
Coulomb blockade and hopping transport behaviors of donor-induced quantum dots in junctionless trans

本站小编 Free考研/2020-05-25

Author(s): Ma, LH (Ma, Liu-Hong); Han, WH (Han, Wei-Hua); Yang, FH (Yang, Fu-Hua)
Source: CHINESE PHYSICS B Volume: 29 Issue: 3 Article Number: 038104 DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab74ce Published: FEB 2020
Abstract: The ionized dopants, working as quantum dots in silicon nanowires, exhibit potential advantages for the development of atomic-scale transistors. We investigate single electron tunneling through a phosphorus dopant induced quantum dots array in heavily n-doped junctionless nanowire transistors. Several subpeaks splittings in current oscillations are clearly observed due to the coupling of the quantum dots at the temperature of 6 K. The transport behaviors change from resonance tunneling to hoping conduction with increased temperature. The charging energy of the phosphorus donors is approximately 12.8 meV. This work helps clear the basic mechanism of electron transport through donor-induced quantum dots and electron transport properties in the heavily doped nanowire through dopant engineering.
Accession Number: WOS:000523678400001
ISSN: 1674-1056
eISSN: 1741-4199
Full Text: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1674-1056/ab74ce

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