姓 名: 孙文俊
所在单位: 饮用水安全研究所
职 称: 副高级
邮寄地址: 清华大学环境学院,100084
办公地地: 清华大学中意环境节能楼404
电 话:
电子邮件: wsun@tsinghua.edu.cn
教育背景2005–2010 清华大学 环境科学工程系 博士
2000–2004 同济大学 给水排水工程系 学士
工作履历2017– 清华大学环境学院 副研究员
2016–2017 加拿大圭尔夫大学 助理研究员
2014–2016 加拿大特洁安技术公司 研发科学家
2010–2014 加拿大西安大略大学 博士后
学术兼职加拿大西安大略大学 兼职教授
奖励与荣誉加拿大MITACS accelerate奖励基金2010
加拿大 MITACS elevate奖励基金 2012
1.Sun Wenjun, Liu Wenjun, Cui Lifeng, Liu Leibin, The biological safety of distribution systems following UV disinfection in rural areas in Beijing China, Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 2013, Vol 13(3): 854–863.
2.Sun Wenjun, Liu Wenjun, Cui Lifeng, Zhang Minglu, Wang Bei, Characterization and identification of a chlorine-resistant bacterium, Sphingomonas TS001, from a model drinking water distribution system, Science of the Total Environment, 2013, Volumes 458-460:169-175.
3.Wang Xiaowei, Zhang Lieyu, Xi Beidou, Sun Wenjun, Xia Xunfeng, Zhu Chaowei, He Xiaosong, Li Mingxiao, Yang Tianxue, Wang Pengfei, Zhang Zhonglei, Biogas production improvement and C/N control by natural clinoptilolite addition into anaerobic co-digestion of Phragmites australis, feces and kitchen waste,Bioresour Technol 2015, 23, 180:192-199.
4.Xi Beidou, Wang Xiaowei, Liu Wenjun, Xia Xunfeng, Li Desheng, He Liansheng, Wang Hongmei, Sun Wenjun, Yang Tianxue, Tao Wei, Fluoride and Arsenic Removal by Nanofiltration Technology from Groundwater in Rural Areas of China: Performances with Membrane Optimization,Separation Science and Technology, 2014, Vol.49:2642-2649.
5.Wang Zixi, Xing Xiang , Sun Wenjun , Ma Liqing and Zhao Jinghui, Inactivation effect of low pressure UV collimated beam irradiation on marine microalgae, Food, Agriculture and Environment (JFAE), 2014, Vol. 12, Issue 2, :992-997.
6.Zhang Yanan, Wang Zixi, Cai Leiming, Cai Xiang, Sun Wenjun, Ma Liqing, Tests to evaluate the ecological impact of treated ballast water on three Chinese marine species, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, September 2014, Volume 32, Issue 5: 1105-1117
7.Wang Xiaowei, Xi Beidou, Huo Shouliang, Sun Wenjun, Pan Hongwei, Zhang Jingtian, Ren Yuqing, Liu Hongliang, Characterization, treatment and releases of PBDEs and PAHs in a typical municipal sewage treatment plant situated beside an urban river, East China, Journal of Environmental Science, 2013, Volume 25, Issue 7: 1281-1290.
8.Sun Wenjun, Liu Wenjun, Cui Lifeng, Liu Leibin, Impact of AOC and chlorine residual on regrowth of microbes in a model distribution system receiving UV-treated potable water, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – AQUA,2012, Vol 61(6): 372–380.
9.Wang Xiaowei, Xi Beidou, Huo Shouliang, Liu Wenjun, Sun Wenjun, Li Desheng, Yu Huibin, Ma Weifang and Liu Hongliang. Performances comparison of reverse osmosis and nanofiltration application to defluorination from groundwater: influence factors and fouling analysis. Fresen. Environ. Bull.,2011, 20(12): 3141-3151.
10.Sun Wenjun, Liu Wenjun, Impact of the UV Disinfection Process on Biofilm Controlling of Model Distribution Systems for Drinking Water, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2009 Volume 26 : 809-815
11.Sun Wenjun, Liu Wenjun, A Pilot-Scale Study on Ultraviolet Disinfection System for Drinking Water, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – AQUA, 2009 Volume 58(5)346-353
15.张晓慧,李德生,孙文俊,关于自然形成生物锰砂滤池对氨氮去除效果的研究, 环境科学与管理, 32(5): 61-64, 2007
16.戴吉胜,陈贻球,刘文君,孙文俊,异养菌总数检测方法研究, 给水排水 33(s1):22-23,2007
17.陈贻球,戴吉胜,孙文俊,某市饮用水配水管网生物稳定性初步研究,给水排水, 33(s1):328-330,2007
1.Sun Wenjun, Zhou Hongde, Rudra Ramesh, Santoro Domenico, Liu Wenjun, Risk analysis and case studies for ultrafiltration combined UV processes for drinking water treatment, The 5th IWA Regional Conference on Membrane Technology 2016,Kunming, China, August 22- 24, 2016
2.Murray Adrian, Goldman Joshua, Sun Wenjun, Morgan Scott, Brower Mike, Sarathy Siva, Hilts Brian, Bell Kati, Santoro Domenico, Disinfection of a low transmittance municipal wastewater with a combination of UV and PAA, 2016 IUVA World Congress, Vancouver, Canada, January 31-February 3, 2016
3.Petri Brian, McDermid Steve, Sun Wenjun, Chengyue Shen, Karl Scheible, Yuri Lawryshyn, Investigating Polychromatic UV Complexity: Models and Experiments to Determine Polychromatic Correction Factors, Disinfection and Public Health Conference 2013, Indianapolis, USA, February 24- 26, 2013
4.Petri Brian, McDermid Steve, Sun Wenjun, Investigating Polychromatic UV Complexity Part 1: Microbial Action Spectra Sensitivity Analyses. 2013 IOA-IUVA World Congress, Las Vegas, USA, September 22- 26, 2013
5.Petri Brian, McDermid Steve, Sun Wenjun, Chengyue Shen, Karl Scheible, Investigating Polychromatic UV Complexity Part 2: Models and Experiments to Determine Polychromatic Correction Factors, 2013 IOA-IUVA World Congress, Las Vegas, USA, September 22- 26, 2013
6.Petri Brian, McDermid Steve, Sun Wenjun, Chengyue Shen, Karl Scheible, Validating Validation Microbes for UV Reactor Validations: Getting it Right, 2013 IOA-IUVA World Congress, Las Vegas, USA, September 22- 26, 2013
7.Liu Wenjun, Sun Wenjun, Liu Che, A study of by-product formation and toxicity due to LP UV disinfection of ballast water, 2011 IOA/IUVA World Congress& Exhibition. Pairs, France. May 23-27, 2011
8.Liu Wenjun, Liu Qing, Zhang Liping, Nie Xuebiao, Sun Wenjun, Cui Lifeng, Genotoxicity of drinking water treated with different disinfectants and effects of disinfection conditions detected by umu test, 2011 IOA/IUVA World Congress& Exhibition. Pairs, France. May 23-27, 2011
9.Sun Wenjun, Liu Wenjun, Cui Lifeng, Zhu Wanpeng, The Biological Safety of Model Distribution System following UV, International Ultraviolet Association 5th UV world Congress, September 21-23, 2009,Amsterdam
10.Liu Wenjun, Sun Wenjun, Liu Che, Zhangjingjing, Response of Marine and fresh water algae to UV, International Ultraviolet Association 5th UV world Congress, September 21-23, 2009,Amsterdam
11.Sun Wenjun, Liu Wenjun, Liu Leibin, Cui Lifeng, The Biological Safety of UV Disinfection Systems For Drinking Water, Proceedings of the 10th Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Conference WDSA2008, August 17-20, 2008, Kruger National Park, South Africa
12.Sun Wenjun, Liu Wenjun et al, The Biological Safety of distribution system following UV Disinfection, The 2nd National Ph.D. Candidates Academic Conference, 16th-18th October 2008, Beijing, China
13.Sun Wenjun, Liu Wenjun, Cui Lifeng, Zhu Wanpeng, The biological safety of model distribution system following Low-pressure UV, The 3rd National Ph.D. Candidates Academic Conference, 22th-24th October 2008, Beijing, China
刘文君,乔炜,何唯平,孙文俊,黄永衡,陈健,蔡晓涌,《紫外线水消毒设备 紫外线剂量测试方法》GB/T 32091-2015, 2015年12月10日发布,2016年6月1日实施
刘文君,何唯平,孙文俊,黄永衡,《紫外线消毒技术术语》GB/T 32092-2015,2015年12月10日发布,2016年6月1日实施
1.发明专利:测定紫外线生物验证剂量的平行光束仪,申请号:3.5,专利人:刘文君、 孙文俊、 蔡晓涌、 梁永久、 张慧敏
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-14
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