

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-14

姓  名: 邓述波
所在单位: 环境化学教研所
职  称: 正高级
邮寄地址: 清华大学环境学院
办公电话: 86-
电子邮件: dengshubo@tsinghua.edu.cn
办公地点: 中意环境节能楼501

教育背景1991.9 -1995.7 东北大学资源土木学院,学士
1995.9 -1999.9 东北大学资源土木学院,博士
工作履历1999.10-2001.09 清华大学环境科学与工程系,博士后
2001.09-2005.06 新加坡国立大学化工与环境工程系,博士后、Research Fellow
2005.06-2012.12 清华大学环境科学与工程系、环境学院,副研究员
2015.01-2015.07 杜克大学土木与环境工程系,访问教授
2012.12 - 至今 清华大学环境学院,教授
(1) 指导学生余强获2009年清华大学优秀硕士毕业生,优秀硕士论文
(2) 指导因材施教生刘寒同学获得2009年清华大学挑战杯、环境友好科技竞赛一等奖, 获优秀指导教师称号
(5) 指导本科生张俏影获清华大学2011届综合论文训练优秀论文,北京市优秀毕业生
(6) 指导因材施教生聂瑶同学获得2012年清华大学挑战杯二等奖
(9) 2014年指导本科生孟萍萍获得优秀毕设论文,优秀毕业生
(11) 2018年指导任露获得挑战杯三等奖
(12) 指导硕士生王维获得2018年北京市优秀毕业生、清华大学优秀硕士论文、清华大学优秀毕业生
学术兼职1. 国际水协会(IWA)吸附专家管理委员会委员 (2006-2010)
2. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China Editor
3.《The Scientific World Journal》、《Current Environmental Engineering》、 《Journal of Pollution》、《水污染及处理》、《中国环境监测》、《分析化学进展》、《地球科学前沿》编委
4. 环境科学学会POPs专业委员会委员(2014-至今)
5. 中国城市科学研究会水环境与水生态分会副秘书长(2017-至今)
研究领域1. 新型高效环境吸附材料研制及应用
2. 以吸附为核心的工业污水资源化及深度处理技术
4. 室内空气中二氧化碳和挥发性有机物的吸附去除技术
5. 新兴污染物在水环境中的污染过程以及吸附控制技术
(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:去除水中有机磷阻燃剂的吸附机理及其高效吸附-降解的技术原理研究, 2018-2021
(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,材料表面气泡对水中全氟表面活性剂吸附的影响及作用机制,2016-2019
(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,可再生的纳米碳基复合材料吸附降解水中PPCPs的研究,2014/01-2017/12
(4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,纳米材料对全氟化合物的吸附和解吸机理研究,2012/01-2015/12
(5) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,ATRP法制备新型高效生物吸附剂及去除水中全氟化合物的研究,2011/01-2013/12
(6) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,典型全氟表面活性剂在水处理过程中的吸附特性及吸附机理,2008/01-2010/12
(7) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,选择性去除水中微量全氟辛烷磺酸吸附剂制备和吸附机理研究,2007/01-2009/12
(8) 国家水专项课题:工业聚集区污染控制与尾水水质提升技术集成与应用,开展电镀废水资源化示范工程,2017-2020
(9) 国家“十二五”863重大项目子课题,水中全氟有机污染物的高效去除技术,2013/01-2015/12
(10) 国家“十一五”863重点项目课题,2009AA063902,催化还原处理技术与装置研究,2009/12-2012/12
(11) 教育部资助的清华大学自主科研项目,水中典型新兴污染物的环境过程及控制技术,2015/01-2017/12
(12) 国家重点实验室基金,水中特殊微量污染物的风险控制和去除技术,2012/06-2014/06
(13) 国家重点实验室基金,全氟化合物的污染源调查及吸附特性和机制研究,2008/06-2010/06
(14) 日本大金集团项目:室内CO2吸附去除技术, 2017-2018
(15) 法国威立雅环境集团项目,温室气体CO2的吸附捕获技术,2011/01-2014/12
(16) 日本三洋电机公司项目,饮用水除砷除氟高效吸附剂的研制及应用,2007/01-2009/12
(17) 清华大学“学术新人奖”项目,2012/03 -2013/12
(18) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,表面接枝高效纤维吸附剂的研制及去除水中典型有毒污染物的研究,2007/01 -2010/12
(19) 化工园区污水处理稳定达标排放的技术方案,2017-2018
(20) 大庆油田采油污水的水质分析及油水分离特性,2010-2016
奖励与荣誉(1) 2017年获得国家自然科学二等奖:卤代持久性有机污染物环境污染特征与物化控制原理(排名第三)
(2) 2012年获得教育部自然科学奖一等奖,(排名第三)
(3) 2008年获辽宁省科学技术奖二等奖(排名第二)
(4) 2007年获沈阳市科学技术进步奖二等奖(排名第二)
(5) 入选2011年清华大学“学术新人奖”
(7) 2008年中国环境科学学会第六届“青年科技奖”获得者
(8) 入选2007年清华大学骨干人才支持计划
(9) 2009年获清华大学优秀班主任一等奖
(10) 2012年获清华大学教学成果奖”一等奖(排名第五)

已经发表论文170余篇,其中SCI收录150余篇,被引用5000余次,“H”指数为40,2014 -2017 年连续入选爱斯唯尔“中国高被引学者”榜单。
(1)Danna Shan, Shubo Deng*, Conghui He, Jin Li, Hubian Wang, Chengxu Jiang, Gang Yu, Mark R. Wiesner. Intercalation of rigid molecules between carbon nanotubes for adsorption enhancement of typical pharmaceuticals. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 332, 102-108.
(2)Dengchao Liu, Shubo Deng*, Ayiguli Maimaiti, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Gang Yu. As(III) and As(V) adsorption on nanocomposite of hydrated zirconium oxide coated carbon nanotubes. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018,511,277-284
(3)Wei Wang, Shubo Deng *, Danyang Li, Lu Ren, Danna Shan, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Gang Yu. Sorption behavior and mechanism of organophosphate flame retardants on activated carbons. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018,332,286-292.
(4)Mohammadtaghi Vakili, Shubo Deng*, Lu Shen, Danna Shan, Dengchao Liu, Gang Yu. Solvent regeneration of chitosan-based adsorbents for eliminating dyes from aqueous solutions. Separation and Purification Reviews, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/**.2017.**
(5)Wei Wang, Ziwen Du, Shubo Deng*, Mohammadtaghi Vakili, Lu Ren, Pingping Meng, Ayiguli Maimaiti, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Gang Yu. Regeneration of PFOS loaded activated carbon by hot water and subsequent aeration enrichment of PFOS from eluent. Carbon, 2018, 134, 199-206.
(6)Guilong Peng, Menghan Zhang, Shubo Deng*, Danan Shan, Qiang He, Gang Yu. Adsorption and catalytic oxidation of pharmaceuticals by nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide/Fe3O4 nanocomposite. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 341, 361-370.
(7)Pingping Meng, Shubo Deng*, Ayiguli Maimaiti, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Ian T. Cousins, Gang Yu.Efficient removal of perfluorooctane sulfonate from aqueous film-forming foam solution by aeration-foam collection. Chemosphere, 2018, 203, 263-270.
(8)Mohammadtaghi Vakili, Shubo Deng*, Tong Li, Wei Wang, Wenjing Wang, Gang Yu. Novel crosslinked chitosan for enhanced adsorption of hexavalent chromium in acidic solution. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018,347, 782-790.
(9)Ayiguli Maimaiti, Shubo Deng*, Pingping Meng, Wei Wang, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Gang Yu. Competitive adsorption of perfluoroalkyl substances on anion exchange resins in simulated AFFF-impacted groundwater. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 348,494-502.
(10)Danna Shan, Shubo Deng*, Chengxu Jiang, Yue Chen, Bin Wang, Yujue Wang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu, Mark R. Wiesner. Hydrophilic and strengthened 3D reduced graphene oxide/Fe3O4 hybrid hydrogel for enhanced adsorption and catalytic oxidation of typical pharmaceuticals. Environmental Science: Nano, 2018, DOI:10.1039/C8EN00422F
(11)Wei Wang, Shubo Deng*, Lu Ren, Danyang Li, Wenjing Wang, Mohammadtaghi Vakili, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Gang Yu. Stable covalent organic frameworks as efficient adsorbents for selective removal of aryl-organophosphorus flame retardants from water. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2018 (in revision)
(12)Wei Wang, Shubo Deng*, Danyang Li, Lu Ren, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Gang Yu. Adsorptive removal of organophosphate flame retardants from water by non-ionic resins. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018. (in revision)
(13)Ziwen Du, Shubo Deng*, Siyu Zhang, Wei Wang, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Gang Yu, Baoshan Xing. Selective and fast adsorption of perfluorooctane sulfonate from wastewater by magnetic fluorinated vermiculite. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51, 8027?8035.
(14)Huang Qian, Deng Shubo*, Danna Shan, Yujue Wang, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu. Enhanced adsorption of diclofenac sodium on the carbon nanotubes-polytetrafluorethylene electrode and subsequent degradation by electro-peroxone treatment. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 488,142-148.
(15)Pingping Meng, Shubo Deng*, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Gang Yu. Superhigh adsorption of perfluorooctane sulfonate on aminated polyacrylonitrile fibers with the assistance of air bubbles. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 315, 108–114.
(16)Pingping Meng, Shubo Deng*, Tianning Zhao, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Gang Yu, Baoshan Xing. Effect of hydro-oleophobic perfluorocarbon chain on interfacial behavior and mechanism of perfluorooctane sulfonate in oil-water mixture, Scientific Report, 2017, 44694, DOI: 10.1038/srep44694
(17)Danna Shan, Shubo Deng*, Jin Li, HubianWang, Conghui He, Giovanni Cagnetta, BinWang, Yujue Wang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu. Preparation of porous graphene oxide by chemically intercalating a rigid molecule for enhanced removal of typical pharmaceuticals. Carbon, 2017,119, 101-109.
(1)Shubo Deng*, Tao Chen, Tianning Zhao, Xiaolong Yao, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Gang Yu. Role of micropores and nitrogen-containing groups in CO2 adsorption on indole-3-butyric acid potassium derived carbons. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 286, 98-105.
(2)Danna Shan, Shubo Deng*, Tianning Zhao,Bin Wang, Yujue Wang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu, Judy Winglee, Mark R. Wiesner. Preparation of ultrafine magnetic biochar and activated carbon for pharmaceutical adsorption and subsequent degradation by ball milling. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 305, 156-163.
(3)Siqi Hong, Shubo Deng*, Xiaolong Yao, Bin Wang, Yujue Wang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu. Bromate removal from water by polypyrrole tailored activated carbon. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2016, 467, 10-16.
(4)Xiaolong Yao, Shubo Deng*, Rui Wu, Siqi Hong, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Gang Yu. Highly efficient removal of hexavalent chromium from electroplating wastewater using aminated wheat straw. RSC advances, 2016, 6, 8797 – 8805.
(5)Ziwen Du, Shubo Deng*, Dengchao Liu, Xiaolong Yao, Yu Wang, Xinyu Lu, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Baoshan Xing, Gang Yu. Efficient adsorption of PFOS and F53B from chrome plating wastewater and their subsequent degradation in the regeneration process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 290, 405-413.
(6)Danna Shan, Shubo Deng*, Tianning Zhao, Gang Yu, Judith Winglee, Mark R. Wiesner*. Preparation of regenerable granular carbon nanotubes by a simple heating-filtration method for efficient removal of typical pharmaceuticals. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2016.02.118
(1) Deng Shubo*,Nie Yao,Huang Qian,Du Ziwen,Wang Bin,Huang Jun,Yu Gang,Enhanced adsorption of perfluorooctane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoate on the bamboo-derived granular activated carbon,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2015,282:150-157.
(2) Du Ziwen,Deng Shubo*,Chen Yongshan,Wang Bin,Huang Jun,Wang Yujue,Yu Gang,Removal of perfluorinated carboxylatesfrom washing wastewater of perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride using activatedcarbon and resin,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2015,286:136-143.
(3) Chen Tao,Deng Shubo*,Wang Bin,Huang Jun,Wang Yujue,Yu Gang,CO2 adsorption on crab shell derived activated carbons: contribution of micropores and nitrogen-containing groups,RSC Advances,2015,5(60):48323-48330.
(4) Deng Shubo*,Hu Bingyin,Chen Tao,Wang Bin,Huang Jun,Wang Yujue,Yu Gang,Activated carbons prepared from peanut shell and sunflower seed shell for high CO2 adsorption,Adsorption,2015,21(1-2):125-133.
(5) Deng Shubo*,Bei Yue,Lu Xinyu,Du Ziwen,Wang Bin,Wang Yujue,Huang Jun,Yu Gang,Effect of co-existing organic compounds on adsorption of perfluorinated compounds onto carbon nanotubes,Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering,2015,9(5):784-792.
(6) Li Xiang,Wang Yujue,Zhao Jian.,Wang Huijiao,Wang Bin,Huang Jun, Deng Shubo,Yu Gang*,Electro-peroxone treatment of the antidepressant venlafaxine: Operational parameters and mechanism,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2015,300:298-306.
(7) Yang Bo*,Jiang Chaojin,Yu Gang,Zhuo Qiongfang,Deng Shubo,Wu Jinhua,Zhang Hong,Highly efficient electrochemical degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) by F-doped Ti/SnO2 electrode,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2015,299:417-424.
(8) Zhang Shuzhen,Huang Jun,Yang Yang,Li Yuancheng,Wang Bin,Wang Yujue,Deng Shubo,Yu Gang*,Rapid mechanochemical synthesis of VOx/TiO2 as highly active catalyst for HCB removal,Chemosphere,2015,141:187-204.
(9) Huang Jun*,Gao Jie,Yu Gang,Yamazaki Norimasa,Deng Shubo,Wang Bin,Weber Roland,Unintentional formed PCDDs, PCDFs, and DL-PCBs as impurities in Chinese pentachloronitrobenzene products,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2015,22(19):14462-14470.
(10) Wang Huijiao,Yuan Shi,Zhan Juhong,Wang Yujue*,Yu Gang,Deng Shubo,Huang Jun,Wang Bin,Mechanisms of enhanced total organic carbon elimination from oxalic acid solutions by electro-peroxone process,Water Research,2015,80:20-29.
(11) Li Jian,Yu Yanqing,Li Xiangyu,Wang Wei,Yu Gang,Deng Shubo,Huang Jun,Wang Bin,Wang Yujue*,Maximizing carbon efficiency of petrochemical production from catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass and plastics using gallium-containing MFI zeolites,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2015,172:154-164.
(12) Wang Bin*,Dai Guohua,Deng Shubo,Huang Jun,Wang Yujue,Yu Gang, Linking the environmental loads to the fate of PPCPs in Beijing: Considering both the treated and untreated wastewater sources,Environmental Pollution,2015,202:153-159.
(13) Yang Yang,Zhang Shuzhen,Wang Siwen,Zhang Kunlun,Wang Haizhu,Huang Jun,Deng Shubo,Wang Bin,Wang Yujue,Yu Gang*,Ball Milling Synthesized MnOx as Highly Active Catalyst for Gaseous POPs Removal: Significance of Mechanochemically Induced Oxygen Vacancies,Environmental Science & Technology,2015,49(7):4473-4480.
(14) Dai Guohua,Wang Bin,Huang Jun,Dong Rui,Deng Shubo,Yu Gang*,Occurrence and source apportionment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the Beiyun River of Beijing, China,Chemosphere,2015,119:1033-1039.
(1)Yang Yang, Jun Huang, Siwen Wang, Shubo Deng, Bin Wang, Gang Yu. Removal of gaseous HCBz on Cu-OMS: effect of Cu location on catalytic performance. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2014, 150–151,167–178.
(2)Yao Nie, Shubo Deng,* Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu. Removal of clofibric acid from aqueous solution by polyethylenimine-modified chitosan beads. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2014, 8(5), 675-682.
(3)Yue Bei, Shubo Deng*, Ziwen Du, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu. Adsorption of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate on Carbon Nanotubes: Influence of pH and Competitive Ions. Water Science & Technology, 2014 , 69(7),1489-1495
(4)Shubo Deng*, Haoran Wei, Tao Chen, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu*. Superior CO2 adsorption on pine nut shell-derived activated carbons and the effective micropores at different temperatures. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 253,46-54.
(5)Zhiguo Cao, Fuchao Xu, Adrian Covaci, Min Wu, Gang Yu, Bin Wang, Shubo Deng, Jun Huang. Differences in the seasonal variation of brominated and phosphorus flame retardants in office dust. Environment International, 2014, 65, 100-106.
(6)Haizhu Wang, Jun Huang*, Kunlun Zhang, Yunfei Yu, Kai Liu, Gang Yu, Shubo Deng, Bin Wang,Effects of zero-valent metals together with quartz sand on the mechanochemical destruction of Dechlorane Plus coground in a planetary ball mill. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 264, 230-235.
(7)Xiaoling Yang, Jun Huang*, Kunlun Zhang, Gang Yu, Shubo Deng, Bin Wang., Stability of 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate in advanced oxidation processes: degradation kinetics and pathway. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2014, 21, (6), 4634-4642.
(8)Ziwen Du, Shubo Deng*, Yue Bei, Qian Huang, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu. Adsorption Behavior and Mechanism of Perfluorinated Compounds on Various Adsorbents — A review. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 274, 443–454.
(9)Pingping Meng, Shubo Deng*, Xinyu Lu, Ziwen Du, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Gang Yu, Baoshan Xing. Role of Air Bubbles Overlooked in the Adsorption of Perfluorooctanesulfonate on Hydrophobic Carbonaceous Adsorbents. Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48(23), 13785?13792.
(10)Cao, Z. G.; Xu, F. C.; Covaci, A.; Wu, M.; Wang, H. Z.; Yu, G.; Wang, B.; Deng, S. B.; Huang, J.; Wang, X. Y., Distribution Patterns of Brominated, Chlorinated, and Phosphorus Flame Retardants with Particle Size in Indoor and Outdoor Dust and Implications for Human Exposure. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, (15), 8839-8846.
(11)Li, X.; Wang, Y. J.; Yuan, S.; Li, Z. X.; Wang, B.; Huang, J.; Deng, S. B.; Yu, G., Degradation of the anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen by electro-peroxone process. Water Research 2014, 63, 81-93.
(12)Yang, Y.; Huang, J.; Zhang, S. Z.; Wang, S. W.; Deng, S. B.; Wang, B.; Yu, G., Regenerable magnetic octahedral layer catalyst for gaseous UPOPs removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2014, 280, 627-635.
(13)Zhang, S. Y.; Yu, G.; Chen, J. W.; Wang, B.; Huang, J.; Deng, S. B., Unveiling formation mechanism of carcinogenic N-nitrosodimethylamine in ozonation of dimethylamine: A density functional theoretical investigation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2014, 279, 330-335.
(1)Yunfei Yu, Jun Huang, Wang Zhang, Kunlun Zhang, Shubo Deng, Gang Yu. Mechanochemical destruction of mirex co-ground with iron and quartz in a planetary ball mill. Chemosphere, 2013, 90(5), 1729-1735.
(2)Cao Zhiguo, Yang Yang, Yu Gang, Zhang Tingting, Deng Lirui, Zhang Kunlun, Wang Bin, Deng Shubo, Huang Jun. Pay attention to the fate of an emerging hazardous waste: PBDE-contaminated indoor dust. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20(3), 1895-1897
(3)Bo Yang, Shubo Deng, Gang Yu, Yonghong Lu, Hong Zhang, Jianzhong Xiao,Gang Chen, Xiaobing Cheng, Lili Shi. Pd/Al bimetallic nanoparticles for complete hydrodechlorination of 3-chlorophenol in aqueous solution. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 219,492–498
(4)Deng Shubo, Niu Li, Bei Yue, Wang Bin, Huang Jun, Yu Gang*. Adsorption of perfluorinated compounds on an aminated rice husk prepared by atom transfer radical polymerization., Chemosphere, 2013, 91, 124–130.
(5)Cao, Zhiguo; Fiedler, Heidelore; Wang, Bin; Zhang, Tingting; Yu, Gang; Huang, Jun; Deng, Shubo. Economic status as a determinant of national PCDD/PCDF releases and implications for PCDD/PCDF reduction. Chemosphere, 2013, 91(3): 328-35
(6)Zhiguo Cao, Gang Yu, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Shubo Deng, Human Exposure Assessment of Indoor Dust: Importance of Particle Size and Spatial Position, Environmental Health Perspectives, 121 (2013) A110-A110.
(7)Zhiguo Cao, Gang Yu, Yongshan Chen, Cong Liu, Kai Liu, Tingting Zhang, Bin Wang, Shubo Deng, Jun Huang, Mechanisms influencing the BFR distribution patterns in office dust and implications for estimating human exposure, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 252 (2013) 11-18.
(8)Zhang, Teng; Huang, Jun; Zhang, Wang; Yu, Yunfei; Deng, Shubo; Wang, Bin; Yu, Gang. Coupling the dechlorination of aqueous 4-CP with the mechanochemical destruction of solid PCNB using Fe-Ni-SiO2, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 250-251:175-80
(9)Kuang Jiangmeng, Huang Jun, Wang Bin, Cao Qiming, Deng shubo, Yu Gang. Ozonation of trimethoprim in aqueous solution: Identification of reaction products and their toxicity. Water Research, 2013,47(8), 2863-2872
(10)Cao, Zhiguo, Yu, Gang, Chen, Yongshan, Liu, Cong, Liu, Kai, Zhang, Tingting, Wang, Bin, Deng Shubo, Huang, Jun. Mechanisms influencing the BFR distribution patterns in office dust and implications for estimating human exposure. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 252, 11-18.
(11)Zhenhe Chen, Shubo Deng*, Haoran Wei, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu. Activated carbons and amine-modified materials for carbon dioxide capture―A review. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2013, 7(3): 326–340
(12)Zhang, Kunlun; Huang, Jun; Yu, Gang; Zhang, Qiwu; Deng shubo; Wang, Bin. Destruction of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) by Ball Milling. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013,47(12), 6471-6477.
(13)Wei Haoran, Deng Shubo*, Huang Qian, Nie Yao,Wang Bin, Huang Jun, Yu Gang. Regenerable granular carbon nanotubes/alumina hybrid adsorbents for diclofenac sodium and carbamazepine removal from aqueous solution. Water Research, 2013,47(12), 4139-4147.
(14)Zhenhe Chen, Shubo Deng,* Haoran Wei, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu. Polyethylenimine -impregnated resin for high CO2 adsorption: an efficient adsorbent for CO2 capture from simulated flue gas and ambient Air. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5(15), 6937?6945.
(15)Chen Yongshan, Cao Qiming, Deng Shubo, Huang Jun, Wang Bin, Yu Gang. Determination of pharmaceuticals from various therapeutic classes in dewatered sludge by pressurized liquid extraction and high performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 93(11), 1159-1173.
(16)Siwen Wang, Jun Huang, Yang Yang, Gang Yu, Shubo Deng, Bin Wang. Photodegradation of Dechlorane Plus in n-nonane under the irradiation of xenon lamp, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 260(0), 16-23.
(17)Siwen Wang, Jun Huang, Yang Yang, Yamei Hui, Yuxi Ge, Torjorn Larssen, Gang Yu, Shubo Deng, Bin Wang, Christopher Harman. First report of a Chinese PFOS alternative overlooked for 30 years, its toxicity, persistence and presence in the environment, Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47 (18), 10163-10170.
(18)Yang Yang, Jun Huang, Siwen Wang, Shubo Deng, Bin Wang, Gang Yu. Catalytic removal of gaseous unintentional POPs on manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieves. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 142–143 (2013) 568-578.
(19)Qingwei Bu, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Shubo Deng, Gang Yu. Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the aquatic environment in China: A review. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 262 (2013) 189-211.
(20)Yang Bo, Zhang Yunfei, Deng shubo, Yu Gang, Lu Yonghong,Wu Jinhua, Xiao Jianzhong, Chen Gang, Cheng Xiaobing, Shi Lili. Reductive degradation of chlorinated organic pollutants-contaminated water by bimetallic Pd/Al nanoparticles: Effect of acidic condition and surfactants. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 234, 346-353.
(1) Wei Haoran, Deng Shubo*, Hu Bingyin, Chen Zhenhe, Wang Bin, Huang Jun, Yu Gang. Granular bamboo-derived activated carbon for high CO2 adsorption: the dominant role of narrow micropores. ChemSusChem, 2012, 5(12), 2354-2360.
(2) Zhang, Kunlun; Huang, Jun; Zhang, Wang; Yu, Yunfei; Deng, Shubo; Yu, Gang. Mechanochemical degradation of tetrabromobisphenol A: Performance, products and pathway. Journal of hazardous materials , 2012, 243, 278-285
(3) Fuyuan Xu, Shubo Deng*, Jie Xu, Wang Zhang, Min Wu, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu. Highly Active and Stable Ni-Fe Bimetal Prepared by Ball Milling for Catalytic Hydrodechlorination of 4-chlorophenol. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46(8), 4576-4582.
(4) Shubo DENG, Qiaoying ZHANG, Yao NIE, Bin WANG, Gang YU, Baoshan Xing. Sorption mechanisms of selected perfluorinated compounds on carbon nanotubes. Environmental pollution, 2012,168, 138-144.
(5) Wang Bin, Huang Jun, Deng Shubo, Yang Xiaoling, Yu, Gang. Addressing the environmental risk of persistent organic pollutants in China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2012, 6(1), 2-16.
(6) Xu Zhenzhen, Deng Shubo, Yang Yang, Zhang Tingting, Cao Qiming, Huang Jun, Yu Gang. Catalytic destruction of pentachlorobenzene in simulated flue gas by a V2O5–WO3/TiO2 catalyst. Chemosphere, 2012, 87(9), 1032-1038.
(7) Shubo Deng, Y. Q. Zheng, Li Niu, F. J. Xu, Gang Yu. Highly efficient sorption of PFOS and PFOA on the quaternized cotton prepared by surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012,193-194,154–160
(8) Zhuo Qiongfang, Yang Bo, Deng Shubo, Huang Jun, Wang Bin, Yu Gang. Electrochemical Anodic Materials Used for Degradation of Organic Pollutants. Progress in Chemistry, 2012, 24(4), 628-636.
(9) Yang Yang, Gang Yu, Shubo Deng, Siwen Wang, Zhenzhen Xu, Jun Huang, Bin Wang. Catalytic oxidation of hexachlorobenzene in simulated gas on V2O5–WO3/TiO2 catalyst. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012,192, 284–291.
(10) Qiongfang Zhuo, Shubo Deng, Bo Yang, Jun Huang, Bin Wang, Tingting Zhang, Gang Yu. Degradation of perfluorinated compounds on a boron-doped diamond electrode, Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 77, 17-22.
(1) Zhang, Qiaoying, Deng, Shubo*, Yu, Gang, Huang, Jun. Removal of perfluorooctane sulfonate from aqueous solution by crosslinked chitosan beads: sorption kinetics and uptake mechanism. Bioresource Technology, 2011,102, 2265–2271.
(2) DENG Shubo*, ZHOU Qin, YU Gang, HUANG Jun, FAN Qing. Removal of perfluorooctanoate from surface water by polyaluminum chloride coagulation. Water Research, 2011, 45(4),1774-1780.
(3) DENG Shubo, LIU Han, ZHOU Wei, HUANG Jun, YU Gang*. Mn-Ce oxides as a high-capacity adsorbent for fluoride removal from water. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 186(2-3), 1360-1366.
(4) SUI Qian, HUANG Jun, LIU Yousong, CHANG Xiaofeng, JI Guangbin, DENG Shubo, XIE Tao, YU Gang. Rapid removal of bisphenol A on highly ordered mesoporous carbon. Journal of Environmental Science, 2011, 23(2), 177-182.
(5) Zhuo Qiongfang, Deng Shubo, Yang Bo, Huang Jun, Yu Gang. Efficient Electrochemical Oxidation of Perfluorooctanate Using a Ti/SnO2-Sb-Bi Anode. Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45, 2973–2979.
(6) Sui, Qian, Huang, Jun, Deng, Shubo, Chen, Weiwei, Yu, Gang. Seasonal Variation in the Occurrence and Removal of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Different Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes. Environmental Science & Technology, 2011,45,3341-3348
(7) Yang Bo, Deng Shubo, Yu Gang, Zhang Hong, Wu Jinhua, Zhuo Qiongfang. Bimetallic Pd/Al particles for highly efficient hydrodechlorination of 2-chlorobiphenyl in acidic aqueous solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 189 (1-2) , 76-83.
(8) Zhang Tingting, Huang Jun, Deng Shubo, Yu Gang. Influence of pesticides contamination on the emission of PCDD/PCDF to the land from open burning of corn straws. Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159(6), 1744-1748.
(9) Le, C ; Wu, JH ; Deng, SB ; Li, P ; Wang, XD ; Zhu, NW ; Wu, PX. Effects of common dissolved anions on the reduction of para-chloronitrobenzene by zero-valent iron in groundwater. Water Science and Technology, 2011, 63(7), 1485-1490.
(10) Zheng Y.Q., Deng Shubo*, Niu Li, Xu F. J., Chai M. Y., Yu Gang. Functionalized cotton via surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization for enhanced sorption of Cu(II) and Pb(II). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 192(3), 1401-1408.
(11) Jun Huang, Toru Matsumura, Gang Yu, Shubo Deng, Makoto Yamauchi, Norimasa Yamazaki, Roland Weber. Determination of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs in insulating oil samples from stored Chinese electrical capacitors by HRGC/HRMS. Chemosphere. 2011, 85, 239-246.
(12) Li, Xue; Huang, Jun; Zhang, Wang; Yu, Gang; Deng, Shubo; Wang, Siwen. Determination of 41 polybrominated diphenyl ethers in soil using a pressurised solvent extraction and GC-NCI-MS method. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 91(12), 1135-1150.
(13) Lim, Theodore Chao; Wang, Bin; Huang, Jun; Deng, Shubo; Yu, Gang. Emission inventory for PFOS in China: review of past methodologies and suggestions. TheScientificWorldJournal, 2011, 11, 1963-1980.
(14) Zhang Wang, Huang Jun, Xu Fuyuan, Deng Shubo, Zhu Wanpeng, Yu Gang. Mechanochemical destruction of pentachloronitrobenzene with reactive iron powder. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 198, 275-281.
邓述波,余刚.《环境吸附材料及应用原理》(41 万字)
(1)邓述波,杜子文,余刚,王斌,黄俊,王玉珏. 选择性吸附全氟化合物的材料、制备方法及应用. 申请号:4.7. 申请日:2015年11月27日
(2)邓述波,杜子文,姚小龙,余刚,王斌,黄俊,王玉珏. 吸附并降解水中全氟化合物的方法. 申请号:2.8. 申请日:2015年11月27日
(3)杨波,蒋超金,余刚,邓述波,刘剑洪. Ti/SnO2电极及制备方法和应用. 申请号:4.1. 申请日:2014年12与19日
(4)胡筱敏,姜彬慧,邓述波,付丽丽,赵鑫,杨程程,李凤达,刘金亮. 一种抗高温产絮菌株及其培育和应用方法. 申请号:0.8. 申请日: 2014年1月6日
(5)杨波,李影影,邓述波,余刚,刘剑洪. 一种去除废水中全氟有机污染物的方法. 专利号:ZL0.7. 授权日:2016年1月13日
(6)姜彬慧,胡筱敏,李亮,付丽丽,李凤达,杨程程,赵研,邓述波. 一种利用产絮菌发酵液去除水中重金属离子的方法. 专利号:ZL4.X. 授权日:2015年8月12日
(7)黄俊,张昆仑,王海珠,余刚,邓述波,王斌. 机械力化学处理多溴二苯醚固体废物制备具有可见光响应的光催化剂的方法. 专利号:ZL8.8. 授权日:2014年12与24日
(8)邓述波,魏浩然,余刚,黄俊,王斌. 高效吸附CO2的松子壳基活性炭的制备方法. 专利号:ZL9.0. 授权日:2015年8月12日
(9)邓述波,魏浩然,余刚,黄俊,王斌. 高效吸附CO2的瓜子皮基活性炭的制备方法. 专利号:ZL3.6. 授权日:2016年2月6日
(10)黄俊,张昆仑,杨小玲,余刚,邓述波,王斌,惠亚梅,王海珠. 一种基于机械力化学处理全氟和多氟化合物固体废物的方法. 专利号:ZL9.6. 授权日:2015年1月21日
(11)邓述波,魏浩然,余刚,黄俊,王斌. 颗粒状吸附材料及其制备方法和应用. 专利号:ZL9.6. 授权日:2014年11月26日
(12)邓述波,牛利,黄俊,余刚. 用于去除水中PFOS和PFOA的吸附剂及其制备方法. 专利号:ZL8.3. 授权日:2013年7月31日
(13)邓述波, 郑玉琴,牛利,黄俊,余刚. PFOA吸附剂及其制备方法. 专利号:ZL7.3. 授权日:2013年10月9日
(14)黄俊,张望,徐夫元,邓述波,余刚,余云飞,杨阳. 机械化学还原脱氯水处理系统. 专利号:ZL1.1. 授权日:2012年5月9日
(15)黄俊,张望,李铮,余刚,邓述波,余云飞,隋倩. 一种以铁和石英砂高能球磨销毁含氯持久性有机废物的方法. 专利号:ZL1.2. 授权日:2012年10月24日
(16)邓述波,徐夫元,徐杰,吴敏,余刚,黄俊. 一种吸附还原难降解污染物的金属炭材料的制备方法. 专利号:ZL3.0. 授权日:2012年9月5日
(17)邓述波,刘寒,余刚,黄俊. 饮用水除氟的高效锰-铈复合吸附剂的制备方法. 专利号:ZL8.3. 授权日:2011年12月7日
(18)邓述波,李志建,余刚,黄俊. 高效除砷的钛-稀土复合吸附剂的制备方法. 专利号:ZL9.X. 授权日:2012年10月24日
(19)黄俊,王泰,李雪,余刚,邓述波. 一种检测船舶防污漆中滴滴涕组分的分析方法. 专利号:ZL2.X. 授权日:2011年8月17日
(20)杨波,余刚,邓述波,黄俊,王姝. 一种用于氢解脱氯的钯/泡沫金属催化剂的制备方法. 专利号:ZL2.3. 授权日:2011年8月17日
(21)邓述波,余强,余刚, 一种壳聚糖分子印迹吸附剂的制备方法. 专利号:ZL8.5. 授权日:2010年6月23日
(22)邓述波,马睿,余刚. 一种氨化菌丝体吸附剂的制备方法. 专利号:ZL8.3. 授权日:2009年9月9日
(23)余刚,孙庆峰,邓述波. 一种检测污水中雌激素活性贡献物的方法. 专利号:ZL9.2. 授权日:2009年9月9日
(24)杨波,余刚,邓述波. 用于氯代芳烃电催化脱氯的钯负载金属基电极的制备方法. 专利号:ZL7.6. 授权日:2009年7月1日
(25)邓述波,单丹娜,余刚,王斌,黄俊,王玉珏. 高强度三维石墨烯复合吸附剂制备及其吸附和催化降解应用,申请号: 0.X,申请日: 2017.12.27
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