Excitation dynamics and relaxation in the major antenna of a marine green alga Bryopsis corticulans
期刊名称:Biochimica et biophysica acta. Bioenergetics影响因子和分区
关键词:Carotenoids,Light harvesting,Marine algae,Photoprotection,Photosynthesis
摘要:The light-harvesting complexes II (LHCIIs) of spinach and Bryopsis corticulans as a green alga are similar in structure, but differ in carotenoid (Car) and chlorophyll (Chl) compositions. Carbonyl Cars siphonein (Spn) and siphonaxanthin (Spx) bind to B. corticulans LHCII likely in the sites as a pair of lutein (Lut) molecules bind to spinach LHCII in the central domain. To understand the light-harvesting and photoprotective properties of the algal LHCII, we compared its excitation dynamics and r ...More
The light-harvesting complexes II (LHCIIs) of spinach and Bryopsis corticulans as a green alga are similar in structure, but differ in carotenoid (Car) and chlorophyll (Chl) compositions. Carbonyl Cars siphonein (Spn) and siphonaxanthin (Spx) bind to B. corticulans LHCII likely in the sites as a pair of lutein (Lut) molecules bind to spinach LHCII in the central domain. To understand the light-harvesting and photoprotective properties of the algal LHCII, we compared its excitation dynamics and relaxation to those of spinach LHCII been well documented. It was found that B. corticulans LHCII exhibited a substantially longer chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence lifetime (4.9?ns vs 4.1?ns) and a 60% increase of the fluorescence quantum yield. Photoexcitation populated 3Car* equally between Spn and Spx in B. corticulans LHCII, whereas predominantly at Lut620 in spinach LHCII. These results prove the functional differences of the LHCIIs with different Car pairs and Chl a/b ratios: B. corticulans LHCII shows the enhanced blue-green light absorption, the alleviated quenching of 1Chl*, and the dual sites of quenching 3Chl*, which may facilitate its light-harvesting and photoprotection functions. Moreover, for both types of LHCIIs, the triplet excitation profiles revealed the involvement of extra 3Car* formation mechanisms besides the conventional Chl-to-Car triplet transfer, which are discussed in relation to the ultrafast processes of 1Chl* quenching. Our experimental findings will be helpful in deepening the understanding of the light harvesting and photoprotection functions of B. corticulans living in the intertidal zone with dramatically changing light condition.Copyright ? 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. ...Hide
百度学术:Excitation dynamics and relaxation in the major antenna of a marine green alga Bryopsis corticulans
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Excitation dynamics and relaxation in the major antenna of a marine green alga Bryopsis corticulans
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