
First principles study of Schottky barriers at Ga2O3(100)/metal interfaces

本站小编 Free考研/2020-05-25

Author(s): Xu, R (Xu, Ran); Lin, N (Lin, Na); Jia, ZT (Jia, Zhitai); Liu, YY (Liu, Yueyang); Wang, HY (Wang, Haoyuan); Yu, YF (Yu, Yifei); Zhao, X (Zhao, Xian)
Source: RSC ADVANCES Volume: 10 Issue: 25 Pages: 14746-14752 DOI: 10.1039/c9ra09521g Published: APR 15 2020
Abstract: A low Schottky barrier height (SBH) of metal-semiconductor contact is essential for achieving high performance electronic devices. Based on first principles calculations, we have comprehensively investigated the interfacial properties of beta-Ga2O3 (100) with different metals including Mg, Ni, Cu, Pd and Pt. SBHs have been calculated via layered partial density of states (PDOS) and validated by visual wavefunctions. The results surprisingly show that Mg contact possesses the lowest SBH of 0.23 eV, while other SBHs range from 1.06 eV for Ni, 1.17 eV for Pd and 1.27 eV for Cu to 1.39 eV for Pt. This shows that SBHs of beta-Ga2O3 are not fully dependent on metal work functions due to a Fermi level pinning effect. The tunneling barrier was also calculated via electrostatic potential with a 72.85% tunneling probability of the Mg/Ga2O3 interface. The present study will provide an insight into characteristics of Ga2O3/metal interfaces and give guidance for metal choice for Ga2O3 electronic devices.
Accession Number: WOS:000528740900033
eISSN: 2046-2069
Full Text: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/RA/C9RA09521G

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