

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-14

敖英芳 博导,教授,主任医师

  从事临床医疗工作33年,现任北京大学运动医学研究所所长,北京大学党委副书记,北京大学医学部党委书记,备战奥运国家队指定医疗专家,全国运动创伤外科与关节镜微创外科学术领域的带头人,享受政府特殊津贴。教育经历:1978年3月— 1982年7月:哈尔滨医科大学(学士)1984年8月—1988年7月:北京医科大学研究生院(硕士)1994年3月—1995年9月:日本自治医科大学骨科(研修)工作经历:1984年8月至1988年7月——北京医科大学第三医院外科住院医、总住院医师1988年8至1993年5月——北京医科大学运动医学研究所主治医生1993年6月1998年5月——北京医科大学运动医学研究所副主任医师1998年6月至今——北京大学第三医院(北京医科大学第三医院)运动医学研究所主任医师2001年6月至今——北京大学第三医院运动医学研究所教授1997年9月至2008年12月——北京大学第三医院运动医学研究所副所长2001年3月至2005年6月曾先后担任北京大学第三医院院长助理和医疗副院长2008年12月至今——北京大学第三医院运动医学研究所所长科研成果主要致力于运动创伤、关节软骨与韧带损伤的修复与重建、关节镜微创外科临床治疗与研究。在“关节运动损伤的临床与基础系列研究、"“膝关节韧带损伤与运动功能学变化的临床研究";以及"膝关节交叉韧带损伤的修复与重建研究"等方面取得临床与研究成果。学术任职:中华医学会运动医疗分会主任委员中华医学会骨科分会全国关节镜外科学组组长中国运动医学学会副主任委员兼运动创伤学组组长中国医师协会骨科分会运动医学专委会主任委员北京医学会骨科专业委员会常委北京市关节镜外科学组组长World Endoscopy Doctors Association, Vice PresidentAsia Arthroscopy Congress (AAC) 2010-2012 PresidentInternational Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) FellowAsian Cartilage Repair Society (ACRS)Co-founder & Executive Board Member期刊任职:副主编:《中国微创外科杂志》、《中国骨伤杂志》、《中国运动医学杂志》、《中华骨与关节外科杂志》、《骨科》杂志编委:《中华外科杂志》、《中华骨科杂志》、《实用骨科杂志》、《中国骨科杂志》获奖情况:2014年获教育部科技进步奖二等奖,第一完成人2013年获北京市科技进步奖二等奖,第一完成人2011年北京大学医学部优秀人才奖励计划一等奖2010年获卫生部有突出贡献专家2009年获中国体育科学学会科技进步奖一等奖,第一完成人2008年北京奥运会特别贡献优秀个人2007年获国家科技进步奖二等奖,第二完成人2007年获教育部科技进奖二等奖,第一完成人2007年获中华医学科技奖三等奖,第一完成人2006年第九届吴阶平-保罗•杨森医学药学奖(吴杨奖)——运动医学专业一等奖2004年获中国体育科学学会科技进步奖二等奖,第一完成人2004年获北京市科技进步奖三等奖,第一完成人2004年北京大学优秀共产党员标兵2003年抗击非典优秀医院管理工作者2003年北京市抗击非典优秀共产党员1999年获国家体育总局体育科技进步奖发表主要论文和专著一、专著2012年9月《关节镜外科学》北京大学医学出版社主编2010年3月 《中华骨科学-运动创伤卷》人民卫生出版社主编(并列)2009年10月《膝关节交叉韧带外科学》北京大学医学出版社主编2008年1月《运动创伤手术操作与技巧》人民卫生出版社主编2004 年 5月《膝关节镜手术学》北京大学医学出版社主编2003年9月《实用运动医学》(第四版)北京大学医学出版社副主编2014年11月《骨科学》(第二版)人民卫生出版社(临床型研究生及专科医师教材)参编2005年10月《骨科手术学》(第2版)人民军医出版社 骨科内镜篇主编二、发表论文发表论文300余篇,其中第一作者和责任作者152篇,SCI论文68篇。主要论文列表(第一作者或责任作者):1.Hu X, Zhu J, Li X, Zhang X, Meng Q, Yuan L, Zhang J, Fu X, Duan X, Chen H, Ao Y. Dextran-coated fluorapatite crystals doped with Yb3+/Ho3+ for labeling and tracking chondrogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in vitro and in vivo. Biomaterials. 2015;52:441-51. (IF=8.557)2.Dai L, Zhang X, Hu X, Liu Q, Man Z, Huang H, Meng Q, Zhou C, Ao Y. Silencing of miR-101 prevents cartilage degradation by regulating extracellular matrix related genes in a rat model of osteoarthritis. Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy. 2015. (IF=6.227)3.Liu P, Wang J, Xu Y, Ao Y. In situ forces and length patterns of the fibular collateral ligament under controlled loading: an in vitro biomechanical study using a robotic system. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA. 2015;23(4):1018-25. (IF=3.053)4.Pi Y, Zhang X, Shao Z, Zhao F, Hu X, Ao Y. Intra-articular delivery of anti-Hif-2alpha siRNA by chondrocyte-homing nanoparticles to prevent cartilage degeneration in arthritic mice. Gene therapy. 2015;22(6):439-48. (IF=3.104)5.Shao Z, Zhang X, Pi Y, Yin L, Li L, Chen H, Zhou C, Ao Y. Surface modification on polycaprolactone electrospun mesh and human decalcified bone scaffold with synovium-derived mesenchymal stem cells-affinity peptide for tissue engineering. Journal of biomedical materials research Part A. 2015;103(1):318-29. (IF=3.369)6.Liu P, Wang J, Zhao F, Xu Y, Ao Y. Anatomic, arthroscopically assisted, mini-open fibular collateral ligament reconstruction: an in vitro biomechanical study. The American journal of sports medicine. 2014;42(2):373-81. (IF=4.362)7.Liu Q, Zhang X, Dai L, Hu X, Zhu J, Li L, Zhou C, Ao Y. Long noncoding RNA related to cartilage injury promotes chondrocyte extracellular matrix degradation in osteoarthritis. Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, NJ). 2014;66(4):969-78. (IF=7.764)8.Man Z, Yin L, Shao Z, Zhang X, Hu X, Zhu J, Dai L, Huang H, Yuan L, Zhou C, Chen H, Ao Y. The effects of co-delivery of BMSC-affinity peptide and rhTGF-beta1 from coaxial electrospun scaffolds on chondrogenic differentiation. Biomaterials. 2014;35(19):5250-60. (IF=8.557)9.Huang H, Zhang X, Hu X, Dai L, Zhu J, Man Z, Chen H, Zhou C, Ao Y. Directing chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells with a solid-supported chitosan thermogel for cartilage tissue engineering. Biomedical materials (Bristol, England). 2014;9(3):035008. (IF=3.697)10.Huang H, Zhang X, Hu X, Shao Z, Zhu J, Dai L, Man Z, Yuan L, Chen H, Zhou C, Ao Y. A functional biphasic biomaterial homing mesenchymal stem cells for in vivo cartilage regeneration. Biomaterials. 2014;35(36):9608-19. (IF=8.557)11.Dai L, He Z, Zhang X, Hu X, Yuan L, Qiang M, Zhu J, Shao Z, Zhou C, Ao Y. One-step repair for cartilage defects in a rabbit model: a technique combining the perforated decalcified cortical-cancellous bone matrix scaffold with microfracture. The American journal of sports medicine. 2014;42(3):583-91. (IF=4.362)12.Xu Y, Ao YF, Wang JQ, Cui GQ. Prospective randomized comparison of anatomic single- and double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA. 2014;22(2):308-16. (IF=3.053)13.Hu X, Fu Y, Zhang X, Dai L, Zhu J, Bi Z, Ao Y, Zhou C. Histone deacetylase inhibitor sodium butyrate promotes the osteogenic differentiation of rat adipose-derived stem cells. Development, growth & differentiation. 2014;56(3):206-13. (IF=2.420)14.Peng S, Zheng Q, Zhang X, Dai L, Zhu J, Pi Y, Hu X, Cheng W, Zhou C, Sha Y, Ao Y. Detection of ADAMTS-4 activity using a fluorogenic peptide-conjugated Au nanoparticle probe in human knee synovial fluid. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2013;5(13):6089-96. (IF=6.723)15.Shi J, Zhang X, Zhu J, Pi Y, Hu X, Zhou C, Ao Y. Nanoparticle delivery of the bone morphogenetic protein 4 gene to adipose-derived stem cells promotes articular cartilage repair in vitro and in vivo. Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association. 2013;29(12):2001-11 e2. (IF=3.206)16.Wang J, Ao YF. Anterior cruciate ligament remnants nodule: potential factor causing extension loss. Chinese medical journal. 2013;126(6):1108-11. (IF=1.053)17.Zhu J, Cai Q, Zhang X, Hu X, Li L, Wang W, Shao Z, Dai L, Cheng L, Yang X, Zhou C, Ao Y. Biological characteristics of mesenchymal stem cells grown on different topographical nanofibrous poly-L-lactide meshes. Journal of biomedical nanotechnology. 2013;9(10):1757-67. (IF=5.338)18.Mei Y, Ao YF, Wang JQ, Ma Y, Zhang X, Wang JN, Zhu JX. Clinical characteristics of 4355 patients with anterior cruciate ligament injury. Chinese medical journal. 2013;126(23):4487-92. (IF=1.053)19.Hu X, Zhang X, Dai L, Zhu J, Jia Z, Wang W, Zhou C, Ao Y. Histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A promotes the osteogenic differentiation of rat adipose-derived stem cells by altering the epigenetic modifications on Runx2 promoter in a BMP signaling-dependent manner. Stem cells and development. 2013;22(2):248-55. (IF=3.727)20.Gong X, Yu JK, Ao YF. Remnant-preserving posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with graft tension-relieving: a comparative study with conventional technique. Chinese medical journal. 2013;126(6):1155-8. (IF=1.053)21.Jiao C, Ao YF, Liu P, Xie X, Liu C, Ma Y. Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using the bone-posterior cruciate ligament-bone allograft. Chinese medical journal. 2013;126(4):674-8. (IF=1.053)22.Ma Y, Ao YF, Yu JK, Dai LH, Shao ZX. Failed anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: analysis of factors leading to instability after primary surgery. Chinese medical journal. 2013;126(2):280-5. (IF=1.053)23.Cao Y, Zhang X, Shang W, Xu J, Wang X, Hu X, Ao Y, Cheng H. Proinflammatory Cytokines Stimulate Mitochondrial Superoxide Flashes in Articular Chondrocytes and. PloS one. 2013;8(6):e66444. (IF=3.234)24.Ao YF. Sports medicine in China: a clinical review and update. Chinese medical journal. 2012; 125(22): 3925-8. (IF=1.053)25.Shao Z, Zhang X, Pi Y, Wang X, Jia Z, Zhu J, Dai L, Chen W, Yin L, Chen H, Zhou C, Ao Y. Polycaprolactone electrospun mesh conjugated with an MSC affinity peptide for MSC homing in vivo. Biomaterials. 2012;33(12):3375-87. (IF=8.557)26.Shi J, Zhang X, Zeng X, Zhu J, Pi Y, Zhou C, Ao Y. One-step articular cartilage repair: combination of in situ bone marrow stem cells with cell-free poly(L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) scaffold in a rabbit model. Orthopedics. 2012;35(5):e665-71. (IF=0.962)27.Zhu J, Zhang X, Ma Y, Zhou C, Ao Y. Ultrastructural and morphological characteristics of human anterior cruciate ligament and hamstring tendons. Anatomical record. 2012;295(9):1430-6. (IF=1.542)28.Dai L, Zhang X, Hu X, Zhou C, Ao Y. Silencing of microRNA-101 prevents IL-1beta-induced extracellular matrix degradation in chondrocytes. Arthritis research & therapy. 2012;14(6):R268. (IF=3.753)29.Pi Y, Zhang X, Shi J, Zhu J, Chen W, Zhang C, Gao W, Zhou C, Ao Y. Targeted delivery of non-viral vectors to cartilage in vivo using a chondrocyte-homing peptide identified by phage display. Biomaterials. 2011;32(26):6324-32. (IF=8.557)30.Xu Y, Ao Y, Wang J, Yu J, Cui G. Relation of tunnel enlargement and tunnel placement after single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association. 2011;27(7):923-32. (IF=3.206)31.Liu YL, Ao YF, Cui GQ, Zhu JX. Changes of histology and capsular collagen in a rat shoulder immobilization model. Chinese medical journal. 2011;124(23):3939-44. (IF=1.053)32.He ZM, Ao YF, Wang JQ, Hu YL, Yin Y. Twelve cases of the pectoralis major muscle tendon rupture with surgical treatment-an average of 6.7-year follow-up. Chinese medical journal. 2010;123(1):57-60. (IF=1.053)33.Ju XD, Deng M, Ao YF, Yu CL, Wang JQ, Yu JK, Cui GQ, Hu YL. The protective effect of tetramethylpyrazine on cartilage explants and chondrocytes. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 2010;132(2):414-20. (IF=2.998)34.Ma Y, Zhang X, Wang J, Liu P, Zhao L, Zhou C, Ao Y. Effect of bone morphogenetic protein-12 gene transfer on posterior cruciate ligament healing in a rabbit model. The American journal of sports medicine. 2009;37(3):599-609. (IF=4.362)35.Wang C, Ao Y, Wang J, Hu Y, Cui G, Yu J. Septic arthritis after arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a retrospective analysis of incidence, presentation, treatment, and cause. Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association. 2009;25(3):243-9. (IF=3.206)36.Xu Y, Ao YF. Histological and biomechanical studies of inter-strand healing in four-strand autograft anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in a rabbit model. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA. 2009;17(7):770-7. (IF=3.053)37.Wang JQ, Ao YF, Yu CL, Liu P, Xu Y, Chen LX. Clinical evaluation of double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction procedure using hamstring tendon grafts: a prospective, randomized and controlled study. Chinese medical journal. 2009;122(6):706-11. (IF=1.053)38.Zhang X, Zheng Z, Liu P, Ma Y, Lin L, Lang N, Fu X, Zhang J, Ma K, Chen P, Zhou C, Ao Y. The synergistic effects of microfracture, perforated decalcified cortical bone matrix and adenovirus-bone morphogenetic protein-4 in cartilage defect repair. Biomaterials. 2008;29(35):4616-29. (IF=8.557)39.Zhang X, Yang M, Lin L, Chen P, Ma KT, Zhou CY, Ao YF. Runx2 overexpression enhances osteoblastic differentiation and mineralization in adipose--derived stem cells in vitro and in vivo. Calcified tissue international. 2006;79(3):169-78. (IF=3.272)

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    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-14
  • 北京大学肿瘤医院医生导师师资介绍简介-张霁
    张霁,医院感染管理与疾病预防控制科主任,胃肠肿瘤中心二病区副主任,主任医师,副教授,博士学位。1995年毕业于北京医科大学临床医学系(学士学位)。毕业后分配至北京肿瘤医院外科工作。2001年于北京大学临床肿瘤学院获得肿瘤学博士学位。2003年获北京市科委科技新星计划资助,开展贲门癌病因学相关研究。2004年-2006年在美国加州大学旧金山分校医学中心从事大肠癌及肝癌的博士后研究工作。其间发表多篇相 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-14