

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16



教育背景 2009-2015 博士 美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校
2005-2009 学士 清华大学 工作经历 2019 至今 助理教授 清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心
2016-2019 博士后 瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学
2017 春 博士后 美国MSRI
2015-2016 博士后 德国Max-Planck Institute for mathematics, Bonn 荣誉与奖励

发表论文 [1]Cuspidal part of an eisenstein series restricted to an index 2 subfield. Research in Number Theory, 2(1):33, 2016.
[2]Triple product formula and the subconvexity bound of triple product l-function in level aspect. American Journal of Mathematics, 139(1):215-259, 2017.
[3]Triple product formula and mass equidistribution on modular curves of level N. IMRN, (9):2899-2943, 2018.
[4] An explicit gross-zagier formula related to the sylvester conjecture. Joint work with H. Yin and J. Shu. Trans. AMS. (10):6905–6925,2019.
[5] Some analytic aspects of automorphic forms on GL(2) of minimal type. Joint work with P. Nelson and A. Saha. To appear on Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici. arXiv:1709.10362.
[6] Test vectors for Waldspurger’s period integral and application to the mass equidistribution on nonsplit torus. submitted. arXiv:1608.06106.
[7] Sup norm on PGLn in depth aspect. submitted. arXiv:1809.00617.
[8] New test vector for Waldspurger’s period integral. Joint work with P. Nelson. arXiv:1810.11564.
[9] Sup-norms of eigenfunctions in the level aspect for compact arithmetic surfaces, II. Joint work with A. Saha. submitted. arXiv:1905.06295.

相关话题/清华大学 数学