生物炭紫色土旱坡地氮形态氮流失通量 英文关键词biocharpurple soildry sloping farmlandnitrogen formsloss of flux |
中文摘要 |
明确生物炭施用对紫色土旱坡地土壤氮流失形态及通量的影响,为提升紫色土旱坡地耕地质量及减少紫色土旱坡地农业面源污染发生风险提供科学依据.以油菜/玉米轮作农田生态系统为研究对象,通过田间试验,研究了不施肥(对照)、常规施肥、优化施肥及生物炭(化肥减量配施生物炭)这4个处理对紫色土旱坡地地表径流和壤中流氮素流失形态及通量的影响.结果表明:①在各施肥处理中,常规处理总径流量最大,为16133 L·a-1,生物炭处理总径流量最小,为11893 L·a-1.各施肥处理以壤中流为主要径流方式,壤中流流失量占总流失量的61.80%~68.60%;与对照(不施肥处理)相比,其余各施肥处理泥沙流失量均有所降低,其中常规处理降低的效果最明显.②铵态氮主要通过地表径流流失,占总流失通量的86.51%~96.58%;铵态氮流失通量最大的为施生物炭处理[0.69 kg·(hm2·a)-1].③各施肥处理产流中的颗粒态氮浓度均高于对照处理,且常规施肥处理的颗粒态氮流失通量最大,为2.87 kg·(hm2·a)-1.④各施肥处理的壤中流和地表径流中的全氮浓度和硝态氮浓度均存在极显著正相关关系(P<0.01).硝态氮是全氮流失的主要形态,且二者均以壤中流为主要流失途径;全氮通过壤中流流失占比为72.86%~89.13%,且常规施肥处理的全氮总流失通量最大,为35.58 kg·(hm2·a)-1,而施生物炭处理全氮总流失通量最小,为21.49 kg·(hm2·a)-1.化肥减量配施生物炭能明显降低径流量和氮的流失通量,可有效阻控农业面源污染发生的风险. |
英文摘要 |
This study seeks to clarify the effect of biochar application on nitrogen loss patterns and flux in purple arid sloping land, so as to provide a scientific basis for improving the quality of farmland and reducing the risk of agricultural non-point source pollution in purple arid sloping land. The effects of four treatments on surface runoff and soil nitrogen loss patterns and fluxes in purple arid sloping land were studied by field experiments, including no fertilization (control), conventional fertilization, optimized fertilization, and biochar (fertilizer reduction and biochar application). The results showed that:① Of the fertilization treatments, the total runoff of conventional treatment was the highest at 16133 L·a-1, and the total runoff of biochar treatment was the lowest at 11893 L·a-1. In each fertilization treatment, soil midstream was the main mode of runoff, accounting for 61.80%-68.60% of the total loss. Compared with the control (no fertilization treatment), the sediment loss in other fertilization treatments was decreased, with conventional treatment showing the most significant effect. ② Ammonium nitrogen is mainly lost by surface runoff, accounting for 86.51%-96.58% of the total loss flux. Biochar treatment had the highest loss flux at 0.69 kg·(hm2·a)-1, and the control treatment had the lowest at 0.17 kg·(hm2·a)-1. ③ The concentration of granular nitrogen in the production flow of each fertilization treatment was higher than that of the control treatment, and the loss flux of granular nitrogen in the conventional fertilization treatment was the highest at 2.87 kg·(hm2·a)-1. ④ There was a significant positive correlation between total nitrogen concentration and nitrate nitrogen concentration in the soil midstream and surface runoff of each fertilization treatment (P<0.01). Nitrate nitrogen is the main form of total nitrogen loss, and both take soil midstream as the main way of loss. The total nitrogen loss through soil flow accounted for 72.86%-89.13%, and that of conventional fertilization was the highest at 35.58 kg·(hm2·a)-1, whereas that of biochar treatment was the lowest at 21.49 kg·(hm2·a)-1. Reducing the amount of fertilizer and applying biochar can significantly reduce the runoff and nitrogen flux, and effectively prevent and control the risk of agricultural non-point source pollution. |