Water absorption by deep eutectic solvents
期刊名称:Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP
摘要:Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) are one type of green solvents. Most of the DESs could absorb water from air. However, even a trace amount of water can affect the chemical structure and physical properties of DESs. To date, no study has been reported on the hygroscopicity of DESs. Consequently, in this study, a comprehensive investigation was performed on the capacity, kinetics, mechanism, and furthermore the dynamic process (by PCMW2D-COS IR spectra) of atmospheric water absorption from air by DE ...More
Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) are one type of green solvents. Most of the DESs could absorb water from air. However, even a trace amount of water can affect the chemical structure and physical properties of DESs. To date, no study has been reported on the hygroscopicity of DESs. Consequently, in this study, a comprehensive investigation was performed on the capacity, kinetics, mechanism, and furthermore the dynamic process (by PCMW2D-COS IR spectra) of atmospheric water absorption from air by DESs. The results show that most DESs are highly hygroscopic. Surface absorption enhances the overall water absorption capacity by DESs in spite of decreasing the initial water absorption rate. In the beginning, the water absorption increases with an increase in the number of hydrophilic groups in DESs due to the retained DES nanostructure during this period. Therefore, DESs with more hydrophilic groups (ChCl:glucose than ChCl:xylitol) possess a higher water absorption initial rate. However, when the water absorption capacity is high, the hindrance from the H-bond strength from inner DESs needs to be overcome for the absorption of more water. In this case, DESs with stronger H-bonds (ChCl:glucose than ChCl:xylitol) have a lower steady-state water absorption capacity and an easier equilibrium. ...Hide
百度学术:Water absorption by deep eutectic solvents
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Water absorption by deep eutectic solvents
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