'I loved him all my life': love, duty and homosexuality in post-liberation China
作者:Zhang, Youchun[1]
机构:[1]Renmin Univ China, Inst Anthropol, Beijing, Peoples R China.;
[2]UNSW Sydney, Sch Publ Hlth & Community Med, Sydney, NSW, Australia.;
[3]Tsinghua Univ, Publ Hlth Res Ctr, Beijing, Peoples R China.;
[4]UNSW Sydney, Sch Publ Hlth & Community Med, Sydney, NSW, Australia.;
[5]China Youth Univ Politicial Sci, Journalism & Commun, Beijing, Peoples R China.;
[6]Renmin Univ China, Sch Sociol & Polit, Beijing, Peoples R China.;
[7]Tsinghua Univ, Sch Sociol, Beijing, Peoples R China.;
[8]Tsinghua Univ, Sch Sociol, Beijing, Peoples R China.;
[9]Papua New Guinea Inst Med Res, Goroka, Papua N Guinea.,Univ New South Wales, Kirby Inst Infect & Immun Soc, Sydney, NSW, Australia.;
[10]Tsinghua Univ, Sch Sociol, Beijing, Peoples R China.;
通讯作者:Worth, H (reprint author), UNSW Sydney, Sch Publ Hlth & Community Med, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
关键词:Homosexuality; China; love; duty; oral history
摘要:This article is born out of an oral history study of 31 elderly homosexual men in four cities in China. It shows the ways in which major events of Chinese history since the birth of the People's Republic in 1949 intervene in personal lives and, in turn, how personal lives are drawn into larger historical events. One of the major themes running through these life narratives is that of love and duty. The interrelationship, as well as the tensions, between duty and love is a central part of the exp ...More
This article is born out of an oral history study of 31 elderly homosexual men in four cities in China. It shows the ways in which major events of Chinese history since the birth of the People's Republic in 1949 intervene in personal lives and, in turn, how personal lives are drawn into larger historical events. One of the major themes running through these life narratives is that of love and duty. The interrelationship, as well as the tensions, between duty and love is a central part of the experiences of elderly Chinese homosexual men; their lives have been beset by hardships and duty, as well as by the joys of love, and these have an impact on their health and wellbeing. The experience of one individual, Mr Peng, illustrates the important yet shifting ways in which love and duty have been twinned throughout key life events. His narrative indicates an intricate interweaving of love for family, love for Deng, his male partner of 20 years, and love for his wife, as well as duty to family and to a patron. The inseparable couplet of love and duty served as the source of hardship and pain, but also of protection and great joy. ...Hide
百度学术:'I loved him all my life': love, duty and homosexuality in post-liberation China
'There was no mercy at all': Hooliganism, homosexuality and the opening-up of China.Worth, Heather, Jun, Jing, McMillan, Karen, et al. .INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGY. 2019, 34(1), 38-57.
Sexual Health Knowledge and Health Practices of Female Sex Workers in Liuzhou, China, Differ by Size of Venue (vol 18, pg S162, 2014).Zhang, Youchun;Brown, Jane D.;Muessig, Kathryn E.,等.AIDS AND BEHAVIOR.2014,18,S171-S171.
"Under the Same Quilt": The Paradoxes of Sex Between Men in the Cultural Revolution.Worth, Heather;Jing, Jing;McMillan, Karen,等.JOURNAL OF HOMOSEXUALITY.2017,64(1),61-74.