Email: chrisormel@tsinghua.edu.cn
主页: https://staff.fnwi.uva.nl/c.w.ormel/
个人简介: The main research area of Prof. Chris Ormel is that of theoretical planet formation. Using a variety of numerical and analytical tools, he tries to understand the structure seen in protoplanetary disks as well as the properties of the population of exoplanets.
Chris Ormel
Research Group LeaderAnton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy
University of Amsterdam (UvA)
The Netherlands
c.w.ormel AT uva DOT nl
News Flashes
Move to Tsinghua University
In Fall 2019 I will join the Department of Astronomy at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, as an associate professor. Tsinghua University is one of China's leading universities and a top 20 ranked university worldwide. The Department of Astronomy is one of its most recent additions. I am very excited to have the opportunity to continue my research at Tsinghua.
Simulating the Compositional History of the TRAPPIST-I Planets from A-Z
We have previously narrated a formation scenario for the TRAPPIST-1 system, based on pebble accretion. We have now followed this up with a numerical model by combining three types of codes: ... |
A simple cloud model for exoplanets atmospheres
Where has all the carbon gone?
(Refractory) carbon is plentiful in the ISM and is the key building block of any organic compounds and life. Yet, there is almost none of it left on Earth. Where has all the carbon gone? One hypothesis is that carbon is destroyed by oxidation or photolysis in the hot and irradiated upper regions of disks. ... [More...] [ADS] [ArXiv] [A&A Highlights] |