基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51308284)
Electrochemical removal efficiency of low concentration triclosan wastewater
SUN Tianyu1,,ZHU Zhaolian1,
NIU Zhuang1,
ZHOU Xiao1,
BAO Yang1,
WANG Hailing1
1.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Industrial Water-Conservation & Emission Reduction, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211816, China
摘要:以钌铱电极做阳极、石墨片做阴极,建立了电化学反应器处理三氯生模拟废水,重点考察了电流密度、pH、电解质硫酸钠浓度对电化学反应器去除水中微量三氯生效能的影响规律。研究发现,随着电流密度增大,三氯生去除率会有所提高,但存在一定限度;总体上酸性或碱性条件下的处理效果优于中性条件,电解质浓度过高或过低都不利于三氯生的去除。计算出不同电解质浓度和电流密度下的能耗,探讨了三氯生的电化学去除机制。电化学反应器对三氯生模拟废水有较好的处理效果,当三氯生初始浓度为4 mg·L-1、电流密度为10 mA·cm-2、电解质Na2SO4浓度为0.025 mg·L-1、中性条件下反应时间2 h,三氯生去除率达70.7%,能耗为26.4 kWh·g-1。
关键词: 电化学去除/
Abstract:To treat triclosan wastewater, a bench scale experiment was conducted with a electrochemical reactor using graphite sheet as cathode and ruthenium iridium as anode. The influence of current density, pH and electrolyte Na2SO4 concentration on the removal efficiency of minute triclosan in electrochemical reactor was investigated. The results showed that with the increase of current density, the removal rate of triclosan can be increased, but there is a certain limit. In general, the effect of acidic or alkaline conditions is better than that of neutral conditions. Too high or too low electrolyte concentration is not conducive to the removal of triclosan. The energy consumption of different electrolyte concentration and current density was calculated, and the electrochemical removal mechanism of triclosan was discussed. The electrochemical reactor has a good treatment effect on the triclosan wastewater. When the initial concentration of triclosan was 4 mg·L-1, the current density was 10 mA·cm-2, the electrolyte Na2SO4 concentration was 0.?025 mol·L-1, the react time was 2h under the neutral condition, the removal rate of triclosan reached 70.7% and energy consumption was 26.4 kWh·g-1.
Key words:electrochemical removal/
wastewater treatment/

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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51308284)
关键词: 电化学去除/
摘要:以钌铱电极做阳极、石墨片做阴极,建立了电化学反应器处理三氯生模拟废水,重点考察了电流密度、pH、电解质硫酸钠浓度对电化学反应器去除水中微量三氯生效能的影响规律。研究发现,随着电流密度增大,三氯生去除率会有所提高,但存在一定限度;总体上酸性或碱性条件下的处理效果优于中性条件,电解质浓度过高或过低都不利于三氯生的去除。计算出不同电解质浓度和电流密度下的能耗,探讨了三氯生的电化学去除机制。电化学反应器对三氯生模拟废水有较好的处理效果,当三氯生初始浓度为4 mg·L-1、电流密度为10 mA·cm-2、电解质Na2SO4浓度为0.025 mg·L-1、中性条件下反应时间2 h,三氯生去除率达70.7%,能耗为26.4 kWh·g-1。
English Abstract
Electrochemical removal efficiency of low concentration triclosan wastewater
SUN Tianyu1,,ZHU Zhaolian1,
NIU Zhuang1,
ZHOU Xiao1,
BAO Yang1,
WANG Hailing1
1.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Industrial Water-Conservation & Emission Reduction, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211816, China
Keywords: electrochemical removal/
wastewater treatment/
Abstract:To treat triclosan wastewater, a bench scale experiment was conducted with a electrochemical reactor using graphite sheet as cathode and ruthenium iridium as anode. The influence of current density, pH and electrolyte Na2SO4 concentration on the removal efficiency of minute triclosan in electrochemical reactor was investigated. The results showed that with the increase of current density, the removal rate of triclosan can be increased, but there is a certain limit. In general, the effect of acidic or alkaline conditions is better than that of neutral conditions. Too high or too low electrolyte concentration is not conducive to the removal of triclosan. The energy consumption of different electrolyte concentration and current density was calculated, and the electrochemical removal mechanism of triclosan was discussed. The electrochemical reactor has a good treatment effect on the triclosan wastewater. When the initial concentration of triclosan was 4 mg·L-1, the current density was 10 mA·cm-2, the electrolyte Na2SO4 concentration was 0.?025 mol·L-1, the react time was 2h under the neutral condition, the removal rate of triclosan reached 70.7% and energy consumption was 26.4 kWh·g-1.