

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-14

所在单位: 水环境保护教研所
职  称: 副高级
邮寄地址: 清华大学中意节能楼424室
电子邮件: liuyc@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

教育背景1999.9-2003.7 清华大学环境科学与工程系,学士
2003.9-2008.7 清华大学环境科学与工程系,博士
2005.9 – 2005.12 意大利威尼斯国际大学,交流学习
工作履历2008.07-2011.06 清华大学,博士后,院党委学生组组长
2011.06-2014.12 清华大学环境学院,讲师/助理研究员、院党委研究生组组长
2014.12-今 清华大学环境学院,副教授/副研究员、院党委研究生组组长
学术兼职International Water Association (IWA);Water Environment Federation( WEF);American Water Works Association( AWWA)会员
社会兼职2005年09月至今 清华大学学生绿色协会理事
1.产业集中区管网安全运行与预警技术研究与示范, 国家水重大专项子课题,2014-2016,负责
1.Yanchen Liu, Chen Wu, Xiaohong Zhou, Tuanjie Zhang, Lei Mu, Hanchang Shi. Effect of variation of liquid condition on transformation of sulfur and carbon in the sediment of sanitary sewer. Journal of Environmental Management, 2014. (Accept, in press, SCI)
2.Yanchen Liu, Qian Dong, Chen Wu, Xiaohong Zhou, Hanchang Shi. Study of the succession of microbial communities for sulfur cycle response to ecological factors change in sediment of sewage system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014. (Accept, in press, SCI)
3. Yanchen Liu, ChenWu, Xiaohong Zhou, Hanchang Shi, D. Z. Zhu . Study on the sulfide elimination by intermittent nitrate dosing in sediments of sewer system. Journal of Environmental Science, 2014. (Accept, in press, SCI)
4. M. Zheng, Y. C. Liu, C. W. Wang. Modeling of enhanced denitrification capacity with microbial storage product in MBR systems. Saparation and Purification Technology, 2014,126: 1-6. (SCI),
5. Song L., Zhu L., Liu Yan-chen, Zhou X-H, Shi H-C. A disposable cobalt-based phosphate sensor based on screen printing technology. Science China Chemistry. 2014,57(9):1283-1290. (SCI)
6. X. H. Zhou, B. C. Huang, T. Zhou, Y. C. Liu, H.C. Shi. Aggregation behaviour of engineered nanoparticles and their impact on activated sludge in wastewater treatment. Chemosphere. 119 (2015) 568–576. (SCI)
7. Yanchen Liu, Han chang Shi , Zhi qiang Wang, Long Fan, Hui ming Shi. Approach to enhancing nitrogen removal performance with fluctuation of influent in an oxidation ditch system. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 219:520-526. (SCI)
8. M. Zheng, Y. C. Liu, K. Xu, C. Wang, Hui He, Wei Zhu, Qian Dong. Use of low frequency and density ultrasound to stimulate partial nitrification and simultaneous nitrification and denitrification. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 146: 537-542. (SCI)
9. M. Zheng, Y. C. Liu, C. Wang, K. Xu. Study on enhanced denitrification using particulate organic matter in membrane bioreactor by mechanism modeling. Chemosphere. 2013,93: 2669-2674. (SCI)
10. X. H. Zhou, B. C. Huang, T. Zhou, Y. C. Liu, H.C. Shi. Aggregation behaviour of engineered nanoparticles and their impact on activated sludge in wastewater treatment. Chemosphere. 119 (2015) 568–576. (SCI)
11. L. Song, L. Zhu, Y. C. Liu, X. H. Zhou, H.C. Shi. A disposable cobalt-based phosphate sensor based on screen printing technology. Science China Chemistry, 2013, 10.1007/s11426-014-5127-6. (SCI)
12. X. H. Zhou, M. K. Zhang, T. Yu, Y. C. Liu, H.C. Shi. Oxygen profiles in biofilms undergoing endogenous respiration. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 220: 452-458. (SCI)
13.Yanchen Liu, Hanchang Shi, Wenlin Li, Yanling Hou, Miao He. Inhibition of chemical dose in biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal in simultaneous chemical precipitation for phosphorus removal. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(5): 4008-4012. (SCI)
14. Yanchen Liu, Hanchang Shi, Huiming Shi, Zhiqiang Wang. Study on a discrete-time dynamic control model to enhance nitrogen removal with fluctuation of influent in oxidation ditches. Water Research, 2010.44(18): 5150-5157. (SCI)
15. Liu Yanchen, Shi Hanchang, Xia Lan, Shi Huiming, Shen Tonggang, Wang Zhiqiang, Wang Gan, Wang Yingzhe. Study of operational conditions of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in a Carrousel oxidation ditch for domestic wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101(3) : 901-905. (SCI)
16. Yanchen Liu, Long Fan, Zhiqiang Wang, Hanchang Shi. Simulation and control strategy for the variational influent of WWTP. Journal of Environmental Science, 2006, 18(1): 62-68. (SCI)
17. Y. Wang, Y. C.Liu, H. C. Shi. Study on the optimal operation strategy of sewer system of beixiaohe district in Beijing city. China Water and Wastewater, 2014.30(23):1-3 (China)
18. T. J. Zhang, C. Wu, Y. C. Liu, X. H. Zhou, T. Wang. H. C. Shi. Study on the influence of oxygen aeration as a means of controlling sulfide accumulation of sewer system. China Environmental Science, 2013, 33(11): 1953-1957. (China)
19. R. J. He, Y. C. Liu, L.A. Wu, W. Wu, Y. Xu, D. P. Qian, J. Li. Construction and Application of Information Management System for Sewer System in Wuxi City. China Water and Wastewater, 2013, 29(11): 18-21. (China)
20. Hanchang Shi, Ji Li, Li Chen, Yanchen Liu, Xianghua Wen, Renjie He, Dongquan Zhao, Qinxue Wen. The study on the optimal operation technology of wastewater treatment and drainage pipe network of Taihu lake basin. Water and Wastewater, 2012,10:21-24. (China)
21. Lan Xia, Shuquan Zhu, Yanchen Liu, Hanchang Shi. Effect of different operational conditions on simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal in carrousel oxidation ditch. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2012, 6(1): 73-76. (China)
22.钱晨, 刘艳臣, 汪诚文. 真空排水系统动力学特征及其优化设计方法研究. 中国给水排水, 2012, 03:110-113.
23.刘艳臣, 张书军, 沈悦啸, 梁鹏, 黄霞, 施汉昌. 快速城市化进程中排水管网运行管理的技术思考与展望. 中国给水排水, 2011, 27(14): 1-4.
24.刘艳臣, 范茏, 王志强, 陈大方, 施汉昌, 罗彬, 王颖哲. Carrousel氧化沟内特性参数的分布. 中国环境科学, 2007, 27(6): 792-796.
25.刘艳臣, 施汉昌, 王志强, 王淦, 戴贤良, 王颖哲. Carrousel氧化沟溶解氧变化规律及其优化控制条件研究. 中国环境科学, 2008, 28(9):843-846.
26.施慧明, 刘艳臣, 施汉昌, 王颖哲, 王淦. 深水型表面曝气机的模拟计算与构型比较. 环境工程学报, 2008,2(2): 154-159.
27.侯艳玲, 刘艳臣, 邱勇, 何苗, 施汉昌. 辅助化学除磷药剂中Fe3+、Al3+对生物系统污泥活性影响的研究. 给水排水, 2010, 36(6): 38-41.
28.范茏, 陈大方, 刘艳臣, 王志强, 施汉昌. Carrousel氧化沟单个表曝机流态的模型试验和分析比较.环境科学研究, 2007,20(4): 97-101.
29.范茏, 王志强, 刘艳臣, 陈大方, 施汉昌. 双表曝机Carrousel氧化沟流态的PDA实验研究. 合肥工业大学学报( 自然科学版), 2007, 30(11): 1454-1457.
30.范茏, 陈大方, 王志强, 刘艳臣, 施汉昌. Carrousel 氧化沟的流动特性研究. 环境污染设备技术与设备, 2006, 7(12):36-41.
31.范茏, 王志强, 王颖哲, 陈大方, 罗彬, 刘艳臣, 施汉昌. 污水厂Carrousel氧化沟溶解氧和流速分布的研究. 环境工程学报, 2007, 1(1): 19-22.
32.范茏, 王志强, 王颖哲, 陈大方, 罗彬, 刘艳臣, 施汉昌. 污水处理厂脱氮效果及相关参数的分析. 环境工程学报, 2007,1(6): 1-5.
1.Yanchen Liu, Chen Wu, Hanchang Shi. Study on the optimal control condition of nitrate dosing for sulfide control in sediment of sewer system. 2nd International Conference on Water Research,in Singapore Expo, 20-23 January 2013.
2.Mingkai Zhang, Yanchen Liu, Hanchang Shi, Yong Qiu, He Jing. Study on the evaluation method of sewer operation performance by the recognizing region feature based on the wastewater quantity and quality monitoring, in Singapore Expo, 20-23 January 2013.
3.Yanchen Liu, Yong Qiu, He Jing, Hanchang Shi, Ji Li, Renjie He. The Estimate of Influence of Drainage Pipe Network Operation on Influent of WWTP. International conference on pipelines and trenchless technology, ASCE, Xi’an. 2013, 10.
4.Yanchen Liu, Chen Wu, Qian Dong, Xiaohong Zhou, Hanchang Shi. Estimate the sulfide accumulation and control in sediment of sewer system. 7th international conference on sewer processes and networks, United Kingdom, the edge conference centre Sheffield, 2013.8.
5.He Jing, Yanchen Liu, Mingkai Zhang, Yong Qiu, Hanchang Shi. Integrated operation strategy of sewer system and WWTP based on the flow control coupled with the evaluation of wastewater quality variation. 7th international conference on sewer processes and networks, United Kingdom, the edge conference centre Sheffield, 2013.8.
6.Mingkai Zhang, Yanchen Liu, Hanchang Shi. Assessing infiltration and inflow based on quantity and quality in sewer system. 8th International Conference on Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, In Beijing, 2013.11.
7.Yanchen Liu, Xiaohong zhou, Hanchang Shi, Chen Wu. The sulfur cycle of biofilm and sediments in sewer system. 7th International Conference on Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, In Beijing, 2011.11.
8.Mingkai Zhang, Yanchen Liu, He Jing, Yong Qiu, Zhiqiang Wang, Hanchang Shi. The method of recognition of regional feature and prediction of the flow data in drainage pipe network. 7th International Conference on Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, In Beijing, 2011.11.
9.Yanchen Liu, He Jing, Yong Qiu, Hanchang Shi. Study on the variation character and forecasting method of flow between pump stations in sewer and WWTP. 6th international conference on sewer processes and networks, In Australia, 2010, 11.
10.Yanchen Liu, Hanchang Shi. Study on a dynamic control model to enhance nitrogen removal in oxidation ditches. 10th IWA Conference on Instrumentation Control and Automation 14-17 June 2009 Cairns, Australia.
11.Yanchen Liu, Hanchang Shi. The application of WEST in the dynamic control to enhance nitrogen removal with fluctuation of influent. WWWEST 2009 Copenhagen, April 2009.
12.Liu Yanchen, Shi Hanchang, Wang Zhiqiang. Study the effect of influent fluctuation on operation of WWTP by simulation, 4th Leading Edge Conference and Exhibion on Water and Wastewater Technologies,In Singapore, 2007, 6.
13.Yanchen Liu, Hanchang Shi, Zhiqiang Wang. Study on the influence and control for the uncertainty variational in influent of WWTP, International workshop on Monitoring and Sensor, In Beijing, 2007, 6.
14.Yanchen Liu, Hanchang Shi. Study on the strategy of dynamic control for SND in Oxidation Ditch, The Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute (ASI) 2006-Leading-Edge Strategies and Technologies For Sustainable Urban Water Mannagement, In Hongkong, 2006, 8.
15.Yanchen Liu, Hanchang Shi, Zhiqiang Wang. Study on the process control to reducing the influence of influent change, The 2nd IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation for water and wastewater treatment and transport systems, In Busan, 2005, 5.
1.污水处理在线监测仪器原理与应用(第二版)[M]. 施汉昌,周小红,刘艳臣. 化学工业出版社,2013年11月.
1.施汉昌,刘艳臣,等. 一种排水管网多指标在线监测装置, 申请号:20**
2.刘艳臣,等. 城市排水管网在线监测信号转译配置系统V1.0, 2014SR049384
3.刘艳臣,等. 排水管网多指标在线监测传感器现场维护管理软件V1.0, 2014SR049391
4.汪诚文,刘艳臣,等. 真空排水系统集水界面单元装置.国家发明专利.国家发明专利,授权号: ZL 2010 1 **.7
5.汪诚文,钱晨,刘艳臣,等.一种真空排水系统集水界面单元的气动执行设备. 国家发明专利,申请号:ZL 6.6
6.施汉昌,施慧明,刘艳臣. 一种倒伞型氧化沟曝气机叶轮的结构. 国家发明专利,专利号: ZL 2007 1 **.5
7.施汉昌,刘艳臣,王志强. 基于入水变化的氧化沟智能控制系统.国家发明专利,专利号: ZL4.7

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