
清华大学燃烧能源中心导师教师师资介绍简介-杨 斌

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16

杨 斌 特别研究员 地 址:北京市海淀区清华大学李兆基科技大楼B-541,邮编100084 办公室:李兆基科技大楼B-541室 电 话:(010) 627-96631 电子邮箱:byang@tsinghua.edu.cn 个人网站:

教育背景 2001-2006 ???中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室,博士
1996-2001 ???中国科学技术大学,学士

2012-今 清华大学能源与动力工程系/燃烧能源中心,研究员
2012-2012 美国南加州大学航空与机械工程系, ResearchAssociate
2010-2012 美国普林斯顿大学燃烧能源前沿研究中心(CEFRC), Combustion Energy Research Fellow
2008-2012 美国桑迪亚(Sandia)国家实验室多次访问研究
2006-2012 美国劳伦斯伯克利(LawrenceBerkeley)国家实验室多次访问研究
2006-2010 美国康奈尔大学应用与工程物理系,Postdoctoral Research Associate

其他职务 国际燃烧协会会员,第36届、37届国际燃烧会议Colloquia Co-Chairs (CCC, 2016, 2018), 第38届国际燃烧会议Colloquia Coordinate (CC, 2020), Combustion Science and Technology(Taylor&Francis)杂志副主编(2016-),Journal of Thermal Science 编委 (2018- ),国际燃烧协会理事提名委员会委员(2014),国际燃烧协会暑期学校(ICISS)委员会委员(January, June2015),国际燃烧协会Hiroshi Tsuji奖评选委员会委员(2017-2018),美国化学学会会员(ACS),美国质谱协会会员,美国机械工程师协会会员,国家同步辐射实验室用户专家委员会委员(2015-),第10届亚太燃烧会议Secretaries-General(2015),第10届、第12届亚太燃烧会议程序委员会委员(2015, 2019),第11届国际化学动力学会议(ICCK)科学顾问委员会委员(2019), GKIAC会议科学顾问委员会委员(2019), 中国工程热物理学会燃烧分会奖励委员会委员,2014-2017年中国燃烧学学术年会程序委员会委员, 第四届、第五届全国青年燃烧学术会议共同主席 (2018, 2019)。

期刊审稿人:Combustionand Flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Combustion Science andTechnology, Combustion Theory and Modeling, Energy and Fuels, Fuel,?Analyst, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Journal of Physical Chemistry A,Chemical Physics Letters, Journal of Chromatography A, Acta Physica-ChimicaSinica, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Analytical and AppliedPyrolysis, International Journal of Energy Research, International Journal ofHydrogen Energy,?Journal of Visualized Experiments.

研究领域与兴趣 燃烧反应动力学模型的智能化发展(正向及反向不确定性分析、实验设计);燃烧反应动力学机理及燃料设计(航空燃料、生物燃料、小分子基础燃料);燃烧诊断(分子束质谱、同步辐射、二维色谱);燃烧反应路径调控(催化燃烧、等离子辅助燃烧);极端条件下的燃烧(低温、高压)。
(1) 燃烧反应动力学模型的正向及反向多尺度不确定性分析(MSUQ/RUQ):提出了基于人工神经网络的全局灵敏性分析方法(ANN-HDMR)和模型优化方法(ANN-MCMC);提出了"灵敏性熵(HS)"和"替代模型相似性(灵敏性相似性)"等实验设计方法;发展了基于模型分析的实验设计及模型优化平台(CombustionUQ); RRMK/ME计算中参数引起的不确定性分析;提出基于模型分析和快速压缩机(Fast-sampling RCM)的速率常数测量方法。

奖励与荣誉 国家自然科学二等奖(排名第三),“发动机燃烧反应网络调控理论及方法”,2018
美国能源部燃烧能源前沿研究中心 Combustion Energy Research Fellow,2010
第二届“中国百篇最具影响优秀国际学术论文”, 2008


期刊文章 代表性论文(共发表SCI论文82篇,被SCI引用2200余次, Publons #: A-7158-2008, ORCID: 0000-0001-7333-0017):
1. W. Sun, J. Wang, C. Huang, N. Hansen, B. Yang*,"Providing effective constraints for developing ketene combustionmechanisms: A detailed kinetic investigation of diacetyl flames", Combust.Flame, 205, 11-21 (2019).
2. C.Huang, B. Yang, F. Zhang*, “Calculation of the absolute photoionizationcross-sections for C1–C4 Criegee intermediates and vinyl hydroperoxides”, J. Chem. Phys., 150, 164305 (2019).
3. R. Zhang, H. Liao, J. Yang, X. Fan, B. Yang*, “A molecular beam massspectrometric investigation of plasma assisted oxidation and pyrolysis ofmethane”, Proc. Combust. Inst., 37, 5577-5586?(2019).
4. W. Sun, T. Tao, H. Liao, N. Hansen, B. Yang*, “Probing fuel-specificreaction intermediates from laminar premixed flames fueled by two C5 ketonesand model interpretations”, Proc. Combust. Inst., 37, 1699-1707?(2019).
5. H. Liao, T. Tao, W. Sun, N. Hansen, C.K. Law, B. Yang*, “Investigation of thelow-temperature oxidation of n-butanal in a jet-stirred reactor”, Proc. Combust. Inst., 37, 453-460?(2019).
6. W. Sun, M. Lailiau, Z. Serinyel, G. Dayma, K.Moshammer, N. Hansen, B. Yang*, P.Dagaut*, “Insights into the oxidation kinetics of a cetane improver –1,2-dimethoxyethane (1,2-DME) with experimental and modeling methods”, Proc. Combust. Inst., 37, 555-564?(2019). Proc. Combust. Inst., 37, 555-564?(2019).
7. J. Wang, W. Sun, G. Wang, X. Fan, Y.-Y Li, ,C.K. Law, F. Qi, B. Yang*, “Understandingbenzene formation pathways in pyrolysis of two C6H10 isomers: Cyclohexene and1,5-hexadiene”, Proc.Combust. Inst.,37, 1091-1098?(2019).
8.?C.Huang, B. Yang*, F. Zhang*, G. Tian, “Quantificationof the resonance stabilized C4H5 isomers and their reaction with acetylene”, Combust. Flame, 198, 334-341 (2018)
9. L.Zhao, W. Sun, J. Yang, B. Yang*, “Revealing thedoping effects of C2H6O isomers on a benzene flame: An experimental andmodeling study”, Combust. Flame, 197, 355-368 (2018).
10. T.Tao, S. Kang, W. Su, J. Wang, H. Liao, K. Moshammer, N. Hansen, C.K. Law, B. Yang*, “A further experimental and modeling study of acetaldehydecombustion kinetics”, Combust. Flame, 196, 337-350 (2018).
11. W. Sun,T. Tao, M. Lailliau, N. Hansen, B. Yang*, P. Dagaut*, “Explorationof the oxidation chemistry of dimethoxymethane: Jet-stirred reactor experimentsand kinetic modeling”, Combust. Flame, 193, 491-501 (2018).
12. T. Tao,W. Sun, N. Hansen, A.W. Jasper, K. Moshammer, B. Chen, Z. Wang, C. Huang, P. Dagaut, B. Yang*, “Exploring thenegative temperature coefficient behavior of acetaldehyde based on detailedintermediate measurements in a jet-stirred reactor”, Combust. Flame, 192, 120-129 (2018).
13. W. Sun,T. Tao, R. Zhang, W. Li, J. Yang, B.Yang*, “Elucidatingthe flame chemistry of monoglyme via experimental and modeling approaches”, Combust. Flame, 191, 298-308 (2018).
14. W. Ji,J. Wang, O. Zahm, Y.M. Marzouk, B. Yang,Z. Ren, C.K. Law, “Shared low-dimensional subspaces forpropagating kinetic uncertainty to multiple outputs”, Combust. Flame, 190, 146-157 (2018).
15. P.Zhang, N.W. Yee, S.V. Filip, C.E. Hetrick, B.Yang, W.H. Green, “Modeling study of the anti-knocktendency of substituted phenols as additives: an application of the reactionmechanism generator (RMG) ”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 10637-10649 (2018).
16. J.Wang, S. Li, B. Yang*,“Combustion kineticmodel development using surrogate model similarity method ”, Combust. Theory Modell., 22, 777-794 (2018).
17. P.Zhang, S. Li, Y. Wang, W. Ji, W. Sun, B. Yang*, X. He, Z. Wang, C.K.Law, F. Zhang*, "Measurement of reaction rate constants using RCM: A casestudy of decomposition of dimethyl carbonate to dimethyl ether", Combust.Flame, 183, 30-38 (2017).
18.??W.Sun, T. Tao, R. Zhang, H. Liao, C. Huang, F. Zhang, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, B.Yang*, "Experimental and modeling efforts towards a betterunderstanding of the high-temperature combustion kinetics of C3-C5 ethyl esters", Combust. Flame, 185, 173-187 (2017).
19. C.Huang, B. Yang*, F. Zhang*,?"Initiation mechanism of1,3-butadiene combustion and its effect on soot precursors", Combust.Flame, 184, 167-175?(2017).
20. W.Sun, C. Huang, T. Tao, F. Zhang, W. Li, N. Hansen, B. Yang*,"Exploring the high-temperature kinetics of diethyl carbonate (DEC) underpyrolysis and flame conditions", Combust. Flame, 181, 71-81 (2017).
21. C.Huang, B. Yang*, F. Zhang*, "Pressure-dependent kinetics on theC4H7 potential energy surface and its effect on combustion kinetic modelpredictions", Combust. Flame, 181,100-109 (2017).
22. N.Hansen, B. Yang, T. Kasper,“Synchrotron-Based VUV Photoionization MassSpectrometry in Combustion Chemistry Research", Synchrotron RadiationApplications, World Scientific/Imperial College Press., (2017).
23.?J.Wang, S. Li, B. Yang*, "The constrait effect of low pressureexperimental data on high pressure combustion model predictions", J.Eng. Thermophys., 38 (2017).

24.?S.Li, T. Tao, J. Wang, B. Yang*, C.K. Law, F. Qi, "Using sensitivityentropy in experimental design for uncertainty minimization of combustionkinetic models", Proc. Combust. Inst., 36, 709-716?(2017).
25.?W.Sun, B. Yang*, N. Hansen, K. Moshammer, "The influence of dimethoxymethane (DMM)/dimethyl carbonate (DMC) addition on a premixedethane/oxygen/argon flame", Proc. Combust. Inst., 36,449-457?(2017).
26.?R.Zhang, W. Sun, T. Tao, B. Yang*, "Species diagnostics and modelingstudy of laminar premixed flames fueled by Aceton-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE)", Proc.Combust. Inst., 36, 1303-1310?(2017).
27.?W.Sun, G. Wang, S. Li, R. Zhang, B. Yang*, J. Yang, Y. Li, C.K. Westbrook,C.K. Law, "Speciation and the laminar burning velocities ofpoly(oymethylene) dimethyl ether 3 (POMDME3) flames: An experimental andmodeling study", Proc. Combst. Inst., 36, 1269-1278?(2017).
28. T.Tao, W. Sun, B. Yang*, N. Hansen, K. Moshammer, C.K. Law,"Investigation of chemical structures of laminar premixed flames fueled byacetaldehyde", Proc. Combst. Inst., 36, 1287-1294?(2017).
29. M.Braun-Unkhoff, N. Hansen*, T. Methling, K. Moshammer, B. Yang, "Theinfluence of iso-butanol addition to the chemistry of premixed 1,3-butadieneflames", Proc. combst. Inst., 36, 1311-1319?(2017).
30.?T.He, S. Li, Y. Chi, H. Zhang, Z. Wang*, B. Yang, X. He, X. You*, "An adaptive distance-based group contribution method for thermodynamic propertyprediction", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, 23822-23830 (2016).
31. P.Zhang, W. Ji, T. He, X. He*, Z. Wang, B. Yang, C.K. Law,"First-stage ignition delay in the negative temperature coefficientbehavior: Experiment and simulation", Combust. Flame, 167, 14-23(2016).
32.?S.Li, B. Yang*, F. Qi, "Accelerate global sensitivity analysis usingArtificial Neural Network algorithm: Case studies for combustion kineticmodel", Combust. Flame,?168, 53-64 (2016).
33. W.Sun, B. Yang*, N. Hansen, C.K. Westbrook, F. Zhang, G. Wang, K.Moshammer, C.K. Law, "An experimental and kinetic modeling study ondimethyl carbonate (DMC) pyrolysis and combustion", Combust. Flame,164, 224-238 (2016).
34. L.Xing, S. Li, Z. Wang, B. Yang, S.J. Klippenstein,?F. Zhang*,"Global uncertainty analysis?for RRKM/master equation based kineticpredictions:? A case study of ethanol decomposition", Combust.Flame, 162, 3427-3436?(2015).
35. O.P.Korobeinichev, I.E. Gerasimov, D.A. Knyazkov, A.G. Shmakov, T.A. Bolshova, N.Hansen, C.K. Westbrook*, G. Dayma, B. Yang, “An experimental and kineticmodeling study of premixed laminar flames of methyl pentanoate and methylhexanoate”, Z. Phys. Chem., 229, 759-780 (2015).
36. N.Hansen*, M. Braun-Unkhoff, T. Kathrotia, A. Lucassen, B. Yang,“Understanding the reaction pathways in premixed flames fueled by blends of1,3-butadiene and n-butanol”, Proc. Combust. Inst. 35, 771-778(2015).
37. Y.Xin, B. Yang,??H. Wang*, S.L. Anderson, C.K. Law, “Kinetics ofcatalytic oxidation of ethylene over palladium oxide”, Proc. Combust. Inst. 35, 2233-2240 (2015).
38. X.Zhang, B. Yang*, W. Yuan, Z. Cheng, L. Zhang,?Y. Li, F. Qi,“Pyrolysis of 2-methyl-1-butanol at low and atmospheric pressure: Massspectrometry and modeling studies", Proc. Combust. Inst. 35, 409-417(2015).
39. B. Yang, C.K. Westbrook*, T.A. Cool, N. Hansen, K.Kohse-H?inghaus, “Photoionization mass spectrometry and modeling study ofpremixed flames of three unsaturated C5H8O2esters”, Proc. Combust. Inst. 34, 443-451 (2013).
40. S.Skeen, B. Yang, H.A. Michelsen, J.A. Miller, A. Violi, N. Hansen*,“Studies of opposed-flow diffusion flames of acetylene at low pressures withphotoionization mass spectrometry”, Proc. Combust. Inst. 34, 1067-1075(2013).
41. B. Yang, J. Wang, T.A. Cool*, N. Hansen, S. Skeen, D.L.Osborn, “Absolute photoionization cross-sections for some combustion intermediates”, Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 309, 118-128 (2012).
42. S.Skeen, B. Yang, A.W. Jasper, W.J. Pitz, N. Hansen*, “The chemicalstructure of low-pressure premixed methylcyclohexane flames as benchmarks forthe development of a predictive combustion chemistry model”, Energy and Fuel,25, 5611-5625 (2011).
43. B. Yang, C. Westbrook*, T.A. Cool, N. Hansen, K.Kohse-H?inghaus, “The effect of carbon-carbon double bonds on the combustionchemistry of small fatty acid esters”, Z. Phys. Chem.,225, 1293–1314 (2011).
44.?P.O?wald, H. Güldenberg, K. Kohse-H?inghaus*, B. Yang, T. Yuan, F. Qi,“Combustion of butanol isomers – a detailed molecular beam mass spectrometryinvestigation of their flame chemistry”, Combust. Flame, 158, 2-11(2011).
45. S.Dooley, F.L. Dryer*, B. Yang, J. Wang, T.A. Cool, T. Kasper, N. Hansen,“An experimental and kinetic modeling study of methyl formate low-pressureflames”, Combust. Flame, 158, 732-341 (2011).
46. B. Yang, C. Westbrook*, T.A. Cool, N. Hansen, K. Kohse-H?inghaus,“Fuel-specific influences on the composition of reaction intermediates inpremixed flames of three C5H10O2esterisomers”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 13, 6901-6913 (2011).
47. J.Wang, Y. Li, T. Zhang, Z. Tian, B. Yang, K. Zhang, F. Qi*, A. Zhu, Z.Cui, C.Y. Ng, “Interstellar enols are formed in plasma discharge of alcohols”, AstrophysicalJournal, 676,416-419 (2008).
48. B. Yang, P. Osswald, Y. Li, J. Wang, L. Wei, Z. Tian, F.Qi*, K. Kohse-H?inghaus*, “Identification of combustion intermediates inisomeric fuel-rich premixed butanol-oxygen flames at low pressure”, Combust.Flame, 148,198-209 (2007).
49. B. Yang, Y. Li, L. Wei, C. Huang, J. Wang, Z. Tian, R.Yang, L. Sheng, Y. Zhang, F. Qi*, “An experimental study of the premixedbenzene/oxygen/argon flame with tunable synchrotron photoionization”, Proc.Combust. Inst. 31, 555-563 (2007).

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