Identify competitive advantages and disadvantages of seawater desalination industry in China using the diamond model
通讯作者:Shi, L (reprint author), Renmin Univ China, Sch Environm & Nat Resources, Beijing 100872, Peoples R China.; Zhang, ZX (reprint author), Univ Illinois, Prairie Res Inst, Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, IL 61820 USA.
关键词:Seawater desalination industry; Diamond model; Competitiveness
摘要:Seawater desalination, a technology that can tap new source of water and increase water supply, has been increasingly supported and incentivized with various policies and regulations in China. However, the quantitative targets set by Chinese government have never been met and seawater desalination industry (SDI) is developing slowly when compared to the rapid advancement of desalination technology. Why has the SDI been developing slowly, even with strong support and incentives by the government? ...More
Seawater desalination, a technology that can tap new source of water and increase water supply, has been increasingly supported and incentivized with various policies and regulations in China. However, the quantitative targets set by Chinese government have never been met and seawater desalination industry (SDI) is developing slowly when compared to the rapid advancement of desalination technology. Why has the SDI been developing slowly, even with strong support and incentives by the government? In this study, a diamond model is proposed to comprehensively analyze the industrial competitive advantages and disadvantages. The results show that the SDI has already achieved certain market competitiveness in technology research and development, equipment manufacturing and engineering construction in China. According to the relative analysis results, the weak market competitiveness, disconnection of technology with the market and the shortage of the industry chain are the main factors responsible for the slow development of SDI in China. ...Hide
百度学术:Identify competitive advantages and disadvantages of seawater desalination industry in China using the diamond model
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Preparation of acidified g-C3N4 via thermal polymerization of hydrochloric acid-treated urea for photodegradation of microcystin-LR under visible light.Shi, Lei, Shen, Liang-jie, Xiang, Shao-yu, et al. .ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2018, 256.
Photocatalytic Inactivation of Bacteriophage f2 with Ag3PO4/g-C3N4 Composite under Visible Light Irradiation: Performance and Mechanism.Cheng, Rong, Shen, Liang-jie, Yu, Jin-hui, et al. .CATALYSTS. 2018, 8(10).
Removal of bacteriophage f2 in water by Fe-Ni nanoparticles: optimation of Fe/Ni ratio and influencing factors.Cheng, Rong, Kang, Mi, Shi, Lei, et al. .ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2018, 256.
Preparation of acidified g-C3N4 via thermal polymerization of hydrochloric acid-treated urea for photodegradation of microcystin-LR under visible light.Shi, Lei, Shen, Liang-jie, Xiang, Shao-yu, et al. .ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2018, 256.
Identify competitive advantages and disadvantages of seawater desalination industry in China using
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