本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-22
姓名: 段桂兰 性别: 女
职称: 研究员 学历: 博士
电话: ** 传真: 无
Email: duangl@rcees.ac.cn 邮编: 100085
地址: 北京海淀区双清路18号
段桂兰,博士,研究员。主要从事重金属等污染物在土壤-微生物-植物系统中迁移转化机制、污染控制原理及修复技术研发方面的研究。2006年从中国科学院生态环境研究中心获博士学位,曾在美国Wayne State University交流访问、日本东京大学从事博士后工作。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目3项,参与国家973项目、国家863项目、公益性行业(农业)科研专项、国家重点研发计划等多项项目。在国内外期刊发表学术论文50余篇,其中40余篇被SCI期刊收录,并以第一作者在Nature Plants, Plant Physiology、New Phytologist, the Plant Journal等国际权威杂志发表学术论文,所发表的论文得到国内外同行的认可和广泛引用。
1.Yang YP, Wang P, Yan HJ, Zhang HM, Cheng WD, Duan GL*, Zhu YG. NH4H2PO4-extractable arsenic provides a reliable predictor for arsenic accumulation and speciation in pepper fruits (Capsicum annum L.). Environmental Pollution. 2019, 251, 651-658.
2.Yi XY, Yang YP, Yuan HY, Chen Z, Duan GL*, Zhu YG. Coupling metabolisms of arsenic and iron with humic substances through microorganisms in paddy soil. Journal of hazardous materials. 2019, 373:591-599.
3.Cui HL, Duan GL*, Zhang HM, Cheng WD, Zhu YG. Microbiota in Non-flooded and Flooded Rice Culms. FEMS microbiology ecology, 2019,DOI:10.1093/femsec/fiz036.
4.Guo AN, Ding LJ, Tang Z, Zhao ZQ, Duan GL*. Microbial response to CaCO3 application in an acid soil in southern China. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2019, 79, 321-329.
5.Yang YP, Zhang HM, Duan GL*, Jin DC, Zhao FJ, Zhu YG. Microbe Mediated Arsenic Release from Iron Minerals and Arsenic Methylation in Rhizosphere Controls Arsenic Fate in Soil-Rice System after Straw Incorporation. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 236:598-608. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.01.099
6.Chen SC, Duan GL, Ding K, Huang FY, Zhu YG. DNA stable-isotope probing identifies uncultivated members of Pseudonocardia associated with biodegradation of pyrene in agricultural soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2018, 94(3). doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiy026.
7.Duan GL, Hakoyama T, Kamiya T, Miwa H, Lombardo F, Sato S, Tabata S, Chen Z, Watanabe T, Shinano T, Fujiwara T.LjMOT1, a high-affinity molybdate transporter from Lotus japonicus, is essential for molybdate uptake, but not for the delivery to nodules.The Plant Journal. 2017, 90(6):1108-1119.
8.Duan GL, Shao GS, Tang Z, Chen HP, Wang BX, Tang Z, Yang YP, Liu YC, Zhao FJ. Genotypic and Environmental Variations inGrain Cadmium and Arsenic ConcentrationsAmong a Panel of High Yielding Rice Cultivars. Rice,2017,10:9,DOI 10.1186/s12284-017-0149-2.
9.Duan GL, Hu Y, Schneider S, McDermott J, Chen J, Sauer N, Rosen BP, Daus B, Liu Z, Zhu YG.: Inositol transporters AtINT2 and AtINT4 regulate arsenic accumulation in Arabidopsis seeds. Nature Plants. 2016,21;2(1):15202. doi: 10.1038/nplants.2016.202. eCollection 2016.
10.Duan GL, Zhang HM, Shen YQ, Li G, Wang H, Cheng WD. Mitigation of heavy metal accumulation in rice grain with silicon in animal manure fertilized field. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 2016,15(10), 2223-2229.
11.Duan GL, Zhu YG. Arsenic in soil-plant system: A synthesis. In Luo YM, eds, Twenty years research and development on soil pollution and remediation in China. Science Press, Beijing, China, 2016, pp 413-424.
12.Chen, SC, Peng JJ, Duan GL* Enrichment of functional microbes and genes during pyrene degradation in two different soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2016, 16(2), 417-426.
13.Zhang J, Zhao CY, Liu J, Song R, Du YX, Li JZ, Sun HZ, Duan GL*, Zhao QZ. Influence of Sulfur on Transcription of Genes Involved in Arsenic Accumulation in Rice Grains. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2016,34(3), 556-565.
14.Hu Y, Norton GJ, Duan GL*, Huang YC , Liu YX. Effect of selenium fertilization on the accumulation of cadmium and lead in rice plants. Plant and Soil. 2015,384: 131-140.
15.Duan GL, Liu WJ, Chen XP, Hu Y, Zhu YG. Association of arsenic with nutrient elements in rice plants. Metallomics, 2013,5: 784-792. (2013 top 25 most read articles in Metallomics)
16.Kamiya T#, Islam RM#, Duan GL#, Uraguchi S, Fujiwara T. Phosphate deficiency signaling pathway is a target of arsenate and phosphate transporter OsPT1 is involved in As accumulation in shoots of rice. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2013, 59, 580–590.
17.Duan GL, Kamiya T, Ishikawa S, Arao T, Fujiwara T*. Expressing ScACR3 in Rice Enhanced Arsenite Efflux and Reduced Arsenic Accumulation in rice grains. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2012,53(1):154-163.
18.Duan GL, Zhang HM, Liu YX, Jia Y, Hu Y, Cheng WD. Long-term fertilization with pig-biogas residues results in heavy metal accumulation in paddy field and rice grains in Jiaxing of China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2012,58: 637-646.
19.Duan GL, Hu Y, Liu WJ, Kneer R, Zhao FJ, Zhu YG. Evidence for a role of phytochelatins in regulating arsenic accumulation in rice grain. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2011, 71(3): 416-421.
20.Zhang J, Zhao, QZ, Duan, GL. Huang YC. Influence of sulphur on arsenic accumulation and metabolism in rice seedlings. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2010, 72(1): 34-40.
21.Wang LH, and Duan GL*. Effects of external and internal phosphate status on arsenic toxicity and accumulation in rice seedlings. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2009, 21:346–351.
22.Zhang J and Duan GL*. Genotypic difference in arsenic and cadmium accumulation by rice seedlings grown in hydroponics. Journal of plant nutrition, 2008, 31(12): 2168-2182.
23.Wang LH, Meng XY, Guo B, Duan GL*. Reduction of arsenic oxidative toxicity by phosphate is not related to arsenate reductase activity in wheat plants. journal of plant nutrition, 2007, 30: 2105–2117.
24.Duan GL, Zhou Y, Tong YP, Mukhopadhyay R, Rosen B, Zhu YG*. A CDC25 homologue from rice functions as an arsenate reductase. New Phytologist, 2007,174: 311–321.
25.Duan GL, Zhu YG*, Tong YP, Cai C, Kneer R. Characterization of Arsenate Reductase in the Extract of Roots and Fronds of Chinese Brake Fern, an Arsenic Hyperaccumulator. Plant Physiology, 2005, 138: 461–469.
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