

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-14

Email: zhangs2019@tsinghua.edu.cn
邮编:100084 通信地址:北京市海淀区清华大学土木工程系
? 2010-2014:美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校地球与行星科学系,获哲学博士学位;
? 2006-2010:清华大学水利水电工程系水利水电工程专业,获工学学士学位;
? 2019至今

? 2014-2019
多孔介质中溶质的迁移与转化, 2019-2022,在研,主持。(项目经费:300万元)
2019至今:Deputy Associate Editor: Interpretation
1. Zhang S, Lu P. Effect of Micrite Content on Calcite Cementation in AN Upper Jurassic Carbonate Reservoir, Eastern Saudi Arabia. Journal of Petroleum Geology 2019, 42(1): 79-89.
2. Watson F, Maes J, Geiger S, Mackay E, Singleton M, McGravie T, Anouilh T, Jobe TD, Zhang S, Agar S. Comparison of flow and transport experiments on 3D printed micromodels with direct numerical simulations. Transport in Porous Media 2019, 129(2): 449-466.
3. Zhang S, Lu P, Cantrell D, Zaretskiy Y, Jobe D, Agar SM. Improved quantification of the porosity–permeability relationship of limestones using petrographical texture. Petroleum Geoscience 2018, 24(4): 440-448.
4. Mitnick EH, Lammers LN, Zhang S, Zaretskiy Y, DePaolo DJ. Authigenic carbonate formation rates in marine sediments and implications for the marine δ13C record. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2018, 495: 135-145.
5. Jobe T, Geiger S, Jiang Z, Zhang S, Agar S. Micropore network modelling from 2D confocal imagery: impact on reservoir quality and hydrocarbon recovery. Petroleum Geoscience 2018, 24(3): 323-334.
6. Ishutov S, Jobe TD, Zhang S, Gonzalez M, Agar SM, Hasiuk FJ, Watson F, Geiger S, Mackay E, Chalaturnyk R. Three-dimensional printing for geoscience: fundamental research, education, and applications for the petroleum industry. AAPG Bulletin 2018, 102(1): 1-26.
7. Zhang S, DePaolo DJ. Rates of CO2 mineralization in geological carbon storage. Accounts of chemical research 2017, 50(9): 2075-2084.
8. Beckingham LE, Steefel CI, Swift AM, Voltolini M, Yang L, Anovitz LM, Sheets JM, Cole DR, Kneafsey TJ, Mitnick EH. Evaluation of accessible mineral surface areas for improved prediction of mineral reaction rates in porous media. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2017, 205: 31-49.
9. Zhang S, Liu H-H, van Dijke MIJ, Geiger S, Agar SM. Constitutive Relations for Reactive Transport Modeling: Effects of Chemical Reactions on Multi-phase Flow Properties. Transport in Porous Media 2016: 1--20.
10. Zhang S, Liu H-H. Porosity–permeability relationships in modeling salt precipitation during CO2 sequestration: Review of conceptual models and implementation in numerical simulations. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2016, 52: 24-31.
11. Beckingham LE, Mitnick EH, Steefel CI, Zhang S, Voltolini M, Swift AM, Yang L, Cole DR, Sheets JM, Ajo-Franklin JB. Evaluation of mineral reactive surface area estimates for prediction of reactivity of a multi-mineral sediment. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2016, 188: 310-329.
12. Zhang S, Yang L, DePaolo DJ, Steefel CI. Chemical affinity and pH effects on chlorite dissolution kinetics under geological CO2 sequestration related conditions. Chemical Geology 2015, 396: 208-217.
13. Zhang S, DePaolo DJ, Voltolini M, Kneafsey T. CO2 mineralization in volcanogenic sandstones: geochemical characterization of the Etchegoin formation, San Joaquin Basin. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 2015, 5(5): 622-644.
14. Zhang S, DePaolo DJ, Zheng L, Mayer B. Reactive transport modeling of stable carbon isotope fractionation in a multi-phase multi-component system during carbon sequestration. Energy Procedia 2014, 63: 3821-3832.
15. Zhang S, DePaolo DJ, Xu T, Zheng L. Mineralization of carbon dioxide sequestered in volcanogenic sandstone reservoir rocks. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2013, 18: 315-328.
1978.3 – 1982.1 湖南大学土木工程系(工业与民用建筑专业) 工学学士
1982.2 – 1984.12 郑州工学院土木建筑工程系(结构工程专业) 工学硕士
1989.2 – 1991.12 南斯拉夫铁托格勒大学土木工程学院(结构工程专业)技术科学博士

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