
清华大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-荆 涛

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16

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E-mail: jingtao@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

自1996年起,主讲本科生课程“工艺过程仿真” (32学时)
自1999年起,主讲研究生课程“材料加工计算机模拟与仿真” (32学时)









1993- 清华大学机械工程系(现材料学院),讲师、副教授(1996)、教授(2004)
1995-1997 日本东北大学材料加工学科,客员研究员


1. 铸造、锻造宏/微观模拟软件研究开发与工程应用,“高档数控机床与基础制造装备”科技重大专项课题 ( 2009ZX04014-082), 2009.3-2010.12
2. 镁合金精确铸造成形组织性能模拟,国家973项目(2006CB605208),2006.09- 2011.08
3. 先进成形制造过程多尺度数字仿真与优化,国家973项目(2005CB724105),2005.12- 2010.12
4. 铝合金铸件机械性能模拟研究,国家自然科学基金项目(**),2001.01- 2003.12
5. 支持产品创新的先进制造技术中的若干基础研究,国家自然科学基金重大项目( **),1999.10- 2002.12
6. 金属材料热成形过程的动态模拟及组织性能的优化控制,国家攀登计划预选项目,1997.10- 2000.12


1. 柳百成, 荆涛等,《铸造工程的模拟仿真与质量控制》,机械工业出版社,2000年10月
2. 荆涛,《凝固过程数值模拟》,电子工业出版社,2002年5月
3. Sansan Shuai,Enyu Guo, Tao Jing, Peter D. Lee, Fast synchrotron X-ray tomography quantification of the dendritic evolution during the solidification of Mg-Sn alloys, Acta Materialia 10/2016; 118:260-269.
4. Zhou Wenqian, Zhu Kai, Jing Tao, Hou Hongliang, Xu Yanjin,“Microstructure and fracture behavior of Ti-aluminides reinforced Ti matrix laminates”,The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials, Mechanics and Structural Engineering(AMMSE 2015), Je-Ju Island, Korea, September 18 - 20, 2015: 219-224.
5. Qi-Wei Zheng, Tao Jing, Hong-biao Dong, “Modelling of Secondary Dendrite Arms Evolution during Solidification by a Phase-field Method”, Materials Today: Proceedings of the joint 3rd UK-China Steel Research Forum & 15th Chinese Materials Association-UK on Materials Science and Engineering, March 2015, (Materials Today: Proceedings 2S ( 2015 ) S466 –S473).
6. En-YuGuo, Ming-YueWang, Tao Jing and Nikhilesh Chawla,“Temperature-dependent mechanical properties of an austenitic-ferritic stainless steel studied by in situ tensile loading in a scanning electron microscope (SEM)”,Materials Science and Engineering A 580(2013)159-168.
7. Wuyang, Jingtao, “Evaluate Temperature Distribution of LPDC Wheel Hub by Using Douglas ADI”, International Conference on Advanced Technology of Design and Manufacturing(ATDM2011), November 3-5, Changzhou, China
8. Wang mingyue, Jing Tao and Liu Baicheng, Phase-field simulation of dendrite morphologies and selected evolution of primary α-Mg phases during the solidification of Mg-rich Mg-Al-based alloys, Scripta Materialia, Volume 61, Issue 8, October 2009, Pages 777-780.
9. 缪家明,荆涛,柳百成, “镁合金枝晶形貌的相场方法模拟”,《金属学报》,2008.Vol.44, No.4,pp483-488
10. 朱圣焱,荆涛,“摇枕与侧架铸件的热裂纹数值模拟研究”, 《中国铸造装备与技术》, 2008 No.2,p28-31
11. 张辉,万柳军,荆涛,“汽车轮毂低压铸造凝固过程模拟研究”,《特种铸造及有色合金》,2006 Vol26, No.7,p409-411
12. 万柳军, 张辉,荆涛,“低压铸造汽车轮毂充型过程数值模拟研究”,《热加工工艺》,2005, No.12,p27-29
13. 赵红兆, 荆涛,柳百成, “铝合金三维枝晶生长相场模拟”,《金属学报》,2005.Vol.41, No.5,pp491-495
14. REN Yu-Fu, JING Tao, XIONG Shou-Mei,“Internet-based Post-processing Technology For Casting CAE System”, Proceedings of 6th Pacific Rim International Conference on Modeling of Casting & Solidification Process, pp 437-444, Auguest 8-11, 2004, Taiwan, China
15. Zhao Daiping, Jing Tao, Liu Baicheng, “Computer Simulation of 3-Dimensional Dendrite Growth Using Modified Phase Field Method”, ISIJ International, 2003.Vol.43, No.7, pp1095-1099
16. 宋永恒,荆涛, “基于Pro-E的三维铸造工艺工装CAD/CAE系统研究”, 《模具工程》, 2001 Vol.9, p8-12
17. ZHOU Jian, JING Tao,“Integration of CAD/CAE System for Casting Process Design”, Tsinghua Science and Technology,2003.Vol.8,No.1,pp117-120
18. X. D. Liu*, T. Jing and B. C. Liu,“ Study on the Web-based Casting CAE System”, 5th Pacific Rim International Conference on Modeling of Casting & Solidification Process, January 20-23, 2002, Nagoya, Japan(also published by International Journal of Cast Metals Research, Vol.15, No.4, 2003. p421-425.
19. WANG Xudong, JING Tao, “Three-Dimensions Simulation of Dendritic Growth Using Phase Field Method”, Proceedings of 4th Pacific Rim International Conference on Modeling of Casting & Solidification Process, Seoul, Korea, September 5-8, 1999, p141-146
20. 荆涛, 刘新宇,“并行工程环境下的铸造工艺CAD/CAE系统”, 《特种铸造及有色合金》, 2000 Vol.3, p35-37.
21 .熊伟,荆涛,“铝合金铸件微观组织模拟的研究”,《兵工学报》,2000.Vol.21,No.4,p350-352

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