PM2.5急性毒性遗传毒性转录组分析差异基因 英文关键词
PM2.5acute toxicitygenotoxicitytranscriptome profilingdifferential gene 中文摘要 尽管大量流行病学和毒理学研究表明,PM
2.5暴露危害路径和机制. 英文摘要 Although epidemiology and toxicology studies have demonstrated that exposure to ambient air particles could result in a variety of lung diseases, but the pulmonary toxicological mechanism remains obscure. In this study, the toxicity of PM
2.5 particles in different concentrations was investigated by toxicological methods, including the luminescent bacteria acute toxicity test and genotoxicity performed by SOS chromogenic reaction. The results indicated that, the acute toxicity and genotoxicity were low and negative, respectively. In addition, rats were treated with PM
2.5 suspension through intratracheal instillation, and the pathologic changes and expression of different genes in their lungs were carried out. We found that PM
2.5 exposure resulted in fibrotic changes and inflammation in the lung with the increase in PM
2.5 concentration. Pathway analysis indicated that PM
2.5 can induce pulmonary toxicity through disturbing the function of ribosomal protein, fatty acids, and cholesterol metabolism, suggesting an inflammatory reaction in the lung is caused by genetic damage and is irreversible. A gene ontology analysis revealed that abnormal expression of related genes in the immune response could be the specific pathway of lung inflammation. These findings improve our understanding of the toxicological pathway and mechanism of PM
2.5 exposure.