职务:教授 博导
工作履历 1992年8月–2000年8月,在清华大学数学科学系工作
2000年9月–2001年8月,Seoul National University访问教授
2001年9月–2003年4月,University of Tokyo JSPS Fellow
学术兼职 担任《Intelligent Modeling and Verification》(SCI期刊)特邀主编(2012,6-2013,9);
担任《Intelligent Modeling and Verification 2014》(SCI期刊)特邀主编(2013,9-2014,10);
担任《Modeling, Optimization, and Verification for Complex Systems》(SCI期刊)特邀主编(2014,11-2015,12)。
研究领域 系统辨识与信号处理;自适应控制与信号跟踪;非线性系统;软件的形式化方法;模型检测
学术成果 Publications:
[19-1] 罗贵明,BX Zhao, SY Du, Causal inference and Bayesian network structure learning from nominal data, Applied Intelligence, vol.49(1), pp. 253-264, 2019.
[19-2] J Qi, 罗贵明, Formal codesign and implementation for multifunction vehicle bus circuits, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.68(6), pp. 5221-5235, 2019.
[19-3] BX Zhao, 罗贵明,Reasoning of causal direction in linear model based on Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, 12th International Conference, KSEM 2019, Athens, Greece, Proceedings: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI 11776), pp.259-270, 2019
[19-4] BX Zhao, 罗贵明, A new causal direction reasoning method for decision making on noisy data, 2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Paris, France, pp.2471-2476, 2019.
[19-5] CQ Chu, 罗贵明, MY Zhang, An optimized model checking parallel algorithm based on CUDA, 18th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing, Milan, Italy, 2019.
[19-6] H Ya, 罗贵明, Multi-scale point pillars 3D object detection network, 18th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing, Milan, Italy, 2019.
[18-1] 罗贵明, BX Zhao, MQ Jiang, Improved state space model using iterative PSO for unsteady aerodynamic system at high AOA, International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence, vol.12(3), pp.1-17, 2018.
[18-2] YL Zhang, 罗贵明,Causal direction inference for air pollutants data,Computers & Electrical Engineering, vol.68, pp. 404-411, 2018.
[18-3] YL Zhang, YF Cen, 罗贵明,Causal direction inference for network alarm analysis, Control Engineering Practice, vol.70, pp. 148-153, 2018.
[18-4] BX Zhao, 罗贵明, Classification and visualization of alarm data based on heterogeneous distance, International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, vol.14(2), pp. 60-80, 2018.
[17-1] YL Zhang, WF Ma, 罗贵明, Inferring causal directions from uncertain data, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol.65, pp.261-267, 2017.
[17-2] YL Zhang, 罗贵明, Recursive prediction algorithm for non-stationary Gaussian process, Journal of Systems and Software, vol.127, pp.295-301, 2017.
[17-3] FA Pu, 罗贵明, Z Zhou, Encoding argumentation semantics by Boolean algebra, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.100D, No.4, pp.838-848, 2017.
[17-4] LY Zhang, 罗贵明, DH Qing, Statistical model checking of stochastic component-based systems, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, vol.87, No.13, pp.2509-2525, 2017.
[17-5] YX Wang, LA Zadeh, B Widrow, N Howard, F Beaufays, G Baciu, DF Hsu, 罗贵明, F Mizoguchi, S Patel, V Raskin, S Tsumoto, W Wei, D Zhang, Abstract intelligence: Embodying and enabling cognitive systems by mathematical engineering, International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence, vol.11, No.1, pp.1-15, 2017.
[17-6] BX Zhao, 罗贵明, JH Zhu, Improved boosting model for unsteady nonlinear aerodynamics based on computational intelligence, International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence, vol.11, No.1, pp.46-59, 2017.
[17-7] Q Ji, 罗贵明, Model based formal design for MVB system, 2017 IEEE 16th International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC), Oxford, UK, 26-28 July 2017, pp.207-212, 2017.
[17-8] C Peng, XY Zhang, G Yu, 罗贵明, J Sun, Large kernel matters - improve semantic segmentation by global convolutional network, 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Honolulu, HI, USA, 21-26 July 2017, pp.1743-1751, 2017.
[17-9] FA Pu, 罗贵明, YC Chen, Boolean matrix approach for abstract argumentation, Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies. 14th European Conference, EUMAS 2016, and 4th International Conference, AT 2016, Valencia, Spain, 15-16 Dec. 2016. LNAI 10207, pp.470-480, 2017.
[17-10] FA Pu, 罗贵明, Ranking arguments based on counter-transitivity, IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, France, The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, 9-14 July 2017, vol.50, Issue 1, July 2017, pp.12496-12501, 2017.
[16-1] 罗贵明, CY Yin, J Luo, Satisfiability degree analysis and deductive reasoning, IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol.31, No. 4, pp. 30-42, 2016
[16-22] 罗贵明,XY Song, XJ Yang, K Thulasiraman, JF Monin, and GW Yang,Modeling, Optimization, and verification for complex systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. **, 2016
[16-3] 罗贵明, CY Yin, Deductive reasoning and computing based on propositional logic, ICCI*CC 2016, IEEE 15th International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC’16), pp. 294-299, 2016
[16-4] Z Jiang, 罗贵明, KL Shen, Complex networks clustering for lower power scan segmentation in at-speed testing, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, vol. E99C, No. 9, pp. 1071-1079, 2016
[16-5] LY Zhang, QD Meng, 罗贵明, Verification of lean-kanban processes with probabilistic model checking, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 358-368, 2016
[16-6] BX Zhao,罗贵明, An alarm correlation algorithm based on similarity distance and deep network, 12th International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC), Lanzhou, CHINA, Intelligent Computing Methodologies, ICIC 2016, PT III, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol.9773, pp. 359-368, 2016
[16-7] BX Zhao, 罗贵明, A weighted hybrid model for unsteady nonlinear aerodynamics, ICCI*CC 2016, 2016 IEEE 15th Int’l Conf. on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC), pp. 219-225, 2016.
[16-8] FA Pu, 罗贵明, Counter-Transitivity in Argument Ranking Semantics, The Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, pp.4256-4257, 2016
[15-1] YL Zhang, 罗贵明,Short term power load prediction with knowledge transfer,Information Systems, vol. 53, pp.161-169, 2015
[15-2] XJ Yang, 罗贵明, New Lyapunov-type inequalities for a class of even-order linear differential equations, Mathematische Nachrichten, vol.288, No.16, pp.1910-1915, 2015
[15-3] FA Pu, J Luo, YL Zhang, 罗贵明, Attacker and defender counting approach for abstract argumentation, 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society, pp.1913–1918, 2015.
[15-4] FA Pu, J Luo, 罗贵明, Some supplementaries to the counting semantics for abstract argumentation, IEEE 27th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), pp.242-249, 2015.
[14-1] 罗贵明,XY Song, XJ Yang, K Thulasiraman, Intelligent modeling and Verification, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014.
[14-2] 罗贵明,Y Zhao, YL Zhang, A new recursive identification method for weighted criterion, 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, pp.24-29, August 2014
[14-3] J Luo, 罗贵明, HR Qu, A software vulnerability rating approach based on the vulnerability database, Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol.2014, 2014.
[14-4] LY Zhang, QD Meng, 罗贵明, Compositional abstraction refinement for component-based systems, Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol.2014, 2014.
[14-5] XJ Yang, 罗贵明,Lyapunov-type inequalities for a class of higher-order linear differential equations with anti-periodic boundary conditions, Applied Mathematics Letters, vol.34, pp.33-36, 2014
[14-6] XJ Yang, YI Kim, 罗贵明,Lyapunov-type inequalities for a class of higher-order linear differential equations, Applied Mathematics Letters, vol.34, pp.86-89, 2014
[14-7] YL Zhang,罗贵明,Inferring causal directions in Errors-in-Variables models, The Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Québec, Canada, July, 2014
[14-8] YL Zhang,罗贵明,Fast algorithm for non-stationary Gaussian process prediction, The Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Québec, Canada, July, 2014
[14-9] J Luo, FA Pu, YL Zhang, 罗贵明, Computing preferences based on agents’ beliefs, The Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Québec, Canada, July, 2014
[14-10] YL Zhang, 罗贵明,Power load forecasting based on multi-task Gaussian process, 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, pp.24-29 August 2014
[14-11] KJ Qin, 罗贵明, XB Zhao, Laxity release optimization for Simulink models, 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, pp.24-29 August 2014
[14-12] M Xia, 罗贵明,Modeling and model checking by modular approach,36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Hyderabad, India, May 31- June 7, 2014
[14-13] LY Zhang, QD Meng, 罗贵明, Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement for component-based systems, The 38th Annual International Computers, Software & Applications Conference (COMPSAC), pp.201-210, Jul 2014, V?ster?s, Sweden.
[14-14] LY Zhang, QD Meng, 罗贵明, Model checking (k,d)-Markov chain with ipLTL, International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM), Sibiu, Romania, pp.178-189, 2014
[14-15] QD Meng, LY Zhang, 罗贵明, Formal verification for embedded software with cognitive environment modelling, 13th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC), London England, pp.355-360, 2014
[14-16] LY Zhang, QD Meng, 罗贵明, Optimized symbolic model checking for component-based systems, 13th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC), London England, pp.373-378, 2014.
[14-17] FA Pu, J Luo, YL Zhang, 罗贵明, Argument ranking with Categorizer function, International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM), Sibiu, Romania, pp.1-12, 2014
[13-1] 罗贵明, G Chesi, XY Song, and XJ Yang, Intelligent modeling and verification, Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol.2013, 791363, 2013
[13-2] YL Zhang, 罗贵明, Y Su, Convergence analysis of EFOP estimate based on frequency domain smoothing, Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol.2013, pp 1-8, 2013
[13-3] M Xia, 罗贵明, SJ Shao, Formal modeling and verification for MVB, Journal of Applied Math., vol.2013, pp. 1-12, 2013
[13-4] D Fan, 罗贵明, Recursive identification for dynamic linear systems from noisy input-output Measurements, Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol.2013, pp.1-8, 2013
[13-5] XJ Yang, YI Kim, 罗贵明, Sufficient conditions for the intersection of orbits with the vertical isocline of the Liénard system, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, vol.57, pp. 2374–2377, 2013
[13-6] XJ Yang, YI Kim, 罗贵明, Lyapunov-type inequality for dimensional quasilinear systems, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, vol.16, Number 3, pp.929–934, 2013
[13-7] XJ Yang, YI Kim, 罗贵明, Some Lyapunov-type inequalities for a class of nonlinear systems, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, vol. 16, Number 3, pp.887–893, 2013
[13-8] M Xia, M Jin, 罗贵明, Automatic verification of transition systems with unspecified components, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp 1740-1744, 2013
[13-9] FA Pu, J Luo, YL Zhang, 罗贵明,Social welfare semantics for value-based argumentation framework,6th International Conference, KSEM 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 8041 LNAI, pp. 76-88, 2013
[13-10] X Mo, M Sun, 罗贵明,Design and implementation of automatic verification for PLC systems, 12th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing,pp.374-379, New York, 2013.
[13-11] SK Luo, 罗贵明, XB Zhao, Common production process modeling for MES based on multi-agent, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 1582-1586, 2013
[13-12] YL Zhang, 罗贵明, An entropy based method for causal discovery in linear acyclic model, 20th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) Daegu, Korea, vol. 8227, pp. 250-256, 2013
[12-1] XJ Yang, YI Kim, 罗贵明,An oscillation criterion for forced half-linear differential equations with mixed nonlinearities,Applied Mathematics Letters, vol.25(12), pp.2128-2131, 2012
[12-2] XJ Yang, YI Kim, 罗贵明,Lyapunov-type inequality for quasilinear systems,Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol.219(4), pp.1670-1673, 2012
[12-3] XJ Yang, YI Kim, 罗贵明,Lyapunov-type inequality for a class of linear differential systems,Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol.219(4), pp.1805-1812, 2012
[12-4] XJ Yang, YI Kim, 罗贵明,A Lyapunov-type inequality for a two-term even-order differential, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, vol.15(3), pp.525-528, 2012
[12-5] XJ Yang, YI Kim, 罗贵明,Periodic solutions for a generalized p-Laplacian equation,Applied Mathematics Letters, vol.25(3), pp.586-589, 2012
[12-6] SJ Shao, 罗贵明, J Luo, XB Zhao, Circuit delay computation based on ITTPN, 12th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC),pp.454-460, New York, 2013.
[12-7] XY Lu,罗贵明,Direct translation of LTL formulas to Büchi automata,11th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC), pp.323-328, 2012
[12-8] Y Liu, 罗贵明,YL Zhang, Response surface modeling by local kernel partial least square,5th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming (PAAP), Taipei, TAIWAN, pp.269-276, 2012
[11-1] XJ Yang, YI Kim, 罗贵明,Lyapunov-type inequality for a class of quasilinear systems,Mathematical and Computer Modelling, vol.53, Issues 5–6, pp.1162–1166.
[11-2] YL Wang,罗贵明,Generic cabling with restrictions based on ant colony algorithm, International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IJCINI), vol.3(2), pp.48-59, 2011.
[11-3] YL Zhang, Y Zhen, 罗贵明,A new recursive kernel regression algorithm and its application in ultra-short time power load forecasting,The 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, pp.12177-12182, 2011.
[11-4] YL Zhang, 罗贵明,F Luo, Self-tuning filtering for multi-sensor data fusion based on forget factor algorithms,6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), pp. 2415-20, 2011.
[11-5] J Luo, 罗贵明,M Xia, Satisfiability degree theory for temporal logic, International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence IJCCI (ECTA-FCTA), Paris, France, pp.497-500, 2011.
[11-6] J Luo, 罗贵明,M Xia, An algorithm for satisfiability degree computation,International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence IJCCI (ECTA-FCTA), Paris, France, pp.501-504, 2011.
[11-7] J Luo,罗贵明,Y Zhao, Satisfiability degree computation for linear temporal logic,10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing, ICCI*CC 2011, pp.373-380, 2011.
[11-8] PZ Liu,罗贵明,M Xia, MS He, Automatic verification of event-driven control programs: A case study,2011 4th International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence, IWACI 2011, pp.249-256, 2011.
[11-9] D Fan, 罗贵明, Convergence analysis of an adaptive algorithm for identifying errors-in-variables systems, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Integrated Systems (ICISS), pp.411-416, 2011.
[11-10] D Fan, 罗贵明, An adaptive algorithm for identifying errors-in-variables systems, International Conference on Computer Control and Automation (ICCCA), 1st-3rd, Jeju Island, Korea, May 2011.
[11-11] D Fan, 罗贵明, Strongly consistent identification for stochastic linear errors-in-variables systems, 11th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, pp.1540-1545, 2011.
[11-12] JL Wang, 罗贵明,Argumentation framework with weighted argument structure,10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing, ICCI*CC, Banff Canada, pp. 385-391, 2011.
[11-13] M Ouyang, 罗贵明, Bounded model checking for branch time logic, Proceedings of 2011 World Congress on Engineering and Technology, vol.7, pp.23-26, 2011.
[10-1] XJ Yang, YI Kim, 罗贵明,Lyapunov-type inequality for a class of odd-order differential equations,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol.234(10), pp.2962-2968, 2010.
[10-2] XJ Yang, 罗贵明,Lyapunov-type inequality for a class of even-order differential equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol.215(11), pp.3884–3890.
[10-3] J Luo,罗贵明,Satisfiability degree computation based on proposition matrix reduction algorithm,Journal of Computational Information Systems, vol.6(2), pp.371-378, 2010.
[10-4] Y. Zhao,罗贵明,Satisfiability degree analysis for transition system,International Conference, AICI 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6319, Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence, pp. 25-32, 2010
[10-5] D Fan,罗贵明,Frisch Scheme identification for Errors-in-Variables systems, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics, ICCI 2010, pp.794-799, 2010.
[10-6] J Luo, 罗贵明, Proposition matrix search algorithm for satisfiability degree computation, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics, ICCI 2010, pp.974-977, 2010.
[10-7] YL Zhang, 罗贵明,Adaptive signal processing for ARX system disturbed by complex noise,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.6319 Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence, pp.201-208, 2010.
[10-8] BS Wang, 罗贵明,Extend argumentation frameworks based on degree of attack,Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics, ICCI 2010, pp.771-776, 2010.
[10-9] YS Zheng, 罗贵明,JB Sun, JJ Zhang, ZF Wang, PLC Modeling and Checking Based on Formal Method,Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, vol.3, pp 1054-1059, 2010.
[09-1] 罗贵明,R Jiang, DH Li, Adaptive one-step-ahead optimal controller based on WLS schemes, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, vol.23, 241-259, 2009.
[09-2] 罗贵明, CY Yin, P Hu, An Algorithm for Calculating the Satisfiability Degree,Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, pp.322-326, 2009.
[09-3] D Fan, 罗贵明, Identification for disturbed MIMO Wiener systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, vol.55, No.1,pp.31-42,2009
[09-4] XJ Yang, 罗贵明, Invariant curves and boundedness of solutions of a class of reversible systems, Mathematische Nachrichten, vol.282, No.1, pp.142-154, 2009.
[09-5] CY Yin,罗贵明,Efficient Translation of LTL to Büchi Automata,Tsinghua Science and Technology,vol.14, No.1, pp.75-82, 2009
[09-6] JB Sun,罗贵明,Reduction and simplification of explicit LTL model checking via an abstraction method,Tsinghua Science and Technology,vol.14, No.1, pp.90-94, 2009
[09-7] ZY Zang,罗贵明,CY Yin, Verification of interdomain routing system based on formal methods,Tsinghua Science and Technology,vol.14, No.1, pp.83-89, 2009
[09-8] M Zhang, 罗贵明, DH Li, One-step-ahead optimal adaptive control based on ELS algorithm, The International Conference on Computational Science 2009 (ICCS), pp.1-5, 2009.
[09-9] CY Yin, 罗贵明, P Hu, Backtracking search algorithm for satisfiability degree calculation, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, pp.3-7, 2009.
[09-10] P Hu, 罗贵明, CY Yin, Computation of satisfiability degree based on CNF, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, pp.142-146, 2009.
[09-11]赵玥,罗贵明, 有色噪声干扰系统的递推算法, 清华大学学报,vol.49, No.1, pp.135-141, 2009.
[09-12]梁中兴, 罗贵明, 旷宏斌,基于CEGAR 偏序化简的并行程序死锁检测,计算机工程, vol.35, 19 期, pp.65-68, 2009.
[09-13]崔航,王冕,罗贵明,何光宇,基于扩展时序距离法和自适应控制的超短期负荷预测, 电力系统自动化, vol.15, pp.38-42, 2009.
1.. 罗贵明,夏默,罗建,一种模块建模与模型检测一体化自动检测方法,中国,专利号:ZL 0.7, 2016.
2. 罗贵明, 夏默, 孙冕, 刘湖钰, 卢欣晔, 基于模块建模与模型检测一体化系统检测装置, 中国,专利号:ZL 6.X, 2017
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16
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姓名:李春平电话:职务:副教授联系方式:cli@tsinghua.edu.cn 工作履历 1988年至1994年:吉林大学计算机系助教、讲师1995年至1999年 德国达姆施塔特技术大学 (Technical University Darmstadt) 留学,获德国自然科学博士2000年1月至2000年11月 香港科技大学(HKUST)计算机系任职 Resea ...清华大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-16清华大学软件学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈莉
姓名:陈莉职称:副教授办公室地址:清华大学东主楼10区403电话:Email: chenlee@tsinghua.edu.cn 教育背景 1993.03 ~ 1996.12 浙江大学应用数学系计算机图形学研究方向 理学博士1991.09 ~ 1993.02 西北工业大学飞行器制造工程系航空宇航制造工程专业 工学硕士1987.09 ~ 1991.07 西北工业大学计算机系 ...清华大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-16清华大学软件学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张慧
姓名:张慧职务:副教授电话:**联系方式:huizhang@tsinghua.edu.cn 教育背景 1997.9-2003.1, 清华大学计算机系 计算机软件与理论专业博士1992.9-1997.7, 清华大学计算机系 计算机科学与技术专业学士 工作履历 2007.1至今, 清华大学软件学院 副教授2003.2-2006.12,清华大 ...清华大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-16清华大学软件学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘玉身
姓 名:刘玉身 职 称:副教授联系方式:E-mail: liuyushen@tsinghua.edu.cn个人主页:http://cgcad.thss.tsinghua.edu.cn/liuyushen/ 教育背景 2000-2006 清华大学计算机科学与技术系博士学位1996-2000 吉林大学数学系 学士学位 工作履历 2009 至 ...清华大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-16清华大学软件学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王继良
姓名: 王继良职务: 副教授邮件: jiliangwang@tsinghua.edu.cn主页: http://tns.thss.tsinghua.edu.cn/~jiliang/ 教育背景 2007年于中国科学技术大学获工学学士学位2011年于香港科技大学获博士学位 学术兼职 PC member for IEEE Confe ...清华大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-16清华大学软件学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王斌
姓 名:王斌职 务:党委书记职 称:副教授Email: wangbins AT tsinghua.edu.cn 教育背景 19992004,清华大学计算机系,博士学位19961999,清华大学计算机系,工学学士学位19941999,清华大学化学系,理学学士学位 工作履历 2006年至今,清华大学 ...清华大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-16