

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31


Abstract:Rapid population growth and irrational human activities have led to dramatic changes in land use, urban expansion, shrinking natural ecosystems, and landscape patterns, further leading to a decline of habitat quality. The landscape pattern is the arrangement of landscape patches with different shapes and sizes in the landscape space, which reflects the heterogeneity of the landscape and is the final result of many natural and human factors acting on different spatial and temporal scales. Habitat quality refers to the ability of ecosystems to provide sustainable development to individuals and populations within a certain time and space. It is the premise and basis for all ecosystem services. In recent years, with the development of the economy, the rapid growth of the population, and the changes of the urban landscape pattern, the regional habitat quality have also been affected to varying degrees. For the nature reserves, the changes of the landscape pattern in their peripheral area will profoundly affect the resources, environment, and ecology. Laotieshan part in the Liaoning Snake Island and Laotieshan National Nature Reserve was selected as the study area. Based on remote sensing images of the study area in 1997, 2007 and 2017, 15 types of landscape pattern were interpreted by ENVI. The views of the landscape pattern change network derived from the visualization tool NetDraw were used to analyze landscape pattern change trend. Then the Fragstats software was used to calculate the landscape pattern index and 3 indices were selected to show the human disturbance intensity. The spatial distribution map of human disturbance intensity was produced by ArcGIS10.2. The InVEST model was used to calculate the habitat quality. Based on them, the temporal and spatial changes of human disturbance intensity and habitat quality in Laotieshan over the past 20 years were discussed, and the correlation between the two was analyzed. The results showed that:(1) From 1997 to 2017, the construction land and garden area increased at most; the forest land and grassland decreased slightly and the transfer area of cultivated land to the garden was the largest in the landscape pattern change of the Laotieshan Nature Reserve.(2) From 1997 to 2017, the intensity of human disturbance in the experimental area and buffer zone in the study area increased year by year, while the core area showed a trend of weakening and then enhancing. (3)The habitat quality in the study area from 1997 to 2017 showed a trend of persistently decreasing. The hotspots of temporal and spatial changes in habitat quality are concentrated in the surrounding areas of the core area of the study area. (4) The habitat quality was significantly and negatively correlated with the human disturbance intensity represented by landscape index.



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