The roles of syllables and phonemes during phonological encoding in Chinese spoken word production: A topographic ERP study
关键词:Phoneme priming,Proximate units,Spatio-temporal segmentation,Syllable priming
摘要:Languages may differ in their proximate units of phonological encoding in spoken word production. The roles of syllables and phonemes when Mandarin Chinese speakers prepare spoken words remain controversial. In the present study, native Chinese speakers named disyllabic pictures that were preceded by briefly presented and masked prime words while electroencephalogram signals were recorded. Prime words were syllabically or phonemically related to the first syllable of targets or were unrelated. V ...More
Languages may differ in their proximate units of phonological encoding in spoken word production. The roles of syllables and phonemes when Mandarin Chinese speakers prepare spoken words remain controversial. In the present study, native Chinese speakers named disyllabic pictures that were preceded by briefly presented and masked prime words while electroencephalogram signals were recorded. Prime words were syllabically or phonemically related to the first syllable of targets or were unrelated. Variables of prime type (syllable overlap or phoneme overlap) and relatedness (related or unrelated) were manipulated in the experiment. Behavioral results demonstrated a critical interaction between prime type and relatedness, with a facilitation effect relative to unrelated primes appearing only in the syllable overlap condition. Spatio-temporal segmentation analysis indicated that syllable relatedness shortened the duration of Map 6 (around 285-410?ms), whose time window is associated with the phonological encoding stage. Comparatively, phoneme relatedness shortened the duration of Map 7 (around 410-480?ms) in a later time window. Onset latency analysis suggested an earlier onset for the syllable effect (284?ms) and a chronologically later onset for the phoneme effect (396?ms). Traditional waveform analysis revealed that the syllable overlap condition exerted significant effects on event-related potentials in the time window of 280-440?ms, whereas the phoneme overlap condition produced a weak effect in the time window of 400-440?ms in a few electrodes. Taken together, these findings substantiate the primacy of abstract syllables in producing Mandarin spoken words and provide initial topographic evidence that Mandarin speakers mentally represent subordinate phonemes at a later stage of word-form encoding.Copyright ? 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. ...Hide
百度学术:The roles of syllables and phonemes during phonological encoding in Chinese spoken word production: A topographic ERP study
Syllables constitute proximate units for Mandarin speakers: Electrophysiological evidence from a masked priming task.Zhang Qingfang, Damian Markus F,.Psychophysiology. 2019, e13317.
Syllables constitute proximate units for Mandarin speakers: Electrophysiological evidence from a masked priming task.Zhang Qingfang, Damian Markus F,.Psychophysiology. 2019, 56(4), e13317.
Rhythmic pattern facilitates speech production: An ERP study.Zhang Ning, Zhang Qingfang,.Scientific reports. 2019, 9(1), 12974.
Syllables are Retrieved before Segments in the Spoken Production of Mandarin Chinese: An ERP Study.Feng Chen, Yue Yuan, Zhang Qingfang,.Scientific reports. 2019, 9(1), 11773.
Aging Effects on Phonological and Semantic Priming in the Tip-of-the-Tongue: Evidence From a Two-Step Approach.Ouyang Mingkun, Cai Xiao, Zhang Qingfang,.Frontiers in psychology. 2020, 11, 338.
The roles of syllables and phonemes during phonological encoding in Chinese spoken word production:
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