电邮: zhuxufeng@tsinghua.edu.cn
研究方向包括政策过程理论、智库和专家参与、转型与公共治理等。著有The Politics of Expertise in China (2019), The Rise of Think Tanks in China (2013)、《改革开放与当代中国智库》(2018)、《政策变迁中的专家参与》(2012)和《中国思想库:政策过程中的影响力研究》(2009),发表Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Governance, Public Administration, Policy Studies Journal, Public Management Review, Policy Sciences, Environmental and Planning C, The China Quarterly, Journal of Contemporary China, Pacific Affairs, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Administration & Society, Asian Survey, Energy Policy等国际学术期刊论文20余篇,曾获美国公共管理学会(ASPA)“2012年度最佳比较政策论文奖”、国际公共管理网络“Naschold 2017年度公共管理最佳论文奖”。在《中国社会科学》、《社会学研究》、《管理世界》等权威中文期刊上发表论文8篇,其他CSSCI论文数十篇;在《人民日报》、《光明日报》等报刊发表文章数十篇。他目前担任Asian Journal of Political Sciences 杂志地区主编、Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis副主编和其他5本国际期刊的编委和一些重要智库学术委员等职务.主持9项国家级研究课题(包括国家自然科学基金各类项目6项、国家社科基金项目2项(重点项目1项)、国家软科学计划等)。
【专著】 Zhu, Xufeng, The Politics of Expertise in China. London and New York: Routledge, 2019.
Zhu, Xufeng, The Rise of Think Tanks in China. London and New York: Routledge, 2013.
【主要英文论文】 Zhang, Youlang & Xufeng Zhu*, Multiple mechanisms of policy diffusion in China, Public Management Review (SSCI), Forthcoming.
Zhu, Xufeng* & Youlang Zhang, Diffusion of Marketization Innovation with Administrative Centralization in a Multi-Level System: Evidence from China, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, no. 1, 2019.
Zhu, Xufeng* & Tianguang Meng, Geographical Leadership Mobility and Policy Isomorphism: Narrowing the Regional Inequality of Social Spending in China, Policy Studies Journal, Forthcoming.
Zhang, Youlang & Xufeng Zhu*, Multiple Mechanisms of Policy Diffusion in China, Public Management Review, Forthcoming.
Zhu, Xufeng, Think tanks in Politically Embedded Knowledge Regimes: Does the “revolving Door” Matter in China? International Review of Administrative Sciences, Forthcoming.
Zhu, Xufeng & Hui Zhao, Experimentalist Governance with Interactive Central–Local Relations: Making New Pension Policies in China, Policy Studies Journal, Forthcoming.
Zhu, Xufeng & Hui Zhao, Recognition of Innovation and Diffusion of Welfare Policy: Alleviating Urban Poverty in Chinese Cities during Fiscal Recentralization, Governance, Forthcoming.
Xue, Lan, Xufeng Zhu, & Wanqu Han, Embracing Scientific Decision Making: The Rise of Think Tank Policies in China, Pacific Affairs, no. 1, 2018.
Zhu, Xufeng. Executive Entrepreneurship, Career Mobility and the Transfer of Policy Paradigms, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Forthcoming.
Zhu, Xufeng & Youlang Zhang. Political Mobility and Dynamic Diffusion of Innovation: The Spread of Municipal Pro-Business Administrative Reform in China, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, vol. 26, no. 3, 535–551, 2016.
Zhu, Xufeng. In the Name of ‘Citizens’: Civic Activism and Policy Entrepreneurship of Chinese Public Intellectuals in the Hu-Wen Era. Journal of Contemporary China, vol. 25, no. 101, 745–759, 2016.
Zhu, Xufeng* and Peipei Zhang, Intrinsic Motivation and Expert Behavior: Roles of Individual experts in Wenling Participatory Budgeting Reform in China, Administration & Society vol. 48, no. 7, 851–882, 2016.
Zhao, Hui, Xufeng Zhu* and Ye Qi, “Fostering Local Entrepreneurship through Regional Environmental Pilot Schemes: The Low-Carbon Development Path of China”, China: An International Journal, Vol. 14, no. 3, 107–130, 2016.
Chien, Crison*, Xufeng Zhu*, & Tingjia Chen, Self-Learning through Teaching: Singapore's Land Development Policy Transfer Experience in China, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, vol. 33, no.6, 1639 – 1656, 2015.
Zhu, Xufeng, “Mandate vs. Championship: Vertical Government Intervention and Diffusion of Innovation in Public Services in Authoritarian China”, Public Management Review, vol. 16, no. 1, 117–139, 2014.
Zhu, Xufeng, “Correspondence: Carbon Emissions: Learn from China's Local Pilot Schemes”, Nature, vol. 502, 38, 3 October 2013.
Zhu, Xufeng, “Policy Change and Expert Involvement in China”, Public Administration, vol. 91, no. 2, 281–302, 2013.
Zhu, Xufeng, “Rebuilding Government Credibility in Chinese Environmental Resident Activism”, Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 46, no. 3, 1303–1304, 2012.
Zhu, Xufeng* and Chao Zhang, “Reducing Information Asymmetry in the Power Industry: Mandatory and Voluntary Information Disclosure Regulations of Sulfur Dioxide Emission”, Energy Policy, vol. 45, no. 6, 704–713, 2012.
Zhu, Xufeng, “Government Advisors or Public Advocates? Roles of Think Tanks from the Perspective of Regional Variations”, The China Quarterly, vol. 207, 668–686,2011.
Zhu, Xufeng, “Correspondence: Emissions: Taking a Collaborative Lead will Work Better”, Nature, vol. 462, 720 (10 December 2009)
Zhu, Xufeng, “Making Guanxi More Influential: Bureau Chiefs and Policy Experts in the Chinese Policy Decision-making Process” The China Review, vol. 9, no. 2 (Fall), 129–155, 2009.
Zhu, Xufeng*, Bing Sun. “Tianjin Binhai New Area: A Case Study of Multi-Level Streams Model of Chinese Decision-Making”, Journal of Chinese Political Science, vol. 14, no. 2, 191–211, 2009.
Zhu, Xufeng. “The Influence of Think Tanks in the Chinese Policy Process: Different Ways and Mechanisms”, Asian Survey, vol. 49, no. 2, 333–357, 2009.
Zhu, Xufeng, “Strategy of Chinese Policy Entrepreneurs in the Third Sector: Challenges of “Technical Infeasibility” Policy Sciences, Vol. 41, no. 4. 315–334, 2008.
Zhu, Xufeng*, Lan Xue*. “Think Tanks in Transitional China.” Public Administration and Development, Vol. 27, no. 5. 452–464, 2007.
【主要中文论文】 朱旭峰、赵慧:《政府间关系视角下的社会政策扩散——以城市低保制度为例(1993—1999)》,《中国社会科学》2016年第8期。
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16
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