● 1998--2003 清华大学工程物理系核技术及应用专业 工学博士
● 1994--1998 清华大学工程物理系工程物理专业 工学学士
● 2008.01--2008.03 日本KEK 访问
● 2006--至今 清华大学工程物理系
● 2004--2006 清华大学物理系 博士后
● 主讲本科生课程《电磁场数值计算》。
● 参与讲授研究生课程《加速器中的脉冲功率技术》。
● 目前指导在读硕士生一名。
● 核科学与技术学科,研究方向为加速器物理及应用。
● 博士期间研究课题为“RFQ同时加速强流正负离子束的物理问题研究”,参与了“国家重点基础研究发展规划”洁净核能项目中双束加速的预研工作。
● 曾参与研究了使用变分法求解盘荷波导中的电磁场。
● 曾进行了向内发射同轴虚阴极振荡器的理论和数值模拟研究。
● 曾参加中国X射线自由电子激光试验装置(CTF)联合设计组,参与了CTF-HGHG激光物理初步设计与计算的工作。
● 曾开展了不插入探针快速诊断腔链谐振状态的研究。
● 曾开展了美国MSU FRIB RFQ加速器的高频计算和水冷系统物理设计
● 曾开展了强流质子直线加速器前端关键技术及其RAMI技术的研究。
● 曾开展了四翼型变电压RFQ加速器场调谐方法的研究。
● 清华大学工程物理系微型脉冲强子源(CPHS)强流质子直线加速器的研制
● 西安200MeV质子应用装置(XiPAF)直线注入器的研制
[1] Q.Z. Xing, et al. The longitudinal “trapping” phenomenon in the simultaneous acceleration of intense H+ and H- in an RFQ. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 538 143~153(2005).
[2] Q.Z. Xing, et al. Two-dimensional theoretical analysis of the dominant frequency in the inward-emitting coaxial vircator. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 2006, 34(3): 584~589
[3] J. Wu, Q.Z. Xing, et al. Field tuning and HOMs measurement of the 9-cell ICHIRO copper cavity model. 13th International Workshop on RF Superconductivity, Beijing, 2007
[4] Q.Z. Xing, et al. Mode analysis of high-power microwave generation in the inward-emitting coaxial Vircator based on computer simulation. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 2009, 37(2): 298~303
[5] Q.Z. Xing, et al. Design of the CPHS RFQ Linac at Tsinghua University. Proceedings of IPAC10. 2010. 792~794
[6] Q.Z. Xing, et al. Development of the 3MeV RFQ for the compact pulsed hadron source at Tsinghua University. Proceedings of LINAC10. 2010
[7] Q.Z. Xing, et al. Spontaneous emission high-gain harmonic generation free-electron laser. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 637 S177~S182(2011)
[8] Q.Z. Xing, et al. Construction status of the CPHS RFQ at Tsinghua University. Proceedings of IPAC11. 2011.
[9] Q.Z. Xing, et al. A 3-MeV RFQ accelerator for the Compact Pulsed Hadron Source at Tsinghua University. Physics Procedia, 26(2012): 36~43
[10] J.C. Cai, Q.Z. Xing, et al. Design of the undercuts and dipole stabilizer rods for the CPHS RFQ accelerator. Chinese Physics C, 2012
[11] Q.Z. Xing, et al. Beam dynamics of the 13 MeV/50 mA proton linac for the Compact Pulsed Hadron Source at Tsinghua University. Proceedings of HB2012 conference. 2012
[12] Q.Z. Xing, et al. Tuning and Cold Test of a Four-Vane RFQ with Ramped Inter-Vane Voltage for the Compact Pulsed Hadron Source. CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol.30, No.5 (2013)052901
[13] Q.Z. Xing, et al. High power test and beam commissioning of the CPHS RFQ accelerator. Proceedings of IPAC13. 2013
[14] L. Du, X.L. Guan, C.X. Tang, Q.Z. Xing, Preliminary beam dynamics and structure design of one 50mA/CW RFQ with ramped inter-vane voltage. Proceedings of IPAC13. 2013
[15] L. Du, Q.Z. Xing, et al. A fast tuning method for a RFQ accelerator with ramped inter-vane voltage. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 726 91~95(2013).
[16] Q.Z. Xing, et al, CPHS Linac status at Tsinghua University. Proceedings of IPAC14. THPME023.
[17] J. Zeng, Q.Z. Xing, et al, Cooling design for the FRIB RFQ cavity at Michigan State University. Proceedings of IPAC14. THPME024.
[18] L. Du, Q.Z. Xing, et al, The design, construction and experiments of a RFQ cold model at Tsinghua University. Proceedings of IPAC14. THPRO095.
[19] Q.Z. Xing, et al, Present status of the high current proton linac at Tsinghua University and its beam measurements and applications. Proceedings of HB2014. TUO3AB01.
[20] Q.Z. Xing, et al., Present status of the 3MeV proton linac at Tsinghua University. Proceedings of LINAC14. THPP137.
[21] X.W. Wang, Q.Z. Sing, et al, Delivery of 3-MeV Proton and Neutron Beams at CPHS: A Status Report on Accelerator and Neutron Activities at Tsinghua University. Physics Procedia, 60(2014): 186~192
[22] Q.Z. Xing, et al, Design of the 7MeV linac injector for the 200MeV synchrotron of the Xi’an Proton Application Facility. Proceedings of IPAC16. MOPMW014.
[23] Q.Z. Xing, et al., Present status of the high current linac at Tsinghua University and its application. Proceedings of HB2016. WEAM3Y01.
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