
Adaptive Learning Gabor Filter for Finger-Vein Recognition

本站小编 Free考研/2020-05-25

Author(s): Zhang, YK (Zhang, Yakun); Li, WJ (Li, Weijun); Zhang, LP (Zhang, Liping); Ning, X (Ning, Xin); Sun, LJ (Sun, Linjun); Lu, YX (Lu, Yaxuan)
Source: IEEE ACCESS Volume: 7 Pages: 159821-159830 DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2950698 Published: 2019
Abstract: Presently, finger-vein recognition is a new research direction in the field of biometric recognition. The Gabor filter has been extensively used for finger-vein recognition; however, its parameters are difficult to adjust. To solve this problem, an adaptive-learning Gabor filter is presented herein. We combine convolutional neural networks with a Gabor filter to calculate the gradient of the Gabor-filter parameters, based on the objective function, and to then optimize its parameters via back-propagation. The parameter $\theta $ of Gabor filter can be trained to the same angle as the vein texture of finger vein image. The parameter $\sigma $ of Gabor filter has a certain relation with $\lambda $ , and the parameter $\lambda $ of Gabor filter can converge to the optimal value well. Using this method, we not only select appropriate and effective Gabor filter parameters to design the filter banks, we also consider the relationship between those parameters. Finally, we perform experiments on four public finger-vein datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in finger-vein classification.
Accession Number: WOS:000497167600080
Author Identifiers:
AuthorWeb of Science ResearcherIDORCID Number
Zhang, Yakun 0000-0001-5829-1371
ISSN: 2169-3536
Full Text: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8888260/

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