Neighborhood-based social capital and cognitive function among older adults in five low- and middle-income countries: Evidence from the World Health Organization Study on Global AGEing and Adult Health
通讯作者:Wu, B (reprint author), NYU, Rory Meyers Coll Nursing, 433 First Ave, New York, NY 10010 USA.
关键词:cognitive function; developing countries; neighborhood-based social capital
摘要:Objectives This study aims to investigate which neighborhood-based social capital components are associated with a higher level of cognitive function in LMICs. Methods This international population-based study used cross-sectional survey data from the World Health Organization's Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE), a study of adults aged 50 years or older in China, Ghana, India, the Russian Federation, and South Africa from 2007 through 2010 (N = 29 528). Associations between neighbor ...More
Objectives This study aims to investigate which neighborhood-based social capital components are associated with a higher level of cognitive function in LMICs. Methods This international population-based study used cross-sectional survey data from the World Health Organization's Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE), a study of adults aged 50 years or older in China, Ghana, India, the Russian Federation, and South Africa from 2007 through 2010 (N = 29 528). Associations between neighborhood-based social capital indicators (trust in neighbors, perceived neighborhood safety, and community participation) and cognitive function were examined using ordinary least squares regressions and random-effects meta-analyses. Results Results of the meta-analyses of within-country effects indicated that trust in neighbors were positively associated with cognitive function across India, Russia, and Ghana, but negatively associated in South Africa (beta = -0.041, SE = .013, P < .01) and no effect in China (P > .05). The significant effect of perceived neighborhood safety was only found in South Africa (beta = 0.051, SE = .007, P < .001) and China (beta = 0.030, SE = .005, P < .001). Community participation approached a null effect in South Africa (P > .05). Discussion Different indicators of neighborhood-based social capital, which are well-established protective resources for cognitive function, may have varied relationships with cognitive function cross-nationally. This finding provides a better understanding of the mechanisms by which neighborhood social capital may contribute to better cognitive function in LMICs than high-income countries, potentially due to differences in neighborhood environments, health systems, and availability of public resources. ...Hide
百度学术:Neighborhood-based social capital and cognitive function among older adults in five low- and middle-income countries: Evidence from the World Health Organization Study on Global AGEing and Adult Health
基金:World Health OrganizationWorld Health Organization [R01AG034479, R21AG034263]; National Institute on Aging, U.S. National Institutes of HealthUnited States Department of Health & Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health (NIH) - USANIH National Institute on Aging (NIA) [OGHA 04034785, YA1323-08-CN-0020, Y1-AG-1005-01]
Community-based structural social capital and depressive symptoms of older urban Chinese adults: The mediating role of cognitive social capital.Lu, Nan, Peng, Changmin,.ARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS. 2019, 82, 74-80.
What Matters Most for Community Social Capital among Older Adults Living in Urban China: The Role of Health and Family Social Capital.Zhang, Jingyue, Lu, Nan,.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 2019, 16(4).
Correlates of Mental Illness and Health Categories among Older Adults in China: An Empirical Study Based on the Two Continua Model.Jiang, Nan, Lu, Nan,.CLINICAL GERONTOLOGIST. 2019, 42(1), 80-89.
Community-based structural social capital and depressive symptoms of older urban Chinese adults: The mediating role of cognitive social capital.Lu, Nan, Peng, Changmin,.ARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS. 2019, 82, 74-80.
What Matters Most for Community Social Capital among Older Adults Living in Urban China: The Role of Health and Family Social Capital.Zhang, Jingyue, Lu, Nan,.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 2019, 16(4).
Neighborhood-based social capital and cognitive function among older adults in five low- and middl
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