

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-14

教授 博导
Email: yangdw@tsinghua.edu.cn
传真: 通信地址:北京市海淀区清华大学土木工程系
1995.10-1998.09 日本东京大学 土木工程系水文学及水资源专业 博士
1988.09-1990.07 清华大学 水利工程系水力学及河流动力学专业 硕士
1983.09-1988.07 清华大学 水利工程系水资源工程专业 本科
2004.07-至今 清华大学水利系 教授、博士生导师
2002.08-2004.07 日本东京大学土木工程系 文部省教官、副教授
2001.04-2002.07 日本东京大学土木工程系 文部省教官、讲师
1998.10-2001.03 日本东京大学生产技术研究所 博士后研究员
1995.10-1998.09 日本东京大学留学
1994.01-1995.09 铁道部科学研究院西南研究所 工程师/水工水文室副主任
1993.01-1993.12 铁道部科学研究院西南研究所 工程师
1990.08-1992.12 铁道部科学研究院西南研究所 助理工程师
2002-2005 世界气候研究计划(WCRP)联合强化观测项目“Coordinated Enhanced Observation Period (CEOP)”项目协调办公室主任
2005-2013 国际水文科学协会(IAHS)10年研究计划“Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUB)”科学委员会委员
2007-2014 国际水文科学协会(IAHS)陆地与大气耦合系统委员会 (ICCLAS)副主席
2008-2014 《Hydrological Science Journal》杂志(SCI源刊)副编辑(Associate Editor)
2015-现在 《Journal of Hydrology》杂志(SCI源刊)副编辑(Associate Editor)
2006-现在 国际水文科学协会中国国家委员会副主席
2005-现在 《水文》编委会委员
2015-现在 《水利学报》编委会委员
2015年 教育部自然科学一等奖 第1
2015年 大禹水利科学技术一等奖 第4
2013年 教育部****特聘教授称号
2010年 国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金资助
2009年 国家精品课程《水文学原理与应用》(课程负责人)
2009年 北京市精品课程《水文学原理与应用》(课程负责人)
2009年 北京市教学成果二等奖 第4
2003年 国际水文科学协会(IAHS)杰出青年水文学家奖(Tison Award)
杨大文, 杨汉波, 雷慧闽. 流域水文学,清华大学出版社,北京,2014.
1.许迪, 刘钰, 杨大文, 张宝忠, 蒸散发尺度效应与时空尺度拓展, 科学出版社, 2015.
3.杨大文,丛振涛译,生态水文学(Eagleson, P. S.著,剑桥大学出版社),水利水电出版社,2007.
4.杨大文,楠田哲也编著,水资源综合评价模型及其在黄河流域的应用,水利水电出版社,213pp, 2005.
5.贾仰文,王浩,倪广恒,杨大文,王建华,秦大庸著,分布式流域水文模型原理及实践,水利水电出版社,283pp, 2005.
1.Zhang Shulei, Yang Hanbo, Yang Dawen, Jayawadena AW. (2016). Quantifying the effect of vegetation change on the regional water balance within the Budyko Framework. Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1002/2015GL066952.
2.Gao Bing, Qin Yue, Wang Yuhan, Yang Dawen, Zheng Yuanrun. (2016). Modeling Ecohydrological Processes and Spatial Patterns in the Upper Heihe Basin in China. Forests, 7(1). DOI:10.3390/f**.
3.Wang Ai, Tang Lihua, Yang Dawen. (2015). Spatial and temporal variability of nitrogen load from catchment and retention along a river network: A case study in the upper Xin'anjiang catchment of China. Hydrology Research. DOI: 10.2166/nh.2015.55.
4.Zhang Shulei, Yang Dawen, Jayawardena, A. W., Xu Xiangyu, Yang Hanbo. (2015). Hydrological change driven by human activities and climate variation and its spatial variability in Huaihe Basin, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal. DOI:10.1080/**.2015.**.
5.Zhang Quan, Katul, G. G., Oren, R., Daly, E., Manzoni, S., Yang Dawen. (2015). The hysteresis response of soil CO2 concentration and soil respiration to soil temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. DOI:10.1002/2015JG003047.
6.Xu Kai, Yang Dawen, Xu Xiangyu, Lei Huimin. (2015). Copula based drought frequency analysis considering the spatio-temporal variability in Southwest China. Journal of Hydrology. 527, 630–640. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.05.030.
7.Yang Hanbo, Li Zhe, Li Mingliang, and Yang Dawen (2015). Inconsistency in Chinese solar radiation data caused by instrument replacement: Quantification based on pan evaporation observations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, doi: 10.1002/2014JD023015.
8.Yang D W, Gao B, Jiao Y, Lei H M, Zhang Y L, Yang H B, Cong Z T. (2015). A distributed scheme developed for eco-hydrological modeling in the upper Heihe River. Science China: Earth Sciences, 58: 36–45, doi: 10.1007/s11430-014-5029-7.
9.Hanbo Yang, Dawen Yang and Qingfang Hu (2014). An error analysis of the Budyko hypothesis for assessing the contribution of climate change to runoff. Water Resources Research. DOI: 10.1002/2014WR015451.
10.Xu Kai, Yang Dawen, Yang Hanbo, Li Zhe, Qin Yue, Shen Yan. (2015). Spatio-temporal variation of drought in China during 1961–2012: A climatic perspective. Journal of Hydrology, 526, 253-264.
11.Qin Yue, Yang Dawen, Lei Huimin, Xu Kai, Xu Xiangyu. (2015). Comparative analysis of drought based on precipitation and soil moisture indices in Haihe basin of North China during the period of 1960–2010. Journal of Hydrology, 526, 55-67.
12.Gong, W., D. Yang, H. V. Gupta, and G. Nearing (2014). Estimating information entropy for hydrological data: One-dimensional case, Water Resour Res, 50(6). 5003-5018, doi:10.1002/2014WR015874.
13.Huimin Lei, Dawen Yang, Hanbo Yang, Zaijian Yuan and Huafang Lv (2014). Simulated impacts of irrigation on evapotranspiration in a strongly exploited region: a case study of the Haihe River basin, China. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10402.
14.Yang Hanbo, Yang Dawen, Hu Qingfang, and Lv Huafang (2014). Spatial variability of the trends in climatic variables China during 1961-2010. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-014-1208-x
15.Yang Hanbo, Qi Jia, Xu Xiangyu, Yang Dawen, and Lv Huafang (2014). The regional variation in climate elasticity and climate contribution to runoff across China. Journal of Hydrology. 517: 607-615.
16.Lei, H., M. Huang, L. R. Leung, et al. (2014). Sensitivity of global terrestrial gross primary production to hydrological states simulated by the Community Land Model using two runoff parameterizations. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 06, doi:10.1002/2013MS000252.
17.Zhang Q., Manzoni S., Katul G., Porporato A., Yang D. (2014). The hysteretic evapotranspiration – vapor pressure deficit relation, Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeoscience,119(2):125-140, DOI: 10.1002/2013JG002484.
18.Hu, Q., Yang, D., Li, Z., Mishra, A. K., Wang, Y., Yang, H. (2014). Multi-scale evaluation of six high-resolution satellite monthly rainfall estimates over a humid region in China with dense rain gauges. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(4). 1272-1294.
19.Li, Zhe, Dawen Yang, Yang Hong, Jian Zhang, Youcun Qi (2014): Characterizing Spatiotemporal Variations of Hourly Rainfall by Gauge and Radar in the Mountainous Three Gorges Region. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 53, 873–889. doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-13-0277.1
20.Lei H., Yang D., Huang Maoyi, (2014). Impacts of climate change and vegetation dynamics on runoff in the mountainous region of the Haihe River basin in the past five decades, Journal of Hydrology, 511,786-799.
21.Xiangyu Xu, Dawen Yang, Hanbo Yang, Huimin Lei (2014). Attribution analysis based on the Budyko hypothesis for detecting the dominant cause of runoff decline in Haihe basin,Journal of Hydrology, 510:530–540.
22.Zhao, T., Zhao, J., Lund, J., and Yang, D. (2014). Optimal Hedging Rules for Reservoir Flood Operation from Forecast Uncertainties. J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage., 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.**
23.Xu X, Yang H, Yang D and Ma H (2013). Assessing the impacts of climate variability and human activities on annual runoff in the Luan River Basin, China. Hydrology Research, 44(5): 940-952. doi:10.2166/nh.2013.144.
24.Zhe Li, Dawen Yang, Yang Hong (2013). Multi-scale evaluation of high-resolution multi-sensor blended global precipitation products over the Yangtze River. Journal of Hydrology, 500:157-169.
25.Chen He, Yang Dawen, Hong Yang, Jonathan J. Gourley, Yu Zhang (2013). Hydrological data assimilation with the Ensemble Square-Root-Filter: Use of streamflow observations to update model states for real-time flash flood forecasting. Advances in Water Resources, 59:209-220.
26.Yang Dawen, Chen He, Lei Huimin (2013). Analysis of the diurnal pattern of evaporative fraction and its controlling factors over croplands in the Northern China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 12(8):1316-1329.
27.Zhao T. T. G., Zhao J. S., Yang D. W., and Wang H. (2013). Generalized marginale model of the uncertainty evolution of streamflow forecasts, Advances in Water Resources, 57:41-51.
28. Lei H M, Yang D W, Cai J F, et al. (2013). Long-term variability of the carbon balance in a large irrigated area along the lower Yellow River from 1984 to 2006. Science China: Earth Sciences, 56: 671–683, doi: 10.1007/s11430-012-4473-5.
29.Gao Bing, Yang Dawen, Yang Hanbo (2013). Impact of the Three Gorges Dam on flow regime in the middle and lower Yangtze River. Quaternary International, 304: 43-50.
30.QingFang Hu, DaWen Yang, YinTang Wang, HanBo Yang (2013). Accuracy and spatio-temporal variation of high resolution satellite rainfall estimate over the Ganjiang River Basin, Science China Technological Sciences, 56(4):853-865.
31.Zhang Quan, Lei Huimin, Yang Dawen (2013). Seasonal variations in soil respiration, heterotrophic respiration and autotrophic respiration of a wheat and maize rotation cropland in the North China Plain, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 180: 34–43.
32.Gong, W., H. V. Gupta, D. Yang, K. Sricharan, and A. O. Hero III (2013). Estimating epistemic and aleatory uncertainties during hydrologic modeling: An information theoretic approach, Water Resour. Res., 49, 2253–2273, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20161.
33.Zhao T. T. G., Zhao J. S., and Yang D. W (2012). Improved dynamic programming for reservoir operation optimization with a concave objective function, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 138(6):590-596.
34.Yang, H., Yang, D. and Lei, Z. (2012). Seasonal variability of the complementary relationship in the Asian monsoon region. Hydrol. Process. doi: 10.1002/hyp.9400.
35.Li Mingliang, Dawen Yang, Jinsong Chen, and Susan S. Hubbard (2012). Calibration of a Distributed Flood Forecasting Model with Input Uncertainty Using a Bayesian Framework. Water Resources Research, 48, W08510, doi:10.1029/2010WR010062.
36.Lei, H. and Yang, D (2012). Combining Crop Coefficient of Winter Wheat and Summer Maize with Remotely-Sensed Vegetation Index for Estimating Evapotranspiration in the North China Plain. J. Hydrol. Eng.. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.**.
37.Gao B, Yang D, Zhao T, Yang H (2012). Changes in the eco-flow metrics of Upper Yangtze River from 1961 to 2008. J Hydrol. 448-449(2). 30-38.
38.Zhao Tongtiegang, Yang Dawen, Cai Ximing, et. al., (2012). Identifying effective forecast horizon for real-time reservoir operation under a limited inflow forecast, Water Resources Research, 48, W01540, doi:10.1029/2011WR010623.
39. Xu, X., D. Yang and M. Sivapalan (2012). Assessing the impact of climate variability on catchment water balance and vegetation cover. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 43–58, doi:10.5194/hess-16-43-2012.
40.Yang HB and DW Yang (2012). Climatic factors influencing changing pan evaporation across China from 1961 to 2001. Journal of Hydrology, Journal of Hydrology, 414–415:184–193, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.10.043.
41.Tang, LH, DW Yang, HP Hu, B Gao (2011). Detecting the effect of land-use change on streamflow, sediment and nutrient losses by distributed hydrological simulation. Journal of Hydrology, 409: 172-182.
42.Yang, HB and DW Yang (2011). Derivation of climate elasticity of runoff to assess the effects of climate change on annual runoff. Water Resources Research, 47, W07526, doi:10.1029/2010WR009287.
43.Yi, YH & DW Yang (2011). An operational method to estimate evapotranspiration using MODIS data during winter wheat growing season. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(17): 4915-4932, DOI:10.1080/**.2010.492252.
44.Huimin Lei, Dawen Yang, Yanjun Shen, Yu Liu and Yucui Zhang (2011). Simulation of evapotranspiration and carbon dioxide flux in the wheat-maize rotation croplands of the North China Plain using the simple biosphere model. Hydrological Processes, 25, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8026.
45.Ma Huan, Dawen Yang, Soon Keat Tan, Bing Gao, Qingfang Hua (2010). Impact of climate variability and human activity on streamflow decrease in the Miyun Reservoir catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 389, 317–324.
46.Cong Zhentao, Jingjing Zhao, Dawen Yang, Guangheng Ni (2010). Understanding the hydrological trends of river basins in China. Journal of Hydrology, 388, 350–356. (IDS: 627FK)
47.Lei Huimin, Dawen Yang, E. Lokupitiya, and Yanjun Shen (2010). Coupling land surface and crop growth models for predicting evapotranspiration and carbon exchange in wheat-maize rotation croplands. Biogeosciences, 7, 3363-3375.
48.Yang, DW, H Chen & HM Lei (2010). Estimation of evapotranspiration using a remote sensing model over agriculture land in the North China Plain. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(14). 3783–3798.
49.Lei, HM & DW Yang (2010). Seasonal and interannual variations in carbon dioxide exchange over a cropland in the North China Plain. Global Change Biology, 16, 2944–2957, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02136.x.
50.Lei HM & DW Yang (2010). Interannual and seasonal variability in evapotranspiration and energy partitioning over an irrigated cropland in the North China Plain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150, 581-589
51.Valeriano, OCS, T Koike, K Yang and DW Yang (2010). Optimal Dam Operation during Flood Season using a Distributed Hydrological Model and a Heuristic Algorithm. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.**.
52.Wang, L., ZJ Wang, T Koike, H Yin, DW Yang and S. He (2010). The assessment of surface water resources for the semi-arid Yongding River Basin from 1956 to 2000 and the impact of land use change. Hydrological Processes, 24, 1123–1132, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7566.
53.Yang, DW, WW Shao, PJF Yeh, HB Yang, S Kanae & T Oki (2009). Impact of vegetation coverage on regional water balance in the nonhumid regions of China. Water Resources Research, 45, W00A14, doi:10.1029/2008WR006948.
54.Shao, WW, DW Yang, HP Hu and K Sanbongi (2009). Water resources allocation considering the flexible limit to water shortage -- a case study in the Yellow River basin of China, Water Resources Management, 23 (5). 869-880, DOI 10.1007/s11269-008-9304-2.
55.Yang, HB, DW Yang, ZD Lei, FB Sun and ZT Cong (2009). Variability of complementary relationship and its mechanism on different time scales, Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, vol. 52 (4). 1059-1067, doi:10.1007/s11431-008-0197-3.
56.Cong, ZT, DW Yang, B Gao, HB Yang, and HP Hu (2009). Hydrological trend analysis in the Yellow River basin using a distributed hydrological model, Water Resources Research, 45, W00A13, doi:10.1029/2008WR006852.
57.Cong, ZT, DW Yang, GH Ni (2009). Does evaporation paradox exist in China? HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 13 (3). 357-366.
58.Wang, L, T Koike, DW Yang & K Yang (2009). Improving the hydrology of the Simple Biosphere Model 2 and its evaluation within the framework of a distributed hydrological model, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 54 (6). 989-1006.
59.Valeriano, OCS, T Koike, DW Yang, CT Nyunt, VK Duong & LC Nguyen (2009). Flood simulation using different sources of rainfall in the Huong River, Vietnam. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 54 (5). 909-917.
60.Han, SJ, HP Hu, DW Yang & QC Liu (2009). Differences in changes of potential evaporation in the mountainous and oasis regions of the Tarim basin, northwest China, Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 52 (7). 1981-1989. DOI: 10.1007/s11431-009-0123-3.
61.Wang, L., T Koike, K Yang, TJ Jackson, R Bindlish & DW Yang (2009). Development of a distributed biosphere hydrological model and its evaluation with the Southern Great Plains Experiments (SGP97 and SGP99). Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, doi:10.1029/2008JD010800.
62.Yang, HB, DW Yang, ZD Lei & FB Sun (2008). New analytical derivation of the mean annual water-energy balance equation. Water Resources Research, 44, W03410, doi:10.1029/2007WR006135.
63.Lei, HM, DW Yang, SJ Schymanski & M Sivapalan (2008). Modeling the crop transpiration using an optimality-based approach, Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, vol. 51, Supp. II, 1-16, doi:10.1007/s11431-008-6008-z.
64.Yi, YH, DW Yang, DY Chen & JF Huang (2008). Evaluation of MODIS surface reflectance products for wheat LAI retrieval, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 63 (6). 661–677, doi:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2008.04.004.
65.Xu, JJ, DW Yang, ZD Lei, J Chen & WJ Yang (2008). Spatial and temporal variation of runoff in the Yangtze River basin during the past 40 years. Quaternary International, 186: 32-42, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2007.10.014.
66.Yang, DW, FB Sun, ZY Liu, ZT Cong, GH Ni & ZD Lei (2007). Analyzing spatial and temporal variability of annual water-energy balance in nonhumid regions of China using the Budyko hypothesis. Water Resources Research, 43, W04426, doi:10.1029/2006WR005224.
67.Yi, YH, DW Yang, DY Chen & JF Huang (2007). Retrieving crop physiological parameters and assessing water deficiency using MODIS data during winter wheat growing period, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(3). 189-202.
68.Ni, GH, ZY Liu, ZD Lei, DW Yang & Wang L (2007). Continuous simulation of water and soil erosion in a small watershed of the Loess Plateau with a distributed model, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 13 (5). 392-399. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1084-0699(2008)13:5(392).
69.Yang, DW, FB Sun, ZY Liu, ZT Cong & ZD Lei (2006). Interpreting the complementary relationship in non-humid environments based on the Budyko and Penman hypotheses. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L18402, doi:10.1029/2006GL027657.
70.Xu Xiangyu, Dawen Yang (2009). Analysis of catchment evapotranspiration at different scales using bottom-up and top-down approaches, Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, DOI 10.1007/s11709-010-0002-9.
71.Yang, DW, FB Sun, ZY Liu, ZT Cong, GH Ni & ZD Lei (2007). Analyzing spatial and temporal variability of annual water-energy balance in nonhumid regions of China using the Budyko hypothesis. Water Resources Research, 43, W04426, doi:10.1029/2006WR005224.
72.Yang, DW, FB Sun, ZY Liu, ZT Cong & ZD Lei (2006). Interpreting the complementary relationship in non-humid environments based on the Budyko and Penman hypotheses. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L18402, doi:10.1029/2006GL027657.
73.Yang, DW, T Koike & H Tanizawa (2004). Application of a distributed hydrological model and weather radar observations for flood management in the upper Tone River of Japan. Hydrological Processes, 18, 3119-3132, doi:10.1002/hyp.5752.
74.Yang, DW, C Li, HP Hu, ZD Lei, SX Yang, T Kusuda, T Koike & K Musiake (2004). Analysis of water resources variability in the Yellow River of China during the last half century using historical data. Water Resources Research, 40, W06502, doi:10.1029/2003WR002763.
1978.3 – 1982.1 湖南大学土木工程系(工业与民用建筑专业) 工学学士
1982.2 – 1984.12 郑州工学院土木建筑工程系(结构工程专业) 工学硕士
1989.2 – 1991.12 南斯拉夫铁托格勒大学土木工程学院(结构工程专业)技术科学博士

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  • 大连民族大学土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-彭永恒
    彭永恒教授,博士研究方向为道路路面缺陷理论分析与检测、沥青材料改性、路面结构分析与计算主讲《道路勘测设计》、《路基路面工程》、《土木工程施工技术》等本科生主干课程。主持多项国家级、省部级科学项目,获多项辽宁省科学技术协会、辽宁省自然科学技术奖评审委员会学术成果奖。发表学术论文40余篇,多篇论文被EI收录。主编与参编了教材5部,指导本科生的课程设计及毕业设计。 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-09
  • 大连民族大学土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-覃丽坤
    覃丽坤工学博士、博士后,三级教授,硕士生导师,辽宁省工程建设评标专家,校优秀教学带头人,校土木工程教学研究中心主任,现担任《工程力学》、《中外公路》、《高等建筑教育》杂志审稿专家,大连市三育人先进个人曾在设计院从事多年建筑结构设计工作。研究方向为结构工程、工程力学、防灾减灾工程及防护工程、计算机科学在土木工程中的应用。主持中国博士后科研基金项目、主持多项国家住建部科研项目、国家民委科研项目、辽宁省 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-09
  • 大连民族大学土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李新乐
    李新乐,男,1973年生,工学博士,副教授任职大连民族大学土木工程学院土木工程系1992.9-1996.7石家庄铁道学院,工学学士1996.7-1999.8石家庄铁道学院工作1999.9-2001.7昆明理工大学,工学硕士2001.9-2005.7北京交通大学,桥梁与隧道工程专业,工学博士1999年至今,发表学术论文50余篇,SCI检索1篇,EI检索10篇,主编教材2部,参编教材2部,主持省部级科 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-09
  • 大连民族大学土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨文武
    杨文武:男,汉族,1964年生,工学博士,教授,现任职于大连民族大学土木工程学院。1981.08?1986.06,在同济大学本科学习,获工学学士。1997.08?2000.06,在大连理工大学硕士研究生学习,获工学硕士。2004.03?2009.11,在重庆大学博士研究生学习,获工学博士。1987.07?1993.05,在大连市建筑科学研究所工作。1993.06?2000.05,在大连市住宅建筑公 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-09
  • 大连民族大学土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-赵天雁
    赵天雁:副教授、高级工程师,全国注册结构工程师、注册一级建造师,辽宁省建设工程评标专家。1990年至2001年,在设计院从事建筑结构设计工作,2001年至今,在高校从事教学工作;主要从事工程结构设计方面研究;主讲《钢结构设计原理》、《钢结构设计》、《建筑结构》等专业课,主持和完成了《钢结构设计原理》优秀课、精品建设课及以《应用能力为本的钢结构设计课程教学实践研究》等多个教学改革项目;指导学生参加省 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-09
  • 大连民族大学土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-崔建宇
    崔建宇:工学博士、副教授科研工作:在日读研及读博期间先后于日本建筑学会构造论文集、日本混凝土协会年度论文集、日本建筑学会年度讲演会论文集等研究刊物发表9篇论文,其中作为第一作者6篇。主要科研经历有:①1996-1997年作为主要参加人员完成了日本文部省(现在,文部科学省)科学研究费补助金基?P研究(B)(2)“??筋コンクリ?`ト柱?梁接合部の耐力とフレ?`ムの耐震性能”(研究代表者:京都大学副教 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-09