

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-14

Email: sqwang@tsinghua.edu.cn
微信:PPPwebChat,公众号:中国PPP智库,新浪实名微博:http://weibo.com/botppp 通信地址:北京市海淀区清华大学土木工程系
《Corporate Finance and Project Finance》(英文国际班研究生课)
《Project Delivery》(英文国际班研究生课)
国家自然科学基金面上项目"PPP项目股权结构的优化研究"(批准号:**,2018.1~ 2021.12,主持)
国家自科基金面上项目“PPP项目的控制权配置研究”(2016.1 ~ 2019.12,主持)
亚开行(ADB)等之亚洲城市发展中心(CDIA)“Development and adaptation of a training program and materials of the Basic Course on PPP for Municipalities. Module II. Processes.”(用于培训中国PPP官员,2014.4 ~ 2015.4,主持)
发改委“基础设施和公用事业特许经营法”(2014.2 ~ 2014.12,两位领衔专家之一)
国家自科基金委面上项目“基于公私合作的工程担保市场治理模式创新研究”(2015.1 ~ 2018.12,参与)
国家自科基金委中英法联合资助项目“居家养老服务模式的优化:实现生活自主、费用可承受和财务可持续”(2015.3 ~ 2018.3,参与)
住建部定额所“市政公用设施特许经营项目评价导则”(2011.6 ~,参与和主要审稿人之一)
英国ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)课题“Understanding the diversity of PPP practices around the world”(2010.2 ~ 2011.3,共10个国家参与,参与并代表中国负责中国部分)
住建部定额所“大型公共建筑项目评价导则”(2009.7 ~ 2010.6,参与并负责安全性部分)
中建协和住建部“中国建筑业产业政策和建筑业发展十二五规划”(2009.4 ~ 2010.10,参与并负责建筑业规模与结构调整部分)
住建部“承包企业适度规模经营研究”(2008.4 ~ 2009.4,主持)
住建部“建设项目投资方式与组织实施方式研究”(2008.4 ~ 2009.4,参与并负责PPP项目部分)
北京市教育科学“十一五”规划2008年度资助经费类重点课题“项目管理领域工程硕士教育质量保障体系的研究”(2008.9 ~ 2010.8,主持)
国家自科基金委中港联合资助项目“中国PPP项目风险公平分担机制研究”(2008.1 ~ 2010.12,主持)
欧盟Asia-Link计划“5+1国(德国BUW/英国UMIST/中国Tsinghua/印度IIT/泰国AIT+新加坡NTU)基础设施项目融资(PPP)竞争力建设”(2004.4 ~ 2007.3,参与并兼中方主管)
国家自科基金委面上项目“PPP/BOT项目财务评价方法的改进和风险分析方法的应用”(2005.1 ~ 2007.12,主持)
新加坡Nanyang International Business College国际顾问(International Advisor)(2017~)
香港PPP学会(Institution of PPP)荣誉顾问(Honorary Advisors)(2017~)
欧亚PPP联络网(EU-Asia PPP Network)中方代表(2004~)
SSCI国际学术期刊《International Journal of Project Management》编委(2012~)
国际学术期刊《Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction》编委(2008~)
国际学术期刊《Built Environment Project and Asset Management》编委(2010~)
国际学术期刊《International Journal of Construction Management》编委(2007~2010, 2014~)
国际学术期刊《International Journal of Project Organization & Management》编委(2010~)
国际学术期刊《Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies》编委(2010~)

2009年3月获“Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2009”的“Outstanding Paper Award Winner”,排名第2
盛和太、王守清著,《特许经营项目融资(PPP/BOT): 资本结构选择》,清华大学出版社,2015年4月(2016年8月第4次印刷)
柯永建、王守清著,《特许经营项目融资(PPP): 风险分担管理》,清华大学出版社,2011年8月(2016年8月第4次印刷)
王守清编著,计算机辅助建筑工程项目管理. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 1996年11月(多次印刷)
中国(双法)项目管理研究委员会编. 中国现代项目管理发展报告2016(王守清和王媛编写第12章"项目管理学位教育现状及趋势", 第167-181页;王盈盈和王守清编写第15章"PPP项目融资理论与实践", 第191-214页). 北京: 中国电力出版社, 2017年2月
中国(双法)项目管理研究委员会主编,《中国现代项目管理发展报告2010》(王守清和王媛编写第15章“项目管理学位教育现状及趋势”, 第254-284页;梁伟和王守清编写第17章“BOT/PPP项目融资理论与实践”, 第306-349页),电子工业出版社,2011年6月
Ke Y J and Wang S Q (2015), Public-Private Partnership Development in China, in Akintoye A, Beck M and Kumaraswamy M (ed.), Public-Private Partnerships: a global review, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group (ISBN: 978-0-415-72896-6)
[美]Karen Brown和Nancy Lea Hyer著,王守清和亓霞等译,《项目管理:基于团队的方法》,机械工业出版社,2012年9月(2016年第7次印刷)
Anson M, Wang S Q, Hong Kong Performance Yardsticks for Concrete Placing during Building Construction. Transactions Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, 1994, 1(1): 1-18. (EI检索: **90)
Anson M, Wang S Q, Performance of Concrete Placing in Hong Kong Buildings. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 1998, 124(2): 116-124. (SCI检索: ZD411)
Wang S Q, Tiong R L K, Ting S K, Chew D, Ashley D, Evaluation and Competitive Tendering of BOT Power Plant Project in China. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 1998, 124(4): 333-341. (SCI检索: 102MA)
Wang S Q, Tiong R L K, Ting S K, Ashley D, Risk Management Framework for BOT Power Projects in China. The Journal of Project Finance, 1999, 4(4): 56-67.
Wang S Q, Tiong R L K, Ting S K, Ashley D, Political Risks: Analysis of Key Contract Clauses in China's BOT Project. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 1999, 125(3): 190-197. (SCI检索: 198UP; EI检索: **26)
Wang S Q, Tiong R L K, Case Study of Government Initiatives for PRC's BOT Power Plant Projects. International Journal of Project Management, 2000, 18(1): 69-78. (EI检索: 47)
Wang S Q, Tiong R L K, Ting S K, Ashley, D, Evaluation and Management of Foreign Exchange and Revenue Risks in China's BOT Projects. Construction Management and Economics, 2000, 18(2): 197-207. (EI检索: 60)
Wang S Q, Tiong R L K, Ting S K, Ashley D, Foreign Exchange and Revenue Risks: Analysis of Key Contract Clauses in China's BOT Project. Construction Management and Economics, 2000, 18(3): 311-320. (EI检索: 45)
Wang S Q, Anson M. Comparison of the Concreting Productivities in Hong Kong and Beijing and a Proposed Comparison Methodology. Construction Management and Economics, 2000, 18(3): 363-372. (EI检索: 50)
Wang S Q, Tiong R L K, Ting S K, Ashley D, Evaluation and Management of Political Risks in China's BOT Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 2000, 126(3): 242-250. (SCI检索: 318CK; EI检索: 03)
Qiao L, Wang S Q, Tiong R L K, Chan T S, Framework for Critical Success Factors of BOT Projects in China. The Journal of Structured and Project Finance, 2001, 7(1): 53-61. (This paper was listed by the Journal as “The best of our original, market-leading articles for Practitioners - by Practitioners and Academics”)
Wang S Q, Wee Y P, Ofori G, DSSDSS: A Decision Support System for Dewatering Systems. Building and Environment, 2002, 37(6): 625-645. (SCI检索: 568LR; EI检索: 03)
Yang Y Q, Wang S Q, Dulaimi M F, Low S P, A Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment System for Buildable Design Decision-makings. Automation in Construction, 2003, 12(4): 381-393. (SCI检索: 688XF; EI检索: 38)
Mao Z, Goh B H, Wang S Q, Ofori G, Total Factor Productivity Growth Accounting in the Construction Industry of Singapore. Construction Management and Economics, 2003, 21(7): 707-718. (EI检索: 65)
Wang S Q, Dulaimi M F, Aguria M Y, Risk Management Framework for Construction Project in Developing Countries, Construction Management and Economics, 2004, 22(3): 237-252. (EI检索: 96,该论文是该期刊2005年6月有电子版以来至2007年7月全文下载量最多的10篇文章之一)
Wang S Q, Editorial - Chinese Management: Reflections, Trends and Opportunities. Management Decision, 2005, 43(4): 473-478.
Sachs T, Tiong R L K, Wang S Q, Analysis of Political Risks and Opportunities in Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in China and Selected Asian Countries - Survey Results. Chinese Management Studies, 2007, 1(2): 126-148. (被Emerald列为2007年6月的“Monthly Highlights”,获“Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2008”的“Highly Commended Award”,是该期刊“Top 20 Most Downloaded Articles in 2007 and 2008 - No. 1)
Sun Y, Fang D P, Wang S Q, Dai M D, Lv X Q, Safety Risk Identification and Assessment for Beijing Olympic Venues Construction. Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, 2008, 24(1): 40-47. (SCI检索: 246AO; EI检索: 436)
Zou X W, Wang S Q, Fang D P, A Life-cycle Risk Management Framework for PPP Infrastructure Projects. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 2008, 13(2): 123-142. (获“Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2009”的“Outstanding Paper Award Winner”)
Ke Y J, Liu X P, Wang S Q, Equitable Financial Evaluation Method for Public-Private Partnership Projects. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2008, 13(5): 702-707. (EI检索: 944)
Ling Y Y, Low S P, Wang S Q, Egbelakin T K. Models for Predicting Project Performance in China Using Project Management Practices Adopted by Foreign AEC Firms. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 2008, 134(12), 983-990. (SCI检索: 372XX; EI检索: 074)
Ling Y Y, Low S P, Wang S Q, Lim H H. Key Project Management Practices Affecting Singaporean Firms' Project Performance in China. International Journal of Project Management, 2009, 27(1): 59-71. (SSCI检索: 427IM; EI检索: 129)
Ke Y J, Zhao X B, Wang Y Y, Wang S Q, SWOT Analysis of Domestic Private Enterprises in Developing Infrastructure Projects in China. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 2009, 14(2): 152-170.
Ke Y J, Wang S Q, Chan A P C, Cheung E, Research Trend of Public-Private Partnership in Construction Journals. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 2009, 135(10): 939-1113. (SCI检索: 494WJ; EI检索: 295)
Ke Y J, Wang S Q, Chan A P C and Lam P T I, Preferred Risk Allocation in China's Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Projects. International Journal of Project Management, 2010, 28(5): 482-492. (SSCI检索: 609FN,EI检索: 334)
Liu Y W, Zhao G F and Wang S Q (2010), Many Hands, Much Politics, Multiple Risks - The Case of the 2008 Beijing Olympics Stadium. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 69(S1): 85-98. (SSCI检索: 583QY)
Ke Y J, Wang S Q and Chan A P C (2010), Risk Allocation in Public-Private Partnership Infrastructure Projects: Comparative Study. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 16(4): 343-351. (SCI检索: 681AB; EI检索: 640, 2014/03/12补记:根据CrossRef统计,本论文是该期刊已发表论文中至今被引用次数和下载次数最多的前3篇论文之一)
Ke Y J, Wang S Q, Chan A P C, Cheung E (2011), Understanding the Risks in China’s PPP Projects: Ranking of Their Probability and Consequence. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 18(5), 481-496 (EI检索: 201**)
Ke Y J, Wang S Q, Chan A P C (2011), Equitable Risks Allocation of Projects inside China: Analyses from Delphi Survey Studies, Chinese Management Studies, 5(3), 298-310 (SSCI检索: 834WM)
Ke Y J, Wang S Q, Chan A P C (2012), Risk Management Practice in China's Public-Private Partnership Projects. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 18(5), 675-684. (SCI检索WOS: 007,EI检索: 204)
Ke Y J, Wang S Q and Chan A P C (2013), Risk Misallocation in Public-Private Partnership Projects in China. International Public Management Journal, 16(3): 438-460. (SSCI检索: WOS:005)
Ling F, Ke Y J, Kumaraswamy M, and Wang S Q (2014), Key Relational Contracting Practices Affecting Performance of Public Construction Projects in China. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(1): **-1~12. (SCI检索: **)
Feng Ke, Wei Xiong, Shouqing Wang, Chunlin Wu, and Yanguang Xue (2017), Optimizing an Equity Capital Structure Model for Public-Private Partnership Projects Involved with Public Funds, ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 143(9): **, June 2017 (SCI检索WOS:0004**)
Liu Ting, Michael Bennon, Michael J. Garvin, Shouqing Wang (2017), An Assessment Framework for Revenue Risk Sharing Mechanisms in Transportation Public-Private Partnerships, ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2017, 143(12): **, Sept 2017 (SCI检索WOS:0004**)
高士程, 王守清. FIDIC专业人员资质认证体系的构建. 高等工程教育研究, 2008(2): 40-43. (CSSCI检索: 42G8)
刘新平, 王守清. 试论PPP项目的风险分配原则和框架. 建筑经济, 2006(2): 59-63.
亓霞, 柯永建, 王守清. 基于案例的中国PPP项目的主要风险因素分析. 中国软科学, 2009(5): 107-113. (CSSCI检索: 11G4; CSCD检索: **)
柯永建, 王守清, 陈炳泉. 英法海峡隧道的失败对PPP项目风险分担的启示. 土木工程学报, 2008, 41(12): 97-102. (EI检索: 604,CSCD检索: **)
柯永建, 王守清, 陈炳泉. 私营资本参与基础设施PPP项目的政府激励措施. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 49(9): 1480-1483. (EI检索: 271,CSCD检索: **)
盛和太, 王守清, 柯永建. 民营企业发展BOT 项目的风险管理研究: 基于某污泥处理项目的案例分析. 土木工程学报, 2012, 45(1): 142-147. (EI检索: 739; CSCD检索: **)
王守清,张博. 构建中国的PPP法律和制度体系迫在眉睫. 济邦通讯,2013, 40(10): 13-17
王守清,伍迪,梁伟. 城市轨道交通融资模式要素:从理论到实践. 城市发展研究,2015, 22(5): 85-90 (CSSCI检索11F4)
冯珂,王守清,张子龙,赵丽坤. 城市轨道交通PPP项目政府票价补贴问题研究. 价格理论与实践,2015, 369(3): 51-53 (CSSCI检索: 11F7)
王守清,刘婷. PPP项目实施中的职业伦理要求研究. 建筑经济,2016, 37(8): 37-41
王守清,伍迪,彭为,崔庆斌. PPP模式下城镇建设项目政企控制权配置研究. 清华大学学报(自然科学版),2017, 57(4): 369-375 (EI检索)
冯珂,王守清,薛彦广. 基于多方满意的PPP项目股权配置优化研究. 清华大学学报(自然科学版),2017, 57(4): 369-375 (EI检索)
刘婷,王守清,冯珂. 收费公路PPP项目最低收入担保机制设计. 清华大学学报(自然科学版),2017, 57(6): 661-666 (EI检索)
褚晓凌,刘婷,陆征,王守清,伍迪. PPP项目资产证券化产品利差定价实证研究. 地方财政研究,2017, 156(10): 13-18 (CSSCI检索)
1978.3 – 1982.1 湖南大学土木工程系(工业与民用建筑专业) 工学学士
1982.2 – 1984.12 郑州工学院土木建筑工程系(结构工程专业) 工学硕士
1989.2 – 1991.12 南斯拉夫铁托格勒大学土木工程学院(结构工程专业)技术科学博士

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