b.
62. Boys, B.L., Martin, R.V., van Donkelaar, A., MacDonell, R., Hsu, N.C., Cooper, M., Yantosca, B., Lu, Z., Streets, D.G., Zhang, Q., and Wang, S.W. (2014), Fifteen-year global time series of satellite-derived fine particulate matter, Environ. Sci. Tech., 48, 11109-11118, doi: 10.1021/es502113p.
63. Nowlan, C. R., R. V. Martin, S. Philip, L. Lamsal, N. Krotkov, S. Wang, andQ. Zhang (2014), Global dry deposition of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide inferred from space-based measurements, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 28, 1025–1043, doi: 10.1002/2014GB004805.
64. He, C., Li, Q. B., Liou, K. N., Zhang, J., Qi, L., Mao, Y., Gao, M., Lu, Z., Streets, D. G., Zhang, Q., Sarin, M. M., and Ram, K.: A global 3-D CTM evaluation of black carbon in the Tibetan Plateau, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 7091-7112, doi:10.5194/acp-14-7091-2014, 2014.
65. Guan, D.B., J.T. Lin, S.J. Davis, D. Pan, K.B. He, C. Wang, D.J. Wuebbles, D.G. Streets,Q. Zhang (2014), Reply to Lopez et al.: Consumption-based accounting helps mitigate global air pollution, P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 111, E2631, doi: 10.1073/pnas.
66. Wang, M., Shao, M., Chen, W., Yuan, B., Lu, S., Zhang, Q., Zeng, L., and Wang, Q.: A temporally and spatially resolved validation of emission inventories by measurements of ambient volatile organic compounds in Beijing, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 5871-5891, doi:10.5194/acp-14-5871-2014, 2014
67. Wang, C., M. Shao, D.K. Huang, S.H. Lu, L.M. Zeng, M. Hu, andQ. Zhang (2014), Estimating halocarbon emissions using measured ratio relative to tracers in China, Atmos. Environ., 89, 816-826
68. Wang, L. T., Wei, Z., Yang, J., Zhang, Y., Zhang, F. F., Su, J., Meng, C. C., and Zhang, Q.: The 2013 severe haze over southern Hebei, China: model evaluation, source apportionment, and policy implications, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 3151-3173, doi:10.5194/acp-14-3151-2014, 2014.
69. Huo, H.,Q. Zhang, F. Liu, and K. B. He (2013), Climate and environmental effects of electric vehicles versus compressed natural gas vehicles in China: A life-cycle analysis at province level, Envrion. Sci. Technol., 47, 1711-1718.
70. Liu, F., Z. Klimont,Q. Zhang, J. Cofala, L. J. Zhao, H. Huo, B. Nguyen, W. Sch?pp, R. Sander, B. Zheng, C. P. Hong, K. B. He, M. Amann, and C. Heyes (2013), Integrating mitigation of air pollutants and greenhouse gases in Chinese cities: Development of GAINS-City model for Beijing, J. Clean. Prod., 58, 25-33.
71. Liu, Z., D. B. Guan, D. Crawford-Brown,Q. Zhang, K. B. He, and J. G. Liu (2013), A low-carbon road map for China, Nature, 500, 143-145.
72. Mijling, B., van der A, R. J., and Zhang, Q.: Regional nitrogen oxides emission trends in East Asia observed from space, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 12003-12012, doi:10.5194/acp-13-12003-2013, 2013.
73. Stavrakou, T., Müller, J.-F., Boersma, K. F., van der A, R. J., Kurokawa, J., Ohara, T., and Zhang, Q.: Key chemical NOx sink uncertainties and how they influence top-down emissions of nitrogen oxides, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 9057-9082, doi:10.5194/acp-13-9057-2013, 2013.
74. Kharol, S. K., R. V. Martin, S. Philip, S. Vogel, D. K. Henze, D. Chen, Y. Wang,Q. Zhang, and C. L. Heald (2013), Persistent sensitivity of Asian aerosol to emissions of nitrogen oxides, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, doi:10.1002/grl.50234.
75. Wang, Y., Zhang, Q. Q., He, K., Zhang, Q., and Chai, L.: Sulfate-nitrate-ammonium aerosols over China: response to 2000–2015 emission changes of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and ammonia, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 2635-2652, doi:10.5194/acp-13-2635-2013, 2013.
76. Zhang, Q., G. N. Geng, S. W. Wang, A. Richter, and K. B. He (2012), Satellite remote sensing of changes in NOx emissions over China during 1996-2010. Chin. Sci. Bull., 57, 2857-2864.
77. Wang, S.,Q. Zhang, D. G. Streets, K. B. He, R. V. Martin, L. N. Lamsal, D. Chen, Y. Lei, and Z. Lu (2012), Growth in NOx emissions from power plants in China: bottom-up estimates and satellite observations, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 4429-4447.
78. Zhang, Q., K. B. He, and H. Huo (2012), Cleaning China’s air, Nature, 484, 161-162.
79. Huo, H.,Q. Zhang, K. He, Z. Yao, and M. Wang (2012), Vehicle-use intensity in China: current status and future trend, Energy Policy, 43, 6-16.
80. Lin, J.-T., Liu, Z., Zhang, Q., Liu, H., Mao, J., and Zhuang, G.: Modeling uncertainties for tropospheric nitrogen dioxide columns affecting satellite-based inverse modeling of nitrogen oxides emissions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 12255-12275, doi:10.5194/acp-12-12255-2012, 2012.
81. Huo, H., Y. Lei,Q. Zhang, L. J. Zhao, and K. B. He (2012), China's coke industry: recent policies, technology shift, and the implication for energy and environment, Energy Policy, 51, 397-404.
82. Worden, H. M., Y. Cheng, G. Pfister, G. R. Carmichael,Q. Zhang, D. G. Streets, M. Deeter, D. P. Edwards, J. C. Gille, and J. R. Worden (2012), Satellite-based estimates of reduced CO and CO2 emissions due to traffic restrictions during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L14802, doi:10.1029/2012GL052395.
83. Huo, H., Z. Yao, Y. Zhang, X. Shen,Q. Zhang, and K. He (2012), On-board measurements of emissions from diesel trucks in five cities in China, Atmos. Environ., 54, 159-167.
84. Fu, T.-M., Cao, J. J., Zhang, X. Y., Lee, S. C., Zhang, Q., Han, Y. M., Qu, W. J., Han, Z., Zhang, R., Wang, Y. X., Chen, D., and Henze, D. K.: Carbonaceous aerosols in China: top-down constraints on primary sources and estimation of secondary contribution, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 2725-2746, doi:10.5194/acp-12-2725-2012, 2012.
85. Huang, M., G. R. Carmichael, S. Kulkarni, D. G. Streets, Z. Lu,Q. Zhang, R. B. Pierce, Y. Kondo, J. L. Jimenez, M. J. Cubison, B. Anderson, and A. Wisthaler (2012), Sectorial and geographical contributions to summertime continental United States (CONUS) black carbon spatial distributions, Atmos. Environ., 51, 165-174.
86. Huo, H., Z. Yao, Y. Z. Zhang, X. B. Shen,Q. Zhang, Y. Ding, and K. B. He (2012), On-board measurements of emissions from light-duty gasoline vehicles in three mega-cities in China, Atmos. Environ., 49, 371-377.
87. Lu, Z., D. G. Streets,Q. Zhang, and S. Wang (2012), A novel back-trajectory analysis of the origin of black carbon transported to the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau during 1996–2010, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L01809, doi:10.1029/2011GL049903.
88. Lei, Y.,Q. Zhang, K. B. He, and D. G. Streets (2011), Primary anthropogenic aerosol emission trends for China, 1990–2005, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 931-954, doi:10.5194/acp-11-931-2011.
89. Lei, Y.,Q. Zhang, C. P. Nielson, and K. He (2011), An inventory of primary air pollutants and CO2 emissions from cement production in China, 1990-2020, Atmos. Environ., 45, 147-154.
90. Lu, Z., Zhang, Q., and Streets, D. G.: Sulfur dioxide and primary carbonaceous aerosol emissions in China and India, 1996–2010, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 9839-9864, doi:10.5194/acp-11-9839-2011, 2011.
91. Huo, H.,Q. Zhang, K. He, Z. Yao, X. Wang, B. Zheng, D. G. Streets, Q. Wang, and Y. Ding (2011), Modeling vehicle emissions in different types of Chinese cities: importance of vehicle fleet and local features, Environ. Pollut., 159, 2954-2960.
92. Yao, Z., H. Huo,Q. Zhang, D. G. Streets, and K. He (2011), Gaseous and particulate emissions from rural vehicles in China, Atmos. Environ., 45, 3055-3061.
93. D’Allura, A., S. Kulkarni, G. R. Carmichael, S. Finardi, B. Adhikary, C. Wei, D. G. Streets,Q. Zhang, R. B. Pierce, J. A. Al-Saadie, G. Diskin, and P. Wennberg (2011), Meteorological and air quality forecasting suing the WRF-Stem model during the 2008 ARCTAS field campaign, Atmos. Environ., 45, 6901-6910.
94. Huang, M., Carmichael, G. R., Spak, S. N., Adhikary, B., Kulkarni, S., Cheng, Y., Wei, C., Tang, Y., D'Allura, A., Wennberg, P. O., Huey, G. L., Dibb, J. E., Jimenez, J. L., Cubison, M. J., Weinheimer, A. J., Kaduwela, A., Cai, C., Wong, M., Bradley Pierce, R., Al-Saadi, J. A., Streets, D. G., and Zhang, Q.: Multi-scale modeling study of the source contributions to near-surface ozone and sulfur oxides levels over California during the ARCTAS-CARB period, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 3173-3194, doi:10.5194/acp-11-3173-2011, 2011.
95. Xing, J., Y. Zhang, S. X. Wang, X. H. Liu, S. H. Cheng,Q. Zhang, Y. Chen, D. G. Streets, C. Jang, J. M. Hao, and W. X. Wang (2011), Modeling study on the Air Quality Impacts from Emission Reductions and Atypical Meteorological Conditions during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Atmos. Envrion., 45, 1786-1798.
96. Lamsal, L. N., R. V. Martin, A. Padmanabhan, A. van Donkelaar,Q. Zhang, C. E. Sioris, K. Chance, T. P. Kurosu, and M. J. Newchurch (2011), Application of satellite observations for timely updates to global anthropogenic NOx emission inventories, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L05810, doi:10.1029/2010GL046476.
97. Huo, H.,Q. Zhang, M. Q. Wang, K. He, and D. G. Streets (2010), Environmental implication of electric vehicles in China, Envrion. Sci. Technol., 44, 4856–4861
98. Li, C.,Q. Zhang, N. A. Krotkov, D. G. Streets, K. He, S.-C. Tsay, and J. F. Gleason (2010), Recent large reduction in sulfur dioxide emissions from Chinese power plants observed by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L08807, doi:10.1029/2010GL042594.
99. Lu, Z., Streets, D. G., Zhang, Q., Wang, S., Carmichael, G. R., Cheng, Y. F., Wei, C., Chin, M., Diehl, T., and Tan, Q.: Sulfur dioxide emissions in China and sulfur trends in East Asia since 2000, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 6311-6331, doi:10.5194/acp-10-6311-2010, 2010.
100. Wang, S., D. G. Streets,Q. Zhang, K. He, D. Chen, S. Kang, Z. Lu, and Y. Wang (2010), Satellite detection and model verification of NOx emissions from power plants in Northern China, Environ. Res. Lett., 5, 044007, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/5/4/044007.
101. He, K., Y. Lei, X. Pan, Y. Zhang,Q. Zhang, and D. Chen (2010), Co-benefits from energy policies in China, Energy, 35, 4265-4272.
102. Huang, M., Carmichael, G. R., Adhikary, B., Spak, S. N., Kulkarni, S., Cheng, Y. F., Wei, C., Tang, Y., Parrish, D. D., Oltmans, S. J., D'Allura, A., Kaduwela, A., Cai, C., Weinheimer, A. J., Wong, M., Pierce, R. B., Al-Saadi, J. A., Streets, D. G., and Zhang, Q.: Impacts of transported background ozone on California air quality during the ARCTAS-CARB period – a multi-scale modeling study, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 6947-6968, doi:10.5194/acp-10-6947-2010, 2010.
103. Wang, L.T., C. Jang, Y. Zhang, K. Wang,Q. Zhang, D. Streets, J. Fu, Y. Lei, J. Schreifels, K. He, J. Hao, Y.-F. Lam, J. Lin, N. Meskhidze, S. Voorhees, D. Evarts, and S. Phillips (2010), Assessment of air quality benefits from national air pollution control policies in China. Part I: Background, emission scenarios and evaluation of meteorological predictions, Atmos. Environ., 44, 3442-3448.
104. Wang, L.T., C. Jang, Y. Zhang, K. Wang,Q. Zhang, D. Streets, J. Fu, Y. Lei, J. Schreifels, K. He, J. Hao, Y.-F. Lam, J. Lin, N. Meskhidze, S. Voorhees, D. Evarts, and S. Phillips (2010), Assessment of air quality benefits from national air pollution control policies in China. Part II: Evaluation of air quality predictions and air quality benefits assessment, Atmos. Environ., 44, 3449-3457.
105. Liu, X.-H., Y. Zhang, S.-H. Cheng, J. Xing,Q. Zhang, D. G. Streets, C. J. Jang, W.-X. Wang, and J.-M. Hao (2010), Understanding of regional air pollution over China using CMAQ, Part I. Performance evaluation and seasonal variation, Atmos. Environ.,44, 2415-2426.
106. Liu, X.-H., Y. Zhang, J. Xing,Q. Zhang, K. Wang, D. G. Streets, C. J. Jang, W.-X. Wang, and J.-M. Hao (2010), Understanding of regional air pollution over China using CMAQ, Part II. Process analysis and sensitivity of ozone and particulate matter to precursor emissions, Atmos. Environ., 44, 3719-3727.
107. Adhikary, B., Carmichael, G. R., Kulkarni, S., Wei, C., Tang, Y., D'Allura, A., Mena-Carrasco, M., Streets, D. G., Zhang, Q., Pierce, R. B., Al-Saadi, J. A., Emmons, L. K., Pfister, G. G., Avery, M. A., Barrick, J. D., Blake, D. R., Brune, W. H., Cohen, R. C., Dibb, J. E., Fried, A., Heikes, B. G., Huey, L. G., O'Sullivan, D. W., Sachse, G. W., Shetter, R. E., Singh, H. B., Campos, T. L., Cantrell, C. A., Flocke, F. M., Dunlea, E. J., Jimenez, J. L., Weinheimer, A. J., Crounse, J. D., Wennberg, P. O., Schauer, J. J., Stone, E. A., Jaffe, D. A., and Reidmiller, D. R.: A regional scale modeling analysis of aerosol and trace gas distributions over the eastern Pacific during the INTEX-B field campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 2091-2115, 2010.
108. Fisher, J. A., Jacob, D. J., Purdy, M. T., Kopacz, M., Le Sager, P., Carouge, C., Holmes, C. D., Yantosca, R. M., Batchelor, R. L., Strong, K., Diskin, G. S., Fuelberg, H. E., Holloway, J. S., Hyer, E. J., McMillan, W. W., Warner, J., Streets, D. G., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., and Wu, S.: Source attribution and interannual variability of Arctic pollution in spring constrained by aircraft (ARCTAS, ARCPAC) and satellite (AIRS) observations of carbon monoxide, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 977-996, 2010
109. Zhang, Q., Streets, D. G., Carmichael, G. R., He, K. B., Huo, H., Kannari, A., Klimont, Z., Park, I. S., Reddy, S., Fu, J. S., Chen, D., Duan, L., Lei, Y., Wang, L. T., and Yao, Z. L. (2009), Asian emissions in 2006 for the NASA INTEX-B mission, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 5131-5153.
110. Zhang, Q., D. G. Streets, and K. He (2009), Satellite observations of recent power plant construction in Inner Mongolia, China, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L15809, doi:10.1029/2009GL038984.
111. Streets, D. G.,Q. Zhang, and Y. Wu (2009), Projections of global mercury emissions in 2050, Envrion. Sci. Technol., 43, 2983-2988
112. Huo, H.,Q. Zhang, K. He, Q. Wang, Z. Yao, and D. G. Streets (2009), High-resolution vehicular emission inventory using a link-based method: A case study of light-duty vehicles in Beijing, Envrion. Sci. Technol., 43, 2394-2399
113. Matsui, H., M. Koike, Y. Kondo, N. Takegawa, K. Kita, Y. Miyazaki, M. Hu, S-Y Chang, J. D. R. Blake, J. D. Fast, R. A. Zaveri, D. G. Streets,Q. Zhang, and T. Zhu (2009), Spatial and temporal variations of aerosols around Beijing in summer 2006: Model evaluation and source apportionment, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D00G13, doi:10.1029/2008JD010906.
114. Carmichael, G. R., B. Adhikary, S. Kulkarni, A., D’Allura, Y. Tang, D. G. Streets,Q. Zhang, T. C. Bond, V. Ramanathan, A. Jamroensan, and P. Marrapu (2009), Asian Aerosols: Current and year 2030 distributions and implications to human health and regional climate change, Envrion. Sci. Technol., 34, 5811-5817.
115. Kopacz, M., D. J. Jacob, D. K. Henze, C. L. Heald, D. G. Streets, andQ. Zhang (2009), Comparison of adjoint and analytical Bayesian inversion methods for constraining Asian sources of carbon monoxide using satellite (MOPITT) measurements of CO columns, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D04305, doi:10.1029/2007JD009264
116. Fu, J. S., C. J. Jang, D. G. Streets, J. Hao, K. He, and L. Wang, andQ. Zhang (2009), Modeling regional/urban ozone and particulate matter in Beijing, China, J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., 59, 37-44
117. Wang, L., J. Hao, K. He, S. Wang, J. Li,Q. Zhang, D. G. Streets, J. S. Fu, C. J. Jang, H. Takekawa, and S. Chatani (2008), A modeling study of coarse particulate matter pollution in Beijing: Regional source contributions and control implications for the 2008 summer Olympics, J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., 58, 1057-1069
118. Wang, Q., H. Huo, K. He, Z. Yao, andQ. Zhang (2008), Characterization of vehicle driving patterns and development of driving cycles in Chinese cities, Transport. Res. D. 13, 289-297
119. van Donkelaar, A., Martin, R. V., Leaitch, W. R., Macdonald, A. M., Walker, T. W., Streets, D. G., Zhang, Q., Dunlea, E. J., Jimenez, J. L., Dibb, J. E., Huey, L. G., Weber, R., and Andreae, M. O.: Analysis of aircraft and satellite measurements from the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment (INTEX-B) to quantify long-range transport of East Asian sulfur to Canada, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8, 2999-3014, 2008
120. Zhang, Q., D. G. Streets, K. He, and Z. Klimont (2007), Major components of China’s anthropogenic primary particulate emissions, Environ. Res. Lett, 2, 045027, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/2/4/045027
121. Zhang, Q., D. G. Streets, K. He, Y. X. Wang, A. Richter, J. P. Burrows, I. Uno, C. J. Jang, D. Chen, Z. Yao, and Y. Lei (2007), NOx emission trends for China, 1995-2004: The view from the ground and the view from space, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D22306, doi:10.1029/2007JD008684
122. Yao. Z, Q. Wang, K. He, H. Huo, Y. Ma, andQ. Zhang (2007), Characteristics of real world vehicular emissions in Chinese cities, J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 57, 1379-1386
123. Wang, Y.X., M. B. McElroy, R. V. Martin, D. G. Streets,Q. Zhang, and T.-M. Fu (2007), Seasonal variability of NOx emissions over east China constrained by satellite observations: Implications for combustion and microbial sources, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D06301, doi:10.1029/2006JD007538
124. Streets, D. G., J. S. Fu, C. J. Jang, J. Hao, K. He, X. Tang, Y. Zhang, Z. Wang, Z. Li,Q. Zhang, L. Wang, B. Wang, and C. Yu (2007), Air quality during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Atmos. Environ., 41, 480-492
125. Streets, D. G.,Q. Zhang, L. Wang, K. He, J. Hao, Y. Wu, Y. Tang, and G. R. Carmichael (2006), Revisiting China’s CO emissions after the Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (TRACE-P) mission: Synthesis of inventories, atmospheric modeling, and observations, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D14306, doi:10.1029/2006JD007118.
126. Yang, F., K. He, Y. Ma,Q. Zhang, S. H. Cadle, T. Chan, and P. A. Mulawa (2005), Characterization of carbonaceous species of ambient PM2.5 in Beijing, China, J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., 55, 984-992
127. He, K., H. Huo,Q. Zhang, D. He, F. An, M. Wang, and M. P. Walsh (2005), Oil consumption and CO2 emissions in China’s road transport: current status, future trends, and policy implications, Energy Policy, 33, 1499-1507
128. He, K., F. Duan, Y. Ma, F. Yang,Q. Zhang, X. Yu, S. Cadle, T. Chan, Y. Yan, and P. Mulawa (2004), Concentration level of fine airborne lead in Beijing, people’s republic of China, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 72, 233-239
129. He, K., H. Huo, andQ. Zhang (2002), Urban air pollution in China: Current status, characteristics, and progress, Annual Review of Energy and The Environment, 27, 397-431.
130. He, K., F. Yang, Y. Ma,Q. Zhang, X. Yao, C. Chan, S. Cadle, T. Chan, and P. Mulawa (2001), The characteristics of PM2.5 in Beijing, China, Atmos. Environ., 35, 4959-4970.
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