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教育简历1992.09-1996.07 东南大学动力工程系工程热物理专业,学士
1996.09-2001.05 东南大学动力工程系工程热物理专业,博士 (直博)
Marie Curie Fellow (2014.08-2016.08),英国诺丁汉大学建筑与营造环境系

?国家自然科学基金面上项目, 建筑天然气分布式供能系统相变蓄能调控机理与耦合关联机制研究(**),负责人,2014-2017
?国家重点基础研究发展计划 (973) 子课题,蓄能释能过程与主动蓄能项目子课题(2010CB227305),第二负责人,2010-2014
?国家十一五科技支撑项目子课题,建筑室内热湿环境改善材料开发 (2006BAJ02A09-5),负责人,2006-2010

?工程热物理学会“王补宣青年优秀论文奖”(Poster), 2013
?国际会议ISHVAC2007最佳Poster奖, 2007

学术任职?SCI国际期刊Indoor and Built Environment编委,2014至今
?SCI国际期刊The Scientific World Journal编委,2012至今
?国际期刊Journal of Solar Energy 编委,2012至今


国际期刊论文1.Hua J, Fan HM, Wang X, Zhang YP. A novel concept to determine the optimal heating mode of residential rooms based on the inverse problem method, Building and Environment, 2015, 85, 73-84.
2.Ma T, Y HX, Zhang YP, Lu L, Wang X. Using phase change materials in photovoltaic systems for thermal regulation and electrical efficiency improvement: A review and outlook, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2015, 43, 1273–1284
3.Wang X*, Cheng R, Zeng RL, Zhang YP. Ideal thermal physical properties of building wall in an active room, Indoor and Built Environment, 2014, 23(6), 839–853
4.Teng XG, Wang X*, Chen YL, Shi WX. A simple method to determine the optimal gas turbine capacity and operating strategy in building cooling, heating and power system, Energy and Buildings, 2014, 80, 623–630
5.Cheng R, Wang X, Zhang YP. Analytical optimization of the transient thermal performance of building wall by using thermal impedance based on thermal-electric analogy, Energy and Buildings, 2014, 80, 598-612
6.Cheng R, Wang X, Zhang YP, Energy-efficient building envelopes with phase-change materials: new understanding and related research, Heat Transfer Engineering, 2014,35(11–12):970–984.
7.Zhang Y, Chen Q, Zhang YP, Wang X. Exploring building’s secrets: the ideal thermophysical properties of a building’s wall for energy conservation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 65, 265-273.
8.Zhang Y, Zhang YP, Wang X, Chen Q. Ideal thermal conductivity of a passive Building wall: Determination method and understanding, Applied Energy, 2013,112, 967-974.
9.Cheng R, Pomianowski M*, Wang X*, Heiselberg P, Zhang YP. A new method to determine thermophysical properties of PCM-concrete brick, Applied Energy, 2013, 112, 988-998.
10. Jiang F, Wang X*, Zhang YP. Analytical optimization of specific heat for building internal envelope, Energy Conversion and Management, 2012, 63, 239–244.
11. Jiang F, Wang X*, Zhang YP. A new method to estimate optimal phase change material characteristic in a passive solar room, Energy Conversion and Management, 2011,52, 2437–2441.
12. Zeng RL, Wang X, Di HF, Jiang F, Zhang YP. New concepts and approach for developing energy efficient buildings: Ideal specific heat for building internal thermal mass, Energy and Buildings, 2011, 43, 1081–1090.
13. Zhou GB, Yang YP, Wang X, Cheng JM. Thermal characteristics of shape-stabilized phase change material wallboard with periodical outside temperature waves. Applied Energy, 2010, 87(8), 2666-2672.
14. Wang X, Zhang YP, Xiao W, Zeng RL, Zhang QL, Di HF. Review on thermal performance of phase change energy storage building envelope, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54(6), 920-928.
15. Zeng RL, Wang X*, Chen BJ, Zhang YP, Niu JL, Di HF. Heat transfer characteristics of microencapsulated phase change material slurry in laminar flow under constant heat flux, Applied Energy, 2009, 86(12), 2661-2670.
16. Xiao W, Wang X*, Zhang YP. Analytical optimization of interior PCM for energy storage in a lightweight passive solar room, Applied Energy, 2009, 86 (10), 2013-2018.
17. Yang R, Zhang Y, Wang X, Zhang YP, Zhang QW. Preparation of n-tetradecane-containing microcapsules with different shell materials by phase separation method, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2009, 93, 1817–1822.
18. Zhou GB, Yang YP, Wang X, Zhou SX. Numerical analysis of effect of shape-stabilized phase change material plates in a building combined with night ventilation. Applied Energy, 2009, 86(1), 52-59.
19. Wang Y, Guo BH, Wan X, Xu J, Wang X, Zhang YP. Janus-like polymer particles prepared via internal phase separation from emulsified polymer/oil droplets, Polymer, 2009, 50, 3361–3369.
20. Xu J, Wan X, Zhang BQ, Wang Y, Guo BH, Zhang YP, Wang X. Preparation of phase change material wax/p(MMA-co-AA) core-shell microcapsules, Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2009. 20(11), 1154-1156.
21. Chen BJ, Wang X*, Zeng RL, Zhang YP, Wang XC, Niu JL, Li Y, Di HF. An experimental study of convective heat transfer with microencapsulated phase change material suspension: laminar flow in a circular tube under constant heat flux, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2008, 32, 1638-1646.
22. Wang XC, Niu JL, Li Y, Zhang YP, Wang X, Chen BJ, Zeng RL, Song QW. Heat transfer of microencapsulated PCM slurry flow in a circular tube, AIChE Journal, 2008, 54(4), 1110-1120.
23. Zhou GB, Zhang YP, Wang X, Lin KP, Xiao W. An assessment of mixed type PCM-gypsum and shape-stabilized PCM plates in a building for passive solar heating, Solar Energy, 2007, 84(10), 1351-1360.
24. Wang XC, Niu JL, Li Y, Wang X, Chen BJ, Zeng RL, Song QW, Zhang YP. Flow and heat transfer behaviors of phase change material slurries in a horizontal circular tube, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2007, 50, 2480-2491.
25. Wang X, Liu J, Zhang YP, Di HF, Jiang Y. Experimental research on a kind of novel high-temperature phase change storage heater, Energy Conversion and Management, 2006, 47, 2211-2222.
26. Chen BJ, Wang X*, Zhang YP, Xu H, Yang R. Experimental research on laminar flow performance of phase change emulsion. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2006, 26(11-12), 1238-1245.
27. Zhang YP, Ding JH, Wang X, Yang R, Lin KP. Influence of additives on thermal conductivity of shape-stabilized phase change material, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2006, 90(11), 1692-1702.
28. Xu H, Yang R, Zhang YP, Huang Z, Lin J, Wang X. Thermal physical properties and key influence factors of phase change emulsion, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2005, 50(1), 88-93.
29. Wang X, Zhang YP, Hu XX. Turbulent heat transfer enhancement of microencapsulated phase change material slurries with constant wall heat flux, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 2004, 11(1), 13-22.
30. Shi MH, Wang X. Investigation on moisture transfer mechanism in porous media during rapid drying process, Drying Technology, 2004, 22(1-2), 111-122.
31. Zhang YP, Hu XX, Wang X. Theoretical analysis of convection heat transfer enhancement of microencapsulated phase change material slurries, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2003, 40 (1-2), 59-66.
32. Zhang YP, Hu XX, Hao Q, Wang X. Convective heat transfer enhancement of laminar flow of latent functionally thermal fluid in a circular tube with constant heat flux: internal heat source model and its application, Science in China (Series E), 2003, 46(2),131-140.
33. Wang X, Zhang YP. Solid-liquid phase change heat transfer enhancement analysis in cylindrical and spherical walls,Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 2002, 9(3), 109-115.
34.Zhang YP, Wang X. Analysis of solid-liquid phase change heat transfer enhancement, Science in China (Series E), 2002, 45(6), 569-575.

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