姓 名:任晓栋
技术职务 : 助理研究员
通讯地址 : 清华大学李兆基科技大楼A462室
电子邮件 : rxd@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
教育背景200409-200807 清华大学 热能工程系 能源动力系统及自动化 学士
200809-201307 清华大学 热能工程系 动力机械及工程热物理 博士(硕博连读)
工作履历201308 – 201612 香港科技大学 Post-doctoral Fellow
201612 – 至今 清华大学热能工程系 助理研究员
学术兼职Physics of Fluids、Applied thermal engineering等杂志审稿人。
学术成果 [1].Ren Xiaodong, Xu Kun, Shyy Wei and Gu Chunwei. A multi-dimensional high-order discontinuous Galerkin method based on gas kinetic theory for viscous flow computations. Journal of Computational Physics, 292 (2015), 176 – 193.
[2].Ren Xiaodong, Gu Chunwei. Application of a discontinuous Galerkin method on the compressible flow in the transonic axial compressor. Applied Thermal Engineering, 93 (2016), 707 – 717
[3].Ren Xiaodong, Xu Kun, Shyy Wei. A multi-dimensional high-order DG-ALE method based on gas-kinetic theory with application to oscillating airfoils. Journal of Computational Physics, 316 (2016), 700 – 720.
[4].Ren Xiaodong, Gu Chunwei. A numerical study on the tip clearance flow in an axial transonic compressor rotor. Applied Thermal Engineering, 103 (2016), 282-290.
[5].Ren Xiaodong, Xu Kun, Shyy Wei. A gas-kinetic theory based multidimensional high-order method for the compressible Navier–Stokes solutions. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 33(2017), 733-741.
[6].Ba Wei, Gu Chunwei, Ren Xiaodong, Li Xuesong. Convective cooling model for aero-thermal coupled through-flow method. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A Journal of Power and Energy, 231(2017), 133-144.
[7].Liu Longgang, Gu Chunwei, Ren Xiaodong. An investigation of the conjugate heat transfer in an intercooled compressor vane based on a discontinuous Galerkin method. Applied Thermal Engineering, 114(2017), 85-97.
[8].Ren Xiaodong, Gu Chunwei, Li Xuesong. Role of the Momentum Interpolation Mechanism of the Roe Scheme in Shock Instability. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 84(2017), 335-351.
[9].Wang Hao, Li Xuesong, Ren Xiaodong, Gu Chunwei, Ji Xingxing. A thermodynamic-cycle performance analysis method and application on a three-shaft gas turbine. Applied Thermal Engineering. (Accepted)
[10].Li Yan, Ren Xiaodong. Investigation of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) system and the radial-inflow turbine design. Applied Thermal Engineering, 96 (2016), 547 – 554.
[11].Song Jian, Gu Chun-wei, Ren Xiaodong. Parametric design and off-design analysis of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) system. Energy Conversion and Management, 112 (2016), 157 – 165.
[12].Song Jian, Gu Chun-wei, Ren Xiaodong. Influence of the radial-inflow turbine efficiency prediction on the design and analysis of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system. Energy Conversion and Management, 123 (2016), 308 – 316.
[13].Li Yan, Li Xuesong, Ren Xiaodong. Aerodynamic optimization of a high expansion ratio Organic radial-inflow turbine. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 30(2016), 5485-5490.
[14].任晓栋, 顾春伟. 基于间断有限元方法的紧致限制器研究. 工程热物理学报, 9(2013), 1635 – 1639.
[15].任晓栋, 顾春伟. 适用于间断Galerkin方法的限制器研究. 计算力学学报, 29(2012), 740 – 746.
[16].任晓栋, 顾春伟. 基于非结构间断有限元方法在可压缩流体中的应. 工程热物理学报, 33(2012), 1135 – 1138.
[17].Zengrong Hao, Hang Qiu, Xiaodong Ren, Chunwei Gu. The Application of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods in Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulations of Gas Turbines.Energies, 7 (2014), 7857 – 7877.
[18].Zengrong Hao, Hang Qiu, Xiaodong Ren, Chunwei Gu Applications of Explicit Algebraic Reynolds Stress Models to Transonic Turbulence Flow Simulations Based on Discontinuous Galerkin Methods. ASME Turbo Expo 2014.
[19].Xiaodong Ren, Chunwei Gu Investigation of compressor tip clearance flow based on the discontinuous Galerkin methods. ASME Turbo Expo 2013.
[20].Zengrong Hao, Xiaodong Ren, Yin Song, Chunwei Gu.An Investigation of conjugate heat transfer simulations based on discontinuous Galerkin methods on unstructured grids. ASME Turbo Expo 2013.
[21].Xiaodong Ren, Zengrong Hao, Chunwei Gu. A Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Method on Arbitrary Unstructured Grids. Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power 2012.
[22].Xiaodong Ren, Fan Feng, Chunwei Gu. A research of discontinuous Galerkin method based on different numerical fluxes. Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power 2010.
[23].任晓栋,李想,顾春伟. 多级轴流压气机稳定性数值模拟. 工程热物理学报, 31 (2010), 585 – 588.
[24].任晓栋, 顾春伟. 1.5级跨声压气机中时序效应研究.航空动力学报, 25 (2010), 891 – 896.
[25].任晓栋, 顾春伟. 1.5级跨音压气机内部流场数值分析. 工程热物理学报, 30 (2009), 1472 – 1474.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-15
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