
Magnetotransport properties of compensated semimetal HfB2 with high-density light carriers

本站小编 Free考研/2020-04-17

Magnetotransport properties of compensated semimetal HfB2 with high-density light carriers
通讯作者:Lei, HC (reprint author), Renmin Univ China, Dept Phys, Beijing 100872, Peoples R China.
关键词:magnetotransport; quantum oscillations; compensated semimetal
摘要:We present a detailed magnetotransport study on HfB2, a possible topological nodal-line semimetal. HfB2 exhibits field-induced resistivity upturn and plateau behaviors at low temperature and high field, accompanying rather large magnetoresistance. The analysis of the field dependence of Hall and longitudinal resistivity shows that there are two kinds of carriers (electrons and holes) with almost same carrier concentrations and rather high mobilities in HfB2. Above field-induced phenomena can be ...More
We present a detailed magnetotransport study on HfB2, a possible topological nodal-line semimetal. HfB2 exhibits field-induced resistivity upturn and plateau behaviors at low temperature and high field, accompanying rather large magnetoresistance. The analysis of the field dependence of Hall and longitudinal resistivity shows that there are two kinds of carriers (electrons and holes) with almost same carrier concentrations and rather high mobilities in HfB2. Above field-induced phenomena can be well explained by using the two-band model with compensation condition. Even the carrier concentration is significantly high (similar to 1.8 x 10(21) cm(-3)) in HfB2, much larger than other known topological semimetals with discrete Dirac nodal points, the electron-type carriers still have relatively small effective masses. In contrast to ZrB2, the slightly increased effective mass in HfB2 manifests the effect of enhanced spin-orbit coupling due to the large atomic number of Hf. ...Hide

百度学术:Magnetotransport properties of compensated semimetal HfB2 with high-density light carriers
基金:National Key RAMP;D Program of China [2016YFA0300504]; National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNational Natural Science Foundation of China [11574394, 11774423, 11822412]; Fundamental Research Funds for the Central UniversitiesFundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities; Research Funds of Renmin University of China (RUC) [15XNLQ07, 18XNLG14, 19XNLG17]

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