交直流电力系统电磁暂态及其防护、 直流电网关键装备与电力电子器件、 电磁环境与电磁测量
清华大学电机系教授,电力系统及发电设备控制和仿真国家重点实验室主任,特高压工程技术(昆明)国家工程实验室副主任。教育部新世纪优秀人才(2005),国家基金获得者(2013),教育部(2016),国家科技创新领军人才(2017),IET Fellow。1995年7月于清华大学电机系本科毕业,获工学与经济学学士学位;1999年7月清华大学优秀博士毕业,后留校任教;2006年清华大学副教授博导,2007年清华大学电机系教授。2012年获茅以升北京青年科技奖,2015年获首都劳动奖章,2018年获IEEE EMC技术成就奖。多次赴斯坦福大学材料系、新加坡大学数学系、香港大学电机系访问研究。
目前主要从事交直流电力系统电磁暂态及其雷电防护、直流电网关键装备与电力电子器件、电磁环境与电磁测量等教学和研究工作。获国家科技进步二等奖2项、省部级科技进步奖10余项,共发表论文300余篇,其中被Appl. Phys. Lett., IEEE Trans. on PWRD、IEEE Trans. on Mag.、IEEE Trans. on DEI等SCI刊物收录百余篇。担任国际学术会议IET ACDC2018、ACDC2016主席,APL2015、ICLP2014、ISPLC2012的TPC主席;合作创办英文期刊IET《High Voltage》并任副主编,担任《高电压技术》编委会副主任,《Electrical Engineering》、《CSEE Journal of PES》、《中国电机工程学报》等编委,《Electrical Power System Research》、《Journal of Sensors》等特邀编辑。
?Xinyu Ma, Chijie Zhuang, Rong Zeng, etc. “The effect of air pressure on evolution of gas density and temperature inside a leader channel”. 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP2018), Young Scientist Award
?Zhizhao Li, Rong Zeng,etc. “Research on the Characteristics of Upward Leader Emerging From the Transmission Lines Influenced by AC Operation Voltage” Asia-Pacific Lightning Protection, 2013(APL2013)Best Paper Award.
?She Chen, Rong Zeng, etc.“The Observation and 3D Modeling of Long Positive Streamers in Air”, 2013 International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH2013),Young Researcher Award.
?Xuan Zhou, Rong Zeng etc. “Upward Leader Inception Criterion Considering Gas Kinetic Process and Heat Conduction”, International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP2014), Diploma for Young Scientists.
?2004、2009、2012年度 “清华大学研究生良师益友”
?2019,曾 嵘,智能电网联合基金集成重大项目课题“高压直流开断工况下全控型电力电子器件关断性能提升”
?2018,曾 嵘,中国可再生能源规模化发展项目“大规模海上风电直流汇入电网系统规范研究”
?2018,曾 嵘,国家自然科学基金重点项目“万安级大电流单次关断用IGCT器件的理论建模、参数优化与性能调控”
?2018,曾 嵘,国家重点研发计划课题“分布式能源系统主动调控”
?2015,庄池杰, 国家自然科学基金“交、直流输电线路雷电先导发展模型及其应用”
?2013,曾 嵘,国家基金“长空气间隙放电机理及雷击防护”
?2013,曾 嵘,国家自然科学基金“放电先导发展速度测量及其影响规律研究”
?2012,曾 嵘,973课题 “特高压长空气间隙放电机理研究”
?2012,张 波,国家自然科学基金“土壤参数频变时变特性研究”
?2010,牛 犇,国家自然科学基金“光电集成时域强电场传感器研究”
?2007,曾 嵘,国家自然科学基金“长间隙放电起始阶段空间电荷分布研究”
?2018,国家科技进步二等奖: 电力系统接地基础理论、关键技术及其工程应用;
?2015,国家科技进步二等奖: 电网雷击防护关键技术与应用;
?2018,IEEE EMC Technical Achievement Award (技术成就奖);
?2006,教育部高等学校科技进步二等奖: HVDC系统地中回流对交流系统影响的机理分析及防范措施研究;
?2006,中国电力科技进步二等奖:500kV/220kV 同塔四回输电线路设计及应用;
Journal papers
[1]Zhang Xiangyu, Yu Zhanqing, Zhao Biao, Chen Zhengyu, Lyu Gang, Huang Yulong, Zeng Rong. A Novel Mixture Solid-State Switch Based on IGCT with High Capacity and IGBT with High Turn-off Ability for Hybrid DC Breaker. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2020,67(6):4485-4495.
[2]Qu Lu, Yu Zhanqing, Huang Yulong, Zeng Rong. Research on effect of circuit parameters on breaking characteristics of mechanical DC circuit breaker. High Voltage,2020,179: 106075.
[3]Xu Chaoqun,Zhang Xiangyu, Yu Zhanqing, Zhao Biao, Chen Zhengyu, Zeng Rong. A Novel DC Chopper with MOV-based Modular Solid-state Switch and Concentrated Dissipation Resistor for ±400 kV/1100 MW Offshore Wind VSC-HVDC System. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019,35(5):4483-4488.
[4]Zhang Xiangyu, Yu Zhanqing, Chen Zhengyu, Huang Yulong, Zhao Biao, Zeng Rong. Modular Design Methodology of DC Breaker Based on Discrete Metal Oxide varistors With Series Power Electronic Devices for HVdc Application[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2019,66(10):7653-7662.
[5]Zhang Xiangyu,Yu Zhanqing,Chen Zhengyu, Zhao Biao, Zeng Rong. Optimal Design of Diode-Bridge Bidirectional Solid-State Switch Using Standard Recovery Diodes for 500-kV High-Voltage DC Breaker. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019,35(2): 1165-1170.
[6]Qu Lu, Yu Zhanqing, Huang Yulong, Zeng Rong, Xiao Xiang, Zhao Wei. Development and application of a 10 kV mechanical DC circuit breaker. Energies,2019,12,(19).
[7]Qu Lu, Yu Zhanqing, Song Qiang, Yuan Zhichang, Zhao Biao, Yao Dawei, Chen Jianfu, Liu Yao, Zeng Rong. Planning and analysis of the demonstration project of the MVDC distribution network in Zhuhai.FRONTIERS IN ENERGY,2019,13(1):120-130.
[8]Lyu Gang, Yu Zhanqing, Zhou Wenpeng, Xu Chaoqun, Chen Zhengyu, Zhao Biao, Liu Jiapeng, Zeng Rong. 6-in Dual-Gate Ring Commutated Thyristor for DC Circuit Breakers. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES,2019, 66(3):1444-1449.
[9]Cui Yingzhe, Zhuang Chijie, Zhou Xuan, Zeng Rong, He Jinliang. Thermodynamic Properties of Negative Discharge Channels in a 1-m Air Gap Measured by Optical Interferometry. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2019,47(5):1917-1925.
[10]Ma Xinyu, Zhuang Chijie, Wang Zezhong, Zeng Rong. Positive Leader Velocity and Discharge Current Considering Leader Branching Under Different Air Pressures[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2019,47(5):1939-1943.
[11]Zeng Rong, Zhao B, Wei T, et al. Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristor-Based Modular Multilevel Converters: A Promising Solution for High-Voltage dc Applications. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 2019, 13(2): 4-16.
[12]Qu Lu, Yu Zhanqing, Wei Tianyu, Chen Zhengyu, Liu Bing, Rong, Zeng. Study on the operating characteristics of a compound automatic transfer switch based on forced current commutation. The Journal of Engineering, 2019(16): 3329-3332.
[13]Wang Hai, Zhuang Chijie, Zeng Rong*, Xie Shijun, He Jinliang. Transient Voltage Measurements for Overhead Transmission Lines and Substations by Metal-Free and Contactless Integrated Electro-Optic Field Sensors. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS,2019,66(1):571-579.
[14]Chen She, Wang Feng, Sun Qiuqin, Zeng Rong. Simulation of Positive Streamers in Atmospheric Air by a Macroscopic Model with a new Branching Criterion. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION,2018,25(6):2112-2121.
[15]Mou Ya, Yu Zhanqing, Huang Kaitian, Ma Qing, Zeng Rong*, Wang Zheyao. Research on a Novel MEMS Sensor for Spatial DC Electric Field Measurements in an Ion Flows Field. SENSORS,2018,18(6).
[16]Gang Lyu, Chijie Zhuang, Jiapeng Liu, Biao Zhao , Rong Zeng* , Xueqiang Zhang. Optimization for Cell Arrangement Design of Gate-Commutated Thyristors based on Whole Wafer Model and Tabu Search.?IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , 2018, 65(11):4938-4946.
[17]Chen Zhengyu, Yu Zhanqing, Liu Xuan, Liu Jiapeng, Zeng Rong, Stray Impedance Measurement and Improvement of high power IGCT Gate Driver Units, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019,34(7):6639-6647.
[18]Chen Zhengyu, Yu Zhanqing, Zhang Xiangyu, Wei Tianyu, Lyu Gang, Qu Lu, Huang Yulong, Zeng Rong*, Analysis and Experiments for IGBT, IEGT, and IGCT in Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 2018, 65(4), 2883-2892.
[19]Lyu Gang, Zhuang Chijie, Zeng Rong*, Long Teng, Palmer Patrick R.Physics-based compact model of integrated gate-commutated thyristor with multiple effects for high-power application. IET POWER ELECTRONICS.2018,11(7): 1239-1247.
[20]Zhuang Chijie, Zhang Yong, Zhou Xin, Zeng Rong*, He Jinliang, Liu Lei.A Fast Tree Algorithm for Electric Field Calculation in Electrical Discharge Simulations. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS.2018,54(3).
[21]Zeng Rong*, Zhao Biao, Yu Zhanqing, Song Qiang, Huang Yulong, Chen Zhengyu, Liu Jiapeng, Zhou Wenpeng, Lü Gang. Development and Prospect of IGCT Power Device in DC Grid. Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering,2018,38(15): 4307-4317.
[22]Fu Yin, Yu Zhanqing, Zeng Rong*, Liu Lei, Li Min, Zhuang Chijie.Data Cleaning Method of Electromagnetic Environment of Power Transmission Line.High Voltage Engineering.2018,44(1):289-295.
[23]Qu Lu, Zhang Xiangyu, Chen Zhengyu, Yu Zhanqing, Zeng Rong*. IGCT Series Voltage-sharing Technology for DC Breaking .High Voltage Engineering,2018,44(2): 409-416.
[24]Lyu Gang, Yu Zhanqing,Zeng Rong*,Liu Jiapeng,Zhang Xueqiang,Long Teng,Palmer Patrick.Optimisation of gate-commutated thyristors for hybrid DC breakers. IET POWER ELECTRONICS,2017,10(14): 2002-2009.
[25]Zhang Bo, He Jinliang, Zeng Rong, Wu Jinpeng. Effect of Coke Bed on the Electrical Performance of HVDC Ground Electrode. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS,2016,52(6):4594-4600.
[26]Chen She, Zeng Rong, Zhuang Chijie, Zhou Xuan, Ding Yujian.Experimental Study on Branch and Diffuse Type of Streamers in Leader Restrike of Long Air Gap Discharge. PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY.2016,18(3):305-310.
[27]Meng Xin, Zhengshi Chang, Haiyun Luo, Rong Zeng, Guanjun Zhang, Qingquan Lei. An electrical super-insulator prototype of 1D gas-solid Al2O3 nanocell, Nano Energy 39 (2017) 95–100
[28]周孝信, 曾嵘*, 高峰*, 屈鲁,能源互联网的发展现状与展望,中国科学:信息科学,2017,47 (2): 149–17.
[29]Rong Zeng, Chijie Zhuang, Xuan Zhou, etc, Survey of recent progress on lightning and lightning protection research, High Voltage, 2016, 1(1): 2-10
[30]Xuan Zhou, Rong Zeng, Zhizhao Li, etc,A one-dimensional thermo-hydrodynamic model for upward leader inception considering gas dynamics and heat conduction, Electric Power Systems Research, 2016, 139: 16-21
[31]Chijie Zhuang, Hanbo Liu, Rong Zeng, Adaptive strategies in the leader propagation model for lightning shielding failure evaluation: Implementation and applications, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2016, 52(3):**
[32]Zhuang Chijie, Zeng Rong*, Zhang Bo, He Jinliang. Spectral Deferred Correction Method for FDTD. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. 2015,51(3):**.
[33]X. Zhou, R. Zeng, C. Zhuang, and S. Chen. Experimental study on thermal characteristics of positive leader discharges using Mach-Zehnder interferometry, Physics of Plasmas, 2015(22), 063508
[34]Chen She, Heijmans L C J, Zeng Rong, et al. Nanosecond to microsecond repetitively pulsed discharges in N2-O2 mixtures: Inception cloud and streamer emergence, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2015, 48(17): 175201.
[35]Rong Zeng, Junjie Yu, Bo Wang, Ben Niu, Yong Hua. Study of an integrated optical sensor with mono-shielding electrode for intense transient E-field measurement. Measurement, 2014, (50): 356–362
[36]Feng Tian, Zhanqing Yu, Rong Zeng. Resultant Electric Field Reduction With Shielding Wires Under Bipolar HVDC Transmission Lines. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 2014, 50(2): **
[37]Zhizhao Li and Rong Zeng. Comparison of the Characteristics of Upward Leader Emerging From the Ground Wire and Conductor. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2014, 29(2), 708-715
[38]Chijie Zhuang, Rong Zeng, Bo Zhang, and Jinliang He. A WENO Scheme for Simulating Streamer Discharge With Photoionizations. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 2014, 50(2): **
[39]Rong Zeng and She Chen. The dynamic velocity of long positive streamers observed using a multi-frame ICCD camera in a 57 cm air gap. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 485201 (10pp)
[40]She Chen, Rong Zeng and Chijie Zhuang. The diameters of long positive streamers in atmospheric air under lightning impulse voltage. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 375203 (10pp)
[41]She Chen, Rong Zeng, Chijie Zhuang, Zhanqing Yu and Jinliang He. Switching Impulse Breakdown Characteristics of Large Sphere-plane Air Gaps compared with Rod-plane Air Gap. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2013(3): 839-844.
[42]Zeng, R., Li, Z. ; Yu, Z. ; Zhuang, C. Study on the Influence of the DC Voltage on the Upward Leader Emerging From a Transmission Line. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2013, 28 (3): 1674-1681
[43]Rong Zeng, Chijie Zhuang, Ben Niu, The Measurement of Transient Electric Fields in Air Gap Discharge by Integrated Electro-Optic Sensor, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2013, vol 41, no 4, pp. 955-960
[44]Zhizhao Li, Rong Zeng, Zhanqing Yu, etc. Research on the upward leader emerging from transmission line by laboratory Experiments. Electric Power Systems Research, 2013, 94 (1):64-70
[45]Wang, B; Zeng, R; Niu, B; Shen, XL; Shen, XK; Cao, SC; Zhang, ZM. E-field measurement of a pulse line ion accelerator. CHINESE PHYSICS C, 2013, 37: 1674-1137
[46]Chijie Zhuang, Rong Zeng. A local discontinuous Galerkin method for 1.5-dimensional streamer discharge simulations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013, 219(19):9925-9934
[47]Chijie Zhuang, Rong Zeng, Bo Zhang, et al. 2-D discontinuous Galerkin method for streamer discharge simulations in nitrogen. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2013, 49(5):1929-1932
[48]Zhanqing Yu, Qian Li, Rong Zeng, Calculation of Surface electric field on UHV transmission lines under lightning stroke. Electric Power System Research, 2013, 94:79-85
[49]Changsheng Li, Xiaoli Shen, and Rong Zeng. Optical electric-field sensor based on angular optical bias using single β-BaB2O4 crystal. APPLIED OPTICS, 52 (31):7580-7585.
[50]Zhizhao Li, Rong Zeng, Zhanqing Yu, She Chen, Yongli Liao, Ruihai Li, Research on the upward leader emerging from transmission line by laboratory Experiments. Electric Power Systems Research, 2013, 94, 64-70
[51]Rong Zeng, Bo Wang, Ben Niu and Zhanqing Yu. Development and Application of Integrated Optical Sensors for Intense E-Field Measurement. Sensors, 2012, 12, 11406-11434
[52]Rong Zeng, Chijie Zhuang, Zhanqing Yu, Yinan Geng, Ben Niu. Electric field step in air gap streamer discharges. Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99 (22)
[53]Rong Zeng, Bo Wang, Zhanqing Yu and Weiyuan Chen. Design and Application of an Integrated Electro-optic Sensor for Intensive Electric Field Measurement. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2011, vol. 18, no 1, pp. 312-319
[54]Rong Zeng, Bo Wang, Zhanqing Yu, Ben Niu, Yong Hua. Integrated optical E-field sensor based on balanced Mach–Zehnder interferometer. Optical Engineering, 2011, 50 (11)
[55]Rong Zeng, Zhanqing Yu, Jinliang He, Bo Zhang, Ben Niu. Study on Restraining DC neutral current of Transformer during HVDC monopolar operation. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol.26, no.4, pp.2785-2791, Oct.2011
[56]Chijie Zhuang, Rong Zeng, Bo Zhang, Shuiming Chen, Jinliang He. Accelerating the Convergence of Algebraic Multigrid for Quadratic Finite Element Method by Using Grid Information and p-Multigrid. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol.47, no.5, pp.1198-1201, May 2011
[57]Jinliang He, Shanqiang Gu, Rong Zeng, Zhanqing Yu, Bo Zhang. Simulation Models for Motion Processes of Long AC Arcs on Overhead Lines. Electric Power Systems Research, vol.81, no.12, pp.2066-2073, Dec. 2011
[58]Chijie Zhuang, Rong Zeng, Bo Zhang, Puxuan Zhu, Jinliang HE. The Optimization of Entering Route for Live Working on 750kV Transmission Towers by Space Electric Field Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol.52, no.2, April, 2010, pp.987-994
[59]Bo Zhang, Jinliang He, Rong Zeng, Shuiming Chen. Effect of Grounding System on Electromagnetic Fields Around Building Struck by Lightning. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 46, no. 8, Aug. 2010, pp.2955-2958
[60]Wei Li, Bo Zhang, Rong Zeng, Jinliang He. Dynamic Simulation of Surge Corona With Time-Dependent Upwind Difference Method. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol.46, no.8, Aug. 2010, pp. 3109 – 3112
[61]Bo Zhang, Jinliang He, Rong Zeng, Xidong Liang. Voltage distribution along a long ceramic insulator string in a high-voltage tower window. COMPEL (The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering), vol. 29, no.3, 2010, pp. 811-823
[62]ZHANG Baoping, HE JinLiang, Zeng Rong. Spatial discontinuous ionization phenomenon in inhomogeneous soil. Science in China, Series E, Technological Sciences, vol.53, no.4, April, 2010, pp.918-921
[63]Zhan-Qing Yu, Jin-Liang He, Rong Zeng, Hong Rao, Xiao-Lin Li, Qi Wang, Bo Zhang, Shui-Ming Chen. Simulation analysis on conducted EMD caused by valves in ± 800 kV UHVDC converter station. IEEE Transactions on EMC, vol.51, no.2, 2009, pp. 236-244
[64]Rong Zeng, Xuehai Gong, Jinliang He, et al. Lightning Impulse Performances of Grounding Grids for Substations Considering Soil Ionization. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2008, 23(2): 667-675
[65]Bo Zhang, Rong Zeng, Jinliang He, et al. Numerical Analysis of Potential Distribution Between Ground Electrodes of HVDC System Considering the Effect of Deep Earth Layers. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. 2008, 2(2): 185-191
[66]Bo Zhang, Jie Zhao and Rong Zeng, et al. Numerical Analysis of DC Current Distribution in AC Power System near HVDC System. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2008, 23(2): 960-965
[67]Rong Zeng, Yun Zhang and Weiyuan Chen, et al. Measurement of electric field distribution along composite insulators by integrated optical electric field sensor. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2008, 15(1): 302-310
[68]Bo Zhang, Jinliang He and Rong Zeng, et al. Calculation of Ion Flow Field under HVDC Bipolar Transmission Lines by Integral Equation Method. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2007, 43(4): 1237-1240
[69]Shanqiang Gu, Jinliang He and Rong Zeng, et al. Motion Characteristics of Long AC Arcs in Atmospheric Air. Applied Physics Letters. 2007, 90(5): Art. No. 051501
[70]Jian Tang, Rong Zeng and Hongbin Ma, et al. Analysis of Electromagnetic Interference on DC Line from Parallel AC Line in Close Proximity. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2007, 22(4): 2401-2408
[71]Rong Zeng, Jinliang He and Bo Zhang, et al. Lightning Electromagnetic Field Generated by Grounding Electrode Considering Soil Ionization. Progress in Natural Science. 2006, 16(9): 1002-1006
[72]Rong Zeng, Jinliang He and Zhicheng Guan. Novel Measurement System for Grounding Impedance of Substation. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2006, 21(2): 719-725
[73]Youping Tu, Jinliang He and Rong Zeng. Lightning Impulse Performances of Grounding Devices Covered with Low-Resistivity-Materials. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2006, 21(3): 1706-1713
[74]Rong Zeng, Peng Kang and Jinliang He, et al. Lightning Transient Performances Analysis of Substation Based on Complete Transmission Line Model of Power Network and Grounding Systems. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2006, 42(4): 875-878
[75]Rong Zeng, Jinliang He and Jaebok Lee, et al. Influence of Overhead Transmission Line on Grounding Impedance Measurement of Substation. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2005, 20(2): 1226-1234
[76]Jinliang He and Rong Zeng. Studies on Grounding Technologies for Power System in China. IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy Trans, 2005, 125(8)
[77]J Zou, R Zeng et al. Numerical Green’s Function of a Point Current Source in Horizontal Multi-layer Soils by Utilizing the Vector Matrix Pencil Technique. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2004, 40(2): 730-733
[78]J Zou, J L He and R Zeng, et al. Two-Stage Algorithm for Inverting Structure Parameters of the Horizontal Multi-layer Soil. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2004, 40(2): 11361-1139
[79]Jinliang He, Rong Zeng and Qingheng Chen, et al. Nonuniformity of Electrical Characteristic in Microstructures of ZnO Surge Varistors. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2004, 19(1): 138-144
[80]Rong Zeng, Jinliang He and Yanqing Gao, et al. Grounding Resistance Measurement Analysis of Grounding System in Vertical-layered Soil. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2004, 19(4): 1553-1559
[81]Jinliang He, Rong Zeng, Yanqing Gao, Youping Tu, Weimin Sun, Jun Zou, Zhicheng Guan. Seasonal influences on safety of substation grounding system. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.18, no.3, July 2003,18(3): 788-795
[82]Jinliang He, Rong Zeng, Youping Tu, Jun Zou, Shuiming Chen, Zhicheng Guan. Laboratory investigation of impulse characteristics of transmission tower grounding devices. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2003, 18(3): 994-1001
Conference papers
[83]Wei Tianyu, Yu Zhanqing, Chen Zhengyu, Zhang Xiangyu, Wen Weijie, Huang Yulong, Zeng Rong. Design and test of the bidirectional solid-state switch for an 160kV/9kA hybrid DC circuit breaker. 33rd Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, APEC 2018. San Antonio, TX, United states,2018.
[84]Wei Tianyu, Song Qiang, Li Jianguo, Zhao Biao, Chen Zhengyu, Zeng Rong. Experimental evaluation of IGCT converters with reduced di/dt limiting inductance. 33rd Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, APEC 2018. San Antonio, TX, United states, 2018.
[85]Ma Xinyu, Zhuang Chijie, Wang Zezhong, Cui Yingzhe, Zeng Rong, Li Te. The effect of air pressure on evolution of gas density and temperature inside a leader channel. 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2018. Rzeszow, Poland,2018.
[86]Wang She, Xie Shijun, Zhuang Chijie, Ouyang Yong, Geng Yinan, Zeng Rong, Liu Gang, Cai Hansheng, Li Te. Analysis of lightning-induced overvoltage waveform parameters. 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2018. Rzeszow, Poland,2018.
[87]Fu Rui, Gao Feng, Zeng Rong, Hu Jun, Luo Yi, Qu Lu.Big Data and Cloud Computing Platform for Energy Internet. China International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC), Beijing, CHINA, 2017:681-686.
[88]Wei Tianyu, Yu Zhanqing, Zeng Rong, Chen Zhengyu, Zhang Xiangyu, Wen Weijie, Huang Yulong.A novel hybrid DC circuit breaker for nodes in multi-terminal DC system.43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE-Industrial-Electronics-Society (IECON),Beijing, CHINA, 2017:633-638.
[89]Zhang Yong, Zhuang Chijie, Zeng Rong.Electrical Field Evaluation around Slender Conductors by Collocation Boundary Element Method.2016 IEEE CONFERENCE ON ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD COMPUTATION (CEFC). Miami, FL,2016.
[90]Zhanqing Yu, Yin Fu, Rong Zeng, Feng Tian, Min Li, Lei Liu, Ruihai Li, Zhiye Gao.Data analysis of electromagnetic environment of UHVDC transmission lines.12th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission (ACDC 2016).Beijing, China,2016.
[91]Zhang Bo, He Jinliang, Zeng Rong, Wu Jinpeng.Effect of Coke Bed on the Electrical Performance of HVDC Ground Electrode. IEEE 15th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC).Rome, ITALY,2015:889-894.
[92]Yu Zhanqing, Yu Junjie, Rong Zeng, Wang Xi, Sun Weimin.Arc Characteristics of Parallel Gap for Composite Insulator.2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIGHTNING PROTECTION (ICLP).Tsinghua Univ, Shanghai, CHINA,2014:107-111.
[93]Wang ZeZhong, Yu ZhanQing, Zeng Rong, Huang Ying.Experimental study of overvoltage on distribution lines induced by artificially rocket-triggered lightning.2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIGHTNING PROTECTION (ICLP).Tsinghua Univ, Shanghai, CHINA,2014:1166-1168.
[94]Yu Zhanqing, Huang Ying, Zeng Rong, Wang Zezhong, Liu Yi,Huang Ying, Bo Tang.Scaled Experiment and Calculation of Induction Lightning Overvoltage on Distribution Line.2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIGHTNING PROTECTION (ICLP).Tsinghua Univ, Shanghai, CHINA,2014:1799-1803.
[95]Zhuang Chijie, Zeng Rong, Li Qian, Liu Hanbo, Yu Zhanqing, He Jinliang.Improve the Electrogeometric Model by the Analysis Results of Leader Propagation Model for Transmission Lines.2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIGHTNING PROTECTION (ICLP).Tsinghua Univ, Shanghai, CHINA,2014:2020-2023.
[96]She Chen, Rong Zeng, Chijie Zhuang, Xuan Zhou. THE OBSERVATION AND 3D MODELLING OF LONG POSITIVE STREAMERS IN AIR. ISH2013. 298-302
[97]Qian Li , Rong Zeng, Chijie Zhuang, Zhanqing Yu, Zhizhao Li, Jinliang He. Comparison of Lightning Shielding Failure Simulation Methods for UHV Transmission Lines. ISH2013. 386-390
[99]Xuan Zhou, Rong Zeng, Chijie Zhuang. Application of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer to parameters measurements in air arcs. ICPIG2013
[101]Rong Zeng. Experimental Research on the Upward Leader Inception Characteristics from Transmission Line. 2011 Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning, Chengdu, China, 1-4, Nov. 2011.
[102]Zhizhao Li, Rong Zeng, She Chen, Liao Yongli, Gao Chao. Research on the Upward Leader Emerging from Transmission Line by Simulation Experiments. 2011 Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning, Chengdu, China, 1-4, Nov. 2011.
[103]Ben Niu, Rong Zeng, and Yinan Geng et al. An Electro-Optic Integrated Sensor for Lightning Impulse Electric Field Measurements. 2008 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and 19th International Zurich Symposium on EMC 2008. May 19-23, 2008: 311-314
[104]Yinan Geng, Rong Zeng and Jinliang He, et al. The Design of Electric-optical Modulator Used in EMC Measurements. IEEE International Symposium on EMC, July 9-13, 2007. Hawaii, USA
[105]Rong Zeng, Weiyuan Chen and Jinliang He, et al. The Development of Integrated Electro-optic Sensor for Intensive Electric Field Measurement. IEEE International Symposium on EMC, July 9-13, 2007, Hawaii, USA.
[106]Jie Zhao, Rong Zeng and Jinliang He. Limiting the DC Bias Influence on AC Transformer Under Single Pole Operation of DC System. 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, August 27-31, 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia. paper no: T2-129.
[107]Rong Zeng, Ben Niu and Jinliang He. Lightning Overvoltage Analysis of 500-kV Four-Circuits of Transmission Line. The 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Sept. 18-22, 2005, Kanazawa, Japan. pp: 1142.
[108]Ling Wang, Rong Zeng and Bo Zhang, et al. Electric-Field Calculation for Hot-line Working on the Head of Transmission Tower. 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2006, . pp: 194. (EI: )
[109]Rong Zeng, Weiyuan Chen and Jinliang He, et al. Novel Integrated Electro-optic Sensor for Intensive Transient Electric Field Measurement. 2006 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Aug. 14-18, 2006, Portland, Oregon, USA. paper no: WEAM0307.
[110]Jian Tang, Rong Zeng and Hongbin Ma, et al. Influence of Magnetic Field of AC Transmission Lines on Parallel DC Transmission Systems. 2006 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Aug. 14-18, 2006, Portland, Oregon, USA. paper no: TUAM0305.
[111]Ben Niu, Rong Zeng and Bo Zhang, et al. Research and Design of the Neutral Series Resister to Restrain the HVDC Ground Current Flowing into Transformer. 2006 International Conference on Power System Technology, Oct. 22-26, 2006, Chongqing, China. paper no: DC2-05.
[112]Rong Zeng, Xidong Liang and Puxuan Zhu. Insulation flashover criterion of non-standard impulse and the implementation in EMTDC. VIII International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Nov. 21-25, 2005, S?o Paulo, Brazil. pp: 238-242.
[113]Chen Weiyuan, Zeng Rong and Liang Xidong, et al. Research on Integrated Electro-optic Sensor for Intensive Electric Field Measurement. the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Aug. 25-29, 2005, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. paper no: A-13.
[114]Rong Zeng, Ben Niu and Jinliang He. Lightning Performance Analysis of Four-Circuit 500kV Transmission Line Based on EMTDC-Embedded Model of Insulators. the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Aug. 25-29, 2005, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. paper no: B-75.
[115]Gang Yu, Rong Zeng and Jinliang He. Analysis Method of High Frequency Transient Parameters of Power Cables. the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Aug. 25-29, 2005, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. paper no: B-96.
[116]Rong Zeng, Chonghui Lu and Jinliang He, et al. Lightning Impulse Effective Area of Earthing Grid. 27th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Sept. 13-16, 2004, Avignon, France. pp: Vol I, 514-519.
[117]Rong Zeng, Zhanqing Yu and Jinliang He. Lightning Performance Analysis of Multi-Circuit Transmission Line Based on EMTP-Embedded Volt-Time Characteristic Model of Insulators. International Workshop on High Voltage Engineering, Oct. 6-7, 2004, Hokkaido University, Saporp, Japan. pp: Vol II, 121-126.
[118]Peng Kang, Rong Zeng and Jinliang He, et al. Numerical analysis of Lighting Incoming Wave Protection for 110 kV Substation for Qingzang Railway. 12th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge, Nov. 19-22, 2004, Graduate School of Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen, China.
[119]Zhang yun, Zeng Rong and He jinliang. Analysis of Lightning Performance of 330kV Compact Transmission Line. 12th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge, Nov. 19-22, 2004, Graduate School of Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen, China.
[120]Rong Zeng, Jinliang He, Shuiming Chen, Fangwei Fu, Zhicheng Guan. 10 kV insulated compact distribution line supported by composite spacers in urban area. 2003 IEEE Technical Conference on Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, 4-8 May 2003, pp. 69-76
[121]Jiayu Lu, Rong Zeng, Jinliang He, Yanqing Gao. Improving Safety of Substation by A Two-Layer Earthing System. XIIIth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Netherlands, 2003. (2003 Millpress Rotterdam, Netherlands, ISBN: No. 90-77017-79-8), pp.1-4
[122]Rong Zeng, Jinliang He, Yanqing Gao, Zhicheng Guan. Influence of overhead transmission line on grounding impedance of substation. XIIIth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Netherlands, 2003. (2003 Millpress Rotterdam, Netherlands, ISBN: No. 90-77017-79-8), pp.1-4
[123]Peng Kang, Rong Zeng, Zhiqiu Huang, Shuiming Chen, Jinliang He. Lightning performance of four-circuit 500 kV transmission lines. XIIIth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Netherlands, 2003. (2003 Millpress Rotterdam, Netherlands, ISBN: No. 90-77017-79-8), pp.1-4
[124]Rong Zeng, Shaofeng Yu, Jinliang He, Zhicheng Guan. Structure parameter analysis of horizontal multi-layer soil for substation sites. XIIIth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Netherlands, 2003. (2003 Millpress Rotterdam, Netherlands, ISBN: No. 90-77017-79-8), pp.1-4
[125]J. Zou, R. Zeng, J. L. He, J. Guo, Y. Q. Gao and S. M. Chen. Numerical Green’s Function of a Point Current Source in Horizontal Multi-layer Soils by Utilizing the Vector Matrix Pencil Technique. Proceedings of COMPUMAG2003, Saratoga Springs, USA, July13-17
[126]GAO Yanqing, ZENG Rong, HE Jinliang, LIANG Xidong. Loss Transmission-line Model of Grounding Electrodes Considering Soil Ionization of Lightning Impulse. In: Proceedings of 2002 3rd International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, May 21-24, 2002, Beijing, China, pp. 294-297 (ISTP: BW18S)
[127]Zeng Rong, Pan Xiyuan, He Jinliang, Sheng Xingfu. Reconfiguration and capacitor placement for loss reduction of distribution system. pp. 1945-1949, 2002 IEEE Region 10 Conference on Computers, Communications, Control and Power Engineering Proceeding, Oct. 28-31, 2002, Beijing China (EI: , ISTP: BW21E)
[128]Haipeng Wang, Rong Zeng, Jinliang He, Xinfu Sheng. Data acquisition in distribution system with the GSM network. Pp.1368-1331, in Proceedings of 2002 International Conference on Power System Technology, Oct. 13-17, 2002, Kunming, China (ISTP: BW09Z)
[129]Rong Zeng, Jinliang He, Xinfu Sheng, Yanqing Gao, Dejin Min, Zongze Xia. The design and implementation of DA/DMS in Liao Yang Power Supply Company. Pp.1772-1776, in Proceedings of 2002 International Conference on Power System Technology, Oct. 13-17, 2002, Kunming, China (ISTP: BW09Z)
[130]Rong Zeng, Jinliang He, Jun Hu, Guojun LU, Bin LUO. The Theory and Implementation of Corrosion Diagnosis for Grounding System. Conference Record of the IEEE 37th IAS Annual Meeting - Industry Applications Conference, Oct.11-16, Volume 2, 2002, pp. 1120 -1126 (EI, ISTP: BV77F)
[131]Rong Zeng, Jinliang He, Jun Zou, Xinfu Sheng. Novel Method in Decreasing Grounding Resistances of Urban Substations by Utilizing Peripheral Geographical Conditions. Conference Record of the IEEE 37th IAS Annual Meeting - Industry Applications Conference, Oct.11-16, Volume 2, 2002, pp. 1113-1119 (EI: , ISTP: BV77F)
[132]YU Gang, ZENG Rong, CAO Zenggong, HE Jinliang, GUAN Zhicheng Surface Subdivision Method to Analyze Transient Parameters of Power Cables in High Frequency Region. Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG), Evian, France, July 2-5, 2001. Vol.IV, pp. 244-245
[133]He Jinliang, Zeng Rong, Sheng Xinfu, Chen Shuiming, Guan Zhicheng. Numerical Analysis Method for Potential Distribution of Suspended-type Metal-oxide Surge Arrester. Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG), Evian, France, July 2-5, 2001. Vol.III, pp. 106-107
[134]Rong Zeng, Jinliang HE, Yanqing GAO, Zhicheng GUAN. Arrangement of Grounding Resistance Measurement Circuit for Grounding System in Vertical Layered Soil, International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 20-24 Aug., 2001, pp. 162-165
[135]Zeng Rong. Development and application of polymeric triangle spacers for compact distribution lines and high voltage polymeric bushings in China. Korea-China Int’l Joint Symposium on Power Insulation & Arrester Technology, Changwon, Korea, Dec.14, 2001, 97-124
[136]You-Ping TU, Rong ZENG, Jin-Liang HE, Se-Won HAN, Han-Goo CHO. Effects of geometrical uniformity of microstructure to electrical characteristics of ZnO varistors. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, June 21-26, 2000, Xi’an, China, pp. 737-740
[137]Jun HU, Rong ZENG, Jinliang HE, Weimin SUN, Jinxia YAO. Novel Method of Corrosion Diagnosis for Grounding Grid. IEEE Powercon2000, Dec.4-7, the University of West Australia, Perth, Australia, pp. 1365-1370
[138]Bo ZHANG, Rong ZENG, Jinliang HE, Weimin SUN, Jinxia YAO. Novel Measurement System for Grounding Impedance of Substations and Power Plants. IEEE Powercon2000, Dec.4-7, the University of West Australia, Perth, Australia, pp.1389-1394
[139]Rong ZENG, Jinliang HE, Yanqing GAO, Weimin SUN, Qi SU. Measuring Electrode Arrangement for Grounding Resistance Measurement of Grounding System in Vertical-layered Soil. IEEE Powercon2000, Dec.4-7, the University of West Australia, Perth, Australia, pp. 1469-1474
[140]Rong ZENG, Jinliang HE, Zanji Wang, Yanqing GAO, Weimin SUN, Qi SU, Analysis on Influence of Long Vertical Grounding Electrodes on Grounding System for Substation. IEEE Powercon2000, Dec.4-7, the University of West Australia, Perth, Australia, pp. 1475-1480
[141]Xiyuan PAN, Rong ZENG, Jinliang HE, Yanqing GAO, Weimin SUN, Qi SU. Multi-layer Soil Structure Analysis for Substation and Power Generating Station Sites. IEEE Powercon2000, Dec.4-7, the University of West Australia, Perth, Australia, pp. 1481-1486
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