表面流人工湿地长期底泥营养盐累积释放 英文关键词surface-flow constructed wetlandlong-termsedimentnutrientaccumulationrelease |
作者 | 单位 | E-mail | 朱伊梦 | 河海大学水文水资源学院, 南京 210098 | huafanyeluo@qq.com | 姜翠玲 | 河海大学水文水资源学院, 南京 210098 | | 朱立琴 | 河海大学马克思主义学院, 南京 210098 | lqzhu@hhu.edu.cn | 杜观超 | 盐城市盐龙湖饮用水源管理处, 盐城 224014 | | 高旭 | 盐城市盐龙湖饮用水源管理处, 盐城 224014 | | 陈红卫 | 盐城市节约用水办公室, 盐城 224001 | | 李峰东 | 盐城市盐龙湖饮用水源管理处, 盐城 224014 | | 张海阔 | 河海大学水文水资源学院, 南京 210098 | | 张雪 | 河海大学水文水资源学院, 南京 210098 | | 秦文凯 | 河海大学环境学院, 南京 210098 | | 李一平 | 河海大学环境学院, 南京 210098 | |
中文摘要 |
底泥在表面流人工湿地污染物迁移转化中起到非常重要的载体作用,探究其营养盐的累积特征与释放规律对了解长期运行的表流湿地净化功能具有重要意义.以运行了5 a的盐龙湖表面流人工湿地底泥为研究对象,对不同位置底泥的总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)含量进行分析并开展柱状芯样静态释放实验.结果表明,盐龙湖表流湿地运行5 a后,底泥整体属于中度污染范畴,营养盐累积水平主要受进水条件、水深和植物作用等影响.①顺着水流方向,表流湿地底泥营养盐含量表现升高趋势;②随着上覆水水深增大,底泥营养盐含量升高,碳受影响程度较深;③表流湿地植物的生长情况越好,底泥中累积的营养盐含量也越高.底泥营养盐释放趋势呈现为先升后降,在20 d后基本达到平衡.释放速率主要受湿地底泥营养盐累积水平影响,其规律与轻度营养型水库底泥较为相似.表流湿地底泥中包含的植物残体会使营养盐释放更强烈,研究结果可为长期运行的表面流人工湿地提升净化能力提供科学依据. |
英文摘要 |
Sediments serve as an important carrier during the migration and transformation of pollutants in surface-flow constructed wetlands. Exploring the accumulation characteristics and release patterns of nutrients is of great significance for assessing the purification functions of constructed wetlands after long-term operation. The contents of total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) in sediments at various locations of the 5-year-old Yanlong Lake surface-flow constructed wetland were analyzed and static release experiments with cylindrical core samples were carried out. The results showed that after five years, sediments at this site have become moderately polluted and the nutrient accumulation level is mainly being affected by the influent flow, water depth, and plant effects. Additionally, ① nutrients in sediments were found to increase along the flow direction; ② they also increase as the depth of overlying water increases and are relatively affected by the carbon; ③ healthier growth of the wetland plants could lead to more nutrients being accumulated in sediments. The release trend of nutrients fell after a rise and basically reached equilibrium after 20 days, and the release rate was mainly affected by the accumulation level of nutrients, which is similar to the trend in light nutrient containing reservoirs. Plant residues contained in the sediments were associated with the stronger release of nutrients. These results can provide a scientific basis for solutions aimed at maintaining the purification capacity of long-running surface-flow constructed wetlands. |