Real-world study on syndrome distribution and medication characteristics of colonic malignant tumors
期刊名称:Zhongguo Zhong yao za zhi
关键词:colonic malignant tumors,hospital information system,medication characteristics,real-world study,syndrome distribution
摘要:In order to explore the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) syndromes and medications in patients with colonic malignant tumors in China, the clinical data of patients with colonic malignant tumors from the information system of 33 Grade-A tertiary hospitals in China from 2001 to 2016 were extracted and a descriptive analysis was conducted on their disease characteristics, syndrome distribution, drug characteristics and treatment status. A total of 22 691 patients with colonic m ...More
In order to explore the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) syndromes and medications in patients with colonic malignant tumors in China, the clinical data of patients with colonic malignant tumors from the information system of 33 Grade-A tertiary hospitals in China from 2001 to 2016 were extracted and a descriptive analysis was conducted on their disease characteristics, syndrome distribution, drug characteristics and treatment status. A total of 22 691 patients with colonic malignancies nationwide were included in the analysis, with male to female ratio of 1.59∶1, median age of 62 years, susceptible age of 50-79 years. Postoperative patients with colonic malignant tumors accounted for 47.10%, and patients with liver metastases reached 36.02%. Among the 520 patients with colonic malignant tumors, the top three TCM syndromes were: spleen deficiency syndrome(21%), Qi and Yin deficiency syndrome(17%) and liver and stomach disharmony syndrome(15%). The most frequently used Western medicine for patients with colonic malignant tumors was anti-metabolite cytotoxicity(61.23%), most frequently used in combination with platinum-based cytotoxic drugs(support degree 42.40%).The top three Western medicines were oxaliplatin(42.26%), leucovorin injection(38.58%) and dexamethasone(34.67%). The most frequently used traditional Chinese medicine type was heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs(39.59%), most frequently used in combination with Qi replenishing and body resistance strengthening drugs(support degree 12.72%). The top three traditional Chinese medicines were compound Kushen Injection(14.62%), Shenqi Fuzheng Injection(10.18%) and Aidi Injection(6.48%). This study shows that spleen and Qi deficiency may be the dominant syndrome of colonic malignant tumor, and chemotherapy is one of the main treatment methods. Traditional Chinese medicine has shown unique advantages in alleviating the toxic and side effects of chemotherapy and preventing recurrence and metastasis, so integrated TCM and Western medicine can significantly improve the clinical efficacy. ...Hide
百度学术:Real-world study on syndrome distribution and medication characteristics of colonic malignant tumors
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Real-world study on syndrome distribution and medication characteristics of colonic malignant tumors
本站小编 Free考研/2020-04-17
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