

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-18

电子邮箱:shwang06 AT ruc.edu.cn
研究领域:行为和实验经济学 计量经济学应用 劳动经济学 消费行为 公共政策
概况中国人民大学经济学院教授。1996年在美国卡耐基梅隆大学公共政策与管理学院获博士学位,师从行为经济学家Linda Babcock和George Loewenstein。1997-2006年在美国SAS Institute Inc. 任计量经济师。论文发表在Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Comparative Economics,《世界经济》,《金融研究》等国际国内学术刊物上。2006年回国任教,教授行为和实验经济学、计量经济学等课程,主要研究兴趣包括用行为和实验经济学,公共政策,消费行为等。行为经济学促进会中国区代表,世界经济论坛全球议程理事会首届行为分会委员。
教育背景1996博士 美国卡耐基梅隆大学公共政策与管理
职业经历2006 - 中国人民大学经济学院
1997-2006 美国SAS研究有限公司计量经济师,美国北卡罗来纳州
2002-2004 上海市发展和改革委员会特聘海外研究员
2004.6 社科院研究生院讲授计量经济学, 邹至庄基金支持
1996.7 行为经济学暑期班成员,美国伯克利加州大学
1994.7-10 世界银行职工协会研究助理,华盛顿总部
1994.6 海外回国讲习团成员 (北京,杭州,厦门)企业谈判讲座
1992.6-8 国际应用系统分析研究所国际谈判项目研究助理,奥地利维也纳
1987-1990 北京交通大学(原北方交通大学)外语系英语教师
奖励1995 最佳论文奖 丹麦Eighth Annual Meeting of International Association for Conflict Management (合作Linda Babcock and George Loewenstein).
2015 杰出论文奖(Outstanding Paper Award, China Agricultural Economic Review,CAER;合作Wenkai Sun)
2016 第七届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(三等奖,合作杨瑞龙等)
2017 最佳引用奖 (High Citation Award, CAER, 合作Wenkai Sun)
2017 优秀论文奖(《金融研究》合作陈坚)
发表论文"The Relationship Between Uncertainty, the Contract Zone, and Efficiency in a Bargaining Experiment," (with L. Babcock and G. Loewenstein), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 27 (1995), 475-485.
“Choosing the Wrong Pond: Social Comparisons that Reflect a Self-serving Bias,” (with L. Babcock and G. Loewenstein), Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. CXI (1996), 1-19.
“Salary Comparisons and Public School Teachers Strikes,”(with L. Babcock), Proceedings of the 48th Industrial Relations Research Association Annual Meeting (1996), 224-230.
“Behavioral Economics – To Reconcile Economics and Sustainable Development,” Proceedings of CES 2005 Conference in Sustainable Economic Growth in China: Investing in Human Capital and Environment (June 2005)
"Retail Return Policy, Endowment Effect, and Consumption Propensity: An Experimental Study," The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy: Vol. 9, Iss. 1 (Topics) (2009), Article 38.
“Behind the veil of ignorance: Self-serving bias in climate change negotiations,” (with P. H. Kriss, G. Loewenstein, R. A. Weber), Judgment and Decision Making, Vol. 6, No. 7, October 2011,pp. 602-615
“When Workers Do Not Know –the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wage Laws Revisited”, The Journal of Economic Psychology, 33 (2012) 951–962
“How free do people feel to express their opinions? A study in urban China,”(with W. Sun and Y. Zhou), Applied Economics Letters, 2012, 19:12, 1165-1169
“Do government actions affect social trust? Cross-city evidence in China” (with W. Sun), The Social Science Journal, 49 (2012), pp. 447-457.
“The Impact of Collective Wage Agreements in China: A Firm-Level Study”(with H. Nie) The Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of Labor and Employment Research Association, 2012, 92-102.
“Do Relative Income and Income Inequality Affect Consumption? Evidence from the Villages of Rural China” (with W. Sun), The Journal of Development Studies, 2013, 49:4, 533-546
“The impact of political cycle: Evidence from coalmine accidents in China” (with H. Nie, J. Jiang) Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 41, Issue 4, November 2013, Pages 995–1011
“Income Mobility of Rural Households in China from 2003 to 2006” (with W. Sun), China Agricultural Economics Review, 2014 Vol 6. (1), 73-91
“Minimum wage effects on employment and working time of Chinese workers: evidence based on CHNS” (with W. Sun and X. Zhang), IZA Journal of Labor & Development.2015, 4:19
“Is there a hidden cost of imposing a minimum contribution level for public good contributions?”(with Martin G. Kocher, Peter Martinsson, Emil Persson) Journal of Economic Psychology, 56(2016), 74-84
“Relative Income and Income Satisfaction: An Experimental Study” (with Kai Liu) Social Indicators Research, (2017) 132:395–409
“Behavioral Labor Economics”, in Routledge Handbook of Behavioral Economics (edited by Frantz, Roger et al) Routledge, New York, 2016 p365-375.
王湘红、王曦:退货制度影响消费倾向的行为理论和调查, 《经济理论与经济管理》, 2009,第10期
王湘红:相对收入与个人效用--来自中国的证据。《经济理论与经济管理》, 2012,第5期
王湘红、孙文凯、任继球:相对收入对外出务工的影响:来自中国农村的证据。 《世界经济》, 2012 第6期
王湘红,范智伟. 助推政策优于“自由放任”和“一刀切”. 中国社会科学学报, 2014.12.10
王湘红、朱琳、宋爱娴: 《公共政策中的温和家长制和行为助推政策——以消费政策为例》,《国家治理研究》, 2015 第1期
王湘红, 汪根松. 最低工资对中国工人收入及分配的影响——基于CHNS数据的经验研究. 《经济理论与经济管理》, 2016(05).
王湘红,曾耀,孙文凯. 行业分割对性别工资差异的影响——基于CGSS数据的实证分析, 《经济学动态》,2016(1)
王湘红、陈坚:社会比较和相对收入对农民工家庭消费的影响, 《金融研究》, 2016 (12),48-63页
著作王湘红:《工资谈判、劳动关系及收入-—基于行为理论的研究》, 中国人民大学出版社 2012
工作论文· “Absolute amount or relative proportion? A study of income allocation”
· “Impact of relative income on donation - An experimental study” (with Sili Zhang)
· “Can Life-cycle Theory Explain Coresidence Behavior? Evidence from CHARLS Data in China” (with W. Sun)
· “The effect of retail return policy on consumer behavior – evidence from TaoBao”
· “Perceived Social Conflicts and their Impact on Happiness in China” (with Jiqiu Ren)
· “Impact of minimum wage on migrant workers” (with X. Tan)
· “The impact of relative income on consumer finance”
· “Dispute resolution mechanism of online shopping – Field experiment in TaoBao”
· ”Do people feel differently, and spend differently, when spending under annuities and lump-sum payments? With Yu Gao, George Loewenstein, Peter Waaker”
· “Does honor code affect cheating behavior – a cross-culture comparison in US and China, with D. Ariely”
· “Does female role model increase women’s willingness to compete?”
· “Chinese Internal Migrants: Policy and Measurement Challenges” (with D. McFadden, and W. Sun)


· 2017 西南财经大学May;SABE, CESA, Australia July;西安交通大学,Sept;实验经济学会议,北京师范大学 Oct;北方交通大学 Oct;中山大学,Nov
· 2016 劳动经济论坛,湖南,长沙;广州
· 2015 WEAI, Hawaii
· 2015 Duke University; Global Agenda Council Summit, Abudhabi, October.
· 2014 The Center for Advanced Hindsight and Department of Economics, Duke University, February; Royal Economic Society Conference, Manchester, April; IMBESS, Oxford, April. SABE Meeting, Reno, July; Global Agenda Council Summit, Dubai, November
· 2013 Chinese Economists Society (CES, US) China Conference, Chengdu; IRREP /SABE (Society for Advancement of Behavioral Economics) Meeting, Atlanta
· 2012 Labor Relations Research Association/ASSA Meeting, Chicago, January 2012
· 2011 Chinese Economists Society China Conference, Beijing
· 2010 Sino-German Workshop on Experimental Economics, Chengdu, May; The Behavioral and Decision Research in Management (BDRM) Conference, Pittsburgh, June; CES China Conference, Xiamen, June; World Congress of the Econometric Society, Shanghai, August; Conference on Policy Research and Data Needs to Meet the Challenges of Population Aging in Asia, Beijing, December
· 2009 Labor Relations Research Association/ASSA Meeting, San Francisco, January
· 2008 Economic Science Association (ESA) Asia Pacific Conference. Singapore, February;
IRREP/SABE Meeting, Rome, September; Chinese Economists Society China Conference. Tianjin, April
· 2007 International Symposium in Labor Economics. Xiamen, December
· 2005 CES China Conference. Chongqing, China. June; Renmin University of China
· 2004 Shanghai Development and Reform Commission, Shanghai
· 1996 Industrial Relations Research Association/ASSA Meeting. San Francisco; Harvard Business School; Chicago Business School
· 1994 International Association for Conflict Management Annual Meeting. Eugene, Oregon; Chinese Economists Society Annual Conference. Twin Cities, Minnesota; Overseas Scholars Lecture Tour, Hangzhou, China
科研项目国家自然科学基金面上项目(2017-2020) “促进居民消费和优化消费环境的助推机制研究”(**)
国家自然科学基金面上项目(2014-2017) “相对收入的行为影响及其在政策设计中的应用” (**)
国家自然科学基金面上项目(2012-2015) “中国现有经济环境下工资集体协商的效应—基于行为经济学的研究” (**)
中国人民大学明德青年培育计划 “基于行为理论的工资制度与劳动关系的研究”。
学术服务审稿人:American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,China Economic Review
世界行为经济学学会中国区代表: The Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics
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