1. 河北科技大学环境科学与工程学院, 石家庄 050018;
2. 北京师范大学环境学院 水环境模拟国家重点实验室, 北京 100875;
3. 香港公开大学科技学院, 香港
作者简介: 张璐璐(1985-),女,博士,浙江浦江人,讲师,研究方向为污染生态学,E-mail:zhanglulu19850703@163.com.
基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(2015CB458900)河北科技大学博士启动基金(1181200)
中图分类号: X171.5
The Occurrence and Ecological Risk Assessment of Phthalate Esters (PAEs) in Urban Aquatic Environments of China
Zhang Lulu1,2,3,Liu Jingling2,
Ho Kinchung3,
Li Hua1
1. School of Environmental Science and Technology, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050018, China;
2. State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;
3. School of Science and Technology, The Open University of Hong Kong, HKSAR, China
CLC number: X171.5
摘要:邻苯二甲酸酯类(PAEs)作为一类重要的环境激素类化学物质,被广泛应用于塑料的增塑剂中。随着工业的发展,中国PAEs的需求量迅速增加,PAEs已成为中国城市水环境的重要风险因子,因此需要对其进行生态风险评价。本研究首先针对我国典型城市水环境中PAEs的污染现状进行文献综述,总结归纳得到我国典型城市水环境中PAEs的污染分布特征;其次运用熵值法计算了我国典型水环境中PAEs对于藻类、水蚤和鱼类种群的生态风险,并依据生态风险等级划分标准将PAEs生态风险划分为4个水平。文献综述结果表明我国城市水环境中的PAEs浓度多数都高于8.00 μg·L-1,超过了我国地表水环境质量标准(PRC-NS 2002)和饮用水质量标准(PRC-NS 2006)中的规定限值,且在大城市或PAEs工业区周围的污染水平要显著高于其他区域。将我国与国外典型城市水环境中PAEs的污染水平进行比较,结果表明我国水环境中的PAEs污染水平明显高于其他国家。此外,我国城市水环境中PAEs的污染不仅出现在地表水环境中,而且在广东东莞等地的地下水环境中也出现了PAEs污染,PAEs浓度范围为0.0~6.7 μg·L-1。生态风险评价的结果表明,邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)、邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯(DEHP)和邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯(BBP)是我国城市水环境中最主要的风险因子。PAEs污染分布特征和生态风险评价的结果表明我国城市水环境中的PAEs生态风险值总体处于10 ≤风险熵(RQ)<100到RQ ≥ 100水平,尤其是在大城市或者PAEs工业密集区域,因此,亟需对我国城市水环境中PAEs的生态风险进行早期预警和风险管理。
关键词: 邻苯二甲酸酯类(PAEs)/
Abstract:Phthalate esters (PAEs) are endocrine disruptors and have been used as plasticizing agents in cellulosics and elastomers. The demand for PAEs has grown rapidly, especially in China. It will lead to much more environmental PAE contamination. PAEs are listed as the chemical that poses significant ecological risk. This paper reviews the literature concerning the pollution status of PAEs, summarizes the main characteristics of PAEs in typical aquatic environment in China, assesses the ecological risk of PAEs to alage, daphnia, and fish by risk quotient (RQ) approach which is based on the predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) and PAE concentrations in aquatic environments. The results showed that PAEs concentrations in most of river and lake waters were higher than 8.00 μg·L-1, which are higher than the concentrations of PAEs in the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (PRC-NS 2002) (DEHP, 8.00 μg·L-1 and DBP, 3.00 μg·L-1) and Standards for Drinking Water Quality (PRCNS 2006) (DEHP, 8.00 μg·L-1, DBP, 3.00 μg·L-1 and DEP, 3.00 μg·L-1), respectively. With the increasing consumption of PAEs in metropolitan areas, the concentrations of PAEs detected in urban water bodies were obviously higher than those in other areas of China. Compared with other countries, the PAE concentrations in the waters of China are higher than global PAE levels. Furthermore, PAE pollution of water bodies was found not only in surface waters but also in underground waters; for instance, PAE concentrations in the range of 0.00-6.70 μg·L-1 were detected in underground waters in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China. The results of RQs showed that significant (10 ≤ RQ < 100) or very significant (RQ ≥ 100) potential adverse effects for algae, daphnia, and fish in aquatic environments near PAE-based industrial and urban areas, and DBP, DEHP and BBP contributed the most. Thus, the ecological risk of PAEs in Chinese aquatic environments should be considered, especially in areas where commercial plastics are produced.
Key words:phthalate esters (PAEs)/
urban aquatic environment/
pollution level/
ecological risk.