
Assessing progress towards sustainable development over space and time

本站小编 Free考研/2020-04-17

Assessing progress towards sustainable development over space and time
通讯作者:Liu, JG (reprint author), Michigan State Univ, Dept Fisheries & Wildlife, Ctr Syst Integrat & Sustainabil, E Lansing, MI 48824 USA.; Li, YK (reprint author), China Agr Univ, Coll Water Resources & Civil Engn, Beijing, Peoples R China.
摘要:To address global challenges(1-4), 193 countries have committed to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)(5). Quantifying progress towards achieving the SDGs is essential to track global efforts towards sustainable development and guide policy development and implementation. However, systematic methods for assessing spatio-temporal progress towards achieving the SDGs are lacking. Here we develop and test systematic methods to quantify progress towards the 17 SDGs at national ...More
To address global challenges(1-4), 193 countries have committed to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)(5). Quantifying progress towards achieving the SDGs is essential to track global efforts towards sustainable development and guide policy development and implementation. However, systematic methods for assessing spatio-temporal progress towards achieving the SDGs are lacking. Here we develop and test systematic methods to quantify progress towards the 17 SDGs at national and subnational levels in China. Our analyses indicate that China's SDG Index score (an aggregate score representing the overall performance towards achieving all 17 SDGs) increased at the national level from 2000 to 2015. Every province also increased its SDG Index score over this period. There were large spatio-temporal variations across regions. For example, eastern China had a higher SDG Index score than western China in the 2000s, and southern China had a higher SDG Index score than northern China in 2015. At the national level, the scores of 13 of the 17 SDGs improved over time, but the scores of four SDGs declined. This study suggests the need to track the spatio-temporal dynamics of progress towards SDGs at the global level and in other nations. ...Hide

百度学术:Assessing progress towards sustainable development over space and time
基金:National Science FoundationNational Science Foundation (NSF); Michigan State University; Michigan AgBioResearch; China Scholarship CouncilChina Scholarship Council; National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNational Natural Science Foundation of China [51621061, 51321001]

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