

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16

中国北京清华大学电子工程系 100084
电话: +86-
传真: +86-
电子邮箱: zcwang@tsinghua.edu.cn
教育背景1986.09-1991.07 清华大学无线电电子学系 本科
1991.09-1993.07 清华大学电子工程系 硕士
1993.09-1996.07 清华大学电子工程系 博士

工作履历1996.10-1997.09 新加坡南洋理工大学 博士后
1997.10-1999.09 SONY欧洲研发中心(德国) 研发工程师、高级工程师
1999.09-2009.04 OKI技术中心(新加坡) 高级工程师、主任工程师
2009.04至今 清华大学电子工程系 教授

学术兼职国际工程技术学会会士(IET FELLOW)
IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications编委(2011-2015年)
IEEE Communications Letters编委(2013-2016年)


研究概况1. 作为负责人承担科技部973计划、863计划和国家自然科学基金等资助的科研项目
2. 获授权欧美发明专利34项(其中23项作为第一发明人、9项作为第二发明人),作为第一发明人被授权的多项欧美发明专利已被国际标准采纳
3. 在IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting,Optics Express,Journal of Lightwave Technology,IEEE Communications Magazine和IEEE Wireless Communications等期刊共发表SCI收录论文130篇,EI收录论文150余篇
4. 出版中英文专著各一本

2013年IEEE ICC2013最佳论文奖
2016年IEEE Scott Helt Memorial Award(IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting最佳论文奖)

1.Kao-Cheng Huang and Zhaocheng Wang, Millimeter Wave Communication Systems, Wiley-IEEE Press, IEEE Series on Digital & Mobile Communication, 2011
1.Zhaocheng Wang, Wendong Liu, Chen Qian, Sheng Chen and Lajos Hanzo, “Two-dimensional precoding for 3D massive MIMO”, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
2.Tianqi Mao, Zhaocheng Wang and Qi Wang, “Receiver design for SPAD-based VLC systems under Poisson–Gaussian mixed noise model,” Optics Express, Vol.25, No.2, pp.799-809, Jan. 2017.
3.Zhaocheng WANG, Peiyao ZHAO, Chen Qian and Sheng Chen, “Location-aware channel estimation enhanced TDD based massive MIMO,” IEEE Access, Vol.4, pp.7828-7840, Nov. 2016.
4.Wenqian Shen, Linglong Dai, Yi Shi, Byonghyo Shim, and Zhaocheng Wang, “Joint Channel Training and Feedback for FDD Massive MIMO Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.65, No.10, pp.8762-8767, Oct. 2016.
5.Peiyao Zhao, Zhaocheng Wang, Chen Qian, Linglong Dai and Sheng Chen, “Location-aware pilot assignment for massive MIMO systems in heterogeneous networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.65, No.8, pp.6815-6821, Aug. 2016
6.Rui Jiang, Zhaocheng Wang, Qi Wang and Linglong Dai, “Multi-user sum-rate optimization for visible light communications with lighting constraints,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol.34, No.16, pp.3943-3952, Aug. 2016.
7.Jiaxuan Chen, Peiyao Zhao, Zhaocheng Wang and Jinguo Quan, “Enhanced beam selection for multi-user mm-wave massive MIMO systems,” Electronics Letters, Vol.52, No.14, pp.1268-1270, Jul. 2016.
8.Qi Wang, Zhaocheng Wang, Linglong Dai and Jinguo Quan, “Dimmable visible light communications based on multilayer ACO-OFDM,” IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol.8, No.3, Jun. 2016.
9.Xudong Zhu, Zhaocheng Wang, Chen Qian, Sheng Chen and Lajos Hanzo, “Soft pilot reuse and multi-cell block diagonalization precoding for massive MIMO systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.65, No.5, pp.3285-3298, May 2016.
10.Fang Wang, Yong Li, Zhaocheng Wang and Zhixing Yang, “Social-community-aware resource allocation for D2D communications underlaying cellular networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.65, No.5, pp.3628-3640, May 2016.
11.Zhen Gao, Linglong Dai, Wei Dai, Byonghyo Shim, and Zhaocheng Wang, “Structured compressive sensing based spatio-temporal joint channel estimation for FDD massive MIMO,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.64, No.2, pp.601-617, Feb. 2016
12.Jiandong Tan, Zhaocheng Wang, Qi Wang and Linglong Dai, “BICM-ID scheme for clipped DCO-OFDM in visible light communications,” Optical Express, Vol.24, No.5, Feb. 2016.
13.Qi Wang, Zhaocheng Wang, Xuhan Guo, and Linglong Dai, “Improved receiver design for layered ACO-OFDM in optical wireless communications,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.28, No.3, pp.319-322, Feb. 2016.
14.Jiandong Tan, Zhaocheng Wang, Qi Wang and Linglong Dai, “Near-optimal simplified maximum likelihood sequence detection for clipped DCO-OFDM,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.23, No.3, pp.233-236, Feb. 2016.
15.Junyi Jiang, Yongkai Huo, Fan Jin, Peichang Zhang, Zhaocheng Wang, Zhengyuan Xu, Harald Haas, and Lajos Hanzo, “Video streaming in the multiuser indoor visible light downlink,” IEEE ACCESS, pp.2959-2986, Feb. 2016.
16.Rui Jiang, Zhaocheng Wang, Qi Wang, and Linglong Dai, “A tight upper bound on channel capacity for visible light communications,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.20, No.1, pp.97-100, Jan. 2016.
17.Fang Wang, Zhaocheng Wang, Chen Qian, Linglong Dai and Zhixing Yang, “Efficient vertical handover scheme for heterogeneous VLC-RF systems,” IEEE Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol.7, No.12, pp.1172-1180, Dec. 2015.
18.Qi Wang, Zhaocheng Wang and Linglong Dai, “Multiuser MIMO-OFDM for visible light communications,” IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol.7, No.6, Dec. 2015.
19.Zhen Gao, Linglong Dai, Zhaocheng Wang and Sheng Chen, “Spatially common sparsity based adaptive channel estimation and feedback for FDD massive MIMO,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol.63, No.23, pp.6169-6183, Dec. 2015.
20.Wenqian Shen, Linglong Dai, Byonghyo Shim and Zhaocheng Wang, “Joint CSIT acquisition based on low-rank matrix completion for FDD massive MIMO systems,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.9, No.12, pp.2178-2181, Dec. 2015.
21.Qian Chen, Zhaocheng Wang, Linglong Dai, Jinhui Chen and Chen Sun, “Downlink training scheme for massive MIMO systems,” IET Electronics Letters, Vol.51 No.24 pp.2059–2060, Nov. 2015.
22.Xudong Zhu, Linglong Dai and Zhaocheng Wang, “Graph coloring based pilot allocation to mitigate pilot contamination for multi-cell massive MIMO systems,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.19, No.10, pp.1842-1845, Oct.2015.
23.Zhen Gao, Linglong Dai, Zhaocheng Wang, Muhammad Imran, and Muhammad Shakir, “MmWave massive MIMO based wireless backhaul for 5G ultra-dense network,” IEEE Wireless Communications, pp.13-21, Oct. 2015.
24.Zhen Gao, Linglong Dai, Chau Yuen and Zhaocheng Wang, “Asymptotic orthogonality analysis of time-domain sparse massive MIMO channels,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.19, No.10, pp.1826-1829, Oct.2015.
25.Chen Qian, Qiuliang Xie, Peiyao Zhao and Zhaocheng Wang, “Performance optimization for BICM-ID with Max-Log-MAP detection,” IET Communications, Vol.9, No.14, pp.1746-1753, Oct. 2015.
26.Wenqian Shen, Linglong Dai, Yi Shi, Xudong Zhu and Zhaocheng Wang, “Compressive sensing based differential channel feedback for massive MIMO,” IET Electronics Letters, Vol.51 No.22 pp.1824–1826, Oct. 2015.
27.Chen Qian, Zhaocheng Wang, Zhaohua Lu, Linglong Dai and Sheng Chen, “Coded MIMO with asymmetric constellation sizes,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol.64, No.9, pp.4338-4344, Sep. 2015.
28.Jiandong Tan, Qi Wang, Chen Qian, Zhaocheng Wang, Sheng Chen and Lajos Hanzo, “A reduced-complexity demapping Algorithm for BICM-ID Systems,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol.64, No.9, pp.4350-4356, Sep. 2015.
29.Linglong Dai, Bichai Wang, Yifei Yuan, Shuangfeng Han, Chih-Lin I and Zhaocheng Wang, “Non-orthogonal multiple access for 5G: Solutions, Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Research Trends,” IEEE Communications Magazine, pp.74-81, Sep. 2015.
30.Xudong Zhu, Zhaocheng Wang, Linglong Dai and Chen Qian, “Smart pilot assignment for massive MIMO,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.9, No.9, pp.1644-1647, Sep. 2015.
31.Jiayi Zhang, Linglong Dai, Wolfgang Gerstacker and Zhaocheng Wang, “Effective capacity of communication systems over $\kappa$-$\mu$ shadowed fading channels,” IET Electronics Letters, Vol.51, No.19, pp.1540-1542, Sep. 2015.
32.Jiayi Zhang, Linglong Dai, Yanjun Han, Yu Zhang, and Zhaocheng Wang, “On the ergodic capacity of MIMO free-space optical systems over turbulence channels,” IEEE J. Selected Areas Communications, Vol.33, No.9, pp.1925-1934, Sep. 2015.
33.Xinyu Gao, Linglong Dai, Yu Zhang and Zhaocheng Wang, “Low-complexity signal detection for large-scale MIMO in optical wireless communications,” IEEE J. Selected Areas Communications, Vol.33, No.9, pp.1903-1912, Sep. 2015.
34.Jiayi Zhang, Linglong Dai, Yu Zhang and Zhaocheng Wang, “Unified performance analysis of mixed radio frequency/free-space optical dual-hop transmission systems,” IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology, Vol.33, No.11, pp.2286-2293, Jun. 2015.
35.Qi Wang, Chen Qian, Xuhan Guo, Zhaocheng Wang, David G. Cunningham and Ian H. White, “Layered ACO-OFDM for intensity-modulated direct-detection optical wireless transmission,” Optics Express, Vol.23, No.9, May 2015.
36.Qi Wang, Zhaocheng Wang, and Linglong Dai, “Asymmetrical hybrid optical OFDM for visible light communications with dimming control,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.27, No.9, pp.974-977, May 2015.
37.Rong Zhang, Jiaheng Wang, Zhaocheng Wang, Zhengyuan Xu, Chunming Zhao and Lajos Hanzo, “Visible Light Communication in Heterogeneous Networks: Paving the Way for User-Centric Design,” IEEE Wireless Communications, pp.8-16, Apr. 2015.
38.Wenqian Shen, Linglong Dai, Zhen Gao and Zhaocheng Wang, “Spatially correlated channel estimation based on block iterative support detection for massive MIMO systems,” IET Electronics Letters, Vol.51, No.7, pp.587–588, Apr. 2015.
39.Xudong Zhu, Jintao Wang, Linglong Dai and Zhaocheng Wang, “Sparsity-Aware Adaptive Channel Estimation Based on SNR Detection,” IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, Vol.61, No.1, pp.119-126, Mar. 2015.
40.Zhen Gao, Chao Zhang and Zhaocheng Wang, “Robust preamble design for synchronization, signaling transmission and channel estimation,” IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, Vol.61, No.1, pp.98-104, Mar. 2015.
41.Zhen Gao, Chao Zhang, Zhaocheng Wang and Sheng Chen, “Priori-information aided iterative hard threshold: a low-complexity high-accuracy compressive sensing based channel estimation for TDS-OFDM,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol.14, No.1, pp.242-251, Jan. 2015.
42.Yong Li, Depeng Jin, Hui Pan, Zhaocheng Wang and Sheng Chen, “Limits of predictability for large scale urban vehicular mobility,” IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.15, No.6, pp.2671-2682, Dec. 2014.
43.Zhibin Luan, Xiang Chen, Ning Ge and Zhaocheng Wang, “Simplified fault-tolerant FIR filter architecture based on redundant residue number system,” IET Electronics Letters, Vol.50, No.23, pp.1768-1770, Nov. 2014.
44.Qi Wang, Zhaocheng Wang and Linglong Dai, “Iterative receiver for hybrid asymmetrically clipped optical OFDM,” IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology, Vol.32, No.22, pp.3869-3875, Nov. 2014.
45.Ruifeng Ma, Zhaocheng Wang and Zhixing Yang, “Multi-Service MIMO broadcasting with different receive antennas,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol.97-A, No.9, pp.1994-1997, Sep. 2014.
46.Chen Qian, Jingxian Wu, Yahong Rosa Zheng and Zhaocheng Wang, “Simplified parallel interference cancelation for under-determined MIMO systems,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol.63, No.7, pp.3196-3208, Sep. 2014.
47.Bo Hao, Jun Wang, and Zhaocheng Wang, “Low-complexity signaling-embedded preamble design based on relative subcarrier position,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.18, No.9, pp.1657-1660, Sep. 2014.
48.Xinyu Gao, Linglong Dai, Yongkui Ma and Zhaocheng Wang, “Low-complexity near-optimal signal detection for uplink large-scale MIMO systems,” IET Electronics Letters, Vol.50, No.8, pp.1326-1328, Aug. 2014.
49.Yong Li, Depeng Jin, Zhaocheng Wang, Hui Pan, Lieguang Zeng and Sheng Chen, “A Markov jump Process model for urban vehicular mobility: modeling and applications,” IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, Vol.13, No.9, pp.1911-1926, Sep. 2014.
50.Xuan Tang, Zhaocheng Wang, Zhengyuan Xu, and Zabih Ghassemlooy, “Multihop free-space optical communications over turbulence channels with pointing errors using heterodyne detection,” IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology, Vol.32, No.15, pp.2597-2604, Aug. 2014.
51.Yong Li, Mengjiong Qian, Depeng Jin, Hui Pan, Zhaocheng Wang, and Sheng Chen, “Multiple mobile data offloading through disruption tolerant networks,” IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, Vol.13, No.7, pp.1579-1596, Jul. 2014.
52.Zhen Gao, Linglong Dai, Zhaohua Lu, Chau Yuen, and Zhaocheng Wang, “Super-resolution sparse MIMO-OFDM channel estimation based on spatial and temporal correlations,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.18, No.7, pp.1266-1269, Jul. 2014.
53.Yong Li, Zhaocheng Wang, Depeng Jin and Sheng Chen, “Optimal mobile content downloading in device-to-device communication underlaying cellular networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol.13, No.7, pp.3596-3608, Jul. 2014.
54.Qiuliang Xie, Zhaocheng Wang and Zhixing Yang, “Polar decomposition of mutual information over complex-valued channels,” IEEE Trans. Information Theory, Vol.60, No.6, pp.3163-3171, Jun. 2014.
55.Zhen Gao, Linglong Dai and Zhaocheng Wang, “Structured compressive sensing based superimposed pilot design in downlink large-scale MIMO systems,” IET Electronics Letters, Vol.50, No.12, pp.896-898, Jun. 2014.
56.ZhaochengWang, Qi Wang, Sheng Chen, and Lajos Hanzo, “An adaptive scaling and biasing scheme for OFDM-based visible light communication systems,” Optics Express, Vol.22, No.10, pp.12707-12715, May 2014.
57.Yong Li, Depeng Jin, Zhaocheng Wang, Lieguang Zeng and Sheng Chen, “Coding or not: optimal mobile data offloading in opportunistic vehicular networks,” IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.15, No.1, pp.318-333, Feb. 2014.
58.Qi Wang, Qiuliang Xie, Zhaocheng Wang, Sheng Chen and Lajos Hanzo, “A universal low-complexity symbol-to-bit soft demapper,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol.63, No.1, pp.119-130, Jan. 2014.
59.Linglong Dai, Zhengyuan Xu, and Zhaocheng Wang, “Flexible multi-block OFDM transmission for high-speed fiber-wireless networks,” IEEE J. Selected Areas Communications, Vol.31, No.12, pp.788-796, Dec. 2013.
60.Chen Qian, Jingxian Wu, Yahong Rosa Zheng and Zhaocheng Wang, “Two-stage list sphere decoding for under-determined multiple-input multiple-output systems,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol.12, No.2, pp.6476-6487, Dec. 2013.
61.Qi Wang, Zhaocheng Wang, Sheng Chen and Lajos Hanzo, “Enhancing the decoding performance of optical wireless communication systems using receiver-side predistortion”, Optics Express, Vol.21, No.25, pp.30295-30305, Dec. 2013.
62.Linglong Dai, Jintao Wang, Zhaocheng Wang, Paschalis Tsiaflakis and Marc Moonen, “Spectrum and energy efficient OFDM based on simultaneous multi-channel reconstruction,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol.61, No.23, pp.6047-6059, Dec. 2013.
63.Jiaqi Zhang, Ning Ge, Zhaocheng Wang and Sheng Chen, “Fast anti-jamming timing acquisition using multi-layer synchronization sequence”, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol.62, No.7, pp.3497-3503, Sep. 2013.
64.Linglong Dai, Zhaocheng Wang, and Zhixing Yang, “Compressive sensing based time domain synchronous OFDM transmission for vehicular communications,” IEEE J. Selected Areas Communications, Vol.31, No.9, pp.460-469, Sep. 2013.
65.Yong Li, Zhaocheng Wang, Li Su, Depeng Jin and Sheng Chen, “An optimal relaying scheme for delay tolerant networks with heterogeneous mobile nodes,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol.62, No.5, pp.2239-2252, Jun. 2013.
66.Linglong Dai, Zhaocheng Wang and Zhixing Yang, “Spectrally efficient time-frequency training OFDM for mobile large-scale MIMO systems,” IEEE J. Selected Areas Communications, Vol.31, No.2, pp.251-263, Feb. 2013.
67.Linglong Dai, Zhaocheng Wang, Jun Wang and Zhixing Yang, “Joint time-frequency channel estimation for time domain synchronous OFDM systems,” IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, Vol.59, No.1, pp.168-173, Mar. 2013.
68.Linglong Dai, Chao Zhang, Zhengyuan Xu and Zhaocheng Wang, “Spectrum-efficient coherent optical OFDM for transport networks,” IEEE J. Selected Areas Communications, Vol.31, No.1, pp.62-74, Jan. 2013.
69.Yong Li, Depeng Jin, Zhaocheng Wang, Lieguang Zeng and Sheng Chen, “Exponential and power law distribution of contact duration in urban vehicular ad hoc networks,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.20, No.1, pp.110-113, Jan. 2013.
70.Ruifeng Ma, Zhaocheng Wang, and Zhixing Yang, “A flexible superframe structure supporting localization for TDS-OFDM,” IEICE Trans. Communications, Vol.E95-B, No.12, pp.3922-3924, Dec. 2012.
71.Chao Zhang, Zhaocheng Wang, and Zhixing Yang, “Improved frame structure for TDS-OFDM systems,” IET Electronics Letters, Vol.48, No.6, Aug. 2012.
72.Qiuliang Xie, Zhaocheng Wang and Zhixing Yang, “Simplified soft demapper for APSK with product constellation labeling,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol.11, No.7, pp.2649-2657, Jul. 2012.
73.Linglong Dai, Zhaocheng Wang, Changyong Pan and Sheng Chen, “Wireless positioning using TDS-OFDM signals in single-frequency networks,” IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, Vol.58, No.2, pp.236-246, Jun. 2012.
74.Linglong Dai, Zhaocheng Wang and Zhixing Yang, “Next-generation digital television terrestrial broadcasting systems: key technologies and research trends,” IEEE Communications Magazine, pp.150-158, Jun. 2012.
75.Zhaocheng Wang, Linglong Dai and Jun Wang, “Priori information aided compressive sensing for time domain synchronous OFDM,” IET Electronics Letters, Vol.48, No.13, Jun. 2012.
76.Linglong Dai, Zhaocheng Wang and Zhixing Yang, “Time-frequency training OFDM with high spectral efficiency and reliable performance in high speed environments,” IEEE J. Selected Areas Communications, Vol.30, No.4, pp.695-707, May 2012.
77.Yong Li, Zhaocheng Wang, Depeng Jin, Lieguang Zeng and Sheng Chen, “Collaborative vehicular content dissemination with directional antennas,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol.11, No.4, pp.1301-1306, Apr. 2012.
78.Yong Li, Zhaocheng Wang, Depeng Jin, Li Su, Lieguang Zeng and Sheng Chen, “Optimal beaconing control for epidemic routing in delay tolerant networks,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol.61, No.1, pp.311-320, Jan. 2012.
79.Zhaocheng Wang, Jintao Wang and Linglong Dai, “Complexity reduced transmit diversity scheme for time domain synchronous OFDM systems”, IEICE Trans. Communications, Vol.E94-B, No.11, pp.3116-3124, Nov. 2011.
80.Linglong Dai, Zhaocheng Wang and Jian Song, “TDS-OFDMA: a novel multiple access system based on TDS-OFDM,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, Vol.57, No.4, pp.1528-1534, Nov. 2011.
81.Linglong Dai and Zhaocheng Wang, “Time-frequency training OFDM,” IET Electronics Letters, Vol.47, No.20, Sep. 2011.
82.Zaishuang Liu, Kewu Peng, Tao Chen and Zhaocheng Wang, “Irregular mapping and its application in bit-interleaved LDPC coded modulation with iterative demapping and decoding,” IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, Vol.57, No.3, pp.707-712, Sep. 2011.
83.Kao-Cheng Huang and Zhaocheng Wang, “Terahertz terabit wireless communication,” IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol.12, No.4, pp.108-116, Jun. 2011.
84.Lifeng He, Zhaocheng Wang, Fang Yang, Sheng Chen and Lajos Hanzo, “Preamble design using embedded signalling for OFDM broadcast systems based on reduced-complexity distance detection,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol.60, No.3, pp.1217-1222, Mar. 2011.
85.Chao Zhang, Zhaocheng Wang, Changyong Pan, Sheng Chen and Lajos Hanzo, “Low-complexity iterative frequency domain decision feedback equalization,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol.60, No.4, pp.1295-1301, Apr. 2011.
86.Zhixing Yang, Linglong Dai, Jintao Wang, Jun Wang and Zhaocheng Wang, “Transmit diversity for TDS-OFDM broadcasting system over doubly selective fading channels,” IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, Vol.57, No.1, pp.135-142, Mar. 2011.
87.Linglong Dai, Zhaocheng Wang and Sheng Chen, “A novel uplink multiple access scheme based on TDS-FDMA,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol.10, No.3, pp.757-761, Mar. 2011.
88.Qiuliang Xie, Jian Song, Kewu Peng, Fang Yang and Zhaocheng Wang, “Coded modulation with signal space diversity,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol.10, No.2, pp.660-669, Feb. 2011.
89.Zhixing Yang, Xiaoqing Wang, Zhaocheng Wang, Jintao Wang and Jun Wang, “Improved channel estimation for TDS-OFDM based on flexible frequency-binary padding,” IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, Vol.56, No.3, pp.418-424, Sep. 2010.
90.Ruifeng Ma, Linglong Dai, Zhaocheng Wang and Jun Wang, “Secure communication in TDS-OFDM system using constellation rotation and noise insertion,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, Vol.56, No.3, pp.1328-1332, Aug. 2010.
91.Chao Zhang, Zhaocheng Wang, Zhixing Yang, Jun Wang and Jian Song, “Frequency domain decision feedback equalization for uplink SC-FDMA,” IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, Vol.56, No.2, pp.253-257, Jun. 2010.
92.Linglong Dai, Zhaocheng Wang, Jun Wang and Zhixing Yang, “Positioning with OFDM signals for the next-generation GNSS,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, Vol.56, No.2, pp.374-379, May 2010.
93.Guanping Lu, Jun Wang, Zhaocheng Wang, Chao Zhang and Zhixing Yang, “A novel time-domain synchronous block transmission frame structure for broadcasting return channel,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, Vol.56, No.2, pp.366-373, May 2010.
94.Chao Zhang, Zhaocheng Wang and Zhixing Yang, “Frame structure for DTTB uplink systems using novel training sequences,” IET Electronics Letters, Vol.46, No.9, pp.660-661, Apr. 2010.
95.Kao-Cheng Huang and Zhaocheng Wang, “V-band patch-fed rod antennas for high data-rate wireless communications,” IEEE Trans. Antennas & Propagation, Vol.54, No.1, pp.297-300, Jan. 2006.
96.Kao-Cheng Huang and Zhaocheng Wang, “Millimeter-wave circular polarized beam-steering antenna array for gigabit wireless communications,” IEEE Trans. Antennas & Propagation, Vol.54, No.2, pp.743-746, Feb. 2006.
97.Zhaocheng Wang and R. A. Stirling-Gallacher, “Frequency reuse scheme for cellular OFDM systems,” IEE Electronics Letters, Vol.38, No.8, pp.387-388, Apr. 2002.
98.Zhaocheng Wang and R. A. Stirling-Gallacher, “Improving performance of multi-user OFDM systems using bit-wise interleaver,” IEE Electronics Letters, Vol.37, No.19, pp.1173-1174, Sep. 2001.
99.R. A. Stirling-Gallacher and Zhaocheng Wang, “Improving performance of coherent coded OFDM systems using space time transmit diversity,” IEE Electronics Letters, Vol.37, No.7, pp.457-458, Mar. 2001.
1.Zhaocheng Wang, Richard Stirling-Gallacher and Ralf Boehnke, US**B2, Receiving apparatus and method with clock drift estimation and compensation, granted on August 6, 2013.
2.Zhaocheng Wang and Qi Wang, US**B2, Receiving apparatus and method for receiving signals in a wireless communication system, granted on May 21, 2013.
3.Zhaocheng Wang, Richard Stirling-Gallacher and Ralf Boehnke, US**B2, Receiving apparatus and method with no oversampling analog to digital conversion, granted on March 19, 2013.
4.Zhaocheng Wang and Richard Stirling-Gallacher, US**B2, Minimum mean square error equaliser with reduced complexity, granted on October 23, 2012.
5.Zhaocheng Wang and Masahiro Uno, US**B2, Preamble for synchronization, granted on July 10, 2012.
6.Zhaocheng Wang and Masahiro Uno, EP**B1, Wireless communication method and system, granted on January 25, 2012.
7.Zhaocheng Wang and Masahiro Uno, US**B2, Method for transmitting signals in a wireless communication system and communication system, granted on November 15, 2011.
8.Zhaocheng Wang and Masahiro Uno, US**B2, Single carrier wireless communications system, granted on November 1, 2011.
9.Zhaocheng Wang, Ralf B?hnke and Jochen Rebmann, US**B2, Backscatter interrogator reception method and interrogator for a modulated backscatter system, granted on August 9, 2011.
10.Zhaocheng Wang and Masahiro Uno, EP**B1, Wireless system using a new type of preamble for a burst frame, granted on May 25, 2011.
11.Zhaocheng Wang and Masahiro Uno, EP**B1, Beam steering algorithm for NLOS wireless systems with predefined parameters, granted on February 16, 2011.
12.Zhaocheng Wang and Qi Wang, EP**B1, Improved contention based media access mechanism, granted on October 20, 2010.
13.Zhaocheng Wang and R. Stirling-Gallacher, EP**B1, Transmission power control scheme for OFDM communication links, SONY Deutschland GmbH, granted on May 19, 2010.
14.Zhaocheng Wang, Kao-Cheng Huang and Masahiro Uno, US**B2, Method for wireless optical transmission of data and wireless optical data transmission system, granted on June 6, 2009.
15.Zhaocheng Wang Masahiro Uno and Volker Wullich, US**B2, Method and device for transmitting signals in a wireless communication system, receiving device for receiving signals in a wireless communication system, with a special frame structure, granted on March 31, 2009.
16.Zhaocheng Wang, Mohamed Ranti, Dragan Krupezevic and Jens-uwe Juergensen, EP**B1, Adaptive autocalibration method for the quadrature demodulator of a five-port receiver, granted on February 06, 2008.
17.Zhaocheng Wang and Masahiro Uno, EP**B1, Frequency-shift-keying demodulator and method of frequency-shift-keying, granted on October 31, 2007.
18.Zhaocheng Wang and Richard Stirling-Gallacher, US**B2, Pilot pattern design for a STTD scheme in an OFDM system, granted on May 22, 2007.
19.Zhaocheng Wang and Richard Stirling-Gallacher, EP**B1, Multicarrier system with adaptive bit-wise interleaving, granted on April 18, 2007.
20.Zhaocheng Wang and Masahiro Uno, EP**B1, I/Q imbalance correction in a quadrature transceiver, granted on March 22, 2006.
21.Zhaocheng Wang, Richard Stirling-Gallacher and Thomas Dolle, US**B2, Channel estimator for OFDM system, granted on March 14, 2006.
22.Zhaocheng Wang, Richard Stirling-Gallacher, Thomas Dolle and Ralf B?hnke, US**B2, Frequency reuse scheme for OFDM systems, granted on July 12, 2005.
23.Zhaocheng Wang, Tao Zhang, N. Ito and H. Sugimoto, US**B1, CDMA Receiver, granted on July 24, 2001.
24.Qi Wang and Zhaocheng Wang, US**B2, Synchronization structure and method for a receiving apparatus of a communication system, granted on October 8, 2013.
25.Richard Stirling-Gallacher and Zhaocheng Wang, US**B2, Receiving apparatus with frequency domain equalizer, granted on May 21, 2013.
26.Richard Stirling-Gallacher and Zhaocheng Wang, US**B2, Transmitting device and method for transmitting signals in a wireless communication system, receiving device and method for receiving signals in a wireless communication system, granted on January 1, 2013.
27.Masahiro Uno and Zhaocheng Wang, US**B2, Transmitting device, receiving device and method for establishing a wireless communication link, granted on June 23, 2009.
28.Masahiro Uno, Zhaocheng Wang, Volker Wullich and K.C. Huang, EP**B1, Communication system and method, granted on April 29, 2009.
29.Kao-Cheng Huang, Zhaocheng Wang and Vlada Nikolajevic, EP**B1, Dielectric rod antenna and method for operating the antenna, granted on September 24, 2008.
30.Richard Stirling-Gallacher and Zhaocheng Wang, EP**B1, Channel estimator for OFDM system, granted on December 27, 2006.
31.Richard Stirling-Gallacher and Zhaocheng Wang, EP**B1, Method and device to provide an OFDM up-link using time-frequency interleaving, granted on October 4, 2006.
32.Jens-uwe Jürgensen, Zhaocheng Wang and Richard Stirling-Gallacher, EP**B1, Method of transmission using a shared channel, granted on May 26, 2004.

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