
A systematic study of the negative thermal expansion in zinc-blende and diamond-like semiconductors

本站小编 Free考研/2020-05-25

Author(s): Yang, KK (Yang, Kaike); Xiao, J (Xiao, Jin); Luo, JW (Luo, Jun-Wei); Li, SS (Li, Shu-Shen); Wei, SH (Wei, Su-Huai); Deng, HX (Deng, Hui-Xiong)
Source: NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS Volume: 21 Issue: 12 Article Number: 123015 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab5cb3 Published: DEC 2019
Abstract: Upon heating, almost all zinc-blende (ZB) and diamond-like semiconductors undergo volume contraction at low temperature, i.e. negative thermal expansion (NTE), instead of commonly expected expansion. Specifically, CuCl has the largest NTE among these semiconductors with a coefficient comparable with the record value of ZrW2O8. So far, underlying physical mechanism remains ambiguous. Here, we present a systematic and quantitative study of the NTE in ZB and diamond-like semiconductors using first-principles calculations. We clarified that the material ionicity, which renders the softening of the bond-angle-bending and thus, the enhancement of excitation of the transverse acoustic (TA) phonon, is responsible for the NTE of ZB and diamond-like semiconductors. With the increase in the ionicity from the groups IV, III-V, IIB-VI to IB-VII ZB semiconductors, the coefficient of the maximum NTE increases due to the weakness in bond-rotation effect, which makes the relative motion between cation and anion transverse to the direction of the bond more feasible and the mode Gruneisen parameters of the TA modes more negative. Since CuCl has the highest ionicity among all ZB and diamond-like semiconductors, it is expected to have the largest NTE, in good agreement with the experimental observation. This understanding would be beneficial for tetrahedral materials with specific applications.
Accession Number: WOS:000513663400014
ISSN: 1367-2630
Full Test: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1367-2630/ab5cb3

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