Estimation of abatement potentials and costs of air pollution emissions in China
期刊名称:Journal of environmental management影响因子和分区
关键词:Abatement potential,Cost estimation,End-of-pipe control measures,Marginal abatement cost,Multiple pollutants,Multiple sectors
摘要:Understanding the air pollution emission abatement potential and associated control cost is a prerequisite to design cost efficient control policies. In this study, a linear programming algorithm model, International Control Cost Estimate Tool, was updated with cost data for applications of 56 types of end-of-pipe technologies and five types of renewable energy in 10 major sectors namely power generation, industry combustion, cement production, iron and steel production, other industry processes ...More
Understanding the air pollution emission abatement potential and associated control cost is a prerequisite to design cost efficient control policies. In this study, a linear programming algorithm model, International Control Cost Estimate Tool, was updated with cost data for applications of 56 types of end-of-pipe technologies and five types of renewable energy in 10 major sectors namely power generation, industry combustion, cement production, iron and steel production, other industry processes, domestic combustion, transportation, solvent use, livestock rearing, and fertilizer use. The updated model was implemented to estimate the abatement potential and marginal cost of multiple pollutants in China. The total maximum abatement potentials of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), primary particulate matter (PM2.5), non-volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs), and ammonia (NH3) in China were estimated to be 19.2, 20.8, 9.1, 17.2 and 8.6?Mt, respectively, which accounted for 89.7%, 89.9%, 94.6%, 74.0%, and 80.2% of their total emissions in 2014, respectively. The associated control cost of such reductions was estimated as 92.5, 469.7, 75.7, 449.0, and 361.8 billion CNY in SO2, NOx, primary PM2.5, NMVOCs and NH3, respectively. Shandong, Jiangsu, Henan, Zhejiang, and Guangdong provinces exhibited large abatement potentials for all pollutants. Provincial disparity analysis shows that high GDP regions tend to have higher reduction potential and total abatement costs. End-of-pipe technologies tended be a cost-efficient way to control pollution in industries processes (i.e., cement plants, iron and steel plants, lime production, building ceramic production, glass and brick production), whereas such technologies were less cost-effective in fossil fuel-related sectors (i.e., power plants, industry combustion, domestic combustion, and transportation) compared with renewable energy. The abatement potentials and marginal abatement cost curves developed in this study can further be used as a crucial component in an integrated model to design optimized cost-efficient control policies.Copyright ? 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. ...Hide
百度学术:Estimation of abatement potentials and costs of air pollution emissions in China
Prediction of OCT images of short-term response to anti-VEGF treatment for neovascular age-related macular degeneration using generative adversarial network.Liu Yutong, Yang Jingyuan, Zhou Yang, et al. .The British journal of ophthalmology. 2020.
Estimation of abatement potentials and costs of air pollution emissions in China
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