

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-18

苏明明 性别:女
联系地址:中国人民大学环境学院 环境学院楼 235

基本资料 教育背景
教育背景 2007.09-2010.06,加拿大滑铁卢大学环境学院,地理与环境管理系,博士学位,(滑铁卢大学国际博士生奖学金)

工作经历 2017.09-今,中国人民大学环境学院环境经济与管理系,副教授
2005.10-2006.08, 中国,太古集团,国旅太古航空服务有限公司,市场销售部,助理经理;

社会兼职 2019年1月-今,SSCI期刊Tourism Management Perspectives 副编辑
2011.10-今,英国International Journal of Tourism Anthropology杂志编辑委员会,委员;
International Journal of Tourism Research,Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research,Journal of Sustainable Tourism 等学术期刊审稿人;

科研项目 [11]三元动态演进视角下保护地社区可持续生计研究,中国人民大学研究品牌计划, 26万,课题负责人,2019.1-2021.12
[10] 山东东营生态社区项目,山东东营市人民政府,2017.12-2018.4.
[9] 宁夏六盘山片区扶贫技援项目-旅游和地方产品价值链,亚洲开发银行项目,课题主要参与人,2017.01-2018.06
[8] 宣化城市传统葡萄园农业文化遗产保护和社区生计可持续发展与文化传承研究,张家口市宣化区人民政府,课题负责人,2016.12-2018.03
[7] 生计视角下的旅游与社区互动机理研究和可持续性评价(16XNB014),中国人民大学科学研究基金,课题负责人,2016.01-2018.12;
[6] 联合国环境规划署与中华环保联合会 “绿色社区可持续消费项目”(即“北京市社区家庭可持续消费意识调查及政策倡导项目”)(ACEF-UNEP Project on Development of Green Communities to Promote Sustainable Consumption),课题主要参与人,2014.11-2016.4;
[5] 我国遗产旅游发展的社区参与综合评估模型研究(**),国家自然科学基金青年基金,课题负责人,2012.12-2015.12;
[4] 世界遗产地旅游发展的社区参与机制研究—以北京地区为例(11YJCZH145),教育部人文社科青年基金,课题负责人,2011.10-2014.10;
[3] 中国遗产旅游多利益主体管理模式研究项目(11XNK015),中国人民大学科学研究基金,课题负责人,2011.06-2013.06;
[2] 世界遗产地旅游发展与社区参与实例研究项目(10XNF058),中国人民大学科学研究基金,课题负责人,2010.11-2012.07;
[1] 三江湿地保护项目-生态旅游子项目,亚洲开发银行项目,课题主要参与人,2010.04-2012.12

奖励与荣誉称号 2019年1月,国家文化和旅游部优秀研究成果学术论文类一等奖
2015年中共北京市委教育工作委员会-北京高校青年教师社会调研优秀项目二等奖: “北京市社区家庭可持续消费意识调查及政策倡导”

学术成果 6.1 论文:
Heritage-tourism-community Matrix
Su, M. M., Wall, G., Wang, Y.N., and Jin, M. (2019). Livelihood sustainability in a rural tourism destination - Hetu Town, Anhui Province, China. Tourism Management (SSCI, IF=5.921), 71: 272-281, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2018.10.019
Su, M. M., Sun, Y.H.*, Jiao, W.J., Min, Q.W.(2018) A Community Livelihood Approach to Agricultural Heritage System Conservation and Tourism Development: Xuanhua Grape Garden Urban Agricultural Heritage Site, Hebei Province of China. Sustainability (SCI, IF=1.789), 10(2), 361.
Su, M. M., Wall, G. and Wang, S.G. (2017). Yujiale fishing tourism and island development in Changshan Archipelago, Changdao, China. Island Studies Journal (SSCI, IF=0.75), 12(2), 127-142.
Su, M. M., Wall, G. and Xu, K.J. (2016). Tourism-induced livelihood changes at Mount Sanqingshan World Heritage Site, China. Environmental Management (SCI, IF=1.724), 24(5):735-757, DOI: 10.1007/s00267-016-0672-8.
Su, M. M., Wall, G. and Jin, M. (2016). Island livelihoods: tourism and fishing at Long Islands, Shandong Province, China. Ocean & Coastal Management (SCI, IF=1.748), 122:20-29, DOI:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2015.11.014.
Su, M. M., Wall, G. and Xu, K.J. (2016) Heritage tourism and livelihood sustainability of a resettled rural community: Mount Sanqingshan World Heritage Site, China. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (SSCI, IF=2.480), 24(5):735-757, DOI:10.1080/**.2015.**.
Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2015). Community Involvement at Great Wall World Heritage Sites, Beijing, China. Current Issues in Tourism (SSCI, IF=1.733), 18(2), 137-157, DOI: 10.1080/**.2013.823917
Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2014). Community Participation in Tourism at a World Heritage Site: Mutianyu Great Wall, Beijing, China. International Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI, IF= 1.095), 16, 146-156. DOI: 10.1002/jtr.1909.
Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2012). Global–local relationships and governance issues at the Great Wall World Heritage Site, China. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (SSCI, IF=2.480), 20(8), 1067-1086.
Su, M.M. (2012). Sustainable tourism and community development. Tourism Tribune (Chinese), 29(4), 8-9.
Su, M.M., Geoffrey Wall (2012). Heritage tourism and community involvement- case study of Mutianyu Great Wall in Beijing. Tourism Tribune (Chinese), 27(7), 19-27.
Su, M.M. (2012). Tourism development and community participation at World Heritage Site. Tourism Tribune (Chinese), 27(5), 9-10.
Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2010). Place attachment and heritage tourism at the Great Wall. Journal of China Tourism Research, 6(4), 396-409.
Tourism Use of Heritage
Su, M. M., Wall, G. and Ma, Z.* (2018). A multi-stakeholder examination of destination image: Nanluoguxiang heritage street, Beijing, China, Tourism Geographies (SSCI, IF=1.062), DOI: 10.1080/**.2017.**.
Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2017). Residents’ use of and perspectives on a World Heritage Site: Temple of Heaven, Beijing, China. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change (SSCI, IF=0.474), DOI:10.1080/**.2015.**.
Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2016). A comparison of tourists’ and residents’ uses of the Temple of Heaven World Heritage Site, China. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI, IF= 1.29), 21(8):905-930,DOI:10.1080/**.2015.**.
Su, M. M., Long, Y., Wall, G. and Jin, M. (2016) Tourist-community interactions in ethnic tourism: Tuva villages, Kanas Scenic Area, China. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change (SSCI, IF=0.474). 14(1):1-26,DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.976228
Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2015). Exploring the shared use of World Heritage Sites: Residents’ and Domestic Tourists’ Use and Perceptions of the Summer Palace in Beijing. International Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI, IF= 1.095), 17: 591–601. DOI: 10.1002/jtr.2026.
Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2014).Residents’ use and perceptions of the Summer Palace World Heritage Site in Beijing, China. International Journal of Tourism Anthropology, 3(4):357 – 369.
Heritage Preservation, Management and Planning
Su, M. M., Wall, G., Wang, Y., Jin, M. (2017). Multi-agency Management of a World Heritage Site: Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area, China. Current Issues in Tourism Research (SSCI, IF=1.733), DOI: 10.1080/**.2016.**.
Su, M. M., Wall, G. and Ma, Z (2014). Assessing Ecotourism from a Multi-stakeholder Perspective: Xingkai Lake National Nature Reserve, China. Environmental Management (SCI, IF=1.724), 54(5): 1190-1207.
Su, M. M. and Li, B. (2012). Resource Management at World Heritage Sites in China. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 12: 293- 297.
Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2011). Chinese Research on World Heritage Tourism. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI, IF= 1.29), 16(1), 75-88.
Tourist studies
Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2017). Chinese university students’ perceptions of ecotourism. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, accepted.
Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2010). Impacts of Host-guest Interactions on Tourists' Travel Behavior and Experiences. Tourism, 58 (1), 37-50.
Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2009). The Qinghai-Tibet Railway and Tibetan Tourism: Travelers’ Perspectives. Tourism Management (SSCI, IF=3.140), 30(5), 650-657.
Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2009). Destination and En-route Experiences among Train Travelers to Tibet. Tourism Recreation Research, 34 (2), 181-190.

6.2 研究报告:
[3] 北京市社区家庭可持续消费意识调查及政策倡导项目调研报告,提交中华环保联合会,UNEP-ACEF 绿色社区可持续消费项目,北京,2015
[2] 兴凯湖自然保护区生态旅游研究报告,提交亚洲发展银行,北京,2011;
[1] 珍宝岛自然保护区生态旅游研究报告,提交亚洲发展银行,北京,2011

6.3 会议论文:
[8] “民族旅游的主客交互关系研究--以喀纳斯景区图瓦民族村为例” (主题报告),第九届旅游前沿国际学术研讨会“旅游景观与边地旅游”国际会议,新疆喀纳斯,中国地理学会旅游地理专业委员会和国际地理联合会旅游与休闲及全球变化专业委员会联合主办,2013.9.20-22;
[7] Ecotourism at Nature Reserves in China: negotiating preservation and development (主题报告), Annual Meeting of American Association of Geographers, Los Angelos, California, USA, 2013.4.9-13;
[6] Ecotourism and sustainable development: a case study of Xingkai Lake National Nature Reserve in Heilongjiang Province, China. (主题报告), 第三届东亚环境与资源经济学大会,中国黄山,东亚环境与资源经济学学会主, 2013.2.20-22;
[5] Ecotourism at Nature Reserves in China: negotiating preservation and development (主题报告), 8th Annual International Conference on Tourism, Athens, Greece, Athens Institute for Education and Research, 2012.6.11-14;
[4] Su, M. M., Wall G. Heritage Tourism and the Local Business Community: Mutianyu Great Wall, Beijing, China (主题报告). 2nd UNESCO-ICCROM Asian Academy for Heritage Management Conference (AAHM 2009). 澳门,澳门旅游学院遗产研究中心主办,2010.12.1-3.;
[3] Su, M. M., Wall, G..“Local governance and community involvement at a World Heritage site: the Mutianyu Great Wall, Beijing, China” (主题报告).World Heritage and Tourism: Managing for the Global and the Local, 加拿大安大略省魁北克城,Laval 大学主办,2010.6.2-4.;
[2] Su, M. M. Impacts of host-guest interactions on tourists' travel behavior and experiences (主题报告). the TTRA Canada Conference, 加拿大安大略省圭尔夫,加拿大旅游和旅行学会主办,2009.10.14-16;
[1] Su, M. M. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway and Tibetan Tourism: Travelers’ Perspectives (主题报告). 2008 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, 美国纽约州Sagamore Resort ,2008.3.30-4.1

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