1.华南理工大学电力学院,广州 510641
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51778234)
Effects of the three-dimensional air distribution on deodorization in the underground wastewater treatment plant
YANG Peng1,,LIU Xuefeng1,,
CHEN Siwei1,
LI Shu1,
WANG Jiaxu1
1.School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
关键词: 地下污水厂/
Abstract:In order to study the deodorizing effect of three-dimensional air supply in the underground sewage plant, NH3 was taken as a tracer gas, and the numerical simulation method was used to compare the deodorizing effects between the three-dimensional air supply and the conventional airflow organization in the dewatering machine room. The influences of different air supply and exhaust forms on sewage discharge efficiency and odor concentration in the dewatering machine room were also studied. The results show that three-dimensional air supply with vertical pipes has an advantage in environmental quality improvement for the dewatering machine room of an underground sewage plant, and its deodorization efficiency increased by 40% than that of the original ventilation form. The average odor concentrations in the dewatering machine room and work area decreased by 43.7% and 62.9%, respectively. In addition, the three-dimensional air supply volume has slight effect on the deodorization efficiency in the dewatering machine room, but the deodorization efficiency significantly increased with the increase of the exhaust air flow. The three-dimensional air supply structure could effectively improve the deodorization effect of the underground sewage plant, and a reasonable increase in the exhaust air flow and reduction in air supply flow could also improve the deodorization effect and reduce the ventilation energy consumption.
Key words:underground wastewater treatment plant/
deodorization efficiency/
numerical simulation/
odor concentration.

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1.华南理工大学电力学院,广州 510641
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51778234) 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(2015A030310303) 广东省省级科技计划项目(2017A020216024) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(B6150170) 广东省能源高效清洁利用重点实验室(华南理工大学)(2013A061401005)
关键词: 地下污水厂/
English Abstract
Effects of the three-dimensional air distribution on deodorization in the underground wastewater treatment plant
YANG Peng1,,LIU Xuefeng1,,
CHEN Siwei1,
LI Shu1,
WANG Jiaxu1
1.School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
Keywords: underground wastewater treatment plant/
deodorization efficiency/
numerical simulation/
odor concentration
Abstract:In order to study the deodorizing effect of three-dimensional air supply in the underground sewage plant, NH3 was taken as a tracer gas, and the numerical simulation method was used to compare the deodorizing effects between the three-dimensional air supply and the conventional airflow organization in the dewatering machine room. The influences of different air supply and exhaust forms on sewage discharge efficiency and odor concentration in the dewatering machine room were also studied. The results show that three-dimensional air supply with vertical pipes has an advantage in environmental quality improvement for the dewatering machine room of an underground sewage plant, and its deodorization efficiency increased by 40% than that of the original ventilation form. The average odor concentrations in the dewatering machine room and work area decreased by 43.7% and 62.9%, respectively. In addition, the three-dimensional air supply volume has slight effect on the deodorization efficiency in the dewatering machine room, but the deodorization efficiency significantly increased with the increase of the exhaust air flow. The three-dimensional air supply structure could effectively improve the deodorization effect of the underground sewage plant, and a reasonable increase in the exhaust air flow and reduction in air supply flow could also improve the deodorization effect and reduce the ventilation energy consumption.