
四川东南地区云豹(Neofelis nebulosa)分布区变化及其成因

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31

摘要:物种的分布变化是衡量生物多样性变化的一个重要层面,也是生物多样性变化研究领域备受关注的热点。根据对四川省东南地区6县14个乡镇的访问调查,分析了四川省东南部云豹(Neofelis nebulosa)分布区的变化趋势,并对近10年潜在有无云豹分布的区域在1988年和2017年的景观格局进行对比分析,探讨了四川东南地区云豹分布区变化的原因。结果显示:(1)40年前云豹曾在调查区域广泛分布,近40年来云豹分布范围呈现逐渐缩减的趋势,到近10年潜在有云豹分布的仅3个县3个乡镇;(2)天然阔叶林是云豹适宜的生境,潜在有云豹分布地区阔叶林在近30年里均是面积最大的景观类型,30年间增加了18.13%。潜在无云豹分布地区阔叶林在30年前占比为13.67%,30年间减少了39.29%,其主要景观类型在30年间由农业用地转换为竹林类型;(3)30年间,潜在有无云豹分布地区阔叶林破碎化程度均加剧,而潜在无云豹分布地区的破碎化程度较潜在有云豹分布地区严重;(4)潜在有无云豹分布区域居民野生动物保护意识均不强烈,在潜在无云豹分布区域的保护意识和意愿稍高;(5)本研究认为,早在40年前由于人为捕杀和土地开垦,就导致云豹种群在研究区域内衰退,近30年虽然农业用地大幅转换为竹林使森林总面积增加,但并未对云豹的保护起到积极作用,阔叶林的生境退变则使前期已经衰退的云豹种群分布区持续缩减,以致难觅踪迹。

Abstract:The distribution change of certain species is a vital aspect for measuring global biodiversity variation, and has received much attention. Based on the interview surveys conducted in 14 townships of 6 counties, we analyzed the variation trend of the clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) distribution range in the southeastern Sichuan, and further compared the landscape patterns of the potential clouded leopard existing and non-existing area in 1988 and 2017. We then explored the motivating factors of the clouded leopard distribution change in the region. The results revealed as below. (1) The clouded leopards used to inhabit extensively throughout the study area no later than 40 years ago. Over the past 40 years, the distribution area has continued to shrink. Only 3 towns of 3 counties potentially have clouded leopards reserved when it came to the recent 10 years. (2) The natural broad-leaved forests were suitable habitats for clouded leopard. During the past 30 years, broad-leaved forests have always been the largest landscape in the potential clouded leopard existing area, also have increased from 40175.32 hm2 (50.44%) to 47457.28 hm2 (59.58%) by 18.13%. In the potential non-existing area, 2792.58 hm2 broad-leaved forests just accounted for 13.67% of the total area 30 years ago, and decreased to 1695.36 hm2 (8.3%) by 39.29% according to the latest data. In 1988, 14300.61 hm2 farmlands made up 69.98% of the agriculture-based landscape within the potential non-existing area. And the largest landscape has converted to bamboo forests with 12199.04 hm2 (59.69%) by 2017. (3) In the past 30 years, the fragmentation of broad-leaved forests in both the potential clouded leopard existing and non-existing area has been intensified, and the fragmentation degree of the potential non-existing area was even severer. From 1988 to 2017, the average of broad-leaved forest patch within potential existing area has decreased from 47.31 hm2 to 38.30 hm2. Similarly, the number has decreased from 14.71 hm2 to 4.38 hm2 in the potential non-existing area. The aggregation index of broad-leaved forest in potential existing area showed an escalating trend, increasing from 82.01% to 87.97%, while the figure has dropped from 65.65% to 58.98% in the potential non-existing area. (4) Living within the potential clouded leopard existing area, 66.27% interviewees believed that wildlife should be protected, and 77.12% interviewees were willing to establish a local reserve for the clouded leopard. As for the potential non-existing area, the two figures were 78.11% and 80.88%, indicating a stronger awareness of wildlife protection. (5) It is suggested that agricultural reclamation and hunting by humans 40 years ago were likely to generate a regional decline of clouded leopards population. Although conversion of the agricultural land to bamboo forest over the past 30 years greatly increased the total forest area, it did not play an active role in the protection of clouded leopard. Besides, habitats degradation of broad-leaved forests made the declined distribution range keep shrinking, leaving the trace of wild clouded leopards in the mist.



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